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Timgad, Batna, Algeria | GLA Ramadhan Special [Episode 07]
GLA Ramadhan Special
Episode 07 | Timgad, Batna, Algeria
The 7th episode of our Ramadhan special program.
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TIMGAD: The Roman City. Batna, Algeria ????????تيمقاد: المدينة الرومانية الاثرية. ولاية باتنة، الجزائر
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One of the finest Roman sites in existence, the ruins of Timgad stretch almost as far as the eye can see over a plain that in winter is cold and desolate and in summer hot and tinder-dry. Its perfect preservation has made it a Unesco World Heritage Site.
Timgad lies on the northern slopes of the Aurès mountains and was created ex nihilo as a military colony by the Emperor Trajan in AD 100. With its square enclosure and orthogonal design based on the cardo and decumanus, the two perpendicular routes running through the city, it is an excellent example of Roman town planning.
In the 7th century the town was destroyed by the Berbers and over time became buried by the Saharan sands and because of this some of the ruins are still in extraordinary preservation. When visiting Timgad, you can still see the bath houses, library and Trajan's Triumphal Arch still holds the entrance for the adventurous wanderer. The theater is still in such good shape that performances are still held there.
The ruins of Timgad in Algeria are an impressive set of ancient Roman remains and rank among the best such ruins in North Africa.
(For more info: )
مدينة تيمقاد تعتبر مدينة تيمقاد واحدة من أجمل المدن الأثريّة في دولة الجزائر. تقع المدينة الرومانية في ولاية باتنة، وتبعد عن العاصمة الجزائرية مسافة تقدر 418كم.
بنيت تيمقاد من طرف الرّومان سنة مئة ميلادية، في عهد الإمبراطور تراجان، وكانت تُعرف بتاموقادي، وقد تم تصنيفها في عام 1982م كواحدة من مدن التّراث العالمي، على قائمة منظّمة اليونسكو لحفظ التّراث، وذلك لأنّها المدينة الوحيدة التي بناها الرّومان، والتي ما تزال محافظة على خصوصية طابعها وتصميمها الأوّلي، بين كلّ مدن إفريقيا، كونها مبنيّة بشكل مربّع، بتقاطعات على غرار لوحة الشطرنج، كما كانت تسمّى بمومباي نوميديا.
تتربع تيمقاد على مساحة أحد عشر هكتاراً و من أهمّ الآثار الباقية السّاحة العموميّة أو كما كانت تسمّى الفوروم، واللّافت فيها، وجود ساعة شمسيّة، تعمل على آلية عكس الأشعة الشمسيّة، على خطوط متعامدة، وتضمّ أيضاً قصر العدل ومعبد الإمبراطور، والمجلس البلدي، بالإضافة إلى السّوق والمحلات التجارية، والمسرح الذي كانت تقام فيه الاحتفالات الدينيّة والعروض الرياضيّة، والقتالية، وفي القرن الثاني للميلاد تطوّرت المدينة، وزاد اتّساعها، وضمّت العديد من المعابد، بالإضافة لأربعة عشر حمّاماً ودورة مياه، موزّعة بين الأحياء السكنيّة، وفي القرن الثّالث الميلادي، زُوّدت المدينة بمكتبة عموميّة، وكانت تعتبر ثاني مكتبة رومانيّة من حيث الحجم في العالم، و فيها سوق كبير، كما اتّسعت بيوتها، وظهرت عليها مظاهر الفخامة والتّرف، كمبنى الكابيتول.
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Timgad (Batna, Algeria)
Visite Timgad With my friend Zinou (one of the best who I have)
By : Hamid Fadhel, Globe-trotter ????
Timgad, Batna, Algeria تيمقاد الجزائر
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Ancient city of Timgad BATNA
Timgad lies on the northern slopes of the Aurès mountains and was created ex nihilo as a military colony by the Emperor Trajan in AD 100. With its square enclosure and orthogonal design based on the cardo and decumanus, the two perpendicular routes running through the city, it is an excellent example of Roman town planning.
Algérie Rahabba chaouie au ferstival de Timgad Batna Aurés
Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Algeria | Timgad Destination Spot
Top Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Algeria | Timgad Destination Spot - Tourism in Algeria
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Timgad (called Thamugas or Thamugadi in old Berber) and also known as The Pompeii of North Africa, was a Roman-Berber town in the Aurès Mountains of Algeria.
It was founded by the Emperor Trajan around AD 100. The full name of the town was Colonia Marciana Ulpia Traiana Thamugadi.
Located in modern-day Algeria, about 35 km east of the town of Batna, the ruins are noteworthy for representing one of the best extant examples of the grid plan as used in Roman city planning.
Timgad was inscribed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982.
