Tulcea, Romania, the gateway to Danube Delta
25-26th April 2013
Delta Dunava: Tulča - Muzej delte Dunava (Tulcea - The Danube Delta - Delta Museum)
Tulča se nalazi na krajnjem istoku Evrope, u Rumuniji, najveći je i poslednji grad pre ušća Dunava u Crno more. Lep je gradić i ima dobro opremljen muzej posvećen Delti Dunava. 3. avgust 2012. godine.
Danube Delta's unique habitat under threat, say experts
The Danube Delta in Romania provides a critical refuge for several globally threatened species.
Home to about 330 different bird varieties - including 60% of the world's pygmy cormorants -spoonbills and herons also inhabit the Delta.
Stocked with a diverse number of fresh water fish the area also boasts one of Europe's biggest pelican populations.
Dr Viorel Cuzic at the Delta Museum in Tulcea said: The pelican is the symbol of the Danube Delta. We have more than three and a half thousand pairs. They come here to nest on the floating islands. It's the ideal place for them to raise their young as they can't be disturbed there, especially by humans, who are the most disturbing factor.''
Pollution, be it from industry or agriculture, and obstruction of the water supply through man-made dams have all disrupted the Delta's fragile eco-system.
The introduction of non-native species has also had an impact.
The Delta is home to sturgeon, one of the world's oldest fish species. But, now the area's population is under threat from poachers.
Laura Haralambie, a fish specialist from Tulcea Aquarium said: All the sturgeon species are endangered, despite the introduction of a fishing ban in 2006. While they are now protected by animal protection associations, poaching still goes on.''
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SFÂNTU GHEORGHE - Travel Guide (Danube Delta, Tulcea County, Romania)
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Situat la vărsarea Brațului Sfântu Gheorghe în Dunăre comuna Sfântu Gheorghe este una din destinațiile turistice cele mai importante ale Deltei Dunării, dar și bază de plecare în ”cucerirea” Deltei. Localitatea a fost întemeiată de ”haholi”, etnici ucraineni, ortodocși pe STIL vechi, urmași ai cazacilor zaporojeni (a nu se confunda cu lipovenii, etnici ruși, ortodocși pe RIT vechi) și găsim în sat tradiții ale lor. De exemplu, biserica satului, Sfântu Gheorghe (cum altfel) își sărbătorește hramul pe stil vechi, odată cu Zilele Comunei. Videoclipul face o incursiune în geografia comunei prezentând reperele și principalele obiective turistice: debarcaderele vaselor clasice de călători (Navrom) și a bărcilor rapide, centrul comunei cu principalele instituții, strada principală care duce la mare, plaja mării situată la circa 2,2 km de centrul comunei și gura de vărsare a Brațului Sfântu Gheorghe în Mare. Acesta din urmă este și singura gură de vărsare accesibilă românilor, turiștii putând sta cu un picior în Dunăre și cu celălalt picior în Mare. Pe malul opus care deja face parte din Rezervația Naturală Sacalin, pot fi zărite o mulțime de păsări (inclusiv pelicani). Plaja (la Marea Neagră) are nisipul foarte fin, nu este aglomerată, apa se adâncește foarte încet și nu prea este sărată. Câteva secvențe redau și odiseea călătoriilor cu ”titicarul” din centrul comunei la plajă și invers. De asemenea, videoclipul trece în revistă câteva facilități turistice, dintre care, probabil cel mai renumit, este Green Village Resort (în stil foarte rustic, dar de mare confort ****). Terenul nisipos al comunei nu permite cultivarea legumelor și probabil nici asfaltarea drumurilor. Clima blândă face din smochini o plantă cotidiană în sat. Dintre reperele turistice al zonei amintim: Rezervația (laguna și peninsula) Sacalin, Rezervația (grindul și pădurea) Caraorman, Rezervația (grindul și pădurea) Letea, orașul Sulina etc.
