The History Museum Sighisoara
This video is about the History Museum of Sighisoara. The History Museum of Sighisoara is divided into the following categories of collections: pharmacy and medical instruments, archeology (prehistoric times, Dacian-Roman, migration, medieval), art, furniture, musical instruments, decorative art, clock, objects and guilds' tools, ethnography: household tools, furniture, ceramics, textiles, icons painted on wood and glass, numismatics, arms and firearms. Info source:
Transylvania, Romania: Sighișoara
More info about travel to Romania: Sighișoara, perhaps the most popular tourist town in all of Romania, is a delightful German town settled by German craftsmen in the 12th century. Within the town's protective walls, visitors explore cobbled lanes, enjoy pastel German-style facades, and sip beers on the main square.
At you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
SIGHISOARA (Romania) 2019 LIVE from Clock Tower
Sighişoara Medieval Festival 2019 takes place during the period July 26 at 10 PM – July 28 at 1 AM.
The access fees to the Sighisoara History Museum are as follows: Clock Tower - 15 lei, Medieval Weapons Exhibition - 6 lei, Torture Room - 4 lei.
#SighisoaraMedievalFestival #SighisoaraClockTower #FestivalulSighisoaraMedievala
Sighisoara Romania | The BEST of Medieval Transylvania
Come explore Sighisoara Romania with us. One of Transylvania’s best preserved Medieval Cities. You will find Sighisoara on just about every top 10 list of places to visit in Romania, often at number one. Sighisoara is believed to be the birth place of Vlad Tepes the historical character thought to be the inspiration behind Dracula.
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I am an artist. Since I was a child I was fascinated with shapes and colors. I started drawing and painting a very young age and never stopped. I received my bachelor's degree in Art from the University of Bucharest. I truly believe that art makes the world a better place. My youtube channel is my outlet to add a little more value to the world thru my art.
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#Romania #TravelRomania #Sighisoara
Romania Travel Guide - Visiting the Sighisoara Clock Tower
Take a tour of Sighisoara Clock Tower in Sighisoara, Romania -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Of all the sights in Sighisoara, the most popular and impressive is the clock tower.
It's an impressive structure, standing over 200 feet tall near the town's central plaza.
The clocktower was built into the thirteenth century and has been through several changes since. The roof was redone in Baroque style after it was damaged in a fire, and in the late 19th century vibrant tiles were added.
The tower's clock features a mechanical display of several different miniature wooden people.
A worthy sight on its own, the Sighisoara Clocktower is also home to a history museum.
SUBSCRIBE: - Let's go to the beautiful country of Romania and let's visit its most popular tourist destination, the medieval city of Sighișoara which is located in the historic region of Transylvania. Sighișoara has a population of 28,102 and it is a popular tourist destination for its well-preserved walled old town, which is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
During the 12th century, German craftsmen and merchants known as the Transylvanian Saxons were invited to Transylvania by the King of Hungary to settle and defend the frontier of his realm. A chronicler lists a Saxon settlement in present-day Sighișoara by 1191. A document of 1280 records a town built on the site of a Roman fort as Castrum Sex or six-sided camp, referring to the fort's shape of an irregular hexagon.By 1337 Sighișoara had become a royal center for the kings, who awarded the settlement urban status in 1367.
Romania is a southeastern European country known for the forested region of Transylvania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. Its preserved medieval towns include Sighişoara, and there are many fortified churches and castles, notably clifftop Bran Castle, long associated with the Dracula legend. Bucharest, the country’s capital, is the site of the gigantic, Communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building.
Romania is a southeastern European country known for the forested region of Transylvania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. Its preserved medieval towns include Sighişoara, and there are many fortified churches and castles, notably clifftop Bran Castle, long associated with the Dracula legend. Bucharest, the country’s capital, is the site of the gigantic, Communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building.
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SUBSCRIBE: - Let's visit Piața Unirii (Unification Square or Union Square in English) and which is one of the largest squares in central Bucharest, Romania, located in the center of the city. It was originally built during the Communist era as the Boulevard of the Victory of Socialism, and renamed after the Romanian Revolution. We are going to visit the centre of the square which boasts a small park and beautiful fountains which are particularly popular with commuters and passers-by in the hot summer months.
