Unterwasser Photoshooting by roga
Making off Unterwasserfotografie mit Playmate Bernadette Kaspar, Poldi Poisson, Chantal Schwarz
Prosa von Else Lasker-Schüler /
Rezitation: Claudia Gahrke/
Auch das Meer war einmal vom Körper umfangen gewesen, bevor es losbrauste. Das Meer ist die weite strömende, der Welt gebliebenen Seele. Das Meer ist von dieser Welt. Aber der Geist Gottes schwebt über seine Wasser. Wir tauchen in das heilige Element und erlösen uns von aller Erdenschwere. Schiffe gleiten über den Ozean von Erdteil zu Erdteil. Man möchte immer das seligbrausende Gewässer anbetend umarmen. Eine Erlösung sondergleichen, sich der Welle hinzugeben; Hochzeit feiert das Geschöpf mit dem Meer. Bewundernd blicke ich über die feierlich perlengeschmückte, rauschende Tafel. - Nun ist es Nacht, das ewige Wasser aber leuchtet silbern wie mein befreites Herz. Weit breite ich die Flügel aus und weiss nichts mehr als: Schweben - Vogelsein! Unter mir schlägt eine Welle, eine grollende Nachtigall erschütternd ein Lied. Heerscharen weissgegürteter Wasser stürmen an den Strand; uminseln mich. Ich habe mich gefunden!! Wer ist bei mir? Denn ich bin ein Ruheort. - Ich frage nicht, wer Lust und Schmerz aus meinem Herzen schöpfte und aller Eigenschaften Ranken pflückte. So trage ich mich leicht dahin; zurück fall ich entlastet neugeboren in die Welt. Hier bleibe ich! Am Strand der rauschenden Genügsamkeit. - Wie meine Mutter starb, zerbrach der Mond. Noch einmal trennte Er, der Herr, das Wasser von dem Land. Es blitzt! Feurige Worte schreibt der glühende Zickzack auf die finstere Seide des himmlischen Bilderbuchs, ein Menetekel an die Westwand der Welt. Gott rollt durch die Welt! Sein roter Initiale hat mich getroffen, erleuchtete mich und erlosch im Meer. - Weisst du noch um Mitternacht am liebenden Meeresstrande? Ich weigerte mich, aufs strömende Geschmeide spät mit dir zu segeln. Der Sterndeuter hatte vor der schwarzbestrahlten Stunde zwischen Nacht und Nacht des Uranos mich streng gewarnt. Wir aber segelten vergessen durch die ewige Liebesflut. Tuuh! Das ist das Nebelhorn . . . Tuuh!! Wie der Feldvogel über dem Korn schreit, immer wieder der bange, gelbe Ton über dem rieselnden finsteren Weizen des Meeres. Wir waren taumelnd mit dem grossen Gewässer geraten ins Netz des Nebels. Als es hell wurde, eiltest du weiter in die Welt; ich aber blieb auf dem Steg und labte mich an der frischen, veredelten Blume des grünschäumenden Ozeans. Nie duftet sein Wasser so herbe wie in aller Gottesfrühe. Muschel und Salz und Alge und Seestern mischen sich, und der Fisch gibt vom Perlmutter seiner Schuppe zum Most.
Neugierige sammeln sich am Strand und messen,
Sich am Meer und mir der Dichterin vermessen.
Doch ihre Redensart löscht aus der Sand.
Ich hab die Welt vor Welt vergessen,
Getränkt von edlen Meeresnässen.
Als läge ich in Gottes weiter Hand.
Achtung, diese Haubentaucher tun ständig heftig Kopfschütteln mit gespreizter Federhaube. Das nennt sich Pinguin-Pose, lol. ( Also genauer gesagt „Pinguintanz“ oder „Kopfschüttelzeremonie“ ) Ausserdem können sie bis zu einer Minute tauchen und zwar 5 bis 20 Meter tief. Das alles kann man hier anschauen, anhören. ( Konstanz, 09.04.2017 )
Die Toten vom Bodensee 7: Was sich liebt, das neckt sich
Deutsche Erstausstrahlung am 1. Oktober 2018 um 20.15 Uhr im ZDF
Siebter Teil der ZDF-Krimireihe Die Toten vom Bodensee
Meine Beiden Hunde
Ein bisschen schwimmen und tauchen :P
Seedamm und Schloss Rapperswil | Causeway lake Zurich
Castle and causeway of Rapperswil by drone view.