Located at the spill of the Sfântu Gheorghe Arm in the Danube, Sfântu Gheorghe commune is one of the most important tourist destinations of the Danube Delta, but also a starting point for the conquest of the Delta. The village was founded by Khokhols, ethnic Ukrainians, Orthodox on the old STYLE (time), descendants of the Zaporozhian Cossacks (not to be confused with the Lipovans, Russian ethnics, Orthodox on the old RITE) and we find in their village traditions. For example, the village church, dedicated to Sfântu Gheorghe (St. George) celebrates its old-style dedication, in the same day with the Commune Days. The video makes an incursion into the geography of the commune presenting the landmarks and main tourist objectives: the wharfs for the classic passenger ships (Navrom) and for the fast boats, the center of the commune with the main institutions, the main road leading to the Black Sea, the sea beach located about 2.2 km from the center of the commune and the mouth of the Sfântu Gheorghe Arm in the Sea. The latter is the only spill accessible to Romanians and the tourists can stay with one foot in the Danube and the other foot in the Sea. On the opposite bank, which is part of the Sacalin Nature Reserve, a lot of birds (including pelicans) can be spotted. The beach (at the Black Sea) has very fine sand, is not crowded, the water sinks very slowly and is not very salty. Some sequences also reproduce the odyssey of trips with the titicar from the center of the commune to the beach and vice versa. Also, the video reviews some tourist facilities, of which, probably the most famous, is Green Village Resort (in a very rustic style, but with great comfort ****). The sandy terrain of the commune does not allow the cultivation of vegetables and probably nor the asphalting of roads. The mild climate makes figs an usual tree in the village. Of the tourist landmarks of the area we mention: Sacalin Reserve (lagoon and peninsula), Caraorman Reserve (beam and forest), Caraorman Reserve (ridge and forest), Letea Reserve (ridge and forest), Sulina city etc.
The Lower Danube - a thriving wildlife and nature haven
Daybreak on the Danube. Wildfowl can feed, swim and stretch their wings, in the early morning sun.
For much of its course from the Black Forest to the Black Sea, the Danube is constricted between concrete walls or uniform stone banks.
It flows through some 60 power stations and busy docks and 10 countries before it reaches the vast Danube Delta and flows into the Black Sea.
Yet for the last few hundred miles as it flows through Romania, much of the river is as nature designed it.
It is broad, lazy, broken up with shoals and islands where pelicans nest, its banks anchored by weeping willows that drip water even on sunny days.
The delta boasts one of the biggest pelican populations in Europe, which bird watchers can watch diving for fish in a feeding frenzy at dawn.
The pelican is the symbol of the Danube Delta. We have more than 3,500 pairs here. They come here for nesting on those floating mud islands, says Dr. Viorel Cuzic, a bird researcher at Delta Museum in Tulcea.
It's the ideal place for them to nest and raise their young as no one can bother them there, especially humans, who are the main disturbing factor for them he adds.
Many species exotic to much of Europe reside or migrate here including the glossy ibis, the European roller, herons, swans and storks.
The massive bird population also made them vulnerable. Romania reported its first cases of H5N1 or bird flu in October 2005 in the Danube Delta, during the migrating season.
Hundreds of thousands of birds migrate every years from there and the area was virtually closed off during the bird flu scare.
According to the US State Department, the biosphere region of the Danube Delta provides crucial habitat for endangered species, vital nesting grounds for over 300 species of migratory birds and spawning grounds that support a vital herring fishery.
The Danube delta, it is a blessed territory both thanked to the people that live there and to the beautiful things that happen there. This is why we have an administration of the biosphere reservation and special laws that rule the area. The Danube delta and the programs related to humans and the biosphere are very much appreciated by the UNESCO, says Lucretia Balutza, Expert with the UNESCO Romanian commission.
Mihai Baciu is a bird specialist and wildlife photographer.
He says that says the Danube delta is unique: It is such a beautiful place. It attracts you with its birds, its nature, with everything it's here. It s a place that deserves to be shown to others. It's so rich in thousands of life forms like birds and animals. Places like this one, so beautiful, are so rare on earth it's really worth being here.
Sturgeon have been around for 250 million years, making them among the world's oldest surviving fish species. They can live for up to a century and take a long time to reach maturity.