Romania is a southeastern European country known for the forested region of Transylvania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. Its preserved medieval towns include Sighişoara, and there are many fortified churches and castles, notably clifftop Bran Castle, long associated with the Dracula legend. Bucharest, the country’s capital, is the site of the gigantic, Communist-era Palatul Parlamentului government building.
Vic Stefanu,
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Sighisoara, Romania Clock Tower
This video is about Sighisoara, Romania
Walk Through Sighisoara, Romania
Explore the walled city of Sighisoara in Northern Romania's Transylvania Region! It's a hidden gem of this world and not to be missed!
Visiting the Dracula Castle in Transylvania, Romania
A tour of Bran Castle in Transylvania, Romania, associated with the story about Count Dracula.
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Music during the video (in order):
Intro song: Smart Riot by Huma-Huma
Pressure by Riot
Impact Prelude by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. Filmed with a GoPro HERO6 Black. Get it here:
Gabriel is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990 when he was 18 years old. He is author of Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel, Following My Thumb and several other books available on and elsewhere.
Thanks a lot for watching and safe journeys!
Visiting the Dracula Castle in Transylvania, Romania
DRACULA'S BIRTHPLACE & Other Sights in Sighisoara, Romania // 096
Count Dracula, Vlad Dracul, Vlad the Impaler, or Vlad Tepes, no matter what you call him, he was born HERE! The massive number of gravestones cloaking the same hill upon which Dracula was born was creepy enough. But something about the dark cobblestone, the ironic stone head of Vlad, and the touting of Dracula's birthplace gave the whole place an extra eerie feel.
While exploring the sights of Sighisoara, it's just impossible to skip Dracula's birthplace. You have the option of even seeing the room in which he was born! They really boast about this, even down to selling baby's tshirts with vampires on them.
It made for a strange twinge on your normal tourist attraction. Not all the sights in Sighisoara are related to our buddy Vlad the Impaler, but others are just very old churches, a clocktower that still chimes, and a municipal building. Altogether, Sighisoara, Romania is definitely a city worth visiting, if not for your vampire curiosities, then for the surrounding mountains!
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Exploring a Haunted Town and Cemetery in Transylvania | Sighisoara, Romania
Sighisoara is a small medieval town in Romania, haunted by many ghost stories and the birthplace of Vlad the Impaler, the real-life inspiration for Count Dracula. Come explore the haunted town with me by day, visit the room in which Dracula was born, and join me on a trip to the haunted Scholars' Staircase and Graveyard at night!
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Backwards Souls Sound by Mike Koenig:
The Halloween Dawn by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Horror-Suspense Drone Texture
By Hybrid_V
Distant Orchestra Crescendo and Diminuendo
By Humanoide9000
Sound effect violin
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Hoinar prin Cetatea SIGHISOARA - Strolling Through the Fortress (Transylvania, Romania)
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Sighisoara Fortress is a medieval complex of military architecture, civil and ecclesiastical, included in UNESCO patrimony. It is the oldest and continuously entirety inhabited citadel in Southeast Europe. The fortress and medieval burgh were built by Saxon settlers beginning in the twelfth century. The settlement has developed rapidly, so that already in the fifteenth century reached the form that we see today. Flourishing city is largely due to guilds system. The guilds were also responsible for raising and maintaining the city walls (totaling 930 m long) and the 14 towers (of which remained 9). The most important of the towers, the Clock Tower, defend the main gate of the fortress and is its symbol. If it was in the medieval times the town hall, currently houses the Museum of History. In the city are over 160 old houses over 300 years, historical monuments. Video performs a tour of the Fortress, being achieved most of the objectives of tourist interest.
Cetatea Sighișoarei este un complex medieval de arhitectură militară, civilă și ecleziastică inclus în patrimoniul UNESCO. Este cea mai veche cetate locuită în întregime și continuu din sud-estul Europei. Cetatea și burgul medieval au fost construite de coloniștii sași începând din secolul XII. Așezarea cunoaște o dezvoltare rapidă, astfel că deja în secolul XV ajunge la forma pe care o vedem noi astăzi. Înflorirea cetății este datorată în mare măsură sistemului breslelor meșteșugărești. Acestea, au fost responsabile și de ridicarea și întreținerea zidurilor cetății (totalizând 930 m) și a celor 14 turnuri de apărare (din care se păstrează 9). Cel mai important dintre turnuri, Turnul cu Ceas, apară poarta principală a cetății și este simbolul acesteia. Dacă în perioada medievală era sediul ”primăriei”, în prezent găzduiește Muzeul de Istorie. În cetate sunt peste 160 de case vechi de peste 300 ani, monumente istorice. Videoclipul realizează un tur al Cetății, fiind atinse majoritatea obiectivelor de interes turistic.
