Pomnik Poległych Stoczniowców1970, Stocznia Gdańska, Visiting Gdansk Poland. 4K
#justbeautifulPoland Monument to the Fallen Shipyard Workers of 1970.
Pomnik Poległych Stoczniowców 1970 designates the monument to the fallen shipyard workers of 1970 in the city of Gdańsk in Poland. Colloquially, it is also called Three Crosses monument. The monument was unveiled on December 16, 1980, near Gate 2 of Gdańsk Shipyard
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【K】Poland Travel-Gdansk[폴란드 여행-그단스크]2차대전 시작 베스테르플라테/Westerplatte/Fortress/Second World War
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
다시 그단스크 항에 섰다. 바다로 가는 배편을 타기 위해서다. 배는 어느덧 유유히 항구를 떠난다. 매서운 북쪽바다의 바람을 따라 옛 성을 지나면 그단스크 조선소를 만난다. 지난날 레흐바웬사 등이 자유노조운동을 주도하며 폴란드의 변화를 이끌었던 곳이다. 드디어 배가 목적지에 도착했다. 내가 향한 곳은 베스테르플라테. 2차대전이 시작된 곳이다. 1939년 9월1일 독일군이 이곳을 포격했고 해안가엔 여전히 그날의 흔적들이 남아있다. 그리고 전쟁의 비극이 시작된 그곳에 사람들은 새로운 탑을 세웠다. 더 이상 전쟁은 안된다는 평화기원탑이다. “이곳이 2차대전 독일군의 첫 포격이 시작된 곳으로 여기 오면 전쟁에 대해 생각해보게 돼요” “무엇보다 희생자를 추모하고 평화를 기원하게 돼요”
[English: Google Translator]
He stood at the port of Gdansk again. To ride the ship to the sea. The ship leaves the harbor for a while. Following the breezy winds of the North Sea, we cross the old castle and meet the shipyard of Gdansk. Lech Walesa led the free trade union movement in the past and led the change in Poland. Finally the ship arrived at its destination. The place I went to was Vester Platte. It is where the Second World War began. On September 1, 1939, the German army bombarded the area and remains on the coast. And where the tragedy of war began, people built a new tower. It is a tower of peace origin that war is no longer possible. If this is where the first bombardment of the Second World War German Army began, you will think about the war. Most of all, I want to remember the victims and pray for peace.
[Poland: Google Translator]
Ponownie stał w porcie w Gdańsku. Aby przejechać statkiem do morza. Statek opuszcza port na chwilę. Po wietrznych wiatrach Morza Północnego przechodzimy przez stary zamek i spotykamy stocznię w Gdańsku. Lech Wałęsa kierował wolnymi ruchami związkowymi w przeszłości i przewodził zmianie w Polsce. W końcu statek dotarł do celu. Miejsce, do którego chodziłem, to Vester Platte. To tam rozpoczęła się II wojna światowa. 1 września 1939 r. Armia niemiecka zbombardowała teren i pozostała na wybrzeżu. I tam, gdzie rozpoczęła się tragedia wojny, ludzie zbudowali nową wieżę. Jest to wieża pokoju, że wojna nie jest już możliwa. Jeśli to jest miejsce, w którym rozpoczęło się pierwsze bombardowanie drugiej wojny światowej armii niemieckiej, pomyślisz o wojnie. Przede wszystkim chcę pamiętać ofiary i modlić się o pokój.
■클립명: 유럽119-폴란드04-19 2차 대전이 시작된 베스테르플라테
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 신주호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 12월December
강,river,stream, ferry, boat, cruise, water,
강, 개천, 흐르는 물, 운하터미널,terminal,역사/자연지역,historic site,탑,tower,배,탈것,,ferry, cruise,유럽Europe폴란드PolandPolska Republic of Poland신주호201812월포모르스키에주Pomeranian VoivodeshipWojewództwo pomorskie포모제주 pomorskieDecember걸어서 세계속으로
【K】Poland Travel-Gdansk[폴란드 여행-그단스크]독립 100주년 행사/100th anniversary of independence/Centenary
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
그리고 다음날, 그단스크 거리가 북적인다. 바로 오늘, 독립100주년을 축하하기 위해 사람들이 거리로 나왔다. 폴란드를 상징하는 흰 독수리에 폴란드 역사 속 최강의 기병대까지 큰 행사가 벌어질 모양이다. “오늘 저희는 폴란드 독립을 기념하는 행진에 참여하러 왔어요” “오늘은 폴란드 사람에게 매우 중요한 날이에요. 23년 동안 강대국들의 분할 통치 속에 있다가 다시 자유를 찾게 된 지 100년이 되었으니까요” 흥겨운 악단을 필두로 국기를 든 사람들이 지나고 옛 병사들의 행진이 시작된다. 역사교과서의 페이지를 넘기듯 화려하고 멋진 풍경들이 계속된다. 백년을 이어온 사람들의 행진은 끝없이 끝없이 이어지고 있었다.