Archaeologists have found wooden sturgeon traps in the ruins of Roman fortresses behind the willow trees on the Danube's banks, along with sturgeon bones dated to the 3rd century.
In the 1970s and '80s Romania built giant dams across the Iron Gates gorge, cutting off half the sturgeons' spawning grounds.
Fishermen, unrestrained after the collapse of order in eastern Europe in 1989, caught them in huge numbers as they began their migration, trapping them before they could reproduce.
Pollution from agricultural run-off and expanding cities put them under further pressure, although the construction of water treatment plants in the last decade has lessened the flow of filth.
Now environmentalists say plans the further deepen shipping channels in the Danube could eliminate the last shallows where the sturgeon deposit their eggs, which would doom the fish to vanish in its last stronghold in Europe.
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Acvariul Tulcea
The Aquarium in the Romanian city of Tulcea, located inside the Museum of the Danube Delta , is an interesting place both for kids and adults. The diversity of fishes - a lot of exotic fishes are also displayed, will captivate you. A place not to miss while visiting Tulcea in Romania, the gateway to the Danube Delta!
Fishing Community Danube Delta, 1970s - Film 36193
Life in a fishing community in the Danube Delta, Ukraine or Romania. Possibly Lipovans from Russia.
Fisherman in marshland, poling a canoe through thick reeds. He reaches a clearing in the reeds and drops his fishing nets over the side. A man rows a small boat through a swampy area with large trees in the water. He passes a house built on a very low island in the lake. The fence surrounding the house is in the water and fishing nets hang from the trees around the house. A small fishing community.
A man makes a reed fence. Men and women talking to each other in close up. Young boys swim in the lake. A young girl holds a water bird. Children row in a boat to school. Boats are punted through the water laden with cut reeds or straw. They struggle to navigate through the dense reeds. House receives a thatched reed roof. Making reed fencing. Mud and reed render repairs to house walls. Village life, more boats rowed across the water. A cemetery comes into view. It has tall crosses. Mother washes dishes in the lake while her infant sits on the bank outside their waterfront home. Man rows towards an Orthodox church with distinctive onion shaped domes. Inside the church the priest burns incense and people pray and chant, crossing themselves repeatedly and very quickly. Older women in head scarves cross themselves in the cemetery - perhaps a funeral. Fishing.
A man walks through a reed bed, feeding pigs. A butchered has its skin burnt while a woman brushes it to remove the hair. Man fillets fish outside a house. Woman cooks in a large pot over an open fire. Repairs to fishing nets. Rowing boat out on the lake to retrieve fishing nets. The catch is dropped into the bottom of the boat. Woman makes bread dough and bakes it in a clay oven. Interior view of one of the houses with a small table and chairs. Man reads at the table and mother puts children into bed. Further views of boats on the water. The film ends with sunset views over the marshes.
Expedition on the Danube
This video compiles extracts from two Cousteau's films on the Danube river and the delta. The 2-years expedition on the Danube resulted in four films that show the high diversity and the uniqueness of Danube's natural habitats. But these films also point out the multiple dangers and pollutions that threaten these fragile systems.
From the ground up: Experiencing Romania through excavations at Halmyris in the Danube Delta
The concept of archaeological tourism, or tourism based on the experiencing of an ‘authentic’ past through the viewing of archaeological sites (Timothy and Boyd 2006), is a distinctly Western phenomenon derived from nationalist capitalism which encourages heritage consumption (Rowan and Baram 2004). There are obvious challenges in the display of heritage specifically for monetary profit, a practice which often silences alternative versions of the past (see e.g. Waitt 2000). This does not, however, negate the potential benefits for archaeological tourism, rather it gives us an opportunity for finding new ways of encouraging a more holistic cross-cultural interaction. This paper presents one potential good practice example— an ongoing project in Romania advocating for cultural awareness by encouraging a participatory version of archaeological tourism through field school attendance.
