Spring rides '16: Vienna to Hainburg via Danube Wetlands National Park, 37km, 28 kph avg.
This trip takes me from Vienna's eastern border to the Village of Hainburg, close to the Border of Slovakia. The track mainly follows the northern Danube dam, crossing the Danube wetlands National Park. There are very few bends, at some stage there is a 9km section without any bends at all. The path is partly sealed, partly unsealed, though some sealed parts are super bumpy and in generally bad condition. Villages along the trail include
- Schönau
- Orth/Donau
- Stopfenreuth
- Bad Deutsch Altenburg
- Hainburg
The trail crosses the river Danube here: it's the only bridge crossing the river east of Vienna.
DONAU bei Wien; National Park - Donau Auen, die gerettete Au (1984)
DWK-Film 2013; - Musik: YouTube-Kreativ-Tools: W.of the Flowers; Tschaikovsky.-
!! DIE GERETTETE A U !! --In 1984, with the planned construction of a power plant, the clearing and destruction was threatened--
The Danube-Wetlands and forests National Park is a ~ 10 000 hectares large national park, extending from Vienna Austria, to the border with Slovakia. He is one of the largest intact primeval forests in Central Europe along the Danube. The National Park since 1996 reserve for the IUCN Category II.
The Danube is with an average water flow of 6,700 m³ / s and a total length of 2857 kilometers after the Volga the second largest and second longest river in Europe: it flows through ten countries:
The DELTA: Ukraine - Moldova - Bulgaria - Romania; Serbia; Croatia; Hungary; Slovakia; Austria 350km; Germany -The SOURCE!
--1984 drohte mit dem geplanten Bau eines Kraftwerkes die Rodung und Zerstörung --
Der Nationalpark Donau-Auen ist ein ~ 10 000 ha großer Nationalpark, der sich von Wien bis zur Mündung der March in Niederösterreich, an der Staatsgrenze zur Slowakei erstreckt. Er ist eine der größten weitgehend intakten Aulandschaften Mitteleuropas entlang der Donau. Der Nationalpark ist seit 1996 Schutzgebiet nach der IUCN-Kategorie II. ( Durch den Nationalpark führen der Weitwanderweg 07 und der Donauradweg.)
W e l t n a t u r s c h u t z u n i o n , ist eine internationale Nichtregierungsorganisation. Sie hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die menschlichen Gesellschaften für den Natur- und Artenschutz zu sensibilisieren und so zu beeinflussen, dass eine nachhaltige und schonende Nutzung der Ressourcen sichergestellt ist. ...Die IUCN !!
Die Donau ist mit einer mittleren Wasserführung von rund 6700 m³/s und einer Gesamtlänge von 2857 Kilometern nach der Wolga der zweitgrößte und zweitlängste Fluss in Europa: sie durchfließt insgesamt zehn Länder:
Das DELTA:Ukraine - Moldawien - Bulgarien - Rumänien; Serbien; Kroatien; Ungarn; Slowakei; Österreich 350km; Deutschland -die QUELLE !
In das Zentrum der Au kann man zufahren: dort ist ein seit vielen Generationen bestehendes Fischrestaurant, das ausschließlich in der Donau seine Fische fängt!
Die Donau hat seit etlichen Jahren wieder ein gutes Wasser...!
Die Donau stellt ebenso eine bedeutende Wasserstraße in Europa dar! Der Schiffsverkehr geht vom schwarzen Meer bis zur Nordsee!
Seit einigen Jahren gibt es mit einem Katamaran eine Schnellverbindung vom Zentrum Wiens in das Zentrum von Bratislava: 1 St. Fahrzeit.
Bei Hainburg an der Grenze zur Slowakei ist die letzte österreichische Brücke über die Donau.
Mit dem Rad ist die Au wunderbar zu befahren! Ein gut befestigter Radwanderweg führt von Wien nach Bratislava!!
(NB.: Das Uferhaus in Orth a.d. Donau ist einen Besuch wert!)
The Austrian Wetlands
Filming some Wildlife in the Wetlands of Austria.
Just a beautiful area and always different.
