Το φρούριο των Ελευθερών.
Δεν αξιώνουμε να κερδίσουμε χρήματα από το συγκεκριμένο βίντεο όπως και από κανένα άλλο βίντεο μας.
Σκοπός τον βίντεο μας είναι η προβολή της χώρας μας.Της Ελλάδας της ομορφότερης χώρας του κόσμου.
Οι Ελευθερές ήταν αρχαία πόλη στα όρια της Αττικής με τη Βοιωτία. Για την ακριβή τοποθεσία της πόλης υπήρξε διαφωνία μεταξύ ιστορικών. Σύμφωνα με την πιο επικρατούσα άποψη η πόλη βρισκόταν στις ανατολικές πλαγιές του Κιθαιρώνα, κατά μήκος της στενής διάβασης της Κάζας, στη θέση που διασωζονται ερείπια σημαντικού φρουρίου το οποίο αποκαλείται σήμερα από τον τοπικό πληθυσμό Γυφτόκαστρο. Η άποψη αυτή ενισχύεται από την περιγραφή του Παυσανία. Ορισμένοι τοποθετούν την πόλη ανατολικότερα στην περιοχή της Μυούπολης (κοντά στη Μονή του Οσίου Μελετίου), θέση στην οποία άλλοι τοποθετούν την αρχαία Οινόη. Πληροφορίες για την χρονολογία κατασκευής του δεν υπάρχουν αλλά από τον τρόπο που είναι κατασκευασμένο φαίνεται να ανήκει στον 4ο αιώνα π.Χ. Το φρούριο είναι χτισμένο με το ισοδομικό σύστημα, χωρίς χρήση συνδετικού υλικού. Έχει περίπου ελλειψοειδές σχήμα με μήκος 330 μέτρων και πλάτος περίπου το μισό. Η συνολική περίμετρος του φρουρίου είναι 860 μέτρα. Το μέσο πάχος των τειχών είναι 2,6 μέτρα. Κατά μήκος των τειχών είναι χτισμένοι τετράγωνοι πύργοι. Διέθετε τέσσερις πύλες με την κύρια πύλη του τοποθετημένη στη δυτική πλευρά του. Καλύτερα διατηρημένη είναι σήμερα η βόρεια πλευρά του, στην οποία διατηρούνται επτά τετράγωνοι πύργοι.
Cyprus: Temple of Apollo
Part of Mike's trip to Cyprus (Nov-Dec 2007)
POROS (Greece): Episode 1 - Aegina to Poros Ferry Ride
Ferry ride to Poros from Aegina takes about 1.5 hrs via the regular ferry Apollon Hellas (from the Saronic Ferries Company).
Two adults + 1 kid one-way tickets cost 22.80 Euro.
This route stops at Methana Island before proceeding to Poros Island.
There's hardly any taxi waiting at the port area. We waited for quite a bit to find one.
However, there is a free minibus the runs along the harbourfront that might be able to take you closer to your hotel. We just didn't know about it that time.
Atlantis - Rooms at the beach - Thessaloniki
Atlantis - Pleasure by the Sea. Comfortable modern rooms at the beach of Peraia near the airport of Thessaloniki.
Ios, Greece - Agia Theodoti - AtlasVisual
Ios Video Map:
The seaside village of Agia Theodoti is located on the east side of Ios and 10 km from the town. The beach there is known for its natural beauty and clear waters with its small bay, golden sand and blue waters. The region is of great archaeological interest. Near the traditional village are the remains of a Hellenistic tower and on the slope of the hill you can see the remains of an ancient aqueduct. Also, the church of Agia Theodoti, is the oldest of the island, dating from the 16th century and is built on the ruins of an ancient temple of Apollo.
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Naxos - play tour Video by Greecevirtual
Naxos Island
Naxos is such a versatile island that satisfies all types of tourists, from the sightseer and the nature lover to the party-goer and the laid back tourist. To get a taste of the island, we suggest taking a stroll in Naxos Town (Chora) through the winding alleyways to admire the whitewashed houses, with their potted flowers, and colourful doors and shutters. It is truly a calming and rejuvenating experience. Town (Chora) possesses several of the island's most characteristic sites, such as the Portara (the marble gate to the ancient Temple of Apollo), the Venetian Castle, the Mycenean City in the Grotta area, the Archaeological Museum, the 16th century Bazeos Castle, and the Churches of Zoodochou Pigis and Panagia Myrtidiotissa. While touring Naxos Island , you can visit many other significant archaeological and historical sites. In Apirathos, you should stop to admire the Zevgoli Tower and the Museums. If you are an archaeology buff, then we recommend visiting the Kouroi in Apollonas and Flerio, the Ancient Site of Iria and the Sanctuary of Demetra and Apollo near Sagri.
[Vehicle Simulator]F/B Achaios Night trip to Aegina!
Today will be play Vehicle Simulator with F/B Achaios!