[English: Google Translator]
And next day, Gdansk street is crowded. Today, people came to the streets to celebrate the 100th anniversary of independence. The white vulture, which symbolizes Poland, is going to be a big event for the strongest cavalry in Polish history. Today we came to take part in a march to commemorate the independence of Poland. Today is a very important day for the Polish people. It's been 100 years since I've been in power for 23 years and once again found freedom. The people with the flags, with the band playing in front of them, begin to march past the soldiers. Stunning and beautiful landscapes continue to pass pages of history textbooks. The march of those who had been for one hundred years was endlessly endless.
[Poland: Google Translator]
A następnego dnia ulica w Gdańsku jest zatłoczona. Dzisiaj ludzie wyszli na ulice, aby świętować 100. rocznicę niepodległości. Biały sęp, który symbolizuje Polskę, będzie wielkim wydarzeniem dla najsilniejszej kawalerii w historii Polski. Dziś przyjechaliśmy wziąć udział w marszu upamiętniającym niepodległość Polski. Dziś jest bardzo ważny dzień dla Polaków. Minęło 100 lat, odkąd jestem u władzy od 23 lat i znów znalazłem wolność. Ludzie z flagami, z zespołem grającym przed nimi, zaczynają przechodzić obok starych żołnierzy. Oszałamiające i piękne krajobrazy nadal mijają podręczniki historii. Marsz tych, którzy byli przez sto lat, był bez końca nieograniczony.
■클립명: 유럽119-폴란드04-21 폴란드 독립 100주년 행사
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 신주호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 12월December
공원/광장,park, square,공연,축제,,performance,축제,축제,,festival,유럽Europe폴란드PolandPolska Republic of Poland신주호201812월포모르스키에주Pomeranian VoivodeshipWojewództwo pomorskie포모제주 pomorskieDecember걸어서 세계속으로
Warsaw Poland 2016
Trip to the beautiful city of Warsaw in Poland... Questions?
0:07 Trip Begins
0:12 Warsaw Central Station
0:26 Palace of Culture and Science Warsaw
1:05 Nowy Swiat Street Warsaw
1:26 Nicolaus Copernicus Monument Warsaw
1:51 Holy Cross Church Warsaw
2:20 Copernicus Science Centre Warsaw
3:37 Library of the University of Warsaw
3:45 Galeria Karowa Warsaw
4:02 Presidential Palace Warsaw
4:11 Pokarmelicki Warsaw
4:28 Adam Mickiewicz Monument Warsaw
4:35 National Stadium Warsaw
4:47 Bazylika Archikatedralna Warsaw
5:04 Amber Stone Products Warsaw
5:20 Old town market place Warsaw
5:46 The Warsaw Barbican
6:14 Castle Square Warsaw
6:27 Taras Widokowy Terrace Warsaw
Silipin natin ang isa sa pinakamatandang Simbahan sa Poland
Buhay Europa
The high altar was designed by Pompeo Ferrari. It features a painting showing bishop Stanislaus bringing back to life Piotrowin, painted in 1756 by Szymon Czechowicz. It is flanked by two huge sculptures - on the right that of St Stanislaus Kostka, on the left that of St Stanislaus the Bishop. The two large altars closing the transverse nave were modelled on the St Anthony Gonzaga altar designed by Andrea Pozzo from the Roman church of St Ignatius.
In the lower, side naves with cross vaulting there are 10 smaller altars. On one of them there is a Gothic statue of Lashed Jesus dating from around 1430, which was transferred here from the former collegiate church of St Mary Magdalene. The organ was made in 1876 by the famous Friedrich Ladegast of Weissenfelds. The largest of the 2579 pipes are 6 metres long. The church often holds organ music concerts.
