Městské hradby (Velký Šanc) Tábor - Town Walls Tabor
Městské hradby (Velký Šanc) Tábor, Česká republika
Opevnění města budované od založení husitské pevnosti a zdokonalované i dalšími generacemi se právem stalo chloubou Tábora. V době svého vzniku, tj. kolem poloviny 15. století, představovaly táborské hradby značně komplikovaný opevňovací systém, který ve střední a západní Evropě jen stěží nalézal konkurenci.
Soustava opevnění využívala účinnou kombinaci parkánové a hlavní hradby. Pokud se nepříteli podařilo překonat první pásmo obrany - nižší parkánovou hradbu, ocitl se v parkánu, 6 až 10 m širokém prostoru mezi parkánovou a hlavní hradbou. Sevřený dvěma zdmi a vystavený střelám obránců jistě musel ztratit chuť pokračovat v útoku.
Na vhodných místech hradbu doplňovaly věže a bašty, odkud mohli obránci z děl i ručních zbraní působit nepříteli značné ztráty. Dodnes stojící Žižkova bašta, zvaná také Velká bašta, kdysi ovládala přístup směrem od severu a kontrolovala údolí Tismenického potoka. Později byla přestavěna k obytným účelům. Díky tomu zůstala jedním z nejlépe zachovaných zbytků opevnění.
Nejslabší místo představovaly brány, zejména tzv. Nová brána, která otvírala přístup do města z východní strany. Proto byla chráněna zvláštní pevnostní stavbou, nazývanou barbakán. Všechny na svou dobu neobvykle moderní prvky opevnění dokumentují značnou pokročilost husitského vojenského stavitelství. Přestože většinu hradeb v průběhu 19. století měšťané zbourali, představují jejich zbytky hodnotný vklad do historického dědictví města. Význam táborského opevnění zdůraznilo jeho prohlášení za národní kulturní památku se zvláštním režimem památkové péče a ochrany.
Town Walls (Velky Sanc) Tabor, Czech Republic
The fortification system, that had been built after the foundation of the Hussite fortress and improved by following generations, rightly became a boast of the town. At that time the complicated defence system was second to none in all Central and Western Europe.
Its uniqueness was based on the combination of two circular walls - the main one and the bailey. If an enemy succeeded in getting over the first wall, the lower bailey, he was trapped in the moat - an area 6-10 metres wide between the two circular walls. At that moment he became an easy target for the defenders and must have lost courage to continue the attack. Several towers and cannon bastions were incorporated in the town walls which gave the defenders an opportunity to shoot at the enemy from either cannons or smaller weapons. Probably the best-preserved part of the fortification system is the Zizka Bastion, sometimes also called The Big Bastion. It used to control the access from the north and from the valley of the River Tismenický. Later it was used for housing, and thanks to that it has not been destroyed like the rest of the fortification system. The most vulnerable points of the unassailable stronghold were the gates, especially the New Gate, the access from the east. That was why the gate was shielded with a special fortification structure called the barbican. All these then unusually modern features prove how advanced the Hussite military engineering was. Although most of the town walls were destroyed in the 19th century, their remaining parts belong among the most valuable sights in the town. They were proclaimed a national cultural monument and are protected by the state.
Production: tabor.tv
Městské hradby (Velký Šanc) Tábor - Town Walls Tabor
Městské hradby (Velký Šanc) Tábor, Česká republika
Opevnění města budované od založení husitské pevnosti a zdokonalované i dalšími generacemi se právem stalo chloubou Tábora. V době svého vzniku, tj. kolem poloviny 15. století, představovaly táborské hradby značně komplikovaný opevňovací systém, který ve střední a západní Evropě jen stěží nalézal konkurenci.
Soustava opevnění využívala účinnou kombinaci parkánové a hlavní hradby. Pokud se nepříteli podařilo překonat první pásmo obrany - nižší parkánovou hradbu, ocitl se v parkánu, 6 až 10 m širokém prostoru mezi parkánovou a hlavní hradbou. Sevřený dvěma zdmi a vystavený střelám obránců jistě musel ztratit chuť pokračovat v útoku.
Na vhodných místech hradbu doplňovaly věže a bašty, odkud mohli obránci z děl i ručních zbraní působit nepříteli značné ztráty. Dodnes stojící Žižkova bašta, zvaná také Velká bašta, kdysi ovládala přístup směrem od severu a kontrolovala údolí Tismenického potoka. Později byla přestavěna k obytným účelům. Díky tomu zůstala jedním z nejlépe zachovaných zbytků opevnění.
