TIME TRAVEL VIENNA - Geschichte hautnah erleben!
2017 konnten wir 229.879 Besucher begeistern! Jetzt 15% Preisvorteil bei Online Bestellung & keine Wartezeit!
Erleben Sie die Geschichte Wiens hautnah: In einem 400 Jahre alten Kloster treffen Sie die Habsburger, Mozart und Strauß bei einem Wiener Walzer und genießen Sie spektakuläre Effekte in Wiens erstem 5D-Actionkino! Spaß und Action für die ganze Familie!
Time Travel Vienna – eine moderne Erlebniswelt zur Geschichte Wiens in den historischen Gewölben des Michaelerklosters
Mitten in der Wiener Innenstadt kann man auf Zeitreise gehen und Wiens 2.000 Jahre alte Geschichte multimedial entdecken. Time Travel Vienna befindet sich im Herzen Wiens, in der Habsburgergasse (Nähe Graben).
Auf 1.300m2 befindet sich die Attraktion, die sowohl Einheimische als auch Touristen in seinen Bann zieht.
Zunächst beginnt es mit historischen Persönlichkeiten der Wiener Geschichte. Es handelt sich um Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Kaiserin Elisabeth, Maria Theresia und Dr. Sigmund Freud, den Vater der Psychoanalyse. Ein amüsantes Gespräch der vier unterschiedlichen Charaktere, eingeleitet und beendet durch einen Mönch, bereitet auf die nächste Station vor.
Die Zeitmaschine steht bereit – es beginnt das bewegte 5D-Kino mit einem Flug über Vindobona, wie Wien zur Zeit der Römer geheißen hat. Die Pest mit der Rattenplage, der jahrhundertelange Bau des Stephansdoms und die Schlachtszenen der Türkenbelagerungen von 1683 sind ebenfalls Thema. Letzteren haben wir der Legende nach die Entstehung der Wiener Kaffeehauskultur zu verdanken. Diese wurde übrigens 2011 zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe erklärt.
Eine relativ neue Attraktion ist der Gruselspaß in der Pestgrube. Der liebe Augustin, ein stadtbekannter Musiker und Weinliebhaber, fiel während der letzten großen Pestepidemie im Jahre 1679 ziemlich betrunken in die Pestgrube von St. Ulrich. Am nächsten Morgen wacht er auf und stellt mit Entsetzen fest, dass er sich mitten unter Leichen befindet. Er wird von den frühen Kirchgängern aus der Pestgrube gezogen und lebt weiterhin fröhlich mit Wein, Musik und Gesang bis ins hohe Alter.
Anschließend diskutieren Mozart und Strauss Junior über kaiserliche Musik, ehe der Ballsaal die Besucher auf eine Runde Donauwalzer einlädt. Sie entspannen bei klassischer Musik, begleitet von modernen Lasershows und erfahren was es mit der Wiener Klassik auf sich hat und wer die Begründer waren.
Nach der Walzerseligkeit wird ein dunkles Kapitel der österreichischen Geschichte aufgeschlagen – die Gäste werden in die Kriegszone geführt. Der erste und zweite Weltkrieg sind ein Thema. Beim Sarg Kaiser Franz Joseph’s erfährt man die Umstände des ersten Weltkriegs und hört vom Attentat auf den Thronfolger Franz Ferdinand. Es folgt eine Originalaufnahme des Begräbniszugs von Kaiser Franz Joseph.
Das eigentliche Highlight ist die jüngere Geschichte mit dem 2. Weltkrieg.
Das Gewölbe wurde, nach früherer Nutzung als Weinkeller, im Krieg auch als Luftschutzbunker verwendet. Der Volksempfänger in der Mitte des Raumes gibt die Rücktrittsrede vom Kanzler Schuschnigg wider, beim Anschluss an das Deutsche Reich 1938. Die Zeitreisenden betreten diesen und fühlen nach wie Wien im April 1945 von den Alliierten bombardiert wurde. Sirenen, zuckende Blitze und Detonationswellen erschüttern den Bunker. Zuletzt hört man einen sowjetischen Soldaten, der erklärt, dass der Krieg vorbei ist und alle aus dem Bunker rauskommen können.