A plaque from 1996 is devoted to the memory of Father Jakub Wujek (1541-97) - founder and the first rector of the Jesuit College in Poznań, author of the first translation of the Bible into the Polish language. In the chapel situated at the end of the west nave there is a replica (from 1952) of an icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, crowned with Papal crowns in 1961. It was the first coronation of a Virgin Mary image in Poland after WWII. Between the two world wars the extensive cellars under the church were used for storing barrels with wine, among other things.
EP10 Poland the destination for your breaks | เที่ยวโปแลนด์ ตอนที่ 10
Poland the destination for your breaks : EP10
Polska miejsce na twoje przerwy
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Gdańsk City in Poland, Gdansk is a port city on the Baltic coast of Poland. At the center of its Main Town, reconstructed after WWII, are the colorful facades of Long Market, now home to shops and restaurants. Nearby is Neptune Fountain, a 17th-century symbol of the city topped by a bronze statue of the sea god. Gdańsk is also a center for the world’s amber trade; boutiques throughout the city sell the ossified resin.
Best Things to do in Gdansk |
1.Walk the length of Dlugi Targ
Dlugi Targ, also known as the Long Market or Royal Way, is the main thoroughfare through Gdansk. The entire street is only 500 meters long, so you can walk it in just 10 minutes, but for the best experience, there are some things to stop and see along the way.
2.The Golden Gate sits at the western end of the street. As you look down Dlugi Targ, you can see cafes and shops lining the street and the iconic Town Hall tower. During the day, this can be a crowded place. But at night or during the early morning hours, it is quiet and peaceful.
3.The Main Town Hall (Ratusz Glownego Miasta)
The Main Town Hall is located on Dlugi Targ, next to the Neptune fountain. Just look for the green, Gothic clock tower and you are in the right place.For the best view over Gdansk, climb to the top of the tower. From here, you can look down at the entire stretch of Dlugi Targ, across the Motlawa River, and on a clear day, out to the Baltic Sea.Also in the Town Hall is the Gdansk History Museum, worthwhile for history lovers.
4.The Waterfront and Motlawa River
This is just as nice (and maybe even better) than Dlugi Targ for a nice stroll. For the best views (and just a little more walking), I recommend walking down both sides of the Motlawa River.
From the Green Gate, cross the Green Bridge and walk north along the river. On this side of the river, lots of construction is going on. Huge, concrete skeletons of futures buildings are being erected. Ignore those and look across the river to the beautiful waterfront.
One building that stands out is the crane (Zuraw). This crane was used hundreds of years ago to load cargo into ships. The hulking mass is a symbol of Gdansk’s days as an important trading city.
5.Mariacka Street is one of the coolest streets in Gdansk. This street retains some of Gdansk’s old architecture, with oversized porches spilling out onto the street. Look for the gargoyle heads, called “pukers,” that spray out water during rainstorms.
6.Neptune's Fountain - is a historic fountain in Gdańsk,
7.The Long Lane in Gdańsk, Poland, is one of the most notable tourist attractions of the city. It leads from Golden Gate to Long Market and Green Gate.
8.The Green Gate in Gdańsk, Poland, is one of the city's most notable tourist attractions. It is situated between Long Market and the River Motława.
9.Old Town in Gdańsk refers to the part of the city north of the modern city center. Notable structures include: Gdańsk Granaries Gdańsk Mills Gdańsk Town Hall Monument of King Sobieski Polish Post Preachers' House several old buildings and churches
10.AmberSky apžvalgos ratas
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【K】Poland Travel-Krakow[폴란드 여행-크라쿠프]얀마테이코박물관/Jan Matejko/Jagiellonski/Copernicus/Giovanni Paolo II
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
폴란드 역사 화가얀 마테이코의 생가이자 박물관이다. 그의 작품은 인물 묘사가 매우 현실적이고, 그림 속 인물들이 힘이 넘친다. 최고의 역사화가로 인정받는 이유다. 중앙 광장, 성 마리아 성당의 천장은 화려하고 정교하기로 유명하다. 이 디자인의 일부도 얀 마테이코가 설계, 제작한 것이다. 그래서 얀 마테이코의 박물관은 학생들에게 인기가 높다. 폴란드 최초의 대학이 크라쿠프에 있다. 야기엘론스키 대학이다. 이 대학에서 지동설을 주장한 코페르니쿠스와 교황 요한바오로 2세도 공부했다.대학 내 박물관에는 코페르니쿠스 관련 유물들이 보관, 전시되고 있다. 내가 간 날은 비가 많이 왔는데도 학생들의 견학이 끊이지 않았다.