Nejslabší místo představovaly brány, zejména tzv. Nová brána, která otvírala přístup do města z východní strany. Proto byla chráněna zvláštní pevnostní stavbou, nazývanou barbakán. Všechny na svou dobu neobvykle moderní prvky opevnění dokumentují značnou pokročilost husitského vojenského stavitelství. Přestože většinu hradeb v průběhu 19. století měšťané zbourali, představují jejich zbytky hodnotný vklad do historického dědictví města. Význam táborského opevnění zdůraznilo jeho prohlášení za národní kulturní památku se zvláštním režimem památkové péče a ochrany.
Town Walls (Velky Sanc) Tabor, Czech Republic
The fortification system, that had been built after the foundation of the Hussite fortress and improved by following generations, rightly became a boast of the town. At that time the complicated defence system was second to none in all Central and Western Europe.
Its uniqueness was based on the combination of two circular walls - the main one and the bailey. If an enemy succeeded in getting over the first wall, the lower bailey, he was trapped in the moat - an area 6-10 metres wide between the two circular walls. At that moment he became an easy target for the defenders and must have lost courage to continue the attack. Several towers and cannon bastions were incorporated in the town walls which gave the defenders an opportunity to shoot at the enemy from either cannons or smaller weapons. Probably the best-preserved part of the fortification system is the Zizka Bastion, sometimes also called The Big Bastion. It used to control the access from the north and from the valley of the River Tismenický. Later it was used for housing, and thanks to that it has not been destroyed like the rest of the fortification system. The most vulnerable points of the unassailable stronghold were the gates, especially the New Gate, the access from the east. That was why the gate was shielded with a special fortification structure called the barbican. All these then unusually modern features prove how advanced the Hussite military engineering was. Although most of the town walls were destroyed in the 19th century, their remaining parts belong among the most valuable sights in the town. They were proclaimed a national cultural monument and are protected by the state.
Production: tabor.tv
Best Attractions and Places to See in Tabor, Czech Republic
Tabor Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Tabor. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Tabor for You. Discover Tabor as per the Traveller
Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Tabor.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Tabor.
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List of Best Things to do in Tabor, Czech Republic
The Hussite Museum
Zizka square
Museum of Chocolate and Marzipan
Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Jan Zizka Monument
ZOO Tabor
Tabor Tunnels
Rozhledna Hylacka
The Town Walls
Dècin ist eine Stadt im Ústecký kraj an der Elbe im Norden Tschechiens, nahe der Grenze zum deutschen Bundesland Sachsen. Děčín besitzt den wichtigsten Eisenbahngrenzübergang zwischen Deutschland und Tschechien, der Teil der transeuropäischen Verkehrsachse Nord-/Ostsee – Dresden – Prag ist.
Mit einer Höhenlage von 135 m n.m. ist Děčín die am tiefsten gelegene Stadt Tschechiens.
Die Stadt verfügt über zwei Straßenbrücken über die Elbe.
Děčín besteht aus 35 Ortsteilen.
Czechia's Beautiful Royal Cities & Castles - Timelapse Video - 4K
Czechia / Czech Republic is a land of many beautiful royal historical towns and castles due to its long history and rich culture. This timelapse captures some of those magical locations that are pure joy to explore, such as :
★ Nymburk historical town with well preserved historical walls.
★ Tabor, great medieval city, linked not only to Jan Žižka, but also to Jan Hus, two important historical figures in Czech history
★ Kašperk medieval Castle, most highly located #Royal castle in Bohemia @ 886m
★ Sunset over Říp Mountain/ Hill, a 459 m solitary hill with great historical importance
★ Melnik town with castle & church tower at confluence of Labe & Vltava rivers
★ Karlštejn Castle, large Gothic castle founded 1348 CE by Charles IV
★ Rožmberk Castle in Rožmberk nad Vltavou
★ Melnik town with castle & church tower at confluence of Labe & Vltava rivers
★ Loket Castle - 12th-century Gothic style castle on a massive rock in Loket town
★ Písek castle & Písek Stone Bridge - one of two oldest bridges in Central Europe
★ České Budějovice, Budweis - Iconic town with its grand Přemysl Otakar II Square, home to baroque Samson’s Fountain & Town Hall with 3 spires.