Since 2012 an international management team has run a not-for-profit archaeological field school at Halmyris, a Roman legionary fort in the Danube Delta. The costs for student volunteers are kept minimal and with an average of 25-30 participants each season we are able to independently finance the excavations and sustain the program. We do attract a number of undergraduates, MA students, and PhD students from archaeology and related disciplines; however, since 2014 we have had 10 volunteers who are decidedly atypical. Ranging from 54 years old to 77, and hailing from New Zealand, Australia, North America, France, and the UK we find our project decidedly enhanced by the presence of retired folk eager for new life experiences. They have chosen to help excavate a site which goes a step past comparatively passive tourism to what I term participatory archaeological tourism. By engaging directly with excavations at Halmyris this demographic is able to not only live alongside rural Danubian fishermen, but gain new skills and most importantly a newfound understanding of heritage displays and the social context of the past. I believe this is one model which may be of use for other developing projects looking to finance excavation and engage alternative audiences. In this paper I will examine both the challenges and the benefits for the project in welcoming this demographic of field volunteers, and reflect on the unique experience of Romania they are able to gain through participatory archaeological tourism.
Rowan, Y. and Baram, U. eds. 2004. Marketing Heritage: Archaeology and the Consumption of the Past. Walnut Creek:
AltaMira Press.
Timothy, D.J. and Boyd, S.W., 2006. Heritage tourism in the 21st century: Valued traditions and new perspectives. Journal of
heritage tourism, 1(1), pp.1-16.
Waitt, G., 2000. Consuming heritage: Perceived historical authenticity. Annals of tourism research, 27(4), pp.835-862.
Author - Hanscam, Emily, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom (Presenting author)
Muzeul de Arta Tulcea - Romania
Film de prezentare în cadrul proiectului de reabilitare a două clădiri de patrimoniu intrate în marile circuite turistice din sud est-ul Europei
Music license: Licensor's Author Username: Dirtyflint
Licensee: Suliman Razvan
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Item ID: 309375
Item Purchase Code: 23e0f182-4ddb-4222-8c91-d49488de3cd7
Purchase Date: 2013-11-06 08:05:25 UTC
SULINA - Ghid turistic - Travel Guide (Danube Delta, Romania)
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Sulina is not only the city located at the Danube mouth in the Black Sea and one of the starting points in the discovery of the Danube Delta. Sulina is the city that preserves the memory of a fantastic world, now missing, given by the functioning of the European Commission of the Danube (CED) in 1856-1939. During the CED, Sulina had extraterritoriality status (independent territory with its own laws and flag) and Porto-Franco (free port, duty free). During the CED, Sulina evolved from a simple fishing village to a thriving city, an El Dorado that attracted thousands of people from all corners of the world (27 nationalities), becoming a place of religious and cultural tolerance, a Tower of Babel in which the Greeks have been the most important community until the World War I. The CED is the international institution that regulated navigation in the lower Danube sector and in the first it transformed the Sulina Arm into a maritime navigable canal. The video is a quick turistical, but also historic, tour of the remains of the ineffable world of Sulina during the European Commission of the Danube.
Sulina nu este doar orașul situat la vărsarea Dunării în Marea Neagră și unul din punctele de plecare în descoperirea Deltei Dunării. Sulina este orașul care păstrează amintirea unei lumi fantastice, acum dispărute, dată de funcționarea aici a Comisiei Europene a Dunării (CED) în perioada 1856-1939. În perioada CED Sulina avea statut de extrateritorialitate (teritoriu independent, cu legi și steag proprii), precum și de Porto-Franco (port liber, fără taxe vamale). În timpul CED Sulina a evoluat de la un simplu sat pescăresc la un oraș înfloritor economic, cultural, social, un El Dorado care a atras mii de oameni din toate colțurile lumii (27 de naționalități), devenind un loc al toleranței religioase și culturale, un Turn Babel în care grecii au constituit cea mai importantă comunitate până la Primul Război Mondial. CED este instituția internațională care a reglementat navigația în sectorul de jos al Dunării și în primul a transformat Brațul Sulina într-un canal navigabil cu nave maritime.
