BEECOS - Tryavna/Bulgaria
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BRINGING UP NEW ECO-SCIENTISTS is an Erasmus+ KA2 project. Partner schools:
Institut Ramon de la Torre (Spain)
Lycée Clos Maire (France)
Petko Slaveykov Secondary School (Bulgaria)
1st Esperino EPA.L Trikalon (Greece)
Liceo Attilio Bertolucci (Italy)
Partner schools facebook pages:
Main objectives of BEECOS project:
- -raising ecological awareness and forming eco communities of young people
- -promoting eco-education through concrete trainings and innovative practices
- upgrading teaching methods in science, math, technology, etc.
- developing transversal, entrepreneurial and organizational skills
- promoting the use of foreign languages and ICT.
Architectural and Ethnographic Complex Etara
Architectural and Ethnographic Complex Etara (24)
Renovated house near Chirpan, Bulgaria
Read more:
It is pleasure for us to offer to your attention this rural property, located in a well -- developed village, 38 km away from the town of Stara Zagora - one of the biggest administrative centers in the country. The city is a prime tourist destination, offering leafy boulevards, friendly people, lively sidewalk cafes, excellent local cuisine, opera, theater, galleries, interesting museums, etc. The town of Plovdiv is 65 km away from the inhabited place.
The property in short consists of two storied house with area 150 sq. m, a parking lot, a shelter, a barn, a store, an outbuilding and a garden vast 3600 sq. m.
An interview for TV Tryavna
Stanimir Tsvetanov Chukov - Stan, pressident of the Association
Margarita Ivanova Simeonova - Project coordinator
For contacts:
The Change is in You Association:
Tryavna, Angel Kynchev 89 str.
facebook -
Listen campaign:
Subtitles and translation - Margarita Simeonova
Editing - Stanimir Chukov
Veliko Tarnovo
Veliko Tarnovo is a town in north central Bulgaria. Often referred to as the City of the Tsars, Veliko Turnovo is located on the Yantra River and is famous as the historical capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire, attracting many tourists with its unique architecture. The old part of the city is situated on the three hills Tsarevets, Trapezitsa, and Sveta Gora rising amidst the meanders of the Yantra. On Tsarevets are the palaces of the Bulgarian emperors and the Patriarchate, the Patriarchal Cathedral, as well as a number of administrative and residential edifices surrounded by thick walls. Trapezitsa is known for its many churches and as the former main residence of the nobility. In the Middle Ages, the city was among the main European centres of culture and gave its name to the architecture of the Tarnovo Artistic School, painting of the Tarnovo Artistic School and literature. Veliko Tarnovo is an important administrative, economic, educational, and cultural centre of Northern Bulgaria.
SVM - Super Volunteers Meeting in Tryavna 20-23. 03. 2016
Интервю за новините на телевизия Трявна Днес по повод новото ни мероприятие SVM – Super Volunteers Meeting in Tryavna, 20-23. 03. 2016 г. SVM ще бъде част от кампанията „ЕДС20 – 20 ГОДИНИ ЕВРОПЕЙСКА ДОБРОВОЛЧЕСКА СЛУЖБА“.
Идеята на това събитие е да събере заедно възможно най-много доброволци, ментори и хора, които работят с доброволци, които да обсъдят проблемите, които срещат, когато искат да участват по ЕДС (като доброволци, изпращаща, посрещаща или координираща организация). Освен това да имат възможността в рамките на няколко дена да се опознаят, забавляват и да завържат приятелства, които в последствие да поддържат. В програмата е заложено и кратко представяне на организациите и проектите на доброволците пред младежи от града и региона.
Проектите „Предай нататък “ с референтен номер 2015-2-BG01-KA105-014424 и „Да построим бъдещето заедно“ с реф. №: 2015-3-BG01-KA105-022833 са финансира с помощта на програма Еразъм + към Европейската комисия. Тази публикация отразява вижданията само и единствено на нейния автор. Комисията не носи отговорност за употребата на съдържащата се тук информация.
За контакти:
Сдружение Промяната е в теб, гр. Трявна, ул. Ангел Кънчев 89
Кампания Заслушай се
East Hanover Trails Tour 2012
Main trails of East Hanover.. didn't have time to do a 40 minute or more video so i just did the main trails i ride on every time I go.. This is only 30 or 40 percent of the trails. Also i didn't stick mainly on one type of trail like sport or utility, i took which ever way would get me to the other side the fastest. thats only about a 6 mile ride out of the 19 20 miles i can do. i started off by party city in a field and ended off at.. ridgedal aves train track if i was gonna go another 2 miles.
Vasko Gabrovo www uget in
Дух и вяра... Път и истина... Живот.... Новият документален филм на Телевизия Туризъм разказва историята на един съвременен зограф в България. С живота си и най-вече с отношението си към него и към работата си той ни показва колко важно и колко хубаво е човек да намери призванието си; онова, което го изпълва; прави го наистина пълноценен. Във времена, когато бушуват нечестиви страсти, обществата са объркани, а човекът е загубил себе си... Или Диян Костов в документалния филм Иконописецът... или за образите на духа - само по Телевизия Туризъм.