Secrets of the Flooded Forest - Danube National Park - The Secrets of Nature
After beginning in Vienna, the Danube riverbank forests extend to the gates of Bratislava, linking the two capitals like a green ribbon, forming a unique wildlife habitat in the heart of Europe. A few years ago a 36 kilometer section was turned into a national park that now protects the last undeveloped stretch of the Danube river and also the last riparian zone of its size in Central Europe.
Donauradweg 3: Von Wien nach Budapest / Danube Bike Trail: From Vienna to Budapest
(English Subtitle) Impressionen einer Tour auf dem Donauradweg von Wien nach Budapest über Bratislava, Györ, Tata und Esztergom. Vorgestellt werden die Hauptsehenswürdigkeiten, aber es wird auch deutlich gemacht, wie sehr sich diese Etappe von der durch Deutschland und Österreich unterscheidet. Demnächst folgt Teil 4 (Von Budapest zum Eisernen Tor).
The travel video shows the Danube Bike Trail from Vienna to Budapest via Bratislava, Györ, Esztergom and Tata. The main attractions are presented, but it is also made clear how much this stage differs from the German and Austrian Danube Bike Trails.Coming up is part 4 (From Budapest to the Iron Gate).
Viennas Forests, Jewels of Green - The Secrets of Nature
Vienna's forests make a visual impact on the city's scenery -- being a source of life and sanctuary at the same time: They are omnipresent and an enormous asset, taken for granted by many. Perhaps no other European capital boasts so many acres of forest per inhabitant. There are the well-known Vienna woods in the west and north, the national park of the Danube wetlands to the east, and numerous groves and green corridors right amidst built-up urban space.
Vienna Spring rides '16: Donauinsel-Donaukanal-Prater-Schwechat-Oberlaa 38 km - 28kph avg
This one's for the camera ! I took a decent detour on my way home from work. Heading off to the north-west on the danube island, crossing over to the *mainland* at Nußdorfer Spitz, then following the little danube all the way to the inner city and the third district. This is one of the busiest cycle paths in Vienna, especially between Friedensbrücke and Urania. Crossing the Prater recreation park I follow the danube island to the south east, cross the danube at Freudenau Hydro Plant. The remainder of the ride takes me to the village of Schwechat. Following the Schwechat and Liesing creek trail I end up in front of my home place.
Parts worth mentioning:
Donauinsel (I):
Nussdorfer Spitz:
Flex ehem.:
Franz Josefs Kai:
Donauinsel (II):
Kraftwerk Freudenau:
Schwechater Radweg:
Donauradweg 2: Österreich / Danube Bike Trail: Austria
(English Subtitle) Der Donauradweg durch Österreich gehört zu den schönsten Reiserouten Europas. Das Video zeigt die wichtigsten Stationen und Landschaften auf einer sechstägigen Radreise von Passau nach Wien im Frühling 2011. Teil 3 schildert den Weg von Wien nach Budapest.
The Danube Cycle Trail through Austria is one of the most beautiful routes in Europe. The video shows the main stations and landscapes on a six-day bike tour from Passau to Vienna in the spring of 2011. Part three covers the trail from Vienna to Budapest,
Go with the flow (Donauauen, Groß-Enzersdorf, Lobau)
When your plans are thwarted, better go with the flow - ample rewards may await you. A short story about a failed afternoon trip ending in a beautiful experience ...
Shots from the Danube wetlands, Groß-Enzersdorf, Lobau (mainly Danube-Oder Canal).
Aufnahmen von den Donauauen (Gänsehaufentraverse), Groß-Enzersdorf und der Lobau (vor allem Donau-Oder-Kanal).
[한입극장][걸.세 순삭] 북부 이탈리아 치비달레 지방의 '중세축제'
[한입극장][걸.세 순삭]
[걸어서 세계속으로]
마을 한 복판에 기사와 영주가 돌아다닌다고?
갑옷을 입고 석궁까지 쏜다니 완전 본격 중세로 돌아갔다!
Austria Vienna FOLLOW ME AROUND (1) city trip from airport to hotel - Städtereise Wien ReiseWorld
Austria, Vienna: This time, we are going to take you to Vienna in Austria with our travellog! Enjoy this city trip to Vienna and travel with us to tourist attractions like the Hofburg and Schönbrunn palaces, the best cafés in the city centre and the surrounding region of the capital of Austria.