Videoclipul vă propune o rapidă incursiune turistică, dar și istorică în ceea ce a rămas din inefabilă lume a Sulinei din perioada Comisiei Europene a Dunării. Sunt prezentate, în ordine, următoarele obiective:
- Catedrala ortodoxă Sfântul Alexandru și Sfântul Nicolae fondată în 1910 de către Carol I, regele României
- Palatul fostei Comisii Europene a Dunării (CED, 1856-1939) și Sir Charles Hartley, ”Părintele Dunării”
- Farul Vechi, datând din perioada otomană a Dobrogei, singurul far din România transformat în muzeu și în care, în afară de exponatele care exemplifică lumea extraodinară din perioada CED (1856-1939) are și o cameră dedicată căpitanului Eugeniu P. Botez (1874-1933) care sub pseudonimul literar Jean Bart a scris romanul ”Europolis” ce prezintă romanțat viața Sulinei în perioada CED; de pe platforma farului se deschide întreaga panoramă a Sulinei
- Cimitirul CED (sau Cimitirul Maritim) înființat în 1864 de CED și care este împărțit în cinci sectoare confesionale în care au fost identificate mormintele a 21 de naționalități. Epitafurile monumentelor funerare condensează tragedia vieții umane, de la marinari (unii foarte tineri), prințese și îndrăgostiți înecați în Dunăre, la nenorociri familiale, la personalul tehnic și funcționari ai CED și chiar la povești cu pirați. Acest Cimitir Viu face parte din categoria cimitirelor culturale ale României,
- Plaja Sulina, situată la Marea Neagră și inaugurată împreună cu Cazinoul în 1927
- Biserica ortodoxă (română) Sfântul Nicolae construită în anul 1868
- Biserica ortodoxă Greacă (1869), tot cu hramul Sfântul Nicolae, monument istoric excepțional de interesant construit de comunitatea greacă și având aduse din Grecia piatra, mobilierul, vechile icoane și chiar superbul iconostas din lemn de măslin. Biserica deține șapte (!) icoane făcătoare de minuni din care cea mai renumită este Maica Domnului Myrtidiotissa.
- Finalul videoclipului ne prezintă adevăratul far al CED construit în anii 1869-1870 la capătul de atunci al Canalului Sulina și apoi trece în revistă faleza, locul cu care începe și se sfârșește Sulina.
Delta Danube 2011 Trip
me and my wife and friends made a trip to Romania this year, and one of the highlight of this vacation was the Danube Delta Trip...it was amazing...nature is unbelievable in there, and you get to see some huge birds and flowers that I thought I would see it only in the Zoo LOL....I remember a huge bird flew above us, his wings was bigger than our boat...i'm talking about 4 to 5 meters...
if you're into adventure, this place is a must see....it's directly at the side line of the black sea...and all the craps about the Mosquito bites, well it's normal bites like any mosquitos, and if you're dressed up well you won't get any...just they appear in the very early morning and at the dawn time, and throughout the night...so make sure to cover all your body when you're out...
Traditional Lipovan Music #2 from Mila 23, Danube Delta, Romania
Evening performance by the local lipovan ensemble from Mila 23, a village in the middle of the Danube Delta, Romania.
Delta Dunava - Krstarenje do ušća reke (The Danube Delta)
Rumunija. Krajnji istok Evrope. Predivan osećaj i doživljaj. 2. avust 2012. godine
Paradisul Deltei Dunarii
In anul 1990 Delta Dunarii a fost inclusa in Patrimoniul Mondial Natural si Cultural, UNESCO.
Diversitatea impresionanata a habitatelor si a formelor de viata, face ca Delta Dunarii sa fie considerata un muzeu natural al biodiversitatii, de valoare inestimabila, pentru Patrimoniul Natural Mondial.
Dar Dobrogea de Nord mai include in afara de mirifica Delta si alte locuri frumoase, cu o multime de obiective turistice incantatoare. De la ruinele cetatilor presarate de-a lungul Dunarii si pana la manastirile , muzeele si monumentele istorice, Dobrogea de Nord merita vizitata si cunoscuta pas cu pas. Orice efort merita, caci este o zona fascinanta si unica.
Muzeul Lotcii Mila 23 / The Lotca Museum - Mila 23
Muzeul plutitor - Lotca: tradiţie şi mitologie în spaţiul Deltei Dunării, proiect de artă public, rezultatul unei cercetări şi al unor ateliere interdisciplinare desfăşurate în cursul lunii iulie 2013 la inițiativa Asociaţiei Ivan Patzaichin - Mila 23.