[English: Google Translator]
Poland is the birthplace and museum of the history painter Jan Ico mate . His work is very realistic portraiture , figure people are in a power guy . The reason recognized as the best historical painter . The central square , the ceiling of St. Mary 's Cathedral is famous for colorful and elaborate. Some of these designs also mate Jan Ico design , and produced . So the Museum of Jan mate Ico is a popular students. Poland is the first university in Krakow . Elon University caused a ski . This was Copernicus and Pope John Paul II claimed jidongseol Sedo studying at the University . The University of Copernicus related artifacts kept in museums , it is exhibited. The liver is the day I did a lot of rain ending this tour watneundedo students .
[Polish: Google Translator]
Polska jest kolebką i Muzeum Historii malarz Jan Ico mate. Jego praca jest bardzo realistyczne portrety , ludzie są w postać faceta zasilania. Powodem uznana za najlepszą malarza historycznego. Centralny plac , pułap Katedra św słynie kolorowe i skomplikowane. Niektóre z tych projektów także kolega Jan Ico projektowania i produkcji. Więc Muzeum Jana kolega Ico jest popularnym studenci . Polska jest pierwszą uczelnią w Krakowie . Elon University spowodował narty . To był Kopernik i Jan Paweł II twierdził jidongseol Sedo studiuje na uniwersytecie . Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika powiązane artefakty przechowywane w muzeach , to jest eksponowana . Wątroba jest dzień, zrobiłem dużo deszczu kończący studentów tej trasie watneundedo .
■클립명: 유럽119-폴란드03-12 얀 마테이코 박물관/Krakow/Jan Matejko House/Jagiellonski University/Nicolaus Copernicus/Papa Giovanni Paolo II
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이남기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 6월 June
유럽,Europe,,폴란드,Poland,Polska ,Republic of Poland,이남기,2015,6월 June,크라쿠프,,Krakow
【K】Poland Travel-Krakow[폴란드 여행-크라쿠프]오스카 쉰들러 공장/Oskar Schindler's Enamel Factory/List/Filming Site
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
크라쿠프를 유유히 흐르는 강의 동쪽 유대인들의 구역이다. 2차 대전 전까지 많은 유대인들이 살았지만 이젠 그 흔적만이 남았다. 그리고 특별한 건물 하나, 바로 오스카 쉰들러의 공장이다. 학살위기에 처한 수많은 유대인들이 그의 용기로 새 생명을 얻었다. 그가 유대인들과 함께 갔을 거리, 그곳에서 그의 이야기는 다시 영화로 되살아났다. 그리고 그는 영원히 사람들의 가슴속에 남았다.
[English: Google Translator]
It is the area of the Jewish people east of the river flowing through Kraków. Many Jews lived until World War II, but now there are only traces left. And one special building, the factory of Oscar Schindler. Numerous Jews who were in the midst of the massacre took new life with his courage. When he went with the Jews, his story revived back to the film. And he remained in people's hearts forever.
[Poland: Google Translator]
To obszar ludu żydowskiego na wschód od rzeki przepływa przez Kraków. Wielu Żydów żyło do II wojny światowej, ale teraz pozostały tylko ślady. I jeden specjalny budynek, fabryka Oskara Schindlera. Liczni Żydzi, którzy znaleźli się w środku masakry, odważnie wzięli nowe życie. Kiedy poszedł z Żydami, jego historia wróciła do filmu. I pozostał w ludzkich sercach na zawsze.