The city was founded ex nihilo as a military colony by the emperor Trajan around AD 100.
It was intended to serve primarily as a bastion against the Berbers in the nearby Aures Mountains.
It was originally populated largely by Roman veterans of the Parthian campaigns who were granted lands in return for years of service.
In the 5th century, the city was sacked by the Vandals before falling into decline.
In AD 535, the Byzantine general Solomon found the city empty when he came to occupy it.
In the following century, the city was briefly repopulated as a primarily Christian city before being sacked by Berbers in the 5th century.
The city saw a revival of activity after the Byzantine reconquest in the 6th century, but the Arab invasion brought about the destruction of Thamugadi, where occupation ceased definitively after the 8th century.
Located at the intersection of six roads, the city was walled but not fortified.
At the time of its founding, the area surrounding the city was a fertile agricultural area, about 1000 meters above sea level.
The original Roman grid plan is magnificently visible in the orthogonal design,
highlighted by the decumanus maximus and the cardo lined by a partially restored Corinthian colonnade.
At the west end of the decumanus rises a 12 m high triumphal arch, called the Arch of Trajan, which was partially restored in 1900.
The arch is principally of sandstone, and is of the Corinthian order with three arches, the central one being 11' wide. The arch is also known as the Timgad Arch.
A 3,500-seat theater is in good condition and is used for contemporary productions. The other key buildings include four thermae, a library, and a basilica.
The Capitoline Temple is dedicated to Jupiter and is of approximately the same dimensions as the Pantheon in Rome.
Nearby the capitol is a square church with a circular apse dating from the 7th century AD.
Southeast of the city is a large Byzantine citadel built in the later days of the city.
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VLOG#03 || TIMGAD Batna Algeria || زيارتي لتيمقاد الأثرية
VLOG#03 || TIMGAD Batna Algeria || زيارتي لتيمقاد الأثرية
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الجزائر وثائقي تيمقاد على القناة البريطانية Timgad Algeria
الجزائر وثائقي تيمقاد على القناة البريطانية Timgad Algeria
Berbers and Arabs dominate the history of Algeria, but the country also has a splendid remnant of the Roman civilization. It is not very convenient to reach Timgad, but the grand spectacle of the town and fortification built there some two thousand years ago, makes the rigors of Algeria travel worthwhile. The entire area is about one thousand meters above sea level, so it is pleasant even during the hotter months. The countryside around Timgad is desolate, and serves as an object lesson for the benefits of conservation, for it was once a thriving eco-system.
While some of the taller structures such as the famous victory arch strike the eye at first glance, it is the layout and planning of Timgad which is more impressive after one spends some time amidst the ruins. The spirits of the Berbers must repent at having laid waste to Timgad, for they destroyed a precious asset for themselves! Whatever remains of the Roman settlement is due to the absence of any habitation for centuries, rather than because of the conscious efforts to preserve the community which once lived here. Even the most patriotic citizen of Algeria will feel bad after spending time at Timgad, that such a splendid settlement has been needlessly destroyed.
Many modern cities lack the foresight of the people who planned Timgad. This applies as much to Batna, which Timgad visitors have to use as a base station, as to comparable towns which are outside Algeria. Timgad was laid out in grid fashion, which must have made it as easy to locate addresses as in the Manhattan of today! The other impressive aspect of Timgad is how the planners catered to diverse needs in their layout. Though Timgad was meant to be a fortification of the Romans against the Berbers, it also had a theater where people could enjoy the performing arts. It is ironic that the theater is in use to this day, and one of the more pleasant aspects of a Timgad visit.
Visitors who are not conversant with biology may find claims of the agricultural bio-diversity of Timgad unbelievable today. The desert has clearly taken over, and is the victor as much as the Berbers! The land around Timgad was served by melted snow from the mountains in which the settlement nestles, and was once full of wild flora and fauna, and suitable for growing a wide range of crops. The loss of tree cover must have been primarily responsible for destruction of habitats, and the tragic reality of today. Timgad seems to be a symbol of the essential predicament in which Algeria finds itself today!
Tags: timgad, berbers, arabs, roman, travel, eco-system, batna
Algerian culture, traditions and nature.
Timgad voyage aux confins de l'Aures (Algérie)
Timgad (autrefois Thamugadi) est une ancienne colonie romaine, fondée par l'empereur Trajan en 100 apr. J-C, aujourd'hui un site archéologique majeur en Algérie. Timgad se trouvait sur la voie romaine qui reliait la cité de Lambhèze à celle de Théveste. Située dans le massif montagneux des Aurès, à 1 072 mètres d'altitude, Timgad est la dernière colonie crée en Afrique du temps des Romains.