Next episode: Exploring Vienna
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Vienna is not only the capital of Austria, but also one of its nine federal states. St. Stephen's Cathedral, considered the center of the city by its inhabitants, is located 16º 22' 27'' east of Greenwich at 48º 12' 32'' northern latitude, and 171 meters above sea level. The city covers 415 square kilometers and is divided into 23 districts. With woods, grassland, parks and gardens accounting for around half its area, Vienna is the city in Europe with the highest ratio of green space. Urban green such as Stadtpark (with the most frequently photographed motif in the city, the golden Johann Strauss monument) is joined by the woods and grassland of Prater, the extensive Schönbrunn Palace Gardens, sections of the Vienna Woods, vineyards, farmland and the wetlands of the legendary Danube River. During the summer temperatures rarely rise above 30º C, and in winter they hardly ever fall below -5º C.
Diesmal machen wir einen Städtetrip nach Wien - zu den bekannten Schlössern und Burgen, zu den leckeren Torten und Cafés und in die Umgebung!
Wien ist Bundeshauptstadt und zugleich das kleinste der neun Bundesländer Österreichs. Wien liegt im Herzen Europas an der Donau an den nordöstlichen Ausläufern der Alpen (geografische Koordinaten: 48° 12′ N, 16° 22′ O). Das Zentrum der Stadt (Stephansdom) befindet sich auf einer Seehöhe von 171 Metern. In Wien herrscht ein gemäßigtes Übergangsklima mit kontinentalen und maritimen Einflüssen. 67 Sommertage (Temperaturen über 25 Grad Celsius) stehen 50 Frosttagen (Temperaturen unter 0 Grad Celsius) gegenüber. Westwetterlagen herrschen vor, die durchschnitt-liche Lufttemperatur beträgt rund elf Grad Celsius im Jahresmittel, die Niederschläge 600 mm/Jahr.
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MSc in Limnology and Wetland Management
LWM is a well established international joint degree masters’ programme, fully accredited in Austria, The Netherlands and Kenya. The MSc programme structure/curriculum consists of three semesters of 4-months each, which are held in Austria (University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences, Vienna - BOKU), Kenya (Egerton University) and The Netherlands (IHE Delft), followed by a 6-months research period at one of the three partnering institutions, or your home country (to be decided in consultation with the LWM consortium).
LWM students enjoy the complementing expertise of three renowned universities and excellent networking perspectives at global level.
All three study locations are world-famous tourist locations - Vienna (Austria), Nakuru/Egerton (Kenya) and Delft (The Netherlands) – hence, LWM students have the added benefit to live and study where others are going for sight-seeing!
For detailed information about the curriculum, admission criteria, and updates on the application call visit our webpage:
LWM websites:
Video Produced and Edited by:
María Bräuner
Jakob Neuburg
Nina Haslinger
Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
#Limnology #MSc #GradSchool
It is a beautiful nature reserve and part of the National Park Donau-Auen. In 1977 the UNESCO designated this havern as one of the world's most significant wetlands: the Lobau.
World Water Day - Restoring the Danube River and Black Sea
The most international river basin in the world, the Danube River basin, includes territories of 19 countries. Over the past 150 years, agricultural, industrial and municipal pollution severely damaged the ecosystems in the basin and the quality and quantity of water. The impact on the environment was so massive that a 'dead zone' caused by oxygen depletion formed in the western part of the Black Sea. An international plan, with support of UNDP, helped to restore the river basin and revive the Black Sea ecosystem upon which millions depend for their livelihoods.
UNDP identified the major sources of pollution, developed an investment strategy and strengthened institutions that govern the Danube River basin. The UNDP-GEF 49,5 million USD programme helped to catalyze 3,5 billion USD investments into reforms of governing institutions and systems, and into new agricultural and industrial practices. As a result, an effective trans-boundary waters management programme was implemented during the 1990's. The strategic plan and incoming funding enabled the countries along the Danube to monitor and improve water quality and quantity by establishing 75 water quality monitoring stations throughout the basin. With the support of the programme, the governments instituted a damage control system to minimize accidental chemical spills and agreed to reduce nutrient pollution.
