Cromwell Museum in Huntingdon
Oliver Cromwell Museum in Huntingdon is a tiny place but full of historic items relating to Oliver Cromwell himself who went to school in this very building. His boots and huge brimmed hat were the two highlights for me. Let me show you around.
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Cromwell Museum Huntingdon Huntingdon Cambridgeshire
Cromwell Museum Huntingdon could be right on your doorstep in Huntingdon Cambridgeshire. You may know the area well of you may still be weighing up your options and pros and cons of the various locals. If you need any assistance then please don't hesitate to ask
A virtual tour of the Cromwell Museum
join curator Stuart Orme as he takes you on a virtual tour of the Cromwell Museum
Cromwell Museum huntingdon Peterborough Cambridgeshire
Cromwell Museum huntingdon may encourage you to leave the house more often and explore the many attractions of Peterborough Cambridgeshire. Choosing your new home can be a struggle. You need to find the right house in the right location. There are so many factors to consider from the house itself to the location. Look no further than
The Cromwell Museum Building - Huntingdon
The early years before the building which now houses the exhibits of Oliver Cromwell's life and times was used for very different purposes.
OLIVER CROMWELL´S HOUSE. Ely, Cambridgeshire, England. Places to visit - Lugares para visitar.
Si eres amante de la historia de la época medieval, no debes perder la oportunidad de visitar esta casa-museo de la familia Cromwell.
¿Quien era Oliver Cromwell?
(Huntingdon, actual Reino Unido, 1599-Londres, 1658) Político inglés. Educado en un ambiente protestante puritano y hondamente anticatólico, que confirió a su actuación política un sentido místico y providencialista, en 1628 fue elegido miembro de la Cámara de los Comunes, disuelta al año siguiente por el rey Carlos I. Entre 1629 y 1640, el monarca inglés gobernó sin el Parlamento, impuso una política absolutista y aumentó los privilegios y las prerrogativas de la aristocracia en perjuicio de los intereses de la naciente burguesía.
En 1640, no obstante, el rey se vio obligado a reinstaurar el Parlamento, en el que Cromwell, como representante de Cambridge, destacó por su defensa del puritanismo, su oposición al episcopalismo de la Iglesia de Inglaterra y sus ataques a la arbitrariedad real. Al poco tiempo, el soberano, acusado de ineptitud a raíz de la sublevación católica de Irlanda, intentó encarcelar a los principales miembros de la oposición, lo cual provocó la insubordinación del Parlamento y obligó a Carlos a huir al oeste de Inglaterra para unirse a sus partidarios.
Tras ello, en 1642 estalló una cruenta guerra civil, que enfrentó a los realistas (Iglesia Anglicana, ciertos sectores de la burguesía y buena parte de la gentry, la aristocracia inglesa) con los partidarios del Parlamento (los pequeños propietarios agrícolas, la burguesía, el pueblo llano y los puritanos). En ese momento, Cromwell, hombre práctico y dotado de gran talento militar, organizó un ejército revolucionario, el New Model Army, y, tras sufrir algunos reveses, consiguió por último vencer a las tropas realistas en Marston Moore (1644) y Naseby (1645).
Un año más tarde, la captura de Carlos I suscitaba un serio conflicto entre el Parlamento, favorable a la restitución del monarca en el trono controlando su poder, y el ejército puritano, decidido a librarse del rey y controlar la Cámara de los Comunes. Aprovechando el intento de huida de Carlos (1647) y tras haber depurado el Parlamento (1648), Cromwell hizo juzgar y ejecutar al soberano (30 de enero de 1649), suprimió la monarquía y la Cámara de los Lores y proclamó la República o Commonwealth (mayo de 1649).
A su muerte (3 de septiembre de 1658), sin embargo, la República se vio inmersa en un período de caos, que acabó con la restauración de la monarquía en la persona de Carlos II por parte del Parlamento (1660). A pesar de su prudencia, el nuevo monarca no dudó en ordenar la exhumación del cadáver del hombre que había firmado la sentencia de muerte de su padre, para cortarle la cabeza y exponerla en la torre de Londres.
О́лівер Кро́мвель (англ. Oliver Cromwell; 25 квітня 1599 — 3 вересня 1658) — лорд-протектор Англії в 1653–1658 роках, лідер пуритан. Військовий керівник громадянської війни в Англії, прибічник парламентаризму, один з організаторів армії парламенту Англії в боротьбі з королівською армією під час Громадянської війни.
Кромвель став членом парламенту 1628–1629 років від Хантінгдону. Записи парламенту показали лише одну його промову. Після розпуску парламенту Карлом I у 1629 король правив країною протягом 11 років без парламенту. Коли Карл I зіткнувся з шотландським повстанням, відомим як Єпископські війни, йому довелося зібрати парламент у 1640 через нестачу коштів. Кромвель повернувся до парламенту, але збори тривали тільки три тижні, та стали відомі як «Короткий парламент».
3 листопада 1640 знову було скликано парламент, що став відомий як «Довгий парламент». Олівер Кромвель брав участь як депутат від Кембриджа. Він налагоджував сімейні та релігійні зв'язки з представниками палати лордів та палати громад.
