Zapyškis church | Lithuania
Drone: DJI Phantom 3 Standard
Music: A Himitsu - Astray feat. Madi Larson
Laisvoje Tėvynėje - Lithuania (1937-1938)
Color footage (documentary) about Lithuania in 1937-1938 by Motūzas Brothers is made for Lithuanian community schools and youth organizations in Canada to show Lithuania's life before the Soviet occupation in June 1940. It shows the Lithuanian countryside, cities and towns, architecture, people's daily life, the most important events of 1937 - 1938 years. Director and director of photography Kazys Motuzas, director of photography Mečys Motuzas.
Views of Zarasai region. General view from Šatrija hill. Landscape, countryside, homesteads. Marketplace in Samogitia. Solemn procession in Kalvarija. Children in the carousel. People take photos. Fair in Klaipėda. Beach in Palanga: bridge, dunes, vacationers. Ships Šiauliai, Friesland and others in Klaipeda port. Lithuanian churches in Zapyškis, Pažaislis, Šiauliai, Rokiškis, Kaunas Old Basilica, Raudonė castle. Buildings in Kaunas: Military Museum, the Statue of Liberty in the garden of Military Museum, the Land Bank, the Bank of Lithuania, Central Post Office, Officers' House, Dairy Center, County Board Building, University Hall, sport hall. Multi-and private houses. The most beautiful Lithuanian Bridges: Raudondvaris, Juozapavičius Bridge in Alytus, Lyduvėnai railway bridge. Train in Šiauliai railway station, train rides. Tunnel of Kaunas. Plane of Lithuanian Airlines . 20th anniversary of Lithuanian scouts: camp in Pažaislis forest. Camp of boyscouts in Panemunė forest. Camp of Baltimore's Lithuanian scouts. Festival of primary schools. Children and young people in the stadium of Kaunas. Winter: homesteads, birds, fishing under ice. Fishermen. Horce race in Dusetos on the lake of Sartai. First Lithuanian national olympic games. Spectators. Sportsmen's parade: participants from foreign states carry flags of their countries. Athletics competition. Equestrian. Swimmers in the swimming pool. US Lithuanian team. General view of Kaunas. Glider. Man and woman play field tennis. Competition of volleyball, basketball, football. Coach of women basketball team Pranas Lubinas. Cyclists. Shooting competition. Yachts near Klaipėda. Plane of Lithuanian aeroclub. Planes. People inspect plane Lituanica-2. The army returnes after autumn maneuvers. Marching soldiers get flowers, cigarettes. Riders, artillery rides, armored vehicles. Festival of military school is visited by Lithuanian President Antanas Smetona. Marching of cadets. Consecrated sSwords are given to officers by Antanas Smetona. National celebration in the garden of Military Museum. Army representatives, participants from public organizations. Trumpeter in the tower of Military Museum. Flag waves. Parade: marching of representatives of students and public organizations, soldiers, volunteers, military orchestra. Spectators watch, women give flowers. In the tribune: Brigade General Antanas Gustaitis, President Antanas Smetona, other officials. Tanks and armoured vehicles ride.
Spalvotas dokumentinis filmas, skirtas Kanados lietuvių bendruomenės mokykloms ir jaunimo organizacijoms, siekiant parodyti Laisvojo pasaulio lietuvių jaunimui, kokia buvo Nepriklausoma Lietuva iki bolševikų okupacijos (kraštovaizdį, miestų ir miestelių architektūrą, žmonių kasdienį gyvenimą, svarbiausius 1937 -- 1938 metų įvykius).
Originalo saugotojas - Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas
EXPLORING VILNIUS: Huge 17th century abandoned catholic church, Lithuania
SUBSCRIBE: - Abandoned church in Vilnius, Lithuania. Vic Stefanu, Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania and its largest city, with a population of 542,664 as of 2015. Vilnius is located in the southeast part of Lithuania and is the second largest city in the Baltic states.
Lithuania is a country and the southernmost of Europe’s Baltic states, a former Soviet bloc nation bordering Poland, Latvia and Belarus. Its capital, Vilnius, near Belarus' border, is known for its medieval Old Town. It also has Gothic, Renaissance and baroque architecture, and 18th-century cathedral built on a pagan temple site. Hilltop Gediminas' Tower, a symbol of the city and the nation, offers sweeping views.
Spalvota Lietuva - Lithuania in color (1938)
Lietuva po 20 metų nuo Nepriklausomybės atstatymo. Iš 1938 m. dokumentinio filmo.
Lithuania - promotional film made by Motuza Brothers Films in 1938 to show the achievements of newly restored Lithuanian Republic during the last 20 years of Independence.
Lithuanian landscape images - forests, lakes, fields, villages. Men cut the hay with scythes. Lithuanian roadside crosses, chapels. The farmstead. Snow trees, forests, fields and farms. Kaunas Cathedral and other historic buildings. Pažaislis Monastery. St. Peter and Paul Church -- Cathedral in Šiauliai. Tytuvėnai Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Angels Church and Monastery (Bernadine). Raudondvaris Castle (Kaunas district). New buildings in Kaunas. Palace of Justice. Mail, and other public and residential buildings. Kaunas from a plane. The Resurrection Church in Kaunas. Skuodas railway station. Train near Kaunas railway tunnel. Lyduvėnai railway bridge over the Dubysa. Lithuanian girls in national costumes in flowering garden. Children in traditional costumes. Sunset by the sea.
Operatoriai Lukšas, J.Kavaliauskas, režisieriai Kazys ir Mečys Motūzai (Matuzai)
Gamintojas: Brolių Motuzų filmas.
