TOP 25 LUND (SWEDEN) Tourist Attractions (Things to Do)
25 things to do in Lund (Sweden)
Top 25 best places to visit in Lund, Sweden, by Explore Earth. Wanna know about where to go or what to do in Lund - Sweden? You can watching this video about 25 tourist attractions in Lund, city in southern of Sweden near city of Malmo and Copenhagen (Denmark).
Lund is one of the favorite destinations in Sweden. So many beautiful places to exploring here. In this list, there are 25 must see or visit places in Lund, such as Lund Cathedral, Botanical Gardens (Botaniska Tradgarden), Kulturen in Lund - Museum of Cultural History and Open-Air Museum, Stadsparken, Skrylle Nature Reserve, Skissernas Museum - Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art, Jakriborg, All Saints Church, Lund University Main Building and Lund University Historical Museum (Historiska Museet).
There also other things to do in Lund such as visit Rinnebacksravinen, Lundagard Park, Medieval Museum (Drottens Museet), The Museum of Life, Hogevall, Vattenhallen Science Center, Kungshuset i Lundagard, Martenstorget, Klosterkyrkan, Krognoshuset, Hallestads Kyrka, The Tegner Museum, Bjeredsparken and Universitetsplatsen.
Dont forget to visit Lund Tourist Center to get more information about tourist attractions or beautiful places to visit in Lund - Sweden. If you want to visit other cities in Sweden, we also have some video about things to do in some city in Sweden such as Stockholm, Malmo, Gothenburg and Uppsala. Dont forget to like, comment and subscribe to our channel Explore Earth for more tourism or travel guide around the world.
Filmtur runt vallgraven runt Malmöhus slott 1/2
En liten videotur längs med vallgraven runtom Malmöhus slott.Det har en intressant historia.
A little videotour along the moar which surrounds the Malmohus Castle. It has an interesting history.
Erik of Pomerania was only 15 years old when he became king of the Nordic Union, Denmark, Norway and Sweden in 1397. He would have great significance for Malmo. He built the city's first citadel, a city wall and he gave the town its coat of arms. He gave Malmo its donation soils.
Erik of Pomerania had big plans for the Sound. By strengthening Helsingborg and Elsinore, he could take up duty on ships that passed. (Ore)Sound Duty was very lucrative, and was until the mid-1800s. Erik of Pomerania also founded Landskrona. He positioned up and made Copenhagen the capital in 1417. In Helsingore, he built a fortified castle, Krogen, lying there Kronborg Castle is today. Throughout his reign seemed Erik of Pomerania to limit the German Hanseatic power. This led to quarrels with the Hanseatic League which had financial interests in the Baltic region.
In 1434 bought Erik of Pomerania multiple sites in Malmo. The intention was to build a citadel, a fortified farm, which was built in the city's western part, in a corner of the city wall. There were also Västerport, an important entrance to Malmö. Citadel was built according to the future of modern fortification technology. The white chalk stripes in Malmo Castle facade is track after Erik of Pomerania citadel. Hit later moved the Danish Mint from Lund.
In Malmö let Erik of Pomerania also establish a new, more than fifteen hundred meters long and five meters high strandmur (strandwall) (in) front of the city. The wall had built- (in)ports and through ports could trade from the sea managed and controlled. All persons who owned land and all institutions in the city were invited to contribute to the work of the great building of the wall.
In 1437 gave Erik of Pomerania Malmo its city arms. The motif of the red griffin head in a white field took the king from his own coat of arms. Weapons letter kept in the City Archives.
2010-11-05 / Minnie Tegner, Malmo museums
Filmtur längs vallgraven runt Malmöhus slott 2/2
En liten videotur längs med vallgraven runtom Malmöhus slott. Det har en intressant historia. I den här delen får vi möta några lustiga individer.
A little videotour along the moar which surrounds the Malmohus Castle. It has an interesting history. In this part we will meet some fun creatures. History Auto-translated from Swedish with small additions to make the text more understandable.
Erik of Pomerania was only 15 years old when he became king of the Nordic Union, Denmark, Norway and Sweden in 1397. He would have great significance for Malmo. He built the city's first citadel, a city wall and he gave the town its coat of arms. He gave Malmo its donation soils.
Erik of Pomerania had big plans for the (Ore)Sound. By strengthening Helsingborg and Helsingore, he could take up duty on ships that passed. (Ore)Sound Duty was very lucrative, and was until the mid-1800s. Erik of Pomerania also founded Landskrona. He positioned up and made Copenhagen the capital in 1417. In Helsingore, he built a fortified castle, Krogen, lying there Kronborg Castle is today. Throughout his reign seemed Erik of Pomerania to limit the German Hanseatic power. This led to quarrels with the Hanseatic League which had financial interests in the Baltic region.
In 1434 bought Erik of Pomerania multiple sites in Malmo. The intention was to build a citadel, a fortified farm, which was built in the city's western part, in a corner of the city wall. There were also Västerport, an important entrance to Malmö. Citadel was built according to the future of modern fortification technology. The white chalk stripes in Malmo Castle facade is track after Erik of Pomerania citadel. He later moved the Danish Mint from Lund.
In Malmö let Erik of Pomerania also establish a new, more than fifteen hundred meters long and five meters high strandmur (strandwall) (in) front of the city. The wall had built-(in)ports and through ports could trade from the sea (be) managed and controlled. All persons who owned land and all institutions in the city were invited to contribute to the work of the great building of the wall.
In 1437 gave Erik of Pomerania Malmo its city arms. The motif of the red griffin head in a white field took the king from his own coat of arms. Weapons letter kept in the City Archives.
2010-11-05 / Minnie Tegner, Malmo museums
Om Kulturens övriga besöksmål på teckenspråk
Kulturen i Lund är navet i Kulturens verksamhet, men vi driver även flera andra besöksmål i Lund och på andra platser i Skåne.