На початку Англійської громадянської війни Кромвель почав свою військову кар'єру, очоливши кавалерійський загін із 60 вершників, відомий як «Залізнобока кавалерія», який став основою його Армії нового зразка. Лідерство Кромвеля у битві під Марстон-Муром (1644) привело його до великого піднесення. Кромвель виявився талановитим полководцем...
Town Centre, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire.
Video of Huntingdon Town Centre
Ely Gaol Museum & Oliver Cromwell's House, July 2018
Exhibitions with audio from the two museums; the condemned cell in the recreated gaol, and on the death and subsequent disinterment and beheading of Oliver Cromwell.
Trial of Charles I Highlight film
On Friday 8 and Saturday 9 February 2019 the Cromwell Museum hosted dramatised performances of the Trial of Charles I in the historic surroundings of the old court room at Huntingdon Town Hall. Members of the Sealed Knot Society played the key parts, in a script based upon original trial records. This film gives a flavour of one of the performances. Film by Museum volunteer Christopher Buckenham.
Huntingdon english city near Cambridge, United Kingdom
Travel in Huntingdon near Cambridge, United Kingdom
Some days this july in United Kingdom.
Huntingdon is a town in Cambridgeshire, England.
The town is known as the birthplace in 1599 of Oliver Cromwell.
Huntingdon 1967-69
8mm home movies in and around Huntingdon, England, shot in 1967-69 while I was stationed with the U.S. Air Force at RAF Alconbury.
Places to see in ( Huntingdon - UK )
Places to see in ( Huntingdon - UK )
Huntingdon is a market town in Cambridgeshire, England. The town was chartered by King John in 1205. Huntingdon is the traditional county town of Huntingdonshire and the seat of the Huntingdonshire district council.
Huntingdon is well known as the birthplace of Oliver Cromwell, who was born in 1599 and was the member of parliament (MP) for the town in the 17th century. The George Hotel, on the corner of High Street and George Street was once a posting house. It was named after St. George in 1574 and was bought some 25 years later by Henry Cromwell, grandfather of Oliver Cromwell. Charles I made The George his headquarters in 1645. Later Dick Turpin is reputed to have been a visitor when it was a coaching inn on the Great North Road.
Huntingdon lies on the north bank of the River Great Ouse, opposite Godmanchester and close to the market town of St Ives in the east and the village of Brampton in the west. Huntingdon now incorporates the village of Hartford to the east, and the developing areas of Oxmoor, Stukeley Meadows and Hinchingbrooke to the north and west. Between Godmanchester, Huntingdon and Brampton lies England's largest meadow, Portholme Meadow.
Huntingdon is home to many local businesses, including a local Horseracing Course, Huntingdon Racecourse. Hinchingbrooke Business Park has many offices and warehouses located in it. Huntingdon railway station has direct services to London Kings Cross station. It is served by Great Northern.
( Huntingdon - UK ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Huntingdon . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Huntingdon - UK
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Huntingdon town centre - Cambridgeshire
Huntingdon Town Centre - Cambridgeshire
Oliver Cromwell's House, Ely - Ghost Hunt Preview
Oliver Cromwell's House, Ely, Cambridgeshire. Promo video for our ghost hunts at this haunted house
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Episode 21 - RAF Twinwood Farm
Lil & Fitz pay a visit to the RAF Twinwood aviation museum, where Glen Miller began his final flight. We both encountered a little more than history on our trip. In digging into the history of Twinwoods, we also meet paranormal investigator and author, Adrian Perkins to talk about his investigation of the site.
Long time listener and patron Andrew shares another of his paranormal experiences from Okinawa, Kirsty recounts her experiences at Hohne Barracks in Germany that are adjacent to the Bergen Belsen concentration camp and Erin gets her fingers burnt whilst contacting the other side.
If you would like to see more of our visit to RAF Twinwood, you can do so by becoming a patron of Knock Once For Yes over at Patreon from as little as $1 a month. Our Patrons have access to bonus content unavailable elsewhere, including a video tour of our visit to Twinwood:
Paranormal Radar Story:
Adrian Perkins:
James Syme Cromwell House
James brister ut i spontan sång under Pub Quizen på Cromwell House i Norrköping...
'Number 9' Dominates Doncaster | LNER 60009 'The Talisman' | 15.09.2018
Covering for the still out-of-action A1 60163 'Tornado', and after months of running in the West and South for the duration of the Summer on various excursions, No.9 returns to its old stomping ground for a run to the north! Ex-LNER Pacific A4 No. 60009 'Union of South Africa' on September 15th 2018, would take up the duty of working UKRailtours' 'The Talisman' from London Kings Cross to Newcastle via the famous East Coast Mainline in place of the poorly Peppercorn Pacific.
In this video, 'Union of South Africa' is captured on its voyage north at 4 locations, including a dominating display at 70mph, of pure LNER action through Doncaster, on the Down Fast as it heads it's train north. Also seen in this video is the A4 passing through Huntingdon, a passenger pickup at Peterborough, and it's 'splash and dash' waterstop at York. Also note, the locomotive displaying a The Bon Accord during it's trip, a steam service that used to originally run between Glasgow and Aberdeen in LNER and British Railways' days.
All shots filmed in Stunning 4K on a Panasonic VX980, with a Takstar SGC-598 Microphone.
EDIT: Thanks everybody for 100,000 views!
FURTHER EDIT: I never thought a video of mine would reach this stage... a heartfelt thank you to everyone for 200,00 views!