L’INTRÉPIDE explorateur écossais n’en croit pas ses yeux. Là, aux confins de l’Algérie, se dresse devant lui un arc de triomphe romain partiellement enfoui dans le sable ! Quand James Bruce a fait cette découverte en 1765, il ne savait pas qu’en fait se trouvaient sous ses pieds les ruines de la plus grande colonie romaine construite en Afrique du Nord : l’antique Thamugadi.
Plus d’un siècle après, en 1881, des archéologues français ont commencé à sortir de terre les vestiges, bien préservés, de Timgad. Ils ont découvert que malgré un environnement aride, ses habitants vivaient dans le confort et le luxe. Mais qu’est-ce qui a poussé les Romains à construire une telle colonie dans un endroit aussi inhospitalier ? Et que pouvons-nous apprendre de cette ville antique et de ses habitants ?
Au Ier siècle avant notre ère, quand les Romains ont étendu leur empire à l’Afrique du Nord, ils ont fait face à la violente opposition de certaines tribus nomades. Comment établiraient-ils la paix avec la population locale ? Au début, les soldats de la IIIe légion Auguste ont bâti de nombreux camps fortifiés et postes de garde dans la vaste région montagneuse de ce qui est aujourd’hui le nord de l’Algérie. Plus tard, ils ont construit la ville de Timgad.Comment les Romains ont-ils réussi à conquérir le cœur de la population locale si rapidement ? Tout d’abord, ils favorisaient l’égalité entre citoyens, principe enseigné par l’homme d’État romain Cicéron. Les terres étaient divisées équitablement entre les vétérans romains et les citoyens d’origine africaine. La ville a été soigneusement découpée en îlots de maisons mesurant chacun 20 mètres sur 20 mètres et séparés par des rues étroites. Un agencement aussi équitable et ordonné était certainement très attirant.Certains Africains devenus citoyens romains ont même fini par accéder à des places en vue à Timgad ou dans d’autres villes coloniales. Timgad était principalement habitée par des Nord-Africains.Après la fondation de la ville par l’empereur Trajan en 100 de notre ère, les Romains ont encouragé la production de céréales, d’huile d’olive et de vin dans toute l’Afrique du Nord. La région est vite devenue le « grenier » de Rome, procurant à l’empire des produits alimentaires de base. Comme d’autres villes coloniales, Timgad a prospéré sous la domination romaine. Avec le temps, la population a augmenté et la ville s’est étendue bien au-delà de ses remparts. Dans l'ancien nom de Timgad, Marciana Traiana Thamugadi, la première partie (Marciana Traiana) est romaine et se rapporte au nom de son fondateur, l'empereur Trajan, et sa sœur Marciana. La deuxième partie du nom Thamugadi « n'a rien de latin ». Thamugadi est le nom berbère du lieu où a été édifiée la ville, à lire Timgad, pluriel de Tamgut, signifiant « pic », « sommet ». Les inscriptions du nom de Timgad ont été retrouvées dans la Table de Peutinger, à l'intérieur de l'itinéraire d’Antonin le Pieux et dans des actes de martyrs, ainsi qu'au haut de l'Arc de Trajan.
Avec Timgad, l'Afrique n'est en aucun cas devenue romaine, mais c'est Rome qui s'est faite africaine.
La Magie des Balcons du Ghoufi , M'Chouneche et Timgad (Batna, Algerie) en 4K (Drone Mavic Pro)
La Magie des Balcons du Ghoufi , M'Chouneche et Timgad (Batna, Algerie) en 4K (Drone Mavic Pro)
Organisé par Caravane des feuilles.
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ceram decor batna maala amine سيرام ديكور معلى أمين
Algeria(ⴷⵣⴰⵢⴻⵔ) - Batna(ⵜⴱⴰⵜⴻⵏⵜ) ...The Roman Ruins of Timgad(ⵜⵉⵎⴳⴰⴷ)
Timgad lies on the northern slopes of the Aurès mountains and was created ex nihilo as a military colony by the Emperor Trajan in AD 100. With its square enclosure and orthogonal design based on the cardo and decumanus, the two perpendicular routes running through the city, it is an excellent example of Roman town planning.
Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
timgad - batna _ تيمغاد - باتنة
خرجة تصويرية لمدينة باتنة
والمعلم التاريخي تيمغاد
جمال الجزائر الحلقة 14 باتنة ومدينة تيمقاد الأثرية Beauty of Algeria Batna and the city of Timgad
تقع مدينة باتنة في جبال الأوراس شمال شرق الجزائر. يحد بلدية باتنة من الشمال كل من سريانة و فسديس، من الشمال الشرقي فسديس، من الشرق عيون العصافير، من الجنوب الشرقي تازولت، و يحدها وادي الشعبة من الجنوب و الغرب، ووادي الماء من الشمال الغربي.