★ Tabor, great medieval city - historical part situated on summit of an isolated hill
Photography : Lucie Debelkova ►
Music : WHITESAND / Martynas Lau ►
Location : #Czechia / #CzechRepublic
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Old Town streets of Znojmo - Czech Republic [4k]
Znojmo – a marvellous, historic town in an imposing setting above the Dyje River. The historic town centre with its numerous churches, all surrounded by mediaeval city walls, has preserved its Renaissance look and is full of crooked lanes, romantic views and picturesque nooks and crannies.
Cheb, Czech Republic (HD1080p)
Hrad a město Tábor - castle / fort
Někdy v polovině 13. století zde Vitkovci založili poměrně rozsáhlou osadu, pojmenovanou Hradiště. První písemná zpráva pochází z 1268 roku, jde o doklad zdejších pánů Hněvka a Konráda. Zachycené pozůstatky nesou stopy po velkém požáru, takže osada byla zřejmě vypálená. To se uvádí do souvislosti se snahou Přemysla Otakara II. o založení nového královského města.
Přemysl Otakar II. nechal někdy mezi lety 1270 a 1272 celý prostor budoucího města obehnat důkladnou hradbou a na jihozápadním okraji planované výstavby vybudovat mohutný hrad. K rozvoji osidlení již nedošlo. Snahy o vybudování nového sídla panovnické moci skončily smrtí Přemysla Otakara II. v roce 1278 a plocha tak nebyla až do 15. století souvisle osidlená.
Dle zmínky z 1370 roku měli hrad v majetku pání z Ústí a kostel sv. Filipa a Jakuba v podhradí je poprve zmiňován roku 1388.
Tábor byl založen husity na jaře roku 1420 a pojmenován podle hory Thabor u Nazaretu, v dnešním Izraeli. Zakladatelé města byli odhodlaní vytvořit nové společenství, odmitající lidské zákony a řidící se pouze zákonem Božím.
25. ledna 1437 udělil Zikmund Lucemburský městu městská práva. V roce 1452 se taborští hejtmani vzdali vojsku Jiřího z Poděbrad, tento rok se považuje za konec husitského Tábora.
V roce 1492 byla vybudována vodní nádrž Jordán. V roku 1512 dokončená stavba chrámu Proměnění Krista Pána v Táboře.
V letech asi 1269, 1532 a 1599 byly v městě velké požáry.
Roku 1680 postihl město mor.
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Tabor Beseda Dancers 2018
Tabor Beseda Dancers performing on Friday June 15th, 2018. Over 238 colorful costumed folk dancers perform the Beseda Dance in Tabor, SD each year during Tabor Czech Days in Tabor, SD. For more information , Czech out taborczechdays.com
Táborská setkání 2017 - Tabor Meetings 2017
Videoklip z mezinárodního historického festivalu Táborská setkání 2017
Production: videosevcik.cz
Customer: taborcz.eu
Music: braagas.com
Máte rádi atmosféru středověku? Láká vás tradiční hudba, zpěv a veselení pod širým nebem? Pak si nenechte ujít další ročník festivalu Táborská setkání.
Historické centrum Tábora s několika náměstími, křivolakými uličkami i bohatou zelení za městskými hradbami ožívá na tři dny dávnou historií první poloviny 15. století. Časem, kdy se vlády nad městem ujal husitský vojevůdce Jan Žižka z Trocnova. Také nyní, po téměř šesti stovkách let každoročně symbolicky přebírá slavný hejtman vládu nad Táborem. Za rachotu bubnů a světel pochodní ho přitom doprovází zástup jeho husitských bojovníků.
Po slavnostním zahájení si už stačí vybrat, zda zavítáte ke stánku s medovinou a chlebem se škvarky, nebo dáte přednost vybraným středověkým lahůdkám v některé z útulných taveren. Programový „jídelníček“ je také nepřeberný – ohňostroj; průvody v historických kostýmech; středověký jarmark; žebrácká ulička; koncerty duchovní, středověké, ale i současné hudby; vystoupení skupin historického šermu; rytířský turnaj na koních; divadla pod širým nebem; výstavy; hry a soutěže pro děti. To a mnohem víc vám nabízí Táborská setkání…
Video clip of international historical festival Tabor Meetings
Do you like a medieval atmosphere? Do you like listening to traditional music, do you like singing and partying under the open sky? So, do not miss another year of the Tábor Meetings Festival.
Tábor is a perfect location for period festivals. The historic centre with several squares, crooked lanes and large green areas behind the town walls return back to the first half of the 15th century, to the time when the town was controlled by the Hussite captain Jan Žižka of Trocnov. And again, today, nearly six hundred years later, this famous warrior symbolically takes over the control of the town for the three days. He is accompanied by noisy drummers and a faithful crowd of Hussite warriors carrying lighted torches during his parade through the town. After the festive opening, which includes a fireworks display, it is up to each visitor what they choose both to eat and do.