Lietuvos kraštovaizdžio vaizdai - miškai, ežerai, laukai, gyvenvietės. Vyrai pjauna šieną dalgiais ir arkliais kinkytomis šienapjovėmis. Rugiai. Vyras dalgiu pjauna rugius. Vyrai arkliais ir traktoriumi traukiamomis kuliamosiomis pjauna rugius. Lietuviški pakelių kryžiai, koplytstulpiai. Ūkininko sodyba. Laukuose į gubas sustatyti javai. Apsnigti medžiai, miškai, laukai ir sodybos. Kaunas. Kauno katedra, kiti senamiesčio pastatai. Pažaislio vienuolynas. Šiaulių šv. Petro ir Povilo bažnyčia - katedra. Tytuvėnų Švenčiausios Mergelės Marijos Angelų Karalienės bažnyčia ir vienuolynas (Bernardinų). Raudondvario pilis (Kauno rajonas). Nauji pastatai Kaune: Aukštesnioji technikos mokykla, Prekybos, pramonės ir amatų rūmai, Žemės bankas, Lietuvos banko rūmai, Pašto rūmai, Karininkų Ramovė, Pieno centro rūmai, Kauno apskrities savivaldybės rūmai, VDU didieji rūmai, Fiziško auklėjimo rūmai, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Medicinos fakulteto rūmai, Valstybės draudimo įstaiga, Fizikos-chemijos instituto rūmai, VDU Fizikos - Chemijos instituto rūmai, Aleksoto pradžios mokykla, Kauno 6-oji gimnazija, Lapėnų daugiabutis gyvenamasis namas, draudimo bendrovės „Lietuvos Lloyd rūmai, notaro K. Škėmos daugiabutis namas, Jono ir Aleksandros Vailokaičių daugiabutis namas, Vila Eglaitė, daug kitų visuomeninių ir gyvenamųjų pastatų. Kauno vaizdai iš lėktuvo. Kauno Klinikų statyba, Prisikėlimo bažnyčia. Skuodo geležinkelio stotis. Traukinys ir traukinio keleiviai. Traukinys prie Kauno geležinkelio tunelio. Lyduvėnų geležinkelio tiltas per Dubysą. Tiltu važiuoja traukinys. Lietuvaitės tautiniais rūbais žydinčiame sode. Vaikai tautiniais rūbais šventėje. Saulėlydis prie jūros.
Garso takeliai: DONIS Deinaina (fragmentas) ir BALTOS juodos KLAJOS (fragmentas).
Originalo saugotojas - Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas.
„Skrydžio maršrutas: Aleksotas- Zapyškis- Juragiai- Aleksotas kopija
Skrydžio paramotoriais maršrutas: Aleksotas- Zapyškis- Juragiai- Aleksotas. Skrista su Algiu.
Zapyškio senosios kapinės ir koplyčia
Zapyškio senosios kapinės ir koplyčia. Vytauto g. 2A, Zapyškis, Kauno rajonas, 2017 07 22, 17:51.
The Old Cemetery and Chapel of Zapyškis, Lithuania.
Kauno senamiestis nuo Nemuno
Vaizdas į Jono Dženkaičio (Aleksoto) tiltą ir Kauno senamiestį nuo Nemuno. 2016 09 16, 14:37
View to the Kaunas old town and Jonas Dženkaitis (Aleksotas) bridge over Nemunas river, Lithuania.
Kaunas – the City of Sugihara / カウナス-杉原千畝の町
Explore the route of Sugihara and Japan related places in Kaunas, Lithuania /
360 drone shot of a church
This is a 360 degree shot of a church filmed with IRIS+ in Lithuania, Zapyskis.
New Europe Going Global: How to Sell Lithuanian Fashion Abroad | FASHION BLOC X BOM BERIS
New Europe Going Global: How to Sell Lithuanian Fashion Abroad
Exclusive 1 DAY seminar
London-based fashion industry professionals
Practical Workshops featuring industry experts:
19 th of May 2018
Траецкі касцёл, Ішкалдзь | Trinity church, Ishkaldz', Belarus
Закладзены ў 1449 г., найстарэйшы з касцёлаў Беларусі, які захаваў свой першапачатковы выгляд.
Built in 1449, the oldest catholic church in Belarus, saved its original design.
Track: Merlin And Lydia Delay - Walk On The Beach
Miracle of Faith: Lithuania's Churches
A majority of Americans couldn't find Lithuania on a world map, but one thing visitors to this country northeast of Poland can't fail to notice are its churches. Many date back centuries surviving two world wars and a fifty year long Soviet occupation in the process, and seem to be everywhere across the land in towns big and small.
Many are also beautiful, and here to illustrate is a sample in a variety of locations and architectural styles. Accompanying music courtesy of New Age artist Enya's A Day Without Rain. Enjoy the show!
LEGAL NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material used with the permission of its owners, and is intended solely for the entertainment of its audience.
Main Church and Sunshine Kotor Montenegro December 2014
Virtuali kelionė keliu 166 (Plungė-Vėžaičiai)
pasivažinėjimas krašto keliu 166 / National Lithuania road 166
Virtualios kelionės Lietuvos keliais -
Parama / Donation:
Sušalusi Neries upė šalia Goštauto gatvės Vilniuje
Dar vakar plaukę ižai šią naktį sustojo.
zapyskio baznycioj.wmv
Zapyskio baznycioj
German war crimes | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
German war crimes
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The governments of the German Empire and Nazi Germany ordered, organized and condoned a substantial number of war crimes in World War I and World War II respectively. The most notable of these is the Holocaust in which millions of Jews, Poles, and Romani were systematically murdered or died from abuse and mistreatment. Millions also died as a result of other German actions in those two conflicts. The true number of victims may never be known, since much of the evidence was deliberately destroyed by the perpetrators in an attempt to conceal the crimes.
Laivas ,,RYGA'' Nerimi per Vilnių