Die nächste Station zeigt die 10jährige Besatzungszeit Wiens (1945-55) durch die vier alliierten Siegermächte. Die Sowjetunion, Frankreich, Großbritannien und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika besetzen Wien bzw. ganz Österreich. Am 15. Mai 1955 wird der Staatsvertrag unterzeichnet und Leopold Figl, damaliger Außenminister verkündet die berühmten Worte: „Österreich ist frei“.
Die Wochenschau zeigt diesen Freudenmoment der jubelnden Österreicher in den barocken Gärten des Schloss Belvedere.
Diese Szene, wo Leopold Figl den unterschriebenen Staatsvertrag in Händen am Balkon des Schloss Belvedere zeigt, wurde bei Time Travel nachgestellt. Wir sehen insgesamt neun Unterschriften, bei denen es sich um die vier Außenminister sowie die Hochkommissäre der vier Besatzungsmachten handelt und die grüne Unterschrift von Leopold Figl.
Den heiteren Ausklang der Zeitreise bildet der Fiakerflug. Er bringt die Gäste wieder in das heutige Wien zurück. In nachgestellten Fiakern schwebt der Besucher über den Dächern der Stadt und bewundert die Sehenswürdigkeiten Wiens. Beginnend bei der Staatsoper über die Hofburg, nach Schönbrunn und wieder zurück in die Stadt geht der simulierte Flug und endet schließlich im Prater beim Riesenrad.
+43 1 5321514
Habsburgergasse 10A (Nähe Graben)
1010 Wien
Time Travel Vienna: Neue Erlebniswelt in Wien
Time Travel Vienna schickt die Besucher auf eine Zeitreise der Stadt Wien. Dabei setzt das Konzept auf eine Mischung zwischen Entertainment, Technologie und geschichtlichen Informationen. Und das alles auf dem ältesten Grundstück Wiens. Am 1. Juni öffnet die Attraktion seine Pforten für die Besucher.
TIME TRAVEL VIENNA, 2.000 Jahre WIEN hautnah!
- ONLINE TICKET bestellen und 15% sparen!
(Inkl. Startzeiten-Reservierung und keine Wartezeit)
Täglich von 10:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
+43 1 5321514
Habsburgergasse 10A
1010 Wien
Nähe Graben
Ein Erlebnis für die ganze Familie, die Top Sehenswürdigkeit in Wien
- Historischer Originalschauplatz
- 2000 Jahre Wiener Geschichte lebendig gemacht
- ein Rundgang durch 1.300m² Erlebnisfläche
- humorvoll begleitet durch Tourguides
- mit 5D Kino, Animatronic Shows, Musik und Spezialeffekten
Die Time Travel Erlebniswelt ist grundsätzlich für jede Altersstufe geeignet und es werden keine bedenklichen Szenen dargestellt. In Ausnahmefällen empfinden Kleinkinder das 5D Kino als zu laut, Kinder unter 4 Jahren erhalten Gehörschutzkopfhörer. Gerne können Sie mit Ihrem Kleinkind auf einem separaten Stuhl ohne Bewegungseffekte Platz nehmen.
Time Travel Vienna: 1 Millionth Visitor
In July 2018 we were thrilled to welcome our millionth visitor at Time Travel Vienna. Sisi & Franz awaited them with an imperial carriage ride. 20% price advantage for online bookings (no waiting in line)
We did not not only celebrate our sixth anniversary but also awaited the one-millionth visitor in July. Therefore, in addition to free tickets and a bottle of champagne, Mr. Ren and Ms. Su received an invitation to an imperial carriage ride accompanied by Empress Sisi and Emperor Franz Joseph. The coach driver Fiaker Susi told a few Viennese tales at its best and the young couple rolled along the Vienna “Ringstraße” in imperial style.
We opened in June 2012, around 230,000 visitors are expected this year and we are currently ranked among Vienna's top 20 sights. The adventure world has become the ideal starting point for Vienna tourists, who enjoy experiencing the historical highlights in an entertaining way and within a humorous, one hour guided tour.
A team of 40 employees ensures a perfect customer experience 365 days a year. Last year, a new scene called the plague pit with “Dear Augustin” has opened, this year the grand finale has been extended with a laser show and 3D mapping about the topic “New Year’s Eve in the Vienna Prater”.
