Increíbles imágenes del Parque Temático Tierra Santa
Video Institucional del Parque Temático Tierra Santa.
En está producción se utilizó grúa y dron para lograr vistas panóramicas que muestren lo imponente del Parque.
Realizado por JEF Productora Audiovisual para la Agencia Balam. /
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tierra Santa | Argentina #10
conocemos el parque tematico Tierra Santa, vamos a ver los increibles lugares de la antigua jerusalem.
Vivo en Argentina - Parque temático Tierra santa - 28-03-13
Recorremos Tierra santa, una réplica de Jerusalén en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, que funciona como parque temático desde 1999 ofreciendo un viaje a través del tiempo por medio de sus construcciones y relatos históricos.
Increíble RÉPLICA de JERUSALEN en Buenos Aires | TODAS las RELIGIONES en un sólo lugar
Increíble réplica de Jerusalén en Buenos Aires | Parque Temático Tierra Santa
Acompañanos en esta visita al parque Tierra Santa y realizá un viaje en el tiempo. Sabías que este lugar que recrea Jerusalem, está en Buenos Aires y es único en el mundo?
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Tierra Santa La resurrección Buenos Aires, Argentina 720P
La resurrección, parte de los shows del parque temático Tierra Santa en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Cristo animatronic de 18 metros de altura... Freak
Tierra Santa, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Among the many tourist attractions in Buenos Aires, the one really stands out on its own has to be Tierra Santa, the ‘Holy Land theme park’. As its name entails, It is a religious theme park about the story of Jesus. Learn more about Tierra santa in
Buenos Aires, Tierra Santa (Pt-2), Argentine 22.04.2018
Tierra Santa is a religious theme park in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was opened in 2001 over a land measuring about 18 acres, as a replica of Jerusalem of Christ period. It is claimed to be the world's first religious theme park. It is a large reproduction where visitors can walk the streets of Biblical Jerusalem, living step by step scenes from the life of Jesus as described in the Bible. It is a miniature holy city, complete with fake palm trees, centurions, Hebrew Templs, Roman Palace and even a Wailing Wall. Cultures represented include Christians, Jews, and Romans. It takes visitors through 37 of the most important events in the bible: from the creation of Adam and Eve and the birth of Jesus to his crucifixion and resurrection. Even the streets are designed to mimic the pebbled stones of Jerusalem, flanked by plastic castles, temples, sheep, donkeys and camels.
But the main attraction is the Holy Mount, where thousands gather every hour to watch a giant Jesus Christ statue rising into the sky to the sound of Handel's Messiah. A 13 metres (40 ft) Jesus rises from behind a rock every hour, a solemn religious experience for many visitors, but also provoking derision on the Internet as kitschy. The park also includes statues of several 20th century historical figures such as Pope John Paul II, Gandhi and Mother Teresa, according to park staff were included because they were historic figures who fought for peace and that the park also wanted to pay tribute to them.
Some emotional visitors can be seen crying as they walk through a display of massive crucifixes before coming to a waxwork of Jesus on the cross, surrounded by his kneeling worshipers.
It even had the blessing of the Argentinian Pope Francis, who came to visit in 2008 when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires (He became Pope in 2013 and is current Pope). It now had nearly ten million people through its doors.
Its ticket is 200 Peso (10 US$) and it is open only from the afternoon of Friday, till Sunday night.
Please watch: Farhat Abbas Shah, Dubai Mushaera 1996
Holaaaa!!!! Soy Vanessa y tengo 24 años, soy venezolana pero en 2016 decidí mudarme a Ecuador, Guayaquil debido a la grave crisis que pasa mi país. Ahora en 2018 decidí mudarme con mi novio a Buenos Aires, Argentina. Me gusta hablar frente a la cámara y contarles mis aventuras con vlogs. No olviden comentarme aquí abajo sus tips, dudas, consejos y cosas que les gustaría ver en mis videos.