Stalls offering medieval mead and bread with greaves are almost irresistible and can only be passed unnoticed by those heading for one of the cosy taverns offering medieval tidbits. As far as the programme is concerned, the variety is huge – parades in historical costumes, exhibitions, concerts of religious, medieval or contemporary music, open-air theatre performances, games and competitions for children and the list goes on and on. You are not going to miss it, are you?
How to get to Tábor: Tábor is easy to get to, it lies on mail roads and railway lines from Prague to České Budějovice and from Pilsen to Brno with regular train and bus connections. It takes 1.5 hours to get from Prague to Tábor and 3 hours form Brno to Tábor.
Hradby Samoty 2014 Teaser
(Walls of Solitude)
4-5.7.2014 -- Castle Rosice -- Rosice /Brno, Czech Republic/
Twenty kilometers west of Brno one can find the small, serene town of Rosice. Despite the fact that
this will be the first weekend of July and the weather will probably be gloriously sunny, for two days
Rosice will gain a strange, darkly surreal character. Streets will be crowded with black figures and the
moon over the chateau will not set for two nights. WALLS OF SOLITUDE will speak out in the
language of matters which extend even beyond the ancient history of Rosice castle. The fifth annual
volume of the festival, which combines the best from both domestic and foreign industrial, dark
ambient, noise and experimental scenes, will return to its original location in Rosice castle and the
near atomic bomb shelter.
The gun-powder is prepared, all that remains is to light a match. The old theater and forsaken
underground recreation lounge will be transformed into two stages with a very nice, carefully
selected line-up. Look forward to a feast of music and hedonism!
In the beautiful renaissance interiors you'll have the opportunity to witness concerts of such legends
as the Italian dark ambient BAD SECTOR, Swedish martial industrial IN SLAUGHTER NATIVES, Czech
classics PAPRSKY INŽENÝRA GARINA and in the framework of their reunion, Polish dark ritual ambient
SUI GENERIS UMBRA will honor this event with their first live performance in 10 years. Slow waters
will defrost after the presentation of Norse project SVARTSINN, only to be subsequently burned by
molten rain beating rhytms into the cosmos -- THE DEVIL AND THE UNIVERSE from Austria. Russian
dryad LAMIA VOX will arrive and Polish ABANDONED ASYLUM and Slovak projects PHRAGMENTS and
BRADA will conjure freeflowing soundwaves. An energic combination of dark ambient and black
metal will be perpetrated by 777BABALON. Slowly we move through underground corridors to
a space designed for the survival of humanity in an event of a nuclear cataclysm. On this second
stage, there will be presented Czech and Slovak experimental projects with a wildness in their heart --
free jazz terror saxophone duo MY LIVE EVIL with a beautiful pole dancer, jazz electronic fury
SHIBUYA MOTORS, screaming of RUŽOVÍ KOVBOJI and minor underground eruptions under Rosice
will be generated via the rhythmic set of DIDAKTIK EM. Performing in collaboration sets will be
czecho-slovak brutal-futuristic collective HLUKOVÁ SEKCE and Noize Konspiracy from Bratislava
labelled TERRIFYING VISIONS OF HELL. Joy and happines will be brought by KARL KRAUTNER feat.
NINA. If you prefer silence, you can enjoy it in the woods because LAZY BASTARDS SOUND SYSTEM
will play from morning till night.
In the chateau kitchen we will prepare a delicious vegan stew and all sorts of delicacies for omnivores
as well. Draught beer will be a local brew. Camping in tents will be possible in a space near the
chateau and a specific percentage of each of the 222 tickets solds will be donated for the repair and
reconstruction of the object. Advanced booking is launched since March the 1st and will continue
until June the 22nd.
CZ: Cheb (Eger). Czech Republic. Sights and Sounds of the City Center. September 2017
Cheb (Eger). Karlovarský kraj. Bohemia. Czech Republic. Sights and Sounds of the City Center. September 2017
Eger. Böhmen. Spaziergang durch die Fußgängerzone.
Praha - Město věží 03 - Věže opevnění
23.3.2019 historické město Tábor centrum...
Tábor city - historické město, uličky, Kotnov.... 23.3.2019
Brno (old town)
Brno (old town) - a city in Czech Republic.