Folk Round by Kevin MacLeod este licențiată în baza unei licențe Creative Commons Attribution license (
Sighisoara - A Medieval Tale
Sighisoara City Presentation Video. The 30 minute documentary was made for the Sighisoara Municipality.
We invite you to discover Sighisoara as we see it and enjoy the film 'Sighisoara - A Medieval Tale
The old medieval city of Sighişoara, with its small paved streets, conceals and reveals at each step sights that enchant the eye and incite the imagination. The unmistakable beauty and personality of the city have come to life throughout centuries of history. Today, Sighisoara invites you to discover its medieval mystery and its contemporary charm, on rhythms of drums and flute.
Produced by AndemMotionFilms for Sighisoara City Hall
Directed by: Mihai Andrei & Theodora Alexandra Luca
Romanian voice-over: Cristi Dumitrescu
English translation: Alexandra Sandu
German translation: Anda Voineag
We thank the Sighisoara Municipality and Sighisoara History Museum!
Sighisoara - A Medieval Tale/ Sighisoara - O Poveste Medievala, by AndemMotionFilms for Sighisoara Municipality
Sighișoara - Romanian Medieval Town
Sighişoara is a city and municipality on the Târnava Mare River in Mureş County, Romania. Located in the historic region of Transylvania, Sighişoara has a population of 26,370 according to the 2011 census.
Sighişoara is a popular tourist destination, due to its well-preserved walled old town. The landmark of the city is the Clock Tower, a 64m high tower built in the 13th century.[4] It is today a museum of history.
Inside the covered staircase in Sighişoara
Other interesting sights are:
Sighişoara Citadel - a 12th Century Saxon edifice, is the historic center of the city. Still inhabited, the citadel is listed as a World Heritage Site.
Weapon Museum - next to Vlad's birthplace. Very small, but it contains an interesting selection of medieval weapons (swords, arrows, etc.).
Covered Staircase - a very old stone staircase with a wooden roof along the whole span. This leads up to the Church on the Hill and the cemetery.
Church on the Hill - contains many frescoes and a crypt. Built on the location of a Roman fort. Located on the side of the hill next to it is one of the Lutheran cemeteries in the city, which contains many tombstones of Germans.
Bust of Vlad Tepes - Located around the corner from his birthplace, within sight of the Clock Tower.
The city administers seven villages: Angofa, Aurel Vlaicu, Hetiur, Rora, Şoromiclea, Venchi and Viilor.
Village Museum In Bucharest | Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum | Romania Episode - 5
Hi All,
The Village Museum is an open-air ethnographic museum located in the King Michael I Park (Bucharest, Romania), showcasing traditional Romanian village life. The museum extends to over 100,000 m2, and contains 272 authentic peasant farms and houses from all over Romania. The current residence of the Romanian Royal Family, also located in the park, is an island inside the village museum, near the Arch of Triumph.It was created in 1936 by Dimitrie Gusti, Victor Ion Popa, and Henri H. Stahl.
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Sibiu - Romania - The European Capital of Culture in 2007
The city of Sibiu is one of the most important cities in Transylvania with a remarkable economic development potential, being also advantaged by its positioning on a traffic knot on the fourth Pan European Corridor and enjoying the benefits of an International Airport.
With 155000 permanent inhabitants and 25000 temporary inhabitants, mainly students, Sibiu is the largest city in the county and one of the most important ones in Transylvania.
The local community includes various ethnic groups. The great majority of the population is represented by Romanians (94%) who coexist with Germans, descendants of the Saxon colonists who emigrated in the 17th century from the region where Luxemburg is situated today. Hungarians, Roma and a very small Jewish community also coexist here, all of them contributing to the city life with their specific cultural influences.
The same diversity also characterizes the religious life. Together with the Orthodox community, Reformed, Roman-Catholics and Greek Catholics live and practice their faith in Sibiu.