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Buenos Aires, Tierra Santa (Pt-1), Argentine 22.04.2018
Tierra Santa is a religious theme park in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was opened in 2001 over a land measuring about 18 acres, as a replica of Jerusalem of Christ period. It is claimed to be the world's first religious theme park. It is a large reproduction where visitors can walk the streets of Biblical Jerusalem, living step by step scenes from the life of Jesus as described in the Bible. It is a miniature holy city, complete with fake palm trees, centurions, Hebrew Templs, Roman Palace and even a Wailing Wall. Cultures represented include Christians, Jews, and Romans. It takes visitors through 37 of the most important events in the bible: from the creation of Adam and Eve and the birth of Jesus to his crucifixion and resurrection. Even the streets are designed to mimic the pebbled stones of Jerusalem, flanked by plastic castles, temples, sheep, donkeys and camels.
But the main attraction is the Holy Mount, where thousands gather every hour to watch a giant Jesus Christ statue rising into the sky to the sound of Handel's Messiah. A 13 metres (40 ft) Jesus rises from behind a rock every hour, a solemn religious experience for many visitors, but also provoking derision on the Internet as kitschy. The park also includes statues of several 20th century historical figures such as Pope John Paul II, Gandhi and Mother Teresa, according to park staff were included because they were historic figures who fought for peace and that the park also wanted to pay tribute to them.
Some emotional visitors can be seen crying as they walk through a display of massive crucifixes before coming to a waxwork of Jesus on the cross, surrounded by his kneeling worshipers.
It even had the blessing of the Argentinian Pope Francis, who came to visit in 2008 when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires (He became Pope in 2013 and is current Pope). It now had nearly ten million people through its doors.
Its ticket is 200 Peso (10 US$) and it is open only from the afternoon of Friday, till Sunday night.
Please watch: Farhat Abbas Shah, Dubai Mushaera 1996
Parque Temático Terra Santa - Tierra Santa- Buenos Aires
Olá meu nome é Andressa de Souza, tenho 30 anos e nesse canal, vou mostrar minha rotina de viagens tanto em fotos, quanto em pequenos vídeos com dicas e informações sobre o estado ou país que estarei conhecendo...
Te convido a se inscrever no canal, dar o like e ativar o sininho das notificações, para receber todos os vídeos em primeira mão.
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Instagram: @eaivaisozinha
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Te convido ainda, a seguir e se inscrever no canal da minha filha Giovanna!!!
Marcelo Oliva y Sandra Garzon en Tierra Santa -Argentina
Tierra Santa, parque temático religioso
Recorriendo este intenso parque religioso, interesante, didáctico de la historia de Jesús
Buenos Aires, Tierra Santa (Pt-4) Argentine 22.04.2018
Tierra Santa is a religious theme park in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was opened in 2001 over a land measuring about 18 acres, as a replica of Jerusalem of Christ period. It is claimed to be the world's first religious theme park. It is a large reproduction where visitors can walk the streets of Biblical Jerusalem, living step by step scenes from the life of Jesus as described in the Bible. It is a miniature holy city, complete with fake palm trees, centurions, Hebrew Templs, Roman Palace and even a Wailing Wall. Cultures represented include Christians, Jews, and Romans. It takes visitors through 37 of the most important events in the bible: from the creation of Adam and Eve and the birth of Jesus to his crucifixion and resurrection. Even the streets are designed to mimic the pebbled stones of Jerusalem, flanked by plastic castles, temples, sheep, donkeys and camels.
But the main attraction is the Holy Mount, where thousands gather every hour to watch a giant Jesus Christ statue rising into the sky to the sound of Handel's Messiah. A 13 metres (40 ft) Jesus rises from behind a rock every hour, a solemn religious experience for many visitors, but also provoking derision on the Internet as kitschy. The park also includes statues of several 20th century historical figures such as Pope John Paul II, Gandhi and Mother Teresa, according to park staff were included because they were historic figures who fought for peace and that the park also wanted to pay tribute to them.