Prominenz beim Business Champion - Wirtschaft trifft Sport
Olmypia 2016 rückt näher. Genau wie die Verbindung den Unternehmen und Sportlern und Vereinen aus Leipzig. Business Champion - Wirtschaft trifft Sport heißt die Initiative, die von Karsten Tornow (Vorstandsvorsitzendem concept4sport) , der IHK zu Leipzig und dem OSP Leipzig gegründet wurde.
+++Prominenz beim Business Champion+++
Am Abend des 11.02. ließen kamen über 180 Unternehmer und größen von Leipzig und überregional zusammen um die Verbindung aus Wirtschaft und Sport zu stärken. Spitzensportler Cindy Roleder, Tina Dietze, Stephan Feck und Stefan Holtz konnten uns die Hürden eines Spitzensportlers im Interview aufzeigen. Starfußballer von RB Leipzig, Rani Khedira und Marcel Halstenberg konnten zusammen mit Torwartkoordinator, Perry Bräutigam den Alltag eines Profifußballers in einem unterhaltsamen Interview mit LVZ Redakteur Guido Schäfer, herausstellen. Den runden Abschluss brachte das Get-Together der Gäste, mit dem Spiel Liverpool vs. Dortmund.
Die 1000 Firmen rücken näher...
SeyVillas Bewertung: Markus und Jana auf den Seychellen
Markus und Jana haben in ihrem Urlaub die Seychellen richtig lieben gelernt und haben die gebuchten Unterkünfte als gut bis perfekt erlebt. Minuspunkte vergeben die beiden lediglich für die drei Tage Regen, die sie erwischt haben.
Lied eines traurigen Vogels
Provided to YouTube by NAXOS of America
Lied eines traurigen Vogels · Katrin Kögel
Die Trottellumme und andere schräge Vögel
℗ 2016 Helbling Verlag
Released on: 2016-10-07
Artist: Katrin Kögel
Artist: Heiko Raubach
Artist: Gernot Kögel
Composer: Claudia Nicolai
Composer: Gernot Kögel
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Types of Dissociation Q&A
02 July Q&A Livestream on the topic of The Types of Dissociation for CPTSD/ Complex PTSD survivors. This can be very helpful for those who were abused or neglected from the ages of 0-8 years of age.
Complex Trauma Survivors, especially those who endure narcissistic abuse or childhood abuse, often have a hard time discussing these topics due to the abuse endured in childhood or the way they have been devalued by abusers and enablers in adulthood.
*Live Daily Recovery Support Calls* for as little as $50 per month: Your membership includes a full library of archived calls and chat transcripts on all topics related to recovery from trauma.
All credit for this powerfully healing discussion should be directed toward our global community of brave PTSD, CPTSD, childhood abuse and narcissistic abuse survivors who show up HERE every week to heal and support one another.
When we first realize we are living with CPTSD symptoms or learn that we are a survivor of abuse, we usually have a period of time when we feel all alone or like we will never make it through the pain.
Tonight's discussion is for anyone who learns about their trauma, has new memories of their trauma or just feels all alone in their healing journey. You are not alone anymore.
Welcome to our safe community.
You are welcome here. We believe you. There is support here. Be kind to yourself. Go at your own pace. Breathe. Breathe again. And... know the pain you are feeling today is temporary. It gets better. We promise.
When certain topics come to mind or are of particular interest to you, please post them below in the comments or send them via email if you'd prefer more privacy/anonymity (see our About section). You may also send them to info(at)cptsdfoundation(dot)org and I will add them to my editorial calendar.
Weekly, I will be answering your questions, sharing practical tips and strategies to help you heal from the debilitating aftereffects of narcissistic abuse and childhood abuse of any kind. CPTSD symptoms can be very paralyzing. Please take it slow and know we are all here to support you. Thank you for your participation and encouraging support toward all other community members.
Again, this video is live and interactive.
This is Weekly Q&A. If you are unable to attend live please take the info you find helpful and leave the rest. We invite you to visit one of our websites: nomoreshameproject.com or cptsdfoundation.org to download the content you wish to read/ learn about. No need to be unkind in the comments re: all the talking... this is described here in the description section as Live Q&A... hence the talking.
I would also like to take this time to invite you to join our global community of survivors in 180+ countries. There are several ways to receive the support you deserve:
1). in our safe support groups on Facebook
2). on Twitter during Sue's or Rachel's weekly Twitter Chats #sexabusechat #csaqt
3). right here on YouTube--for Live Q&A every week (times below)
In the USA:
Mondays 6:00 p.m. PST/ 9:00 p.m. EST
In the UK:
Tuesdays at 2:00 a.m. GMT
In Australia:
Tuesdays 11:am
You are welcome here with us, always.