I Lund har vi Hökeriet, som är Lunds äldsta speceributik. Där kan du handla gammeldags varor, på hyllorna ser du en fin samling av äldre förpackningar, och här finns även en liten servering. Hökeriet ligger på Sankt Annegatan, precis intill Kulturen i Lund, och bemannas av ideella krafter från Hökeriets vänner.
På Stora Gråbrödersgatan 11 i centrala Lund ligger Tegnérmuseet. Här bodde författaren Esaias Tegnér under sin tid som professor i Lund. En del av hemmet har bevarats, och där visas originalin-ventarier och Tegnérminnen.
På Lasarettsgatan 7 i Lund hittar du Livets museum, ett medicinhistoriskt museum som på ett interak-tivt och spännande sätt berättar om hur kroppen fungerar. Här berättas också om viktiga framsteg inom medicinen som har skett i Lund, t.ex. inom dialys och utvecklingen av respiratorer. Kulturen dri-ver Livets museum på uppdrag av Region Skåne, i samarbete med Sydsvenska Medicinhistoriska Föreningen.
I Sjöbo kommun ligger Kulturens Östarp. Där kan du uppleva en lantbruksmiljö från 1800-talets mitt, med byggnader, djur och trädgård i ett gammalt kulturlandskap. Här finns den fyrlängade korsvirkes-gården Gamlegård, som är öppen för besökare under sommarsäsongen. Till gården hör en vatten-kvarn, en vindmölla, en malttorka och en brytestuga för beredning av lin. På Kulturens Östarp finns också äldre lantrasdjur, som Linderödsgrisar och Göingegetter. Det kuperade kulturlandskapet runt gården är lämpligt för sköna promenader. Här finns också ett vandringsspår som berättar om kultur-landskapet och traktens historia. Du är välkommen att duka upp till picknick på området, men du kan också äta gott på Östarps Gästgivaregård.
I det gamla barnsjukhuset i Helsingborg finns Medicinhistoriska museet. I utställningen Tro, hopp och hälsa berättar vi om synen på hälsa, vad som anses friskt eller sjukt och hur detta har förändrats över tid. Genom nedslag i Helsingborgs egen medicinhistoria berättar vi om sambanden mellan hälsa, sjukdom och samhälle. Kulturen driver Medicinhistoriska museet på uppdrag av Region Skåne, i samarbete med Helsingborgs medicinhistoriska förening.
Lund University | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:54 1 History
00:02:03 1.1 Medieval origins
00:03:23 1.2 17th–19th centuries
00:07:12 1.3 20th century – present
00:08:22 1.4 Women at the university
00:09:28 1.5 Campus
00:11:32 1.6 Library
00:12:46 1.7 Hospital
00:13:28 2 Organisation
00:13:37 2.1 Administration
00:14:13 2.2 Faculties
00:14:32 2.3 Research centres
00:16:04 3 Academics
00:16:13 3.1 Education
00:17:41 3.2 Research
00:18:32 3.3 Innovation
00:21:16 3.4 Rankings
00:23:27 4 Student life
00:24:02 4.1 Student nations
00:25:46 4.2 The Academic Society
00:26:59 4.3 Student unions
00:28:02 4.4 LINC - Lund University Finance Society
00:28:57 5 Notable people
00:29:43 5.1 Humanities and economics
00:31:56 5.2 Biology and medicine
00:34:32 5.3 Mathematics, engineering and physical sciences
00:37:11 5.4 Politics and law
00:39:28 5.5 Literature and culture
00:41:29 5.6 Business and entrepreneurship
00:44:08 6 Partner universities
00:44:44 7 See also
00:45:12 8 Notes
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Lund University (Swedish: Lunds universitet) is a prestigious university in Sweden and one of northern Europe’s oldest universities. Lund University is consistently ranked among the world's top 100 universities. The university is located in the city of Lund in the province of Scania, Sweden, arguably traces its roots back to 1425, when a Franciscan studium generale was founded in Lund next to the Lund Cathedral. After Sweden won Scania from Denmark in the 1658 Treaty of Roskilde, the university was officially founded in 1666 on the location of the old studium generale next to Lund Cathedral.
Lund University has eight faculties, with additional campuses in the cities of Malmö and Helsingborg, with 40,000 students in 270 different programmes and 1 300 freestanding courses. The University has some 600 partner universities in nearly 70 countries and it belongs to the League of European Research Universities as well as the global Universitas 21 network.Two major facilities for materials research are in Lund University: MAX IV, a synchrotron radiation laboratory – inaugurated in June 2016, and European Spallation Source (ESS), a new European facility that will provide up to 100 times brighter neutron beams than existing facilities today, to be opened in 2023.The university centers on the Lundagård park adjacent to the Lund Cathedral, with various departments spread in different locations in town, but mostly concentrated in a belt stretching north from the park connecting to the university hospital area and continuing out to the northeastern periphery of the town, where one finds the large campus of the Faculty of Engineering.
Bhaskara's proof of the Pythagorean theorem | Geometry | Khan Academy
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Geometry on Khan Academy: We are surrounded by space. And that space contains lots of things. And these things have shapes. In geometry we are concerned with the nature of these shapes, how we define them, and what they teach us about the world at large--from math to architecture to biology to astronomy (and everything in between). Learning geometry is about more than just taking your medicine (It's good for you!), it's at the core of everything that exists--including you. Having said all that, some of the specific topics we'll cover include angles, intersecting lines, right triangles, perimeter, area, volume, circles, triangles, quadrilaterals, analytic geometry, and geometric constructions. Wow. That's a lot. To summarize: it's difficult to imagine any area of math that is more widely used than geometry.
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