Henry Hamilton's Fantastic Pitstop
The Terrible Incident of 2010 left earth a barren, sad planet. None of the surivors were left without mutation, and most had mutated to no longer have arms, legs, or torsos.
Mankind would, of course, eventually adapt, and evolve into a naturally greener, more caring species - the Tartlefleck, but this process would take
many thousands of years.
In the meantime, most sports floundered and eventually died out in this new, nearly limbless world, but motor racing survived, and united the global population. Those who succeeded would be hailed
as heroes the world over, and those who failed would be eaten by the hungry masses. Of those who succeeded, there was one man who outshone them all - the barely mutated Lord Henry Hamilton.
In this short animation, we see Hamilton making his crucially timed pit stop, which was the deciding factor in his narrow victory in the 2059 Global Grand Prix.
The production of this piece was done by Chris Bull, Richard Jones, and Tim Ash, with Alison Farmer chipping in with some texture work.
All concept art was by Phil Chin, and the sound effects were done by Peter Nixon. The animation was rendered at Render Nation.
The Anime City
The Link to Anime City:
Blanchard Corp is sponsering a new city. Many will come and go. Situations will arise and new friends will be made. With the rich heir to the Blanchard corp actually the one sponsering the city he hopes it will be what he hopes for. But of course there's always those few people who want to make hell for everyone else. Will the city get many citizens or will it turn into a ghost town?
Song: Crawl - Veltpunch
Videos: Confidential, this time
Type: Promotional/ Comedy/ Action/ Drama
Medium: Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0