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Best Attractions and Places to See in Znojmo, Czech Republic
In this video our travel specialists have listed some of the best things to do in Znojmo?? . We have tried to do some extensive research before giving the listing of Things To Do in Znojmo??.
If you want Things to do List in some other area, feel free to ask us in comment box, we will try to make the video of that region also.
Don't forget to Subscribe our channel to view more travel videos. Click on Bell ICON to get the notification of updates Immediately.
List of Best Things to do in Znojmo??, Czech Republic
Ducal Rotunda of the Virgin Mary and St Catherine
St. Nicholas Church (Kostel svate Mikulase)
Narodni Park Podyji
Town Hall Tower
Znaimer Untergrund
Veteran Car Museum
Znojmo City Walls
Znojmo Castle
Masaryk Square
Plague Column
Panasonic FZ1000 UHD 4k Třebíč The Old Jewish Cemetery 05
Panasonic FZ 1000 + Panasonic stereo mic VW-VMS 10
Prague New Memorial to JanPalach
In Prague's waterfront stands a new monument to Jan Palach, is the work of architect of Czech origin John Hejduk.
The ceremonial unveiling of a new monument to Jan Palach by American architect John Hejduk was held January 16, 2016 on Ales waterfront opposite the Rudolfinum.
Unveiling ceremony took place on the occasion of 47 years since Jan Palach self immolation to protest against the suppression of freedoms and violent occupation by Russian troops since the invasion in August 1968th.
KONOPIŠTĚ, CZECH REPUBLIC, Konopiště is a four-winged, three-storey château located in the Czech Republic, about 50 km southeast of Prague, outside the city of Benešov. It has become famous as the last residence of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, whose assassination in Sarajevo triggered World War I. The bullet that killed him, fired by Gavrilo Princip, is now an exhibit at the castle's remote museum., The castle was apparently established in the 1280s by Prague Bishop Tobiaš as a Gothic fortification in the style of a French castle with a rectangular plan and round towers protruding from the corners, making the most effective defence possible.Accounts show that the Benešévic family from nearby Benešov were the owners in 1318, and that in 1327 the castle passed into the hands of the Šternberks. In 1468, it was conquered by the troops of George of Poděbrady after a siege that lasted almost two years.
In 1603, the estate was purchased by Dorota Hodějovská of Hodějov, who made Renaissance alterations to the old gothic fortification.The Hodějovský family fortified their property because of their active participation in the anti-Habsburg rebellion in 1620. Albrecht von Waldstein acquired the castle, and after him it was passed to Adam Michna of Vacínov. Michna gained notoriety through his repression of the serfs, who revolted against him and conquered Konopiště in 1657.
The Swedes occupied and plundered Konopiště in 1648, and the Vrtba family then purchased the dilapidated structure. After 1725, they had it transformed into a Baroque style château.The drawbridge was replaced by a stone bridge, and near the east tower a new entrance was inserted in the wall. The gate which embellished it was designed by František Maxmilián Kaňka and featured statues from the workshop of Matthias Bernard Braun. In 1746, the upper levels of four of the towers were destroyed and one tower was completely demolished. During repair of the interiors, mythological and allegorical frescoes were painted on the ceilings of the great hall, and marble fireplaces with carved decorations by Lazar Wildmann were created.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria bought Konopiště in 1887 with his inheritance from the last reigning Duke of Modena. He had it repaired between 1889 and 1894 by the architect Josef Mocker into a luxurious residence, suitable for a future Emperor, which he preferred to his official residence in Vienna. The extensive 225 ha English-style park, with terraces, a rose garden and statues, was established at the same time.
He invited Wilhelm II, German Kaiser to see his roses early in June 1914. Insofar as they discussed politics, they discussed Romania, but conspiracy theories about their planning an attack on Serbia or a division of the Austro-Hungarian Empire arose at the time and since. After the Archduke's assassination, later in the month, the memory of this visit might have moved the Emperor to give Austria more rein in dealing with Serbia than he had in the Bosnian crisis of 1909.
Since 1921, the castle has been the property of the Czechoslovak and later Czech state, one of 90 such properties in state ownership. The Ministry of Culture is said to spend more than US$ 800,000 per year to maintain the castle, and it recovers about as much from entrance ticket sales and rental fees for occasional functions.
