Hugh Warwick at Vale Wildlife Hospital Open Day 2010
Our annual Open Day is the one day in the year when the public can see what goes on behind our normally closed doors at Vale Wildlife Hospital. Stress is one of the biggest killers of some species of wildlife and we therefore have to keep human contact to an absolute minimum. This is also important to prevent animals becoming 'imprinted' on humans which then means that they will never be releasable. Hugh Warwick, one of our Patrons, writer, broadcaster and self-confessed hedgehog addict performed the opening ceremony at this years event. Vist our website at
BEHIND THE SCENES | Preparing For The Hunt
Find out what it takes to prepare for the ultimate driven boar hunt in our first Wild Boar Fever X behind the scenes video.
The Wild Boar
Provided to YouTube by Parlophone UK
The Wild Boar · Flanders & Swann
The Complete Flanders & Swann
℗ 1961 Parlophone Records Ltd, a Warner Music Group Company
Composer: Donald Swann
Composer: Flanders
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Get Out of Our House!
Tim's channel:
GOOOH stands for 'Get Out of Our House' and is pronounced like the word 'go'. It is a NON-PARTISAN plan to evict the 435 career politicians in the U.S. House of Representatives and replace them with everyday Americans just like you.
If you are tired of career politicians, GOOOH is for you. If you believe money has corrupted Washington, GOOOH is for you. If you believe politicians have too much power, GOOOH is for you. If you are weary of the death grip the two parties have on our government, and are ready to return control of our government to the people, then GOOOH is for you.
TAGS: Washington Congress Founding Fathers Ten Commandments of the Antichrist Fitness Diversity Harmony Population Control Thomas Paine The Age of Reason Obamaland Welcome to Americas Future James Delingpole UK United Kingdom Europe European Nation Intrusion Politico Mark Levin Cap and Trade Private Health Care Crime Soft Kill Weapons Population Control Inject Injection Pharmacy Pharmaceuticals Medicine False Flag Virus Attack Mass Murder Graves Feds Hog Wild Propaganda Elite Mad Science Scientists Marxist Marxism-Leninism Lenin Imperialism STORM manifesto Fox News Channel Glenn Beck Third World Revolutionaries Mao Tse-tung Amilcar Cabral Hitler 911 Arab 1992 Rodney King Riots Aaron Klein national civilian security force America Hollywood Adolf Hitler Nazi Germany United States USA AntiChrist 666 Holocaust Catastrophe Banks Collapse Mortgage Economy Iraq Terrorism Muslim Love Fest Utopia NeoCon Neo Con Neo-Con Fascist Illuminati Alex Jones InfoWars Birth Certificate Dr Polarik Inauguration Oval Office Green Brigades Gerard Celente Energy Power NWO New World Order Corridor Actor Walker Texas Ranger Action Film TV Movie Dallas America Patriotism Patriot USA America Responsibility Morality Founding Fathers Greed Power Corruption Youth Culture Wars Crises Mortgage Foreclosure Wall Street Democracy Washington Ron Paul Depression Recession Borders Border Patrol Citizenship Barack Obama Barackula Baracula Politicians Politics Policies Legislator Congress Senate Ethics Socialist Socialism AntiChrist Dissidents Sarah Palin 2012 Jerome Corsi Gerald Celente Coulter Riots Protest Protestors Brainwashing Green Environmentalist Informant ReEducate Children Tattle Snitch Spy Spies HR 1388 Atlah Worldwide James Manning Militant Guns Ammunition Checkpoints Mark of the Beast G20 Summit Russia Russians USSR Soviet Union Gorbachev Nobel Peace Prize Winner Rush Limbaugh Bob Dutko CAIR ACORN Tea Party Express Faith and Freedom Coalition Ralph Reed Tony Perkins Jay Sekulow Mark Levin Michael Savage Michael Savage Phil Valentine Bailout AIG GMC Chrysler Ford Automotive Industry Healthcare Reform Czars Thugs Chicago Politics Criminals Usurper Civil War Revolution President Thomas Jefferson Andrew Jackson Patrick Henry Iron Curtain Gitmo Guantanamo Bay Mahmoud Abbas Al Arabiya Executive Order Queen Elizabeth England King Abdula Saudi Arabia Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri Sharia Law King Abdullah Saudi Arabia KGB Military Coup Copenhagen Global Warming Ice Caps Glacier Age Environment Environmental Earth Co2 Carbon Monoxide EPA Climate Change Science Arctic AntarcticaTemperature Seas Endangered Animals Geophysicist Greenpeace Greenhouse Nuclear Energy Activist SmartCar TheSkepticAntidote BlazingSky2006 VenonFangX Emissions Car Smog Pollution ChemTrail Nobel Peace Prize Al Gore Dioxide Catastrophe Researchers Truth Fiction Campaign Katrina Rita Hurricane Gulf Coast Myanmar Cyclone Media Press Hysteria Polar Bears Ethanol Fuel Survellance Cameras Big Brother Snoops Snooping Police State Shawn Sean Hannity Assets Relief Program TARP Socialized Healthcare Bailout Tax Taxpayer Special Interest Spending Programs H.R.1 HR1 ACORN Economy Illegal Aliens Amnesty Money Pelosi Pork Barrel Earmarks Stimulus Package Socialism Socialist Depression Recession Inflation National Security Force Fairness Doctrine Long-Legged Mack-daddy Muslim Freak Barack Hussein Obama Biden Car Bumper Sticker Decal Joker Political Joke Prank Humor Funny Acronym Only Bonehead and Morons Approve Socialism White House Nazi America USA Black President MLK JFK Vote Elections Bailouts Trillion Dollar Deficit Birth Certificate Constitution Eligibility Kenya Place One Big Mistake Evil Porch Monkey Columbia University Treason Trial James Manning Stanley Ann Dunham Healthcare Immigration Fannie Mae Freddie Mac Thugs Crime Messiah Hope Change Democrat Republican Libertarian Liberal
The British Shooting Show 2014
Welcome to another edition of Realtree Global Hunting, right here on Team Wild TV. This week Keith Anderson and Steve Wild are at the Great British Shooting Show at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire.