Visitors at Time Travel will witness, among other things, the Roman era and the attack of the Turks on Vienna within an action-packed 5D cinema experience as well as a Habsburg animatronic show. They will meet the composer Johann Strauss Jr. and the musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, experience a Viennese waltz ride, before they go further to the war zone and be part of an air raid alarm in an original air raid shelter. After a speech by Leopold Figl at the signing of the State Treaty, the journey through time ends with a special carriage ride, a flight over Vienna.
Time Travel Vienna
Habsburgergasse 10A, 1010 Vienna
What to Do in Vienna, Austria | 36 Hours Travel Videos | The New York Times
The 150th anniversary of Vienna’s majestic Ringstrasse is only one reason to visit a city where virtually any activity, from strolling through a museum to sipping coffee, leaves one feeling pampered.
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This video is a great resource in what do in Vienna when you visit Austria. Whether it is the stunning attractions or food we've got you covered.
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What to Do in Vienna, Austria | 36 Hours Travel Videos | The New York Times
Time Travel Vienna - The exciting way to discover Vienna!
JETZT NEU: Unser Virtual Reality Music Ride mit Falco und Mozart.
Erleben Sie die Geschichte Wiens mit all Ihren Sinnen an einem historischen Originalschauplatz. Eine einstündige, humorvoll geführte Tour in Ihrer Sprache einschließlich 5D-Kino, Animatronic Shows, Virtual Reality (VR) Music Ride und Spezialeffekten. Freuen Sie sich auf 1.300m² voller Spaß und Abenteuer für Jung und Alt.
JETZT NEU: Virtual Reality Attraktion zum Thema „Musikstadt Wien“. Tauchen Sie mittels VR-Brillen in die Wiener Musikgeschichte ein. Gemäß den neuesten Markttrends der virtuellen Realität, erwartet Sie ein 360° Raumerlebnis. Kommen Sie mit auf einen Streifzug aus klassischer Musik, begleitet von Walzerpaaren, über typische Heurigenlieder bis zu moderner Popmusik. Begegnen Sie live den grandiosen Musikgenies Mozart, Beethoven und Rock me Amadeus Falco.
15% Online Rabatt:
Time Travel Vienna - What do our visitors say? Part 2
- Book your E-ticket with 15% online discount!
Start every 15 - 20 minutes and discover an exciting historical adventure tour on over 1.300 m² in an old historical under croft between Graben and Michaelerplatz.
Time Travel is an experience for young and old, locals and tourists and the perfect getaway for the whole family with your kids but also for school classes or companies. Anybody who wants to get to know Vienna in an hour in an entertaining way.
All tours are humorously accompanied by Tourguides, for tourists there is the possibility to get a simultaneous translation (10 different languages) with headphones / audio guides. The highlights are the 5D cinema, the Habsburgshow, the plague pit, the Viennese Walzerride, an original air-raid bunkers and the carriage ride.
What our visitors say:
A lightning speed trip through Viennese history
We passed this on a carriage ride round the city and noted we could get entry on our Vienna Pass. We were not expecting much but were completely proved wrong.You go round in a large group, as you are given a time to attend, and after a small speech from the guide you start your first room.
spectacular experience
it is a thrilling time travel through Viennese History, and never boring, you have a 5D experience with 3D glasses, flying through sveral time periods, you sit in a hourse carriage, seeing a summery of sights, experience Viennese waltz interactive, get the feeling of a pest - cavern, and hear Sisi and the emperor talking....lots of fun!
Great fun
This was a fun way to learn Viennese history. The audio guide was great and the tour guide was hilarious.
The time travel experience is made up of serval different
rooms . Each room offer different history of Vienna in
different style.
Time Travel Vienna - NEU: Virtual Reality Music Ride
JETZT NEU: Unser Virtual Reality Musik Ride mit Falco und Mozart.
Erlebt 2000 Jahre Geschichte Wiens in 1 Stunde - unter anderem mit 5D Kino, Pestgrube, Luftschutzbunker und viele weitere Stationen.
Ein Erlebnis für Jung und Alt mitten im Herzen Wiens.