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:bsnuke:My PC Setup.:bsnuke:
Motherboard=Asus Rog Maximus X Hero
CPU=Intel Core i7-8700k
RAM=G.Skill TridentZ RGB 32GB DDR4-3200MHz
Water Cooling=NZXT Kraken X62
SSD=Samsung 850 Evo 500GB
HDD=Western Digital Blue 3.5 1TB
GPU=Asus GeForce GTX 1080Ti 11GB
DVD Rider=Asus DRW-24D5MT
Power Supply=EVGA SuperNova 850 G3 X1
PC Tower=Cougar Panzer Max
TV Monitor=Samsung 40'' 6102 4K
Sound System= Logitech z333
Keyboard=Corsair k70
Mouse=Corsair M65
Steering Wheel=Logitech G29
Joystick=Logitech Extreme 3D Pro
Gamepad=Logitech F310
Gamepad 2=Logitech F710
WebCam=Logitech C170
【K】Greece Travel-Thessaloniki[그리스 여행-테살로니키] 국가의 휴일, 성모승천일/Assumption of Mary/Maria/Icon/Dance
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
그리스정교의 큰 행사가 있다 해서 찾아가 보기로 했다. 그런데 성당 2~3킬로 전부터 도로는 벌써 주차장으로 변해 있다. 도로변 공터도 텐트촌이 되어있다. 이불에 베개까지, 완전히 소풍분위기다. 젊은이들이 모여 있는 곳으로 가보았다. 분위기는 벌써 무르익어 있다. “오늘이 성모승천일입니다. 내일까지 행사가 이어져요. 모두가 참여하고 싶어 합니다. 우리도 밤새도록 놀 예정입니다.“ 그리스정교에서 성모승천일은 크리스마스나 부활절만큼이나 의미 있는 날이다. 국가의 휴일로도 지정되어있다. 이 성당에 이렇게 많은 사람들이 온 것은 의미 있는 성모마리아의 성화가 모셔져 있기 때문이란다. 성당 앞에는 노점상들이 자리 잡고 있었다. 성모와 관련된 그림을 파는 곳이 제일 많지만 식사와 간식을 파는 노점상들도 때를 만났다. 본격적인 행사는 어둠이 깔릴 무렵 시작된다. 군악대와 의장대 그리고 수많은 경찰까지 동원된 국가기념 행사 같은 분위기다. 행사는 성모의 성화를 모시고 성당주변을 한 바퀴 도는 것으로 시작된다. 뒤따르는 인파를 보고 아까 본 텐트촌이 이해가 되었다. 공연이 이어졌다 그리스전통춤이다. 그리스의 각 지방을 대표하는 공연단들의 춤이 이어진다. 지방마다 차이가 있다고 하는데 그리스전통춤을 처음대하는 나에게는 크게 달라보이지는 않는다. 360도로 계속 돌면서 추기 때문에 무대의 앞뒤가 따로 없었다.
[English: Google Translator]
There is a big event was a visit to the Orthodox view. However Cathedral 2-3 kilometers before the road has already been turned into a parking lot. There is also the tenteuchon roadside clearings. Until the quilt pillow, and a picnic atmosphere completely. Atda go to a place where young people gather. Earned the atmosphere is ripe already. Today is the day the Assumption. John led the event until tomorrow. Everyone wants to participate. We will play all night. Assumption Greek Orthodox work in a meaningful day as Christmas or Easter. It has been designated as a national holiday. What so many people come to this cathedral yiranda because the sanctification of the Virgin Mary in a meaningful enshrined. Cathedral was holding in front of stalls are located. This figure associated with the Virgin Mary There are many places that sell best met when even the street vendors selling meals and snacks. At the end of the event begins in earnest spread along the dark. The atmosphere is like a military band and honor guard ceremonies and numerous countries mobilized to the police. The event will begin by turning a wheel to take you around the Cathedral of Our Lady of the torch. After watching the crowds followed earlier this tenteuchon was understood. This led to a Greek traditional dance performances. Greece followed by a dance troupe of representing each province. The first treat the Greek traditional dancing for me to see that there is a difference from province to province but is significantly different. The front and back of the stage because there was no separate extraction continues spins 360 degrees.
■클립명: 유럽76-그리스04-09 국가의 휴일, 성모승천일/Assumption of Mary/Maria/Icon/Dance/Festival
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 서은섭 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2013년 8월 August
도시,downtown,도심, 시가지, urban, city, metropolitan,도로,road,highway, lane, driving, drive,종교시설,church,cathedral, temple, mosk, monastery, religion,종교의식,풍습,,ritual,religious ceremony,축제,축제,,festival,카니발, 행진, 퍼레이드, Carnival, Parade, Fiesta, party,사람,man,person, character, 위인, 유명인 author, writer, painter, artist, king, queen, musician,일몰/야경,sunset, night view,night scene, lights,유럽,Europe,Ευρώπη,그리스,Greece,Ellada/Ελλάδα,The Hellenic Republic,서은섭,2013,8월 August,테살로니키 주,Thessaloniki (regional unit),Θεσσαλονίκη,Thessalonica
Ο Κούρος του Απόλλωνα, Νάξος / Kouros of Apollonas, Naxos Greece
Ο Κούρος του Απόλλωνα εκτιμάται ότι δημιουργήθηκε τον 6ο αι.π.Χ και το μήκος του ξεπερνάει τα 10 μ.