■클립명: 유럽119-폴란드04-06 오스카 쉰들러 공장
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 신주호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 12월December
공장/작업장,factory,촬영지,filming site,사람,man,유럽Europe폴란드PolandPolska Republic of Poland신주호201812월마우폴스키에MalopolskieWojewództwo małopolskieLesser PolandDecember걸어서 세계속으로
【K】Poland Travel-Warsaw[폴란드 여행-바르샤바]폐허를 복원한 바르샤바/Restore city/Royal Castle/Uprising Monument
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
폴란드의 중심이 바르샤뱌라면 바르샤바의 중심은 잠코비다. 16세기 지그문트 3세가 이곳으로 왕궁을 옮긴이래 광장은 폴란드 사람들과 흥망을 함께 해왔다. 사람들이 맞이한 독립 100년은 그래서 또한 이곳 광장의 자유100년이다. 바르샤바에선 누구나 자유다. 아이들이 신나게 뛰노는 거리, 멋스럽고 고풍스러운 풍경들, 하지만 이 모든 건 사실, 현대에 와서 지은 것들이다. “독일군은 바르샤바를 네 구역으로 나누어 도시 전체를 완전히 폐허로 만들었어요. 1944년 8월 1일 독일군에 대항해 바르샤바 사람들이 무려 63일간 싸우고 수만 명이 죽어간 ‘바르샤바 봉기’에 대한 보복이었어요” 2차대전 말 폴란드 사람들은 스스로의 힘으로 독일군을 몰아내고자 봉기를 일으켰다. 하지만 그 결과는 참담했다. 봉기는 실패했고 도시는 완전히 잿더미가 됐다. 하지만 사람들은 도시를 포기하지 않았다. 폐허 속에서 남은 주춧돌을 모으고 옛 그림들까지 동원해 바르샤바를 벽돌 한 장까지 완벽히 되살렸다. 바르샤바는 유럽의 여느 도시들처럼 과거의 유물이 아니라 오늘날 사람들이 일궈낸 저항과 부활의 도시다.
[English: Google Translator]
If the center of Poland is Warsaw, Warsaw's center is Zakovy. Since the 16th century, Sigmund III moved the palace to this place, the square has been in a hurry with the Polish people. The centennial of independence that people have welcomed is also 100 years of freedom here in the plaza. Everyone is free in Warsaw. The streets where children are excited, the scenic and antique scenery, but all of this is, in fact, something that has come to Hyundai. The Germans divided Warsaw into four zones and completely ruined the entire city. On August 1, 1944, the Warsaw war against the German army was a retaliation against the Warsaw Uprising, which fought for 63 days and killed tens of thousands. At the end of World War II, the Polish people uprised in their own efforts to drive the Germans. But the results were terrible. The insurrection failed and the city became completely ashes. But people did not give up the city. He collected the remaining stones in the ruins and used old paintings to completely revive Warsaw to a brick. Warsaw is not a relic of the past, as is the case in Europe, but a city of resistance and resurrection that people have made today.
[Poland: Google Translator]
Jeśli centrum Polski jest Warszawa, centrum Warszawy jest Zakovy. Od XVI w. Zygmunt III przeniósł pałac w to miejsce, plac spieszy się z Polakami. Stulecie niepodległości, które ludzie przyjęli z zadowoleniem, to także 100 lat wolności tutaj na placu. Wszyscy są wolni w Warszawie. Ulice, na których dzieci są podekscytowane, malownicza i zabytkowa sceneria, ale wszystko to jest w rzeczywistości czymś, co przydarzyło się Hyundai. Niemcy podzielili Warszawę na cztery strefy i całkowicie zrujnowali całe miasto. 8 rok 1944 był odwet za Powstanie Warszawskie, Warszawa solidny 63 dni dziesiątki tysięcy ludzi, którzy zginęli walcząc z Niemcami jeden dzień, „koniec ludzi II wojny światowej polskich spowodowała naegoja powstanie wyparli Niemców w sile własnych. Ale wyniki były okropne. Powstanie zawiodły i miasto było całkowicie prochy. Ale ludzie nie oddali miasta. Zebrać resztę fundamentów w ruinach wywołany pełni zmobilizowana do starego obrazu do kawałka cegły Warszawie. Warszawa nie jest już do przeszłości, podobnie jak wszelkie inne europejskie miasto jest miastem ludzi dzisiaj ilgwonaen oporu i zmartwychwstania.
■클립명: 유럽119-폴란드04-23 폐허된 도시를 복원한 폴란드 사람들
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 신주호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 12월December
공원/광장,park, square,성/궁전,palace,동상,statue,길,street,사람,man,건물,architecture,유럽Europe폴란드PolandPolska Republic of Poland신주호201812월마조프셰MazowszeWojewództwo mazowieckieMasovianDecember걸어서 세계속으로
Metal Detecting War III - Battle For Treasure - [ Monument Detector ]
Hello, my name is Olaf and this is the war for treasures / real battle for monuments with metal detector.
New? SUBSCRIBE and help me reach 1,000,000
subscribers before the end of this year !!
Treasure hunting is my Sport, Hobby & Passion.