Muzeul este construit în jurul unui obiect autentic local, lotca dunăreană, barca pescărească tradițională, mijlocul de transport și comunicare tipic pentru satele de pe apă.
Proiectul valorifică patrimoniul material și imaterial din Delta Dunării, recuperând într-un mod inedit elemente de tradiție și cultură locală.
Proiect finantat de AFCN.
TRAGHETTO sul Danubio a Galati verso Tulcea Romania 28/7/2017
Dalla Città di Galati, per attraversare il Danubio con sorpresa un piccolo traghetto, durata 15', si entra e si esce al volo!!!!!
Delta du Danube - Vlog 12 - Roumanie en Land Rover Defender
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Comment ne pas visiter un des plus beaux sites ornithologiques d'Europe! Le Danube parcourt de nombreux pays, mais c'est en Roumanie qu'il se prélasse au bord de la Mer Noire pour offrir un véritable réservoir de vie. Poissons, oiseaux, chacals... tout y est!. Pour en savoir plus RDV ici :
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Khans von Bukarest: Uralte Handelshöfe als Touristenattraktion
Die so genannten Khans in Bukarests Innenstadt erinnern an eine Zeit, als die rumänische Hauptstadt eines der wichtigsten Handelskreuze im Südosten Europas war. Nachdem die orientalischen Herbergen jahrelang von Verfall bedroht waren, erleben sie heute einen zweiten Frühling. Die frisch renovierten Karawansereien zählen inzwischen wieder zu den touristischen Attraktionen von Bukarest.
Triunghiul miraculos din Dobrogea
Mentiunile istorice si descoperirile arheologice au dovedit ca inca de la formarea si crestinarea poporului roman, au existat in Dobrogea schituri si manastiri,ridicate din evlavia credinciosilor si a monahilor sciti. Manastirea Celic Dere este mostenitoarea unei traditrii monahale , care s-a dezvoltat in jurul Episcopiei vechiului Tomis,inca din sec al patrulea.
Aflata in judetul Tulcea,la la 20 km de orasul de resedinta, si la 125 km de Constanta, Celic dere este prima din cele 3 manastiri, care formeaza un triunghi miraculos,care iradiaza lumina si credinta, in nordul Dobrogei: Celic Dere, Saon si Cocos.
Cuibarita intre frumoase dealuri impadurite,departe de lumea dezlantuita,intr-un peisaj bland si linistitor,manastirea Celic Dere se dezvaluie calatorului inca de la sosea.
Numele manastirii este de origine turca si vine de la paraul din apropiere. cdelic Dere inseamna in limba romana parau de otel.,denumit astfel deoarece pe fundul lui s-au descoperit arme din epoci indepartate.
Manastirea Celic Dere nu are nu are ziduri inalte de aparare si nici porti care sa se inchida cu lacate grele. Ea este mereu sub ocrotirea Maicii Domnului. in curtea mare si frumoasa a manastirii, stau insirate chiliile albe,inconjurate de arbori si tufe de trandafiri. Aici poposesc d
turisti in cautare de liniste, relaxare si regasire de sine.,pentru ca maicutele ofera si gazduire. O alee dreapta duce catre cele 30 de trepte,care urca la biserica ce domina toata manastirea.
In anul 1900 se pune temelia actulei biserici,dar lucrarile sunt intrerupte de doua ori,asa ca biserica este terminata in 1925. Insa inaintea acestyei biserici,alte trei asezaminte monahale se construiesc incepand din 1840,din lemn sau paianta,distruse in timp de incendii sau inundatii.
In anul 1945 manastirea de calugari de la Celic Dere s-a transformat in manastire de maici,calugarii de aici fiind stramutati la Saon,unde infinteaza o noua manastire.
In anii 1910 aici a functionat o scoala primara si ateliere de pictura si broderie si de tesut covoare. Cladirea a fost transformata in muzeu. .Astazi exista aici un atelier de covoare.