The British Shooting Show is now firmly established as the UK's premier public showcase and launch pad for major International gun manufacturers, gun retailers and shooting accessory suppliers.
Keith and Steve take a look round the show and check out some of the very latest and greatest gadgets available to the UK hunting and shooting market. Featured at the show alongside Team Wild are some very reputable brands such as, Idleback, Air Arms, Highland Outdoors, NiteSite, Blaser, Eat Wild and our very own Kindra Fisher of Team Wild Outfitters.
Also, keep an eye out for Rugby star Tom Croft!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more fantastic Team Wild TV
Be sure to check us out on our other sites!
Fox hunters' violence towards hunt saboteurs
Jonathan Broise, a violent English fox hunter. During his eight day Crown Court trial for punching and head butting a woman sab, the jury gasped on the first day when they saw it, but Judge Anthony Thorpe worked on them. For example, Broise defence was that he was blinded by a spray and did not punch, although he admitted a fist is seen. He claimed that was an old judo move where he started with a clenched fist, but opened to the palm of his hand to give more power to his push. The injuries the defence suggested could be caused by brambles! On the eighth day, the jury asked to see the video again. Oh one more time said Thorpe, exasperated. Well the jury saw it one more time - but in slow motion. So their final view rather confirmed a forceful push. A picture of a horse with some hair missing was shown to the jury. No provenance to the image. It was suggested that his horse had been sprayed at some time before - the claim was that hunt sabs use sprays that could remove horse hair. This would justify his actions on self defence. The judge said, they say that anything could have caused that, but you can see it had been sprayed. So, British justice for you!
12 Most SHOCKING Real Animal Hybrids!
Most bizarre hybrid animals that really exist! From the legendary liger to the awkward camel-llama combo here are some of the most insane real animal hybrids that exist in the world today!
#12. “Liger”-The Liger is probably the most famous of all animal hybrids, due to their magnificent appearance and incredible physical traits. When you cross a male lion and a female tiger the result is the powerful liger, a cross between a female lion and male tiger it is called a tigon. When a lion and tiger breed together it causes gigantism in their young, so ligers end up being much larger than the biggest of lions. They can grow upwards of 900 pounds and have a length of 11 feet long, which makes them the largest cats in the world. These creatures can also jump higher and run faster than their parents with a top speed of around 60 miles per hour. Ligers aren’t found naturally in wild as lions and tigers don’t dwell in the same regions of the world, but they have existed since at least the 1700s, by being bred in captivity. Though most of the time they are created via artificial insemination, tigers and lions have on occasion mated with each other when kept in the same enclosure. Currently there are about 100 ligers in the world, with the vast majority living in the United States.
#11. “Iron Age Pig”-An Iron Age Pig is born when a domesticated Tamworth pig and a wild boar are bred together. They were originally created in the 1980s by English farmers and the resulting mix looks like what swine breeders say a prehistoric pig would have looked like, hence the name “Iron Age”. Iron Age piglets are usually born with stripes that are similar to that of a boar, which fade as they age. They are also known to be more aggressive than normal domestic pigs and exhibit other wild traits such as being adept as escaping their pens. This cute hybrid is mainly bred to sidestep the need for a dangerous animal hunting license, which is required to hunt boar. Boar meat is highly sought after by hunters for the gamey attributes of its pork, which the Iron Age pig also has but since it is bred in captivity, doesn’t need to be hunted.