Genießen Sie unseren NEUEN Virtual Reality Ride zum Thema „Musikstadt Wien“. Tauchen Sie mittels VR-Brillen in die Wiener Musikgeschichte ein. Gemäß den neuesten Marktrends der virtuellen Realität, erwartet Sie ein 360° Raumerlebnis. Kommen Sie mit auf einen Streifzug aus klassischer Musik, begleitet von Walzerpaaren, über typische Heurigenlieder bis zu moderner Popmusik. Begegnen Sie live den grandiosen Musikgenies Mozart, Beethoven und Rock me Amadeus von Falco.
15% Online Rabatt:
Falco im Time Travel Vienna
#falco #timetravel #wien
Falco lebt auch im Time Travel Museum Wien weiter
Time Travel Vienna - What do our visitors say? Part 1
- Book your E-ticket with 15% discount!
Start every 15 - 20 minutes, discover an exciting historical adventure tour on over 1.300 m² in an old historical under croft between Graben and Michaelerplatz.
Time Travel is an experience for young and old, locals and tourists and the perfect getaway for the whole family with your kids but also for school classes or companies. Anybody who wants to get to know Vienna in an hour in an entertaining way.
All tours are humorously accompanied by Tourguides, for tourists there is the possibility to get a simultaneous translation (10 different languages) with headphones / audio guides. The highlights are the 5D cinema, the Habsburgshow, the plague pit, the Viennese Walzerride, an original air-raid bunkers and the carriage ride.
What our visitors say:
A lightning speed trip through Viennese history
We passed this on a carriage ride round the city and noted we could get entry on our Vienna Pass. We were not expecting much but were completely proved wrong.You go round in a large group, as you are given a time to attend, and after a small speech from the guide you start your first room.
spectacular experience
it is a thrilling time travel through Viennese History, and never boring, you have a 5D experience with 3D glasses, flying through sveral time periods, you sit in a hourse carriage, seeing a summery of sights, experience Viennese waltz interactive, get the feeling of a pest - cavern, and hear Sisi and the emperor talking....lots of fun!
Great fun
This was a fun way to learn Viennese history. The audio guide was great and the tour guide was hilarious.
The time travel experience is made up of serval different
rooms . Each room offer different history of Vienna in
different style.
20 Things to do in Vienna, Austria Travel Guide
Join us as we visit Vienna, Austria in this travel guide covering 20 things to do in Vienna (Wien) including top attractions such as grand palaces and museums along with iconic experiences such as visiting cafes, coffeehouses and restaurants while experiencing nightlife in the city.
Vienna city is one of the grandest we've visited in Europe and its elegance, history and architecture will surely win you over. However, this city is not a living museum and with trendy restaurants, cafes and legendary nightlife you'll travel to Vienna and leave wishing you could linger for a few more days.
A special thank you to friends Kash, Becki, Sabina, Drew & Deanna for helping us out with this guide to Vienna. Check out the pinned comment to follow them on social media.
20 Things to do in Vienna City Tour | Austria Travel Guide:
Intro to Vienna (Wien) - 00:01
1) Cafe Sacher for Viennese chocolate cake (sachertorte / sacher torte) - 00:33 and 01:23
2) Ring Road (Ringstraße) in the Old Town (Innere Stadt) of Vienna for parks, museums and palaces - 01:00
3) St. Stephen’s Cathedral (Stephansdom) for views of Vienna (Wien) - 03:29
4) Mozart’s House (Mozarthaus Vienna) on Domgasse 5 (1784 to 1787) - 04:17
5) St. Peter’s Church in Vienna (Peterskirche) - 04:43
6) Hofburg Palace (Sisi Museum, Imperial Apartments & Silver Collection) +Roman Ruins - 05:47
7) People's Garden Park of Vienna (Volksgarten) - 06:57
8) Schönbrunn Palace (Schloss Schönbrunn) +
Palace Park - 07:37
9) Nightlife in Vienna with friends - 08:01
10) Street Food in Vienna eating Käsekrainer (sausage with cheese) - 09:40
11) Vienna Vineyards for wine tastings - 11:35
12) Viennese Breakfast in Vienna, Austria - 13:44
13) Prater Park + Wiener Riesenrad Ferris Wheel (1897) - 16:31
14) Austrian Food eating Schnitzel, Goulash and Apple Strudel - 17:49
15) Hundertwasserhaus for fascinating architecture - 20:36
16) Fleamarket in Vienna (recommended Nasch markt) - 21:33
17) Museum Quarter [Museumsquartier] (Mumok + Kunsthalle Wien + Leopold Museum) - 22:05
18) Maria-Theresien Platz (Museum of Natural History + Museum of Art History + Opera) - 22:53
19) Wiener Melange (coffee) + Mozart Cake + strudel at Aida coffeehouse - 23:25
20) Transportation around Vienna taking the Metro (U-Bahn) - 26:02
Outro - 26:40
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Canon G7X:
Olympus 14-150mm II Lens:
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Our visit Vienna travel guide documentary covers some of the top attractions including a food guide (Austrian and Viennese), top sightseeing tourist attractions and the city by day including visiting palaces gardens, churches and museums and Vienna by night for nightlife and entertainment. We also cover off-the-beaten-path outdoor activities you won't find in a typical Vienna tourism brochure, Vienna itinerary or Vienna, Austria city tour.