The social structure of the city is based on the historical existence and multicultural life experience, the diversity of its inhabitants belonging to various ethnic groups, generations and life styles rendering the city a special aura..
[TRIPofJHL] Trip to Sighişoara
Traveling Sighişoara, România.
The city of the lovely clock tower in the beautiful old neighborhood.
Sighişoara is a city in Transilvania province of Romania.
- Popular with its well-preserved old neighborhood which is listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site.
- River 'Târnava Mare' is penetrating Sighişoara passing from west to east. The popular old town is locating south of this river.
- Sighişoara is also known as birthplace of Vlad the Impaler who became the motive of dracula. There's his house which is the restaurant now. Statues and souvenir shops, too. But, the site representing this city is the clock tower.
- The old town is locating on a hill and roads are paved with tons of pebbles. Tough to climb up carrying a suitcase.
- Cetatea Sighișoara(Citadel Square) is the main square of the old town. Citadel Square is where the people gather and have fun together.
- Turnul cu Ceas(The Clock Tower). Built in 14th century for the first time, this clock tower has been rebuilt in 17th century after fire. Now, it´s a history museum and an observatory for visitors.
- Sighișoara also has some roofs with eye-shaped windows.
- Scara Acoperita(Covered Staircase). In the old town, there's an amazing stairway to access a church and a graveyard on a higher area.
- Biserica din Deal(Church of the Hill).
- Cimitirul Bisericii Din Deal(Cemetery of the Church of the Hill). Locating in the forest, this cemetery is big and quiet.
- Several souvenir shops in town. There are some good restaurants and wine cellars, too.
- Sighişoara Old Town has several guard towers of own names. And some of them are open to tourists with various functions.
- Primăria Sighișoara(City Hall of Sighișoara).
- Biserica Fortificată din Biertan(Biertan Fortified Church). If you escape Sighişoara old town a little bit, you can reach the remarkable fortified church built in 16c.
- Domeniul Dracula Daneș(Dracula Pension) is a pension 10~20 min drive away from the old town of Sighişoara. As well as the accomodation, visitors can enjoy horse-riding here. This pension has a tiny zoo as well.
Towers of Sighişoara Old Town
Turnul Fierarilor(The Ironworks Tower)
Turnul Cositorarilor(Tower of the Nursery)
Turnul Cizmarilor(Tower of the Shooters)
Turnul Măcelarilor(The Butchers' Tower)
Turnul Frânghierilor(The Roofers Tower)
Traveling Europe in September, 2016.
Find out more information at
[TRIPofJHL] 시기쇼아라 여행...
루마니아 시기쇼아라 시내여행.
아름다운 구시가지에 위치한 시계탑으로 유명한 도시.
시기쇼아라는 루마니아 트란실바니아 지방에 위치한 소도시이다.
유네스코세계유산으로 등록된 구시가지가 잘 보존되어 인기가 있다.
동서로 흐르는 '터르나바 마레' 강이 시기쇼아라를 관통하며, 구시가지는 강의 남쪽에 위치해 있다.
시기쇼아라는 드라큘라의 모티브인 블라드3세가 어린시절을 보낸 곳으로 잘 알려져 있으며, 그의 생가는 현재는 식당으로 운영되고 있다. 그의 기념비와 기념품가게도 있지만 이 도시를 대표하는 장소는 시계탑이다.
구시가지는 언덕위에 위치해있고, 길들은 모두 자갈들이 채워진 돌길이라 바퀴달린 가방을 끌고 진입하기에는 힘들다.
시타델스퀘어(중앙광장)은 사람들이 모여 즐기는 공간이다.
14세기에 최초로 지어진 시계탑은 17세기 화재 후 다시 지어졌으며 현재는 역사박물관과 전망대로 활용되고 있다.
시기쇼아라 역시 눈달린 모습의 창문이 지붕에 달린 집들이 보인다.
구시가지내 상부의 터널과 같은 계단을 오르면 더 높은 언덕에 교회와 교회묘지가 나온다.
교회묘지는 숲속에 큰 공간을 차지하고 있으며 음산한 기운이 돈다.
구시가지에는 기념품 가게들도 있으며, 괜찮은 식당과 와인창고도 있다.
시기쇼아라 구시가지는 각각의 이름을 가진 방어탑들이 있는데 일부는 여러가지 용도로 활용되어 관광객들에게 개방된다.