#10. “Killer Bees”-The vicious Africanized Honey Bees known throughout the world as Killer Bees were actually a result of hybridization gone afoul. In Brazil in the 1950s, a biologist named Warwick Kerr bred European Honey Bees with African Honey Bees to try and establish a species that produced more honey, but what he ended up with was a savage swarm of killer bees. When the bees escaped from captivity they spread throughout the world and formed substantial hybrid populations multiplying at an alarming rate. Killer bees are far more aggressive than normal honey bees, have a faster reaction to attack time, sting people ten times more frequently and are frighteningly tenacious. The bees have been known to follow their victims over a quarter of a mile just to sting them. Because of all these traits combined they have caused thousands of people to be hospitalized (and worse) over the years.
Clearwell Castle, Forest of Dean
Clearwell Castle wedding venue, probably one of the most idyllic wedding venues in the UK. Set in the stunning Forest of Dean near the historic village of Clearwell. Then again, I am probably biased on this as we got married there in 2005 and have now moved to the village. A wedding you will never forget.
Fieldsports Britain - Bare-bottom boar hunting
We're stalking wild boar without trousers! 'But boar don't wear trousers!' you say. No - WE are the ones without trousers. Stalking in your socks gets you up close and personal to Europe's dangerous game, and Sporting Shooter editor Dom Holtam is persuaded to drop his caks to go out with German hoghunter Max Goetfried. That's not all. On the minus side, Crow has a rabbit problem on his farm in the South-East of England. On the plus side, he and Dom have Anschuetz .17HMRs, and they are not afraid to use them on rabbits and foxes. We have News Stump, Calendar, Hunting YouTube, and 'Hallo Charlie!'. It's another packed programme.
Here are the links for Hunting YouTube:
Ralf Bonnekessen
Hunters Video
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We’re proud to promote enjoyment of fieldsports and the countryside. There are three guiding principles to everything we do on Fieldsports Channel:
▶ Hunt, shoot and fish responsibly
▶ Respect the quarry
▶ Ensure a humane, clean and quick kill
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Bulldog adopts 6 wild boar piglets in Germany-Kauthukalokam Feb 18,2012 Part 3
Bulldog adopts 6 wild boar piglets in Germany
Fieldsports Britain - White wild boar and university clay championships, episode 122
It's a wild boar special this week on Fieldsports Britain. They are blonde, they are French and they are on the rampage in Sussex. For the first time on British television, you a can follow a British wild boar hunt including the moment shooter Simon Barr pulls the trigger. Meanwhile Roy Lupton and Tim Pilbeam are arguing (and laughing) over which rifle to use for driven pigs. And the Oxford Gun Company is hosting University Challenge with guns - it's the UK university clay shooting championships. It's all in this week's #FieldsportsBritain
Here are the links:
University Clay Competition
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Issy Ferris - 'Captured Alive' - My Treasure
Issy Ferris with a special preview performance of My Treasure at The Wild Boar Acoustic Tuesday - Warwick, UK.
Filmed by Strawhouse Studio for 'Captured Alive'
More about Issy here:
You can link with Big help Management here:
To follow the Big Help Academy development scheme go here:
More about the first straw-bale recording studio in England here:
Peacock at English Heritage Kirby Hall Corby Northamptonshire England UK
Big Cats of England
If planet earth had to film in England
A short mocumentary we made with some local farm cast.
All sound rights go to the BBC
Opening of the 2019 Medieval Knights spectacular Jousting show at Linlithgow Palace in Scotland
Start of the 2019 Spectacular Jousting event in the grounds of
Linlithgow Palace, by Linlithgow Loch. The performance is by Les Amis D'Onno, a specialised team of stunt riders who are based near Jedburgh and have Scotland's only equestrian theatre. This shows the opening ceremony and skills at arms displays in the build up to the main Jousting event.
The Knights are Sir Archibald Douglas of Galloway, Sir William Maxwell of Caerlaverock, Sir Robert Sinclair of Rosslyn and the dastardly Sir Checkmate Fitzpercy of Alnwick.
Sommerset Pig Farms
Investigative footage, November 2005
For more information:
Solihull becomes UK's first wild hedgehog conservation zone
As hedgehog numbers continue to tumble one Midlands town is taking action. Solihull will be monitoring its hog population as the town takes action to try and stop the decline.
24 Hours in Farming: How much do the public know about British farming?
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Bolt action rifle ordered turned in by Australian officals as it' s too 'assaulty' VIDEO
The Australian Border Force are giving owners of Riverman rifles 30 days to turn in their operator assisted firearms as they look too much like banned semi-autos.
The Riverman Gun Works OAF series rifles are made in Idaho and about 100 or so (numbers vary) have been imported into Australia. Now, as reported by News 7 Brisbane, the gun is now outlawed and officials want them turned over to Border Force.
The bungled buyback could cost tax payers down under as much as $1 million Australian (about $790,000 US).
The two-page letter sent to Riverman owners officials state that the reclassification has been made due to the firearm being substantially the same in appearance as a fully automatic firearm, specifically the Stoner CQB Mod 2 rifle.