5stars experiences portoroz piran Fonda Fish Garden Experience
All sea and seafood lovers are offered an interesting and unforgettable experience, guided tours of the Fonda fish and shellfish farm. We will find out why Piran sea bass Fonda is so particular and tasty.
fonda fish farm
Fonda Fish Farm Szlovénia
Do You Remember the Last Day You Thought Unforgettable? This is Your Next One.
Meet the Family Who Decided to Breed the Best Fish in the World.
And find out why.
Listen to our delicious story while meandering throuht the natural reserve where Fonda Fish Garden in situated. And finish your adventure with a bite of raw Fonda Sea Bass, a pinch of Piran Fleur de sel and a splash of Istrian Olive oil.
Fonda Fish Farm - Ribogojnica Fonda - Ruska TV
Ribogojnica Fonda - Ruska TV
Fonda Fish Farm - Ribogojnica Fonda - dokumentarna oddaja ruske nacionalne TV
Ribogojnica Fonda - dokumentarna oddaja ruske nacionalne TV
At Healthy Seas kickoff event in Slovenia: Irena Fonda (4&5 OCT 13)
Irena Fonda, Owner of Fonda Fish Farm, Slovenia
Lago Bled - Vintgar - Predjama - Cuevas de Skocjan - Piran - Lago Bohinj
RFID F2F Fish pilot Fonda (University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA)
Faculty of Computer and Information Science at University of Ljubjana deployed a F2F pilot in a fish company called Fonda.si. The main objective of building a traceability system is replacing paper documents with electronic data by including RFID technology.
Mira Trebar, Ph.D
E-mail: mira.trebar@fri.uni-lj.si
Web page:
Fonda is a family owned small business that sells first quality farmed seabass. Its fish farm is located in the Bay of Piran, on the Slovenian coast of Adriatic sea, using modern organic products and natural techniques. Seabass contains high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids, and low amounts of mercury, 15 times lower that in wild ocean bass.
Irena Fonda, Ph.D
E-mail: irena@fonda.si
Web page:
F2F rises up the principles of transparency and visibility in the food supply chain processes, supports food traceability practices (cold chain and environment monitoring, provenance, production control), gives reliability to companies and increases transparency towards the end consumer (clear nutrition values, graphics and maps about the single batch).
Pilot website:
F2F twitter:
Motion Graphic: Matteo Reato
Project Editor: Marco Battistella
Music: Löhstana David (Les prénoms ensablés)
Slovenia: un weekend tra Portorose e Pirano
Non tutti i viaggi iniziano nel verso giusto e quello in Slovenia difficilmente sarebbe potuto partire peggio (più info in questo video: ma grazie agli splendidi paesaggi, l'ottimo cibo e, non ultimo, una villa degna di un dittatore non siamo riusciti a tenere il broncio a lungo! Eccovi dunque la nostra breve ma intensa esperienza in Slovenia tra Portorose e Pirano!
Il video realizzato per l'Ente:
ℹ️ Saline di Sicciole
???? Lisjak Olive Oil
???? Villa Tartini
???? Fonda Fish Farm
???? Tour in bici a 5 portate
ℹ️ Portorose & Pirano
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by Artlist (due mesi gratis iscrivendosi con questo link)
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Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award: Irena Fonda je slovenska finalistka
V prostorih Hotela Slon v središču Ljubljane je bila v četrtek, 20. septembra, podeljena nagrada Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award, ki jo v Sloveniji uspešnim podjetnicam podeljujejo že drugo leto zapored. Nagrado za poslovne ženske, ki s svojo odličnostjo v podjetništvu spreminjajo svoje okolje in družbo, je tokrat prejela Irena Fonda, ki se bo 29. novembra z nominirankami iz Hrvaške, Srbije in Črn Gore pomerila za regijsko nagrado Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award.
dr. Irena FONDA
Dr. Irena Fonda, direktorica in lastnica podjetja Fonda.si.
Nagrada Netko 2011: www.fonda.si
Nagrada NETKO 2011 - Produkti in blagovne znamke
: (lastnik: Fonda.si d.o.o., izvajalec: Neostudio d.o.o., Atelje Balant, Lovro Žitnik, Primož Marn)
Več o nagradi Netko:
Origano Lounge Bar: dr. Irena Fonda, kako prepoznati sveže ribe Vrhovci, Ljubljana
Tretji kulinarični večer z dr. Ireno Fonda, Origano Lounge bar Vrhovci Ljubljana (bivša gostilna Jamnik) origano.si tel. 051 400 500
Hoteli Bernardin - Enjoy business. Feel pleasure.
St. Bernardin is one of the most important player in the SEE region, as a Mediterranean meetings industry supplier. Ideally located at the top of the Adriatic Sea, between the medieval town of Piran and modern Portoroz, offers three hotels and convention centre.
Promoting Istria and the Slovene Riviera as a destination well worth visiting, and in order to meet expectation of business guests, the St. Bernardin ensure the provision of services of the highest quality.
Unterwasseraufnahmen Fischfarm Schubert
Hier ein paar Unterwasseraufnahmen in einigen unserer Aufzuchtbecken bei der Fütterung. Die Fische schwimmen so dicht zusammen, da sie vor der Kamera gefüttert werden, sie haben deutlich mehr Platz in den Becken, einige Becken sind 12m lang und 3m tief,.
Bestellungen, Preise, Bilder, Größen usw. auf fischfarm-schubert.de Versand in Deutschland und Österreich möglich.
Die Fischfarm Schubert in Wildeshausen bei Bremen ist einer der größten Anbieter für Teichfische. Bei uns können Sie alle Fische für den Gartenteich online im Shop sicher per Versand kaufen und bestellen. Wir sind der richtige Partner, wenn es sich um Kauf, Verkauf, Handel, Zucht von Teichbesatz, Besatzfische, Zierfische, Biotopfische oder Algenfresser für den Teich geht. Unsere Preise sind durch eigene Zucht und großen Importen unschlagbar günstig.
Zu den angegebenen Öffnungszeiten dürfen Sie uns natürlich auch in unseren Geschäften besuchen.
Neuer Schwung für die Strategie für die nachhaltige Entwicklung der europäischen Aquakultur
17 Juni 2010 - 10:33