Currently, HSH Princess Sophie von Hohenberg, a descendant of Franz Ferdinand, is claiming for the restitution of the castle to her family (which was never recognized as part of the House of Habsburg), on the grounds that the provisions of Article 208 of the Treaty of Saint Germain, and Article 3 of Law no. 354 of 1921 in Czechoslovakia, do not apply to them. She filed a lawsuit in December 2000 in Benešov, the nearest city, for the castle and its dependencies, comprising 6,070 hectares of woodland and including a brewery
AmaWaterways Excursion to Prague, Czech Republic on Christmas Time River Cruise to Budapest, Hungary
AmaWaterways excursion to Prague, Czech Republic in the beginning of an AmaWaterways Christmas Time River Cruise from Prague to Budapest, Hungary on the Danube River as documented by travel filmmaker Clint Denn. Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. It is the fourteenth-largest city in the European Union. It is also the historical capital of Bohemia proper. Situated in the north-west of the country on the Vltava River, the city is home to about 1.3 million people, while its larger urban zone is estimated to have a population of nearly 2 million. The city has a temperate oceanic climate, with warm summers and chilly winters.
Prague has been a political, cultural, and economic centre of central Europe with waxing and waning fortunes during its 1,100-year existence. Founded during the Romanesque and flourishing by the Gothic and Renaissance eras, Prague was not only the capital of the Czech state, but also the seat of two Holy Roman Emperors and thus then also the capital of the Holy Roman Empire. It was an important city to the Habsburg Monarchy and its Austro-Hungarian Empire and after World War I became the capital of Czechoslovakia. The city played major roles in the Protestant Reformation, the Thirty Years' War, and in 20th-century history, during both World Wars and the post-war Communist era.
Prague is home to a number of famous cultural attractions, many of which survived the violence and destruction of twentieth century Europe. Main attractions include the Prague Castle, the Charles Bridge, Old Town Square, the Jewish Quarter, the Lennon Wall, and Petřín hill. Since 1992, the extensive historic centre of Prague has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.
The city boasts more than ten major museums, along with numerous theatres, galleries, cinemas, and other historical exhibits. A modern public transportation system connects the city. Also, it is home to a wide range of public and private schools, including Charles University. Prague is classified as a Beta+ global city according to GaWC studies, comparable to Berlin, Rome, or Houston. Its rich history makes it a popular tourist destination, and the city receives more than 4.1 million international visitors annually, as of 2009. In 2011, Prague was the sixth-most-visited city in Europe.]
In May 2012 AmaWaterways launched the AmaCerto in Vilshofen, Germany to much fanfare. Now the most luxurious river cruise ship in Europe, AmaCerto contains a number of revolutionary designs and is the first of the long-ships able to host 164 passengers slated to hit the waters in the next few years. In terms of expansion, AmaWaterways is now offering river cruises on the Chobe River in Africa on the Zambezi Queen in conjunction with land safaris on public and private wildlife reserves.
Not only is their fleet is rapidly expanding, but existing ships are being retrofitted with the latest amenities and inventions. AmaWaterways has led and will continue to lead the way in unparalleled on-board services that are constantly fine-tuned for the highest customer satisfaction. These factors, combined with a slate of new itineraries and specialty programs such as extremely popular Wine River Cruises, which were launched in 2010, make AmaWaterways the front runner in this burgeoning new segment of the travel business.
Such factors are why AmaWaterways received two Magellan Awards from Travel Weekly, an Award of Excellence form Luxury Travel Advisor, a Cruise Passenger Readers Choice Award in Australia for Best River Ship and was recognized for its Twitter account that put AmaWaterways on the list of The Top 25 Online Cruise Vacation Influencers by Influencers in Travel. Award-winning AmaWaterways provides luxurious, all-inclusive river cruise vacations on the world's great waterways.
Founded in 2002 by cruise industry pioneer Rudi Schreiner, cruise line executive Kristin Karst and Jimmy Murphy, founder of Brendan Vacations, AmaWaterways operates its innovative, custom-designed vessels on the Danube, Rhine, Main and Mosel rivers in Europe; the Volga-Baltic Waterway in Russia and the Mekong River in Vietnam and Cambodia. The AmaWaterways fleet in Europe features amenities such as spacious staterooms with French balconies or revolutionary Twin Balconies; plush down bedding, marble-appointed baths; complimentary high-speed Internet and Wi-Fi; first-run hit Hollywood movies; complimentary wine, beer and soft drinks with dinner, complimentary bottled water; gourmet dining in multiple venues (AmaBella); nightly entertainment; complimentary small group shore excursions tailored to passengers desired walking pace; guided bicycle tours and much more.
For more about river cruising with AmaWaterways in Europe, Russia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Africa go to AmaWaterwaysPR.com.