Betliar manor-house Slovakia, Kaštieľ Betliar - Slovensko, Castle Betliar near Rožňava
Betliar manor-house Slovakia, Kaštieľ Betliar - Slovensko, Castle Betliar near Roznava
Manor house: It was appeared like forward fortification of Krásna Hôrka castle. Core of manor house was built in the 15th century. István Andrássy began a change of this building on luxury formal residence. Manor house was rebuilt on three- storey hunter manor house and today is his appearance relatively similar. Exposition of manor house create: collection of works of art, historical furniture, unique library, weapons, precious ceramics, glass and porcelain. There are also hunting trophies from huntings from home and in foreign countries and various objects like eskimo clothes, armament of samurai and Egyptian mummy brought from far journeys. In 1985 manor house in Betliar was promulgated on national cultural monument. Around the manor house is a unique natural park, which was in a 1978 write-in list of important historical gardens of the world. In this park are infrequent woody plants from foreign countries and also native oaks and spruces.
Manor House Betliar ????????
Kaštieľ pochádza zo začiatku 18. storočia a postavili ho na základoch staršieho renesančného kaštieľa Bebekovcov. Dal ho postaviť Štefan Andráši ako poschodový, ešte opevnený kaštieľ so štyrmi nárožnými vežami. I ďalšie prestavby v rokoch 1792 – 1795, keď prichádza k rozšíreniu, a v rokoch 1880 – 1886, keď stavba získala dnešnú podobu, sa viažu znovu k rodine Andrášiovcov, ktorá bola už vtedy jeho trvalým vlastníkom, a ktorá mala v majetku nielen hrad Krásnu Hôrku, ale aj majetky a bane v okolí Rožňavy. Po staršej klasicistickej prestavbe a rozšírení južnej časti a priečelia nasledovala rozsiahlejšia pseudoslohová úprava s nadstavbou druhého poschodia, ktorá dala kaštieľu ráz francúzskej poľovníckej stavby.
Exploring Slovakia: Betliar kaštiel/castle, surprising manor tour, starting season 2 (Couple Vlog)
Watch our new taller girlfriend couple/travel vlog: Exploring Slovakia: Betliar kaštiel/castle, surprising manor house tour, start of season 2 (Taller Girlfriend Couple Vlog) with couple vloggers Simi and Danny
Ahoj friends! :)
We are officially starting into season 2 of our Simi & Danny Taller Girlfriend couple channel/vlogs. This time we went again on a trip into our closer surrounding to explore Slovakia and it’s beauty a little more (Slovakia travel guide). The road took us to a small village called Betliar, which keeps a quite surprising little secret in itself. The castle/kaštiel Betliar or better the manor Betliar is a lovely and well maintained place. It’s not just the manor house, but also surrounded by a beautiful and huge park. Of course we tried to explore as much as possible and walked from one little lake to several fountains placed all over the area. We ended our visit with the manor house tour, which includes a lot of surprising artefacts, which we would have never expected there. Literally mouth opening what we got to see there. Such a nice and interesting place, which is totally worth to visit once... if you are in Slovakia. Thank you so much for sticking with us and watching. Love you and see you soon! :*
Thank you very much for watching another of our couple/travel vlogs: Exploring Slovakia: Betliar kaštiel/castle, surprising manor house tour, start of season 2 (Taller Girlfriend Couple Vlog) with couple vloggers Simi and Danny and if you liked it, please subscribe and give us a BIG thumbs up. :D
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Betliar - Slovakia
At the beginning of the 18-th century Štefan Andrássy decided to build a manor house with corner bulwarks on foundations of an old castle from the 16-th century. In 1792-1795 his successors rebuilt the manor house in the Classicistic style. 700 000 m2 large park with exotic trees and bushes, numerous Classicistic and Romantic buildings arose around the manor house. A forest surrounds the park.
The manor house lost its Classicistic design after it was rebuilt in 1880. It started to be used by hunters and nobles. Nowadays, in the manor house there is a museum of historical flat culture, furniture from the 15-17-th century, classicistic and empire equipment. You can find there collections of paintings, portraits, a book-case with more than 20 000 books, gun collections and hunter`s trophies, exotic souvenirs from all around the world esp. from Asia and Africa.
Betliar Manor House with Experience Slovakia
Betliar Manor House is a beautiful tourist attraction and a very special place for those who like to go back in time and enjoy beautiful gardens outdoor. Betliar Manor House is one of our tours. Experience Slovakia with us!
Betliar Kaštieľ - Betliar Manor House
Betliar castle (Slovakia)
BETLIAR. BETLIAR - Slovensko Zhora. Betliar - Kaštieľ Betliar. Kaštieľ v Betliari – Wikipédia. Seriál 1890. Kaštieľ v Betliari - Betliar - Múzeum Betliar - Tu natáčali Seriál 1890. Betliar Kaštieľ - Betliar Manor House. Manor House Betliar. Betliar - letecké zábery Kaštieľ Betliar. Výstava múzeum Betliar. Slovenské národné múzeum - Betliar. Obec Betliar. Múzeum Betliar - Betliar Museum. betliar wikipedia.
Manor House of Betliar - frogs having a blast [4K]
Tons of frogs in the lake found in the gardens of the Manor House of Betliar.
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