Είναι «ξαπλωμένος» στην είσοδο του αρχαίου λατομείου της περιοχής και εντυπωσιάζει τους επισκέπτες του νησιού λόγω του όγκου του.
Σύμφωνα με τους μελετητές, παριστάνει είτε το θεό Απόλλωνα, είτε το θεό Διόνυσο.
Εκτιμάται πως το γιγαντιαίο άγαλμα το άφησαν στην είσοδο του λατομείου γιατί ράγισε κατά τη μεταφορά, ή γιατί ακυρώθηκε η παραγγελία, ή γιατί δεν πληρώθηκε.
Ancient Roman ruins near the Hagia Sophia of Thessaloniki
Cyprus 2015 Water World
Fun day at Water World Ayia Napa go and enjoy.
Music: MindlessFate - Fire Rainbow
Pearl in Mediterranean--Lefkada
Lefkada, also known as Lefkas or Levkas, is one in the group of the Eptanisa or “seven-islands” in the Ionian Sea. With its amazing natures and well developed facilities, Lefkada has become a well-known luxurious holiday paradise.
Naxos, greek island, 4k
#inthesky #cycladesislands #naxosfromabove
Naxos Island Bus tour | Naxos Yesterday & Today | Η Νάξος του Χθες και του Σήμερα
Every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Duration: 8 hours
Language provided: Greek, English, German, French
Transportation: Bus transfer upon departure and return to town
Starting time: 09:15 hrs
Ending time: 17:00 hrs
Leaving Naxos town, the tour visits the mainland.Galanado is the first village we come across, which offers view to the fertile fields which produce the famous naxian potato. Outside the village rises the Bellonias tower. First stop is the small village Damalas, where we visit a traditional ceramics workshop. In the same village, there is also the possibility to visit a restored traditional olive press. We continue through the fertile valley of Tragaia and passing through age-old olive, plane and oak trees, vines and fruit groves surrounded by towering summits we stop at the village Halki with its mansions and the interesting Byzantine church of Panagia Protothroni. There we visit the citrus distillery which produces the homonymous local liqueur. Then we visit the Byzantine church of Panagia Drosiani, near the village of Moni, a monument of the early Christian period with interesting frescoes, which is considered to be one of the oldest in the Balkans. The church, part of an old monastery, has a unique architectural style, with bare stone-walls, a three-part attic with dome and three adjoining chapels on the northern side with square dome bases on their roofs. Some of the frescoes that have been saved date to the 6th century, while the rest belong to the period between the 11th and 14th centuries. Next stop is Apiranthos or t’Aperathou in local dialect, is built at the foot of Mt. Fanari. Venetian towers, pretty, old two-storey houses, marble paved alleys with arches above them, picturesque squares combine to create a rare atmosphere. Apiranthos has 3 interesting museums. The Archaeological Museum mainly hosts finds of the Proto-Cycladic period, the Geological Museum features some rare and unique items among its approximately 2,000 exhibits, the Natural History Museum includes a collection of the area’s fauna, flora and a small aquarium, while the Folklore Museum displays traditional fabrics, embroidery and tools. Time for lunch at the local tavernas. One the way back, we visit the lush settings of Flerio, Melanes. The area was very important during antiquity. An aqueduct 11 kilometers long was recently discovered, a major engineering project in several historical phases, carrying water to Naxos town ensuring water supply. The ancient archaic marble quarry is also to be visited. There lies the imressive statue of Kouros, so called the “Greek”, 6,4 meters long, dated from the 7th century BC.
Villa Harmonia - Naxos, Greece by gmede.com
Villa Harmonia is located in the west part of the beautiful island of Naxos, which is also the largest of the Cyclades group. This Greek island villa is situated on a slope with amazing views to the sea and the neighbouring island of Paros at a distance of only 150 metres to the beach.
The villa was built and furnished in a modern style and has a total surface of 130 m² in a private garden of 550 m² and a swimming pool.
Limassol Arena 28/09/2019 | No.4
Stunning footage of Limassol Arena, Limassol of Cyprus in 4K !
I hope you guys enjoy the clips of this amazing, hectic and (mostly) friendly City!
This stadium will be the host-stadium of three different teams, Apollon Limassol, AEL & Aris.
All clips were rendered with Adobe Premiere.
Macbook Pro - 15 Inch
Drone Mavic Pro - 2017
GoPro 4K
Luxury apartments for investment in Ayia Napa - Cyprus
Special prices, the last apartments