It is my honor to serve the survivor community. I hope to see you here with us every week. Invite someone you know who feels alone or misunderstood regarding their narcissistic abuse, childhood abuse or CPTSD symptoms.
Again, all credit for this powerfully healing discussion should be directed toward our global community of brave PTSD, CPTSD, Narcissistic Abuse and Childhood Abuse Survivors who show up here every week to heal and support one another.
Thank you ALL for being in my life and for allowing me to be a part of your lives. I love you all and couldn't do any of this without YOU.
* . * . * * . * . * . * . * . *
* . * . * confetti * . * . *
* . * . * * . * . * . * . * . *
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Q&A Attachment Trauma and Dissociation -
Proudly sharing with you the enchanting beauty of Enchanted River at Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur. You will be able to reach here via Butuan City Airport or Davao City Airport. For fish feeding time better arrive early before 12 noon at Enchanted River or inquire for the exact time for you to be able to see the different kind of fishes, which others describe as enchanting...
Usually tourists include this place on their list to visit in Surigao del Sur along with Britania Island for Island Hopping and Tinuy-an Falls...
#EnchantedRiver #SurigaodelSur #Philippines
This was last August 16, 2016 after our Britania Island Hopping
Please watch in HD for better quality
Liechtenstein | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Liechtenstein ( (listen) LIK-tən-styne; German: [ˈlɪçtn̩ʃtaɪn]), officially the Principality of Liechtenstein (German: Fürstentum Liechtenstein), is a doubly landlocked German-speaking microstate in Central Europe. The principality is a constitutional monarchy headed by the Prince of Liechtenstein.
Liechtenstein is bordered by Switzerland to the west and south and Austria to the east and north. It has an area of just over 160 square kilometres (62 square miles), the fourth smallest country in Europe and has a population of 37,877. Divided into 11 municipalities, its capital is Vaduz, and its largest municipality is Schaan. It is also the smallest country to border two countries.Economically, Liechtenstein has one of the highest gross domestic products per person in the world when adjusted for purchasing power parity. Liechtenstein has been known in the past as a billionaire tax haven; however, it is no longer on any blacklists of uncooperative tax haven countries (see taxation section).
An Alpine country, Liechtenstein is mainly mountainous, making it a winter sport destination. The country has a strong financial sector centered in Vaduz. Almost 20,000 people commute to work in Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein is a member of the United Nations, the European Free Trade Association, and the Council of Europe, and although not a member of the European Union, the country participates in both the Schengen Area and the European Economic Area. It also has a customs union and a monetary union with Switzerland.
2016 Ventura College Graduation Ceremony
View the Live Stream at:
Креатин на сушке. Можно ли принимать креатин моногидрат во время (в период) сушки?
reassured screamed liter favoring traction wondered reconsider realizing plow nap brain's ebb manifests CVD HDL minutiae ducks They've sufficed proponents waged salvo yearlong Tulane coverage unanimously sarcasm Pundits predictors coffin headlines representative enrolled Asians demographic diehards implausible slashing upped group's balloons publicized uptick bioelectrical impedance predictor LDL carbers pedestrian cuttingsome glean takeaways echoed study's Lydia Bazzano compel directing dogmatic almighty Jake fascinating devoting installment I’ve mmols Wingates foggy acuity tissue's oxidize Phinney synonymous Mistaking intriguing teamed Auburn Wolfe's CPT impede trash Someone's calorically reintroduction reintroduce blunts Paoli transitioned lasted Ketostix conservatively reversals lackluster telltale stroll tantamount deluge chockfull edibles aisle Who's les courgettes serrated peeler spiralizer wonderfully hash browns mandolin dubbed cauliflower's spuds pulverize Brassica wallop Chard sauté cremini shiitake fungi umami portobello stealthily praised dearth smear firepower backlash au naturale pint shrivelled rosy orbs lycopene Nature's lengthwise microwavable parchment scrape benevolent gourd Radish Bok choy Watercress famously