1. Secret tunnel & chamber found while metal detecting pt.2 - archeological dig in old city
2. metal detecting HIDDEN BARREL & DEPOSIT of gold found while treasure hunting
3. Treasure of Paintings:
4. Underground chamber revealed & treasure box - metal detecting, tunnel exploration
5. I found a sword and a knight's ax - a real treasure / metal detecting hunt
6. Secret tunnel & chamber found while metal detecting on archeological dig in old city
7. Interesting-RITE-from-the-Middle-Ages--metal-detecting-archeology-treasure-hunting
8. Urban treasure -hundreds of artifacts in burried city -metal detecting - treasure hunting sport
9. Underwater medieval find - metal detecting & treasure hunting in REAL
10. I found gold, a cross, other treasures and old bottles - a metal detector hunt
11. military weapon & equipment WW II deposit found while metal detecting in buried city of treasure
12. Iron Hunting:
13. 5 m. underground:
14. Found candlestick on rubbish field:
Greetings and invite you to
Zasypane POMPEJE w Gdańsku-wykopki-archeologia-Gdansk-karabin-bron
POMPEJE - miasto symbol w światowej archeologii,
przedstawiam Państwu jak wygląda zasypane miasto Gdańsk i skarby w nim spoczywające, aż po dziś dzień.
military weapon & equipment WW II found while metal detecting, treasure hunting in buried city of Gdańsk - archeology / wykopki / metal detectorPOMPEJE - miasto symbol w światowej archeologii,
przedstawiam Państwu jak wygląda zasypane miasto Gdańsk i skarby w nim spoczywające, aż po dziś dzień.
z serii archeologia i zakazane wykopki
【K】Poland Travel-Warsaw[폴란드 여행-바르샤바]쇼팽이 잠든 성 십자가 교회/Holy Cross Church/Chopin/Heart/Tomb
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
구도심의 한 평범해 보이는 이 교회엔 특별한 점이 하나 있다. 비밀은 바로 교회의 한쪽 벽. 여기 쇼팽의 심장이 묻혀있다. 쇼팽은 그의 유언대로 영원히 폴란드 사람들 곁으로 돌아왔다.
[English: Google Translator]
There is one particular thing in this old-fashioned church in the old town. The secret is the one wall of the church. Here is the heart of Chopin. Chopin has returned to Poland forever as his will.
[Poland: Google Translator]
Jest jedna szczególna rzecz w tym staromodnym kościele na starym mieście. Sekretem jest jedna ściana kościoła. Oto serce Chopina. Chopin powrócił do Polski na zawsze jako jego wola.
■클립명: 유럽119-폴란드04-25 쇼팽의 심장이 잠든 성 십자가 교회
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 신주호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 12월December
종교시설,church,추모관련,tomb, cemetery,사람,man,유럽Europe폴란드PolandPolska Republic of Poland신주호201812월마조프셰MazowszeWojewództwo mazowieckieMasovianDecember걸어서 세계속으로
Poland in 4K UHD - Hel Peninsula, traces of history.
We are in Hel Peninsula. It is a 35-km-long sand bar peninsula in northern Poland separating the Bay of Puck from the open Baltic Sea. Transport on peninsula is realized by only one route – coincidentally its number is 666. Because the name of this place sounds similar to English word hell this coincidence is a reason for numerous jokes. The Hel (German: Hela) Peninsula was part of Prussia and then Germany from 1772 until 1919. After the peninsula became part of the Second Polish Republic after World War I, it acquired considerable military significance. It was turned into a fortified region, with a garrison of about 3,000 soldiers. In the course of the Battle of Hel in 1939, Polish forces dynamited the peninsula at one point, turning it into an island. During the years of German occupation (1939–1945), Hel's defenses were further expanded, and a battery of three 40.6 cm SK C/34 gun was constructed, though the guns were soon moved to the Atlantic Wall in occupied France. The peninsula remained in German hands until the end of World War II, when the defending forces surrendered on May 14, 1945, six days after Germany had capitulated. After the war, when Hel again became part of Poland. It continued to have military significance, with much of its area reserved for military use. Additional gun batteries were built during the 1940s and 1950s. Today many of the fortifications and batteries are open to tourists, though some areas of the peninsula still belong to the Polish Armed Forces.
Music: YouTube Audio Library.