WIEN - 20 Things to do in Vienna, Austria Travel Guide Video Transcript:
In this video we’re showing you around Vienna (Wien). After spending a few days in Tirol, the capital was our next stop and what a change of scenery. We swapped snow-capped mountains for some of the most elegant streets of Europe in Wien, Österreich.
Vienna is a city of imperial palaces, countless museums and grand coffee houses, and it was a feast for the eyes.
We can already tell you that one week was not enough to see it all, but in this video we’ll do our best to show you some of Vienna’s highlights!
And that’s a wrap for our guide to Vienna (Wien). We hope you guys enjoyed following along and that you got a few ideas of things to do on your own trip to Wien, Österreich.
Now you guys know the drill, if you have any other suggestions of fun things to do, see, or eat in Vienna, feel free to share those with travellers in the comments below. Wishing you happy travels and until next time!
This is part of our Travel in Vienna video series showcasing Viennese food, Viennese culture and Viennese cuisine.
This is part of our Travel in Austria video series showcasing Austrian food, Austrian culture and Austrian cuisine.
Music by DIZARO:
My First Time in Vienna, Austria | Things to Do in Wien
My favorite things to do in Vienna (Austria) in the spring or summertime! This was my first time in Vienna (Wien) Austria, and I had 4 days there during my first solo trip to Europe, so I got to explore a bit. In this Vienna travel vlog, you'll see my top things to do in Vienna, including few cool places to visit along the Danube river, some delicious Austrian and German food, and the Vienna Naschmarkt.
If it's your first time traveling to Vienna (Wien) Austria, be sure to walk along the danube and grab some falafel at the Naschmarkt. I loved going to the Centimeter restaurant, as well!
**SOCIAL** Let’s do all the social media things! :)
Instagram: @tali.travels
Snapchat: talishlaf
Be sure to check out the Girls Love Travel Facebook group!
**MUSIC** by Epidemic Sound:
Detroit Vibes - Axel Ljung
Movie Box 3 - Anders Bothen
Stories from Dreams - Tomas Skyldeberd
24 Hours in Vienna! Our First Time In Austria!
24 Hours in Vienna! Our First Time In Austria!
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CHRISTMAS IN AUSTRIA! Amazing Vienna Christmas Markets + Prater Theme Park ????????
It's Christmas time in Austria! After a visit to the Prater and Wiener Riesenrad ferris wheel, we head to an EPIC Christmas market for delicious Austrian food, alcoholic beverages and some badass Christmas vibes ????????????
Subscribe to EMMA & ALEX!
Things we tried:
Kartoffelpuffer (Potato Pancake)
Käsekrainer (Cheese stuffed sausage)
Beerenpunsch (Fruity Christmas drink)
Check out this awesome Penthouse on Airbnb! Make sure you use this link for $40 off your first Airbnb booking!
WATCH NEXT: ▶ Vienna Austria FOOD TOUR!
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== About Us ==
We're Eric & Allison and we're on a journey to find the most interesting places and unique foods this planet has to offer! We've traded in our steady paychecks and permanent home for a life of travel and adventure. Come along and see the world with us!