sang stoned sweetness tinged tipoff nondigestible plush stellar sniffles pucker Fillets mercury unseasoned marinades ante beloved deli spared lunchmeats Dijon collard fests fattened Cornish hen Gruyere mundane decoupled riff blending pinches mop cultured surging critters tangy horns cow's Brie Ricotta kefir carnivores soaks brilliantly marinate Tempeh earthy mushroomy crumbling casseroles sauerkraut Pinto boast Pepitas o castoffs Sargento stringy bathed humming lofty healthyomega shops supermarkets Pepperettes Hazelnuts Bob's fare Shirataki translucent gelatinous konjac bowlful nondescript rinse blanch Preliminary prediabetes viscous Hazelnut brewed quencher moo cartons sidestep Imbibing infuses exhaustive flapjacks marys ye sipped seltzer contradictory farther swilling interchangeably insulinogenic spur counterintuitive accessing tougher adjusts Mozzarella cucumbers kcals reservoir thriving ongoing chow insisted French's Trimmed Uncured Portabella condensed tamari aminos steamer bubbly Ruthie ours marshmallows dye pumpkins fl Truvia Nutmeg Cloves towels masher lumpy quartered ½ generously pierced family's else's cleanup cooks Kosher slits slit PDF unwrap tossed bowl's ooohs aaaahs mouthwatering Coarse wilt bakes Sprouted crumb crumbs crumble byproducts apiece appreciable granite unconditioned stepmill app Centopani eater groundbreaking world's Evan's insists com's it'd befriending fluke flounder rutabaga turnips distributing rigors regimented hamburgers Animal's flagship Pak negotiable fundamentally depleting plows wishful oversimplified depletes Karbolyn Labrada's shuttling muscles replenished proponent dragging microtraumas pounder resynthesis disposal polymer shuttle Elasti RTD MRP EFA Charge Krill MPS rapamycin hesitate Centopani's diner steakhouse wheelbarrow Overseas border nearest awful refrigeration Stak Iconic XL Beanie Rotisserie precooked breaded standby powered brothers McGrath Antoine Vaillant baggie brainer Nothing's comforting goulash Slurp swole requested dad's bursting rotini parsnips I’ll paprika Worcestershire Caraway saucepot batch Printable Frosting silicone brethren Vincenzo Masone Fritz approached days steal sanitary basa jumbo gallbladder crowns handfuls plums nectarines underconsumed drilled skulls lid poking USDA thickest translates clump cruciferous broil cardamom thankfully occasions roasting dicing drizzling facet pectin midworkout plump insides glorious skimp Tahini Cumin pretzels sing Ramen entrée zing sharpest leftover pinapple Endive chilies clove crumbles vinaigrette Kalamata pitted Oregano Bragg's tonight's Mendelsohn frothy stove fortunate micromanaging achievements NASCAR skimping mussels rabbit seitan grapefruits limes Melons honeydew apricots… chestnuts overanalyzing fistful plateauing stricter fistfuls arrangement honing afforded it'll Fiber's Satiate Yep compiled SOUTHWEST potlucks bevy ROMA SEEDED uncovered BALSAMIC yummy clocks heats PARSNIP resealable rimmed Discard FE COB THINLY spinner BURRITO RINSED GARNISHES STROGANOFF CAMPBELL'S SHERRY dente garnished Dorian coveted GROUNDED hesitation filets tenderloins scours tags grabs fattier semblance beefing thrifty exchanges D's rodeo beeline Quaker swayed canister opts canisters measly sizzling sitcom Kris EZ sec Bathe proverbial anticipate Radar Benchmarks Robergs R Pearson Costill Fink J Pascoe Benedict Zachweija intensities Calder Yaqoob Bowtell Gelly Simeoni Rennie Wang uncompromising Welsh Kage meditative yin coincides iconoclast's sellers efficaciously replicate brand's Vitargo disguise bitterness reluctantly Offerings Hydra underperforming refilming raced biked deadlifted Ironman Matt Pritchard Ironmans swears triathletes Trainee Hey faceless
Сушка. Сушка тела для девушек. Бешеная сушка
reassured screamed liter favoring traction wondered reconsider realizing plow nap brain's ebb manifests CVD HDL minutiae ducks They've sufficed proponents waged salvo yearlong Tulane coverage unanimously sarcasm Pundits predictors coffin headlines representative enrolled Asians demographic diehards implausible slashing upped group's balloons publicized uptick bioelectrical impedance predictor LDL carbers pedestrian cuttingsome glean takeaways echoed study's Lydia Bazzano compel directing dogmatic almighty Jake fascinating devoting installment I’ve mmols Wingates foggy acuity tissue's oxidize Phinney synonymous Mistaking intriguing teamed Auburn Wolfe's CPT impede trash Someone's calorically reintroduction reintroduce blunts Paoli