Some emotional visitors can be seen crying as they walk through a display of massive crucifixes before coming to a waxwork of Jesus on the cross, surrounded by his kneeling worshipers.
It even had the blessing of the Argentinian Pope Francis, who came to visit in 2008 when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires (He became Pope in 2013 and is current Pope). It now had nearly ten million people through its doors.
Its ticket is 200 Peso (10 US$) and it is open only from the afternoon of Friday, till Sunday night.
Please watch: Farhat Abbas Shah, Dubai Mushaera 1996
Buenos Aires, Tierra Santa (Pt-3) Argentine 22.04.2018
Tierra Santa is a religious theme park in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was opened in 2001 over a land measuring about 18 acres, as a replica of Jerusalem of Christ period. It is claimed to be the world's first religious theme park. It is a large reproduction where visitors can walk the streets of Biblical Jerusalem, living step by step scenes from the life of Jesus as described in the Bible. It is a miniature holy city, complete with fake palm trees, centurions, Hebrew Templs, Roman Palace and even a Wailing Wall. Cultures represented include Christians, Jews, and Romans. It takes visitors through 37 of the most important events in the bible: from the creation of Adam and Eve and the birth of Jesus to his crucifixion and resurrection. Even the streets are designed to mimic the pebbled stones of Jerusalem, flanked by plastic castles, temples, sheep, donkeys and camels.
But the main attraction is the Holy Mount, where thousands gather every hour to watch a giant Jesus Christ statue rising into the sky to the sound of Handel's Messiah. A 13 metres (40 ft) Jesus rises from behind a rock every hour, a solemn religious experience for many visitors, but also provoking derision on the Internet as kitschy. The park also includes statues of several 20th century historical figures such as Pope John Paul II, Gandhi and Mother Teresa, according to park staff were included because they were historic figures who fought for peace and that the park also wanted to pay tribute to them.
Some emotional visitors can be seen crying as they walk through a display of massive crucifixes before coming to a waxwork of Jesus on the cross, surrounded by his kneeling worshipers.
It even had the blessing of the Argentinian Pope Francis, who came to visit in 2008 when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires (He became Pope in 2013 and is current Pope). It now had nearly ten million people through its doors.
Its ticket is 200 Peso (10 US$) and it is open only from the afternoon of Friday, till Sunday night.
Please watch: Farhat Abbas Shah, Dubai Mushaera 1996
Tour pela TIERRA SANTA - Parque Temático em Buenos Aires - Trip Argentina Ep.7
Um dos lugares mais lindos que conheci em Buenos Aires, foi o Parque Temático TIERRA SANTA . Me senti nas novelas bíblicas da Record. O cenário é lindo, as paisagens os personagens, muito perfeitos e tudo se remete a épocas antigas. O parque é bem grande, e fica aberto até a noite, quando todas as luzes acendem e o parque fica todo iluminado. O tempo recomendado de permanência é de pelo menos 4 horas, para ver tudo. #parquetematico #tierrasanta
➡Como chegar: O Parque Tierra Santa fica bem ao lado do Aeroparque ( um dos aeroportos de Buenos Aires) Av. Costanera Rafael Obligado 5790. ➡Para chegar, vá até a estação do metrô Plaza Italia ( Linha D) e lá, é só pegar o ônibus linha 160 que te deixa praticamente na entrada do parque.
➡Confira o post completo com todas as informações sobre O Parque Temático Tierra Santa lá no Instagram @dikasdakikaoficial
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CEP: 04165-970
São Paulo – SP
Tierra Santa
¿Conocés Tierra Santa? ... Pero en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Un lugar de paz, donde se puede vivenciar una experiencia de fe: Las tres religiones monoteístas en un mismo lugar. El Cristianismo, el Judaismo y el Islamismo en este parque temático único en el mundo.
Tierra santa, Argentina, Buenos Aires
Visitando este hermoso lugar.
Tierra santa + parque norte, Buenos Aires, Argentina