Time Travel Vienna - What do our visitors say? Part 3
2017 konnten wir 229.879 Besucher begeistern! Tripadvisor Gewinner Zertifikat für Excellenz 2017
Jetzt 15% Preisvorteil bei Online Bestellung (keine Wartezeit)
Erleben Sie die Geschichte Wiens hautnah: In einem 400 Jahre alten Kloster treffen Sie die Habsburger, Mozart und Strauß bei einem Wiener Walzer und genießen Sie spektakuläre Effekte in Wiens erstem 5D-Actionkino! Spaß und Action für die ganze Familie!
Unsere Besucher geben uns natürlich regelmäßig nach ihrer Erlebnistour Feedback. Hier haben wir einige Kommentare:
You’ll come back in one peace? - We hope so!
Man hat einen guten Einblick bekommen, was so passiert ist in Wien.
We went into different little groups and we went right into the walz.
Die ganzen Tiere waren gut nachgemacht!
Wir würden Time Travel auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen!
Sehr erlebnisreich – zu empfehlen!
+43 1 5321514
Habsburgergasse 10A (Nähe Graben)
1010 Wien
48 Hours in Vienna, Austria
We are back in Europe, using our Eurail pass to catch the trains to a few countries across Europe over the next couple of weeks! First stop... Vienna, Austria! Here is everything we got up to on our very first day before the jet lag kicked in!
Want to travel Europe with Eurail? Grab your passes here...
Eurail website:
STA Travel Eurail Pass:
Hotel we stayed at:
A huge thank you to Eurail x STA Travel for making this trip happen!
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Flying The Nest
PO Box 3130
Joondalup, Western Australia
Hi, we are Stephen & Jess, Australian vloggers documenting our first year of leaving home and travelling around the globe. We want to inspire others to venture out, explore, take risks and go on our own adventure!!
We also run a travel blog over at flyingthenest.tv if you want to see personal recounts, photography, tips & wanderlust inspiration from Flying the Nest.
Thank you for the music:
End credit song: Ticky Tacky by Biocratic:
For list of full Camera Equipment we use -
Video Edited on Gigabyte Aero 15:
Visit Austria: What You Should Know Before You Visit Austria
Read the Blog for Information on Austrian Tourism Destinations:
Heading to Austria and not sure what to expect? Here we go through what tourists and travelers should know about Austria before they go. Whether visiting Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Graz or any part of Austria these tips will help.
filmed in Vienna, Austria
Copyright Mark Wolters 2014
Austria vs America: What Tourists Should Know Before They Visit Austria
Things To Do in Vienna : 3-Day Travel Guide
Vienna (or Wien, as it is known within most of Europe) is one of the most glamorous cities in the entire world thanks to it being the capital city of the Austrian State for hundreds of years and it's rich history of arts and culture.
In this video, we will share a 3-day travel guide on how we explored the city of Vienna during our second video. In this video, we cover the Vienna State Opera House, Schonbrunn Palace, Hofburg Palace, The Austrian National Library, Cafe Central, Prater, and more.
Vienna is packed with so many great sites, museums, and food. While we did manage to pack a lot within our three days it means that we did have to leave some things out. We hope that this guide will help inspire and give you ideas about your next possible trip to Vienna.
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Vienna Top 10 Attractions - Austria Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of Vienna, Austria - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 10 attractions of Vienna, Austria.
Number 10: Hofburg. Vienna is a city of grand palaces. Among the most lavish is Hofburg. The Habsburg's empire was ruled from here for seven centuries.
Number 9: Hundertwasserhaus - designed to show unpredictability, a unique residential building with crooked floors, varied colors curved walls, and a forest on the roof.
Number 8: Vienna Opera House. Few opera houses are as spectacular as this one. In this world class venue, be sure to catch a concert performance.
Number 7: Secession Building. This striking building was constructed in the late 19th century. Today it houses contemporary artworks that changes periodically.
Number 6: Food. Indulge in local Austrian food. Chocolate cake here is world famous. Another popular option is the apple pie.
Number 5: Vienna City Hall. This splendid gothic style structure houses the local city government. More than 2,000 fortunate people work in the City Hall.
