Shell at Tamarin Mauritius
Beachcombing In Mauritius ! What is That ? Shell Identification Help
This video was hard to make as english is not my mother language ! We visited Mauritius in 2018 and spenta few hours beachcombing !
On this footage you will learn to identify common cowries and cones that you'll probably find on the Indian Ocean beaches ! Enjoy !
Snorkeling in Mauritius : fishes & shells of the lagoon (part3)
This 2018 video was shot in Mauritius. It shows our snorkeling on the lagoons at the West & South coast of the island. We studied the local fishes and molluscs (sea shells).
The first part :
The second part :
Snorkeling at night in Mauritius : many sea shells spoted !
This video was shot in april and may 2018 in two spots : Trou aux Biches Beach and La Preneuse Beach. We went there at night for one hour and a half snorkeling, to make a footage of living sea shells. I hope you'll enjoy it ! You'll see many seashells like cones, olives and terebras !
World of Seashells, à Bel Ombre : à la découverte du plus grand musée du coquillage d’Afrique
Toute l'actualité de l'île Maurice en direct:live news, politique, économie, faits divers, société, dossier, hippisme, vidéos choc, scandale et people.
Copyright (C) 2017 LE DEFI MEDIA GROUP
My shell collection from Mauritius????????????????????????
Hermit crab in Blue Bay beach mauritius
mauritius beach sea life
Mauritius beach - Hermit Crabs messing around
Hermit crabs messing around in the incoming tide, Cap Malheureux, Mauritius
Spotted eel snake attack : Mauritius
This very short footage shows a spotted eel snake attacking it's prey in a hole and it's spinnig (twisting) on itself very fastly like a crocodile on it's prey. The video was shot in Mauritius (2018), at Pointe aux Cannoniers.
The species shall be Myrichthys maculosus (Cuvier, 1816).
Tauchen auf Mauritius / Westküste
Das Tauch Video entstand 2015 auf Mauritius an der Westküste, in der Region Flic en Flac. Wenn Dir das Video gefallen hat würde ich mich über einen Like freuen. Falls Du auch gern dort tauchen möchtest oder Du auch gern mal nach Mauritius fahren möchtest, Dir aber noch das nötige Kleingeld fehlt um in den Urlaub zu fahren habe ich mir die Mühe gemacht und mal ein paar Verdienstmöglichkeiten im Internet zusammen gesucht welche die höchsten Bewertungen von 5 Sternen erhalten haben.
Also los gehts ;o)
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Ich hoffe bei diesen Infos sind einige dabei die Dir helfen ein paar Euro zusätzlich zu verdienen :o) Vielleicht klappt es dann auch bald mit der Reise nach Mauritius.
Small fish tried to bite me in Mauritius
i was snorkeling in mauritius and it looks like this fish actually tried too bite me
La nef de Robert Edward Hart
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Subfossil remains show the Dodo was about 1 metre (3.3 feet) tall and may have
weighed 10--18 kg (22--40 lb) in the wild. The Dodo's appearance in life is
evidenced only by drawings, paintings and written accounts from the 17th century.
Because these vary considerably, and because only some illustrations are known
to have been drawn from live specimens, its exact appearance in life remains
unresolved. Similarly, little is known with certainty about its habitat and
behaviour. It has been depicted with brownish-grey plumage, yellow feet, a
tuft of tail feathers, a grey, naked head, and a black, yellow, and green beak.
It used gizzard stones to help digest its food, which is thought to have
included fruits, and its main habitat is believed to have been the woods in the
drier coastal areas of Mauritius. One account states its clutch consisted of a
single egg. It is presumed that the Dodo became flightless because of the ready
availability of abundant food sources and a relative absence of predators on
My friend, the nurse shark
Getting friendly with a pair of nurse sharks as they entertain us for a while. My boyfriend, Mike was filming (his 9th total ever dive) and I'm the one in the full body wetsuit (naturally) with the seashell necklace. At the end of the video the sharks are starting to lose interest but one bee lines back for me as I'm starting to drift again with the current. Coming at just the right angle the nurse shark glides up next to me and allows me the slide my hand along its back and hold onto its dorsal fin for a quick ride. Not wanting to tire the shark I let go after just a few quick strokes but it felt glorious to glide with the power of such a beautiful animal. Now if I can just ride the back of a hammerhead I can scratch shark riding off the bucket list! Cozumel, Mexico
seychelles surfing- night waves.mp4
115 islands in the midst of the indian ocean- of course theres surf if you look hard enough..........................................