POLAND & AUSTRIA: Holocaust Memorial Tour
#4 Beautiful Gdynia (EN)
Gdynia. Another section of the Polish Arena, completed in the beautiful port city Gdynia. One of the largest cities in the northern part of the Polish. Gdynia Gdansk and Sopot next part of the Tri-City.
The official episode:
1) Fountain Kosciuszko Square
2) cross on Stone Mountain
3) Bench Anthony Suchanek
4) Monument to the Defenders of Gdynia 1939
5) Museum of the City of Gdynia
6) Graffiti 345 meters, ul. Podgórska
7) fishing harbor, Gdynia Orłowo
8) bench Kashubian, Children Kaszubski
9) Gdynia Aquarium
10) tower in Kolibki
11) Pier Orłowo
12) Church of Our Lady Queen of Polish
13) Monument Sailing, al. Pope John Paul II
14) View of the Sea Towers, Port of Gdynia
15) Harbour Yacht Marina Gdynia
16) Rally Trabants, al. Pope John Paul II
17) Onyx Passenger Vessel, Port of Gdynia
18) Regida Passenger Vessel, Port of Gdynia
19) View of the sea, Port of Gdynia
20) Ship Gift of Pomerania, Port of Gdynia
21) Rubin ship, Port of Gdynia
22) beach in the city center
23) Seaside Boulevard them. Feliks
Run through Warsaw
This is my run through Warsaw. I started from Constitution Square (Plac Konstytucji) , then I run through Royal Baths ( Łazienki Królewskie), Three Crosses Square ( Plac Trzech Krzyży), Nowy Świat, Krakowskie Przedmieście, Old Town, Bank Square ( Plac Bankowy), City Center.
Total run took me 1 hour 12 minutes. It was 12,26 km. So as you can see running can be fit be entertaining as well.
St. John's Archcathedral, Warsaw, Masovian, Poland, Europe
St. John's Archcathedral in Warsaw is a Catholic church in Warsaw's Old Town. St. John's stands immediately adjacent to Warsaw's Jesuit church, and is one of the oldest churches in the city and the main church of the Warsaw archdiocese. It is one of three cathedrals in Warsaw, but the only one which is also an archcathedral. St. John's Archcathedral is one of Poland's national pantheons. Along with the city, the church has been listed by UNESCO as of cultural significance. Originally built in the 14th century in Masovian Gothic style, the Cathedral served as a coronation and burial site for numerous Dukes of Masovia. The Archcathedral was connected with the Royal Castle (Zamek Królewski w Warszawie) by an elevated 80-meter-long corridor that had been built by Queen Anna Jagiellonka in the late 16th century and extended in the 1620s after Michał Piekarski's failed 1620 attempt to assassinate King of Poland Sigismund III in front of the Cathedral. After the resolution of the Constitution of May 3, 1791, at the end of the session at the Royal Castle, King Stanisław August Poniatowski went to the Cathedral of St. John to repeat the Oath of the Constitution in front of the Altar, in the face of God. Also the Marshals of the Great Sejm were carried to the Archathedral on the shoulders of the enthusiastic deputies of the Sejm. The church was rebuilt several times, most notably in the 19th century, it was preserved until World War II as an example of English Gothic Revival. In 1944, during the Warsaw Uprising the Cathedral was a place of struggle between insurgents and advancing German army. The Germans managed to induct a tank loaded with explosives into the Cathedral, a huge explosion destroyed large part of the building. After the collapse of the Uprising German Vernichtungskommando (Destruction Detachment) drilled holes into the walls for explosives and blow up the Cathedral destroying 90% of its walls. Leveled during the Warsaw Uprising (August--October 1944), it was rebuilt after the war. The exterior reconstruction is based on the 14th-century church's presumed appearance (according to an early-17th-century Hogenberg illustration and a 1627 Abraham Boot drawing), not on its prewar appearance. The profuse Early Baroque decoration inside from the beginning of the 17th century and magnificent painting on the main altar by Palma il Giovane depicting Virgin and Child with St. John the Baptist and St. Stanisław were destroyed in German bombing of the church on August 17, 1944. The remains of the church were blown up by the Germans in November 1944. Only one wall that somehow managed to survive was all that was left of the six hundred year old edifice. This devastation of a Polish national monument was a part of the Planned destruction of Warsaw, which had officially begun after the collapse of the Warsaw Uprising. The painting of the Virgin and Child.. was created in 1618 for King Sigismund III Vasa especially to place on the central altar of the St. John's Cathedral. As a masterpiece it was confiscated on Napoleon's order and transported to Paris. Retrieved by Warsaw authorities in 1820s after the Congress of Vienna. It survived many wars and the bombing of Warsaw since it was created, but did not survive the last one during World War II. Among the sculptures lost due to German bombardment the most worh mentioning was a marble bust of Jan Franciszek Bieliński, voivode of Malbork (died 1685), carved by Jean-Joseph Vinache. The interior reconstruction design considerably differed from the pre-war Cathedral, taking it back in time to its raw Gothic look, because very little of the cathedral's original furnishings has been preserved. The Cathedral is a three-nave building, two aisles are the same height as the main nave. On the right side from the front a belfry is situated, a passage to Dziekania Street is situated underneath it. There is a pulpit from 1959, designed by Józef Trenarowski and stalls which are a replica of the destroyed baroque ones, founded by the king John III Sobieski. Moreover, there are many chapels, gravestones and epitaphs in the Cathedral. All left aisle is filled with numerous chapels. They are, in turn, from main altar: Baryczka Chapel, it ends the left aisle (it contains a wooden crucifix, regarded as the most precious element of the cathedral's furnishings; it was brought from Nuremberg in 1539 by the merchant Jerzy Baryczka).