Number 4: Museum of Art History. One of the greatest museum buildings in the world, this 19th century landmark displays the art collection from the Habsburg Empire.
Number 3: Belvedere. Like other grand palaces of Vienna, this is a magnificent palace complex. Set against beautiful landscaping, its inside has great artwork.
Number 2: St. Stephen's Cathedral, one of the most important icons of Vienna. This cathedral has been a witness to many important events in Austria's history.
Number 1: Schönbrunn, a UNESCO world heritage site. This imposing palace complex should be a must see for every visitor coming to the wonderful city of Vienna.
Keep watching our travel video series. See you next time.
Day Trip to Hallstatt from Vienna Austria
WATCH IN HD (sorry for the first few minutes of blurry clips)
We decided to visit the very beautiful Hallstatt Town from Vienna Austria via OBB train and a ferry. Find out how we did it by watching this travel vlog.
Video too long? Then, check out this video's content and hop on to your desired subject:
• Hallstatt Cinematic Video Clips (Hows my filming skills LOL - 4K 60fps really don't work out for me most especially for panning) - 08:14
• How to get to Hallstatt from Vienna via Train - 00:32
• OBB Train Features and Amenities that will make you say WOW - 04:02
• View from the train going to Hallstatt - 04:24
• Ferry Ride from Hallstatt Station to Hallstatt Town - 05:07
• Catholic Parish Church/Evangelische Pfarrkirche Hallstatt - 06:29
• Cheapest food in Hallstatt - 07:12
• How does Hallstatt town looks like - 08:14
• Best spot to take photo - 10:53
• Hallstatt Cemetery (one of my favorite part of the tour) - 11:38
• Beinhaus Charnel Haus Bone House - 13:00
• Going back to Vienna (from Hallstatt town) - 15:11
• Feedback Time and Tips - 17:03
• What you can do in Hallstatt - 07:54
Total Roundtrip ticket cost: 112 Euro/pax
Total travel time: 3hrs 30min
The nearest station in our hotel is Wien Rennwegg Station so we still need to go to Wien Meidling which is one of Vienna's main railway station - buy ticket going to WIEN MEIDLING before entering and going down the station. You don't need to validate the ticket anymore (2.40EURO/person). Only ride the S1/S2/S3 trains. Never ride the S7 train because it will go to the airport.
Go to OBB office, tell them that you want to go to Hallstatt. Ask for the timings of each stop so you will still have a guide, they will give you an itinerary for your whole travel duration until you get to Hallstatt.
Go down at Attnang Puchheim. Travel time from Meidling to Attnang Puccheim is 1hour and 56 minutes.
3. Attnang Puccheim to Hallstatt
When you get off at Attnang Puchcheim, go to the designated platform assigned (check the itinerary that OBB office gave you).
When we get there, the train is already waiting for us. Be mindful of the time since the transit time is very less. In our case we only have 10 mins of transit time in Attnang Puccheim. The train from Wien Meidling was also delayed for few minutes so walk as fast as you can LOL.
Also, Hallstatt Station is not the last station for this line so make sure to check the monitors inside the train and set an alarm if you must.
4. Hallstatt Station to Hallstatt town via Ferry
Once you get off at Hallstatt Station, you just need to walk a little bit to the ferry port (no worries there are signages in Deutsch and in English). You will pay 2.50euro/one way/person. Travel time is only 5mins. You need to pay while embarking inside the ferry.
*Going back to Vienna, just follow the same steps. You can buy the ticket from Hallstatt Station via ticketing machine. From Hallstatt Station to Wien Meidling.
THE LETTER/NOTE THAT WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU IN HALLSTATT CHARNEL HAUS (click link below - don't worry its just m IG account LOL):
That's it guys!
Song: Ikson - Ocean (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:
Song: Ikson - Lighthouse (Vlog Music No Copyright)
Music promoted by Vlog Music No Copyright.
Video Link:
Song: Ikson - Sunkissed (Vlog Music No Copyright)
Music promoted by Vlog Music No Copyright.
Video Link:
Travel Vlogging with Fujifilm XT20 with 18-55mm lens and Joby Gorillapod.
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