Through these reforms and investments, industrial, municipal and agricultural pollution was reduced, virtually eliminating the dead zone in the Black Sea and leading to a significant eco-system recovery.
UNDP works with over 100 countries to modify agriculture, industry, mining, fishing and wastewater management to lessen ecological damage to the water systems. In this way, conflicts can be prevented, security and livelihoods improved, habitats protected and health risks minimized.
Voda (Marchegg - Hainburg, Golfplatz; Morava / March)
17200 metrov. Tie najkrajsie momenty som omylom nenatocil. Napriklad, ako mi vlna z Twin City Linera preliala cely cln. Alebo padlovanie na Morave, 480 cm (2.p.st)
Chinese Holidaymakers Enjoy Scenery with Beautiful Swans
Over 600 swans at the Manas National Wetland Park in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have amazed tourists from across the country.
They rested and sought for food on water, forming a spectacular scene at the snow-covered wetland.
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euronews science - Danube Delta in danger - say activists
Romanian environmentalists are stepping up their efforts to protect the Danube Delta reserve.
It is the largest European wetland and reed bed, with unique flora and fauna and its lakes, channels, marshes and streams cover up to 5,500 square kilometres.
The main danger for the World Heritage area is use of the land by the nine countries bordering the river; agricultural projects which lead to water pollution, overfishing and poaching .
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2015 Danube Water Conference - Christophe Di Marco (GIZ)
The partnership between the Open Regional Fund and the Danube Water Program
Christophe Di Marco - Fund Manager of the GIZ/SDC Open Regional Fund South-East Europe - Modernization of Municipal Services
On May 7 and 8, over 150 key stakeholders from 23 countries gathered in Vienna, Austria to discuss progress made and challenges lying ahead in the state of the water supply and sanitation sector in the Danube region. The conference was organized by the Danube Water Program and the GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe - Modernization of Municipal Services, which is also supported by the Swiss Development Cooperation.
As the region moves closer towards EU integration, many countries face a double challenge of meeting the high standards of the EU acquis, while providing sustainable and affordable services to their populations.
At present, 22.5 million people in 16 countries of Southeast, Eastern and Central Europe live without access to piped water in their dwellings, and 28 million have no flush toilet in their homes.
The World Bank / IAWD Danube Water Program supports smart policies, strong utilities and sustainable water and wastewater services in the Danube region by partnering with regional, national and local stakeholder, promoting an informed policy dialogue around the sector’s challenges and strengthening the technical and managerial capacity of the sector’s utilities and institutions.
For more information, please visit danube-water-program.org
세계테마기행 - World theme travel_동유럽의 교차로, 루마니아, 4부_#002
공식홈페이지 :
EBS, 세계테마기행, World theme travel, 2009-06-18, 동유럽의 교차로, 루마니아 - 4부 이방인의 땅
슬라브, 라틴, 합스부르크, 터키 등 열강의 식민통지로 문화와 인종의 모자이크인 루마니아. 슬러닉 소금광산과 시비우의 집시 거주지에서 이민족 유입의 역사와 그들 삶의 애환을 만나본다.
세계테마기행은 단순한 여행 정보 프로그램에서 벗어나, 자유로운 배낭여행자만이 느낄 수 있는 살아있는 체험기를 전해드리고자 기획된 프로그램입니다.
스페인에서 칠레, 남아공에서 알래스카에 이르기까지 전 세계를 직접 발로 뛰며 제작하는 세계테마기행은 찬란한 문명 유적지와 자연유산은 물론 다양한 모습으로 삶을 영위해 가는 세계인들의 숨겨진 모습까지 생생히 보여드리겠습니다.
그리고 매편 여행을 안내하는 큐레이터들은 한국인의 시선으로 세상을 바라보면서 이 시대 우리에게 필요한 세계관이 무엇인지 여러분과 함께 즐거운 고민을 하도록 하겠습니다.
세계테마기행을 통해서 가슴 설레는 여행의 참맛을 느끼시길 바랍니다.
New Life for the Danube
Wetlands are among the world's most productive environments. Their biological riches are important not only for nature, but also for humans, providing a host of different services. The value of the various benefits from Danube floodplains is estimated to be at least €500 per hectare a year.