Jesuit Church, Warsaw, Masovian, Poland, Europe
Jesuit Church, otherwise the Church of the Gracious Mother of God, is an ornate church in Warsaw, Poland. Immediately adjacent to St. John's Cathedral, it is one of the most notable mannerist churches in Poland's capital. Its beautiful slender tower may be seen from the Old Town Market Place. The Jesuit Church was founded by King Sigismund III Vasa and Podkomorzy Andrzej Bobola (the Old) at Piotr Skarga's initiative, in 1609, for the Jesuits. The main building was constructed between 1609 and 1626 in the Polish Mannerist style by Jan Frankiewicz. In 1627 the church was encompassed with three chapels, and in 1635 Urszula Meyerin, a great supporter of the Society of Jesus, was buried within. Meyerin funded a silver tabernacle for the church. She was also King Sigismund III's mistress, and was politically influential. Her grave was plundered and destroyed by the Swedes and Brandenburg Germans, in the 1650s, during the Deluge. A vestibule was added to the interior of the temple in 1633, and a choir was added three years later. An altar made of silver was installed by Cardinal Charles Ferdinand Vasa in the 1640s. The interior of the church was damaged and looted in 1656. In later years the building became more and more splendid, with rich baroque furnishings and marble altars and floors. Two more chapels were added. The order of Jesuits was dissolved in 1773, the church changed ownership several times. For example, for some time it was a school church, later it was demoted to the role of the magazine of church furnishing, and then it was given to the order of Piarists. The Jesuits did not get the church back until the end of First World War. In 1920s and 1930s the church was renovated. During World War II, after the Germans suppressed the Warsaw Uprising, they razed the Jesuit Church to the ground. All that remained of the four-hundred-year-old edifice was a great pile of rubble. Between the 1950s and 1973, the church was rebuilt in a simplified architectural style. The facade is Mannerist, although the interior is completely modern, because very few of the original furnishings of the church were preserved. Inside, preserved fragments of a brilliant tomb monument of Jan Tarło carved by Jan Jerzy Plersch in white and black marble in 1753, together with reconstructed epitaphs of Sarbiewski, Konarski, Kopczyński and Kiliński are displayed. A painting of Our Lady of Grace brought to Poland in 1651 by bishop Juan de Torres as a gift from Pope Innocent X is also displayed, along with a preserved wooden crucifix from 1383, a baroque sculpture of Our Lady of Grace, from the beginning of the 18th century and a stone sculpture of a laying bear from the half of 18th century.
Christmas wishes from Gdansk
Accent is interesting thing. I think about making a movie, where everyone have different accents. It would be easier to recognize characters quickly :)
Far in the background, You can see Three crosses (Trzy Krzyże) - famous monument in Gdansk. We were even able to catch glimpse of Santa ;)
The GET DOWN! phrase, as You can guess, is too much Pablo Francisco :)
Material had around 5 minutes, but with all those animations it took some 6Gb on my hard drive, for a moment. Movie was shot with Panasonic NV GS-180 camera, and all animations were made directly in kino. Pictures resized etc. in GIMP.
Oh. And I LOVE Romanian anthem.