구시가지를 벗어나 차로 10~20분 정도 이동하면 드라큘라 펜션이 나온다. 숙박 외에도 승마체험을 할 수 있고, 작은 동물원도 있다. 드라큘라 펜션에서 더 멀리 가면 16세기에 지어진 비에르탄 요새교회로 갈 수 있다.
이 영상은 시기쇼아라 여행정보 가이드라기 보다는 도시의 분위기를 느낄 수 있는 여러 장소에 대한 짧은 소개를 제공한다.
2016년 9월 유럽 여행.
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Sighisoara festiva # visit sighisoara # romania vacation # tours of romania # 3rd
Sighisoara festiva # visit sighisoara # romania vacation # tours of romania # 3rd :
Sighişoara Medieval Festival or Festivalul Sighişoara medievală is a Romanian festival held on the last weekend of July in Sighişoara, Romania.
During the 12th century, German craftsmen and merchants known as the Transylvanian Saxons were invited to Transylvania by the King of Hungary to settle and defend the frontier of his realm. The chronicler Krauss lists a Saxon settlement in present-day Sighișoara by 1191. A document of 1280 records a town built on the site of a Roman fort as Castrum Sex or six-sided camp referring to the fort's shape of an irregular hexagon.Other names recorded include Schaäsburg (1282), Schespurg (1298) and Segusvar (1300). By 1337 Sighișoara had become a royal center for the kings, who awarded the settlement urban status in 1367 as the Civitas de Segusvar.
The city played an important strategic and commercial role at the edges of Central Europe for several centuries. Sighișoara became one of the most important cities of Transylvania, with artisans from throughout the Holy Roman Empire visiting the settlement. The German artisans and craftsmen dominated the urban economy, as well as building the fortifications protecting it. It is estimated that during the 16th and 17th centuries Sighișoara had as many as 15 guilds and 20 handicraft branches. The Baroque sculptor Elias Nicolai lived in the city. The Wallachian voivode Vlad Dracul (father of Vlad the Impaler (Dracula), who lived in exile in the town, had coins minted in the city (otherwise coinage was the monopoly of the Hungarian kings in the Kingdom of Hungary) and issued the first document listing the city's Romanian name, Sighișoara.The Romanian name is first attested in 1435, and derives from the Hungarian Segesvár, where vár is fort.
Piața Hermann Oberth during the 20th century
The city was the setting for George I Rákóczi's election as Prince of Transylvania and King of Hungary in 1631. Sighișoara suffered military occupation, fires, and plagues during the 17th and 18th centuries. An important source for the history of 17th-century Transylvania, for the period of 1606-1666, are the records of Georg Kraus, the town's notary.
The nearby plain of Albești was the site of the Battle of Segesvár, where the revolutionary Hungarian army led by Józef Bem was defeated by the Russian army led by Luders on 31 July 1849. A monument was constructed in 1852 to the Russian general Skariatin, who died in the battle. The Hungarian poet Sándor Petőfi is generally believed to have been killed in the battle, and a monument was constructed in his honor at Albești in 1897. After World War I Sighișoara passed with Transylvania from Austria-Hungary to the Kingdom of Romania.
Central Sighișoara has preserved in an exemplary way the features of a small medieval fortified city. It has been listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Each year, a Medieval Festival takes place in the old citadel in July.
View from Villa Franka
Sighișoara is considered to be the most beautiful and well-preserved inhabited citadel in Europe, with authentic medieval architecture. In Eastern Europe, Sighișoara is one of the few fortified towns that are still inhabited. The town is made up of two parts. The medieval stronghold was built on top of a hill and is known as the Citadel . The lower town lies in the valley of Târnava Mare river.
The houses inside Sighișoara Citadel show the main features of a craftsmen's town. However, there are some houses that belonged to the former patriciate, like the Venetian House and the House with Antlers.
In 2001-2003 the construction of a Dracula theme park in the 'Breite' nature preserve near Sighișoara was considered but ultimately rejected, owing to the strong opposition of local civil society groups and national and international media as well as politically influential persons, as the theme park would have detracted from the medieval style of the city and would have destroyed the nature preserve.
Despair and Triumph by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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draculas house restaurant in sighisoara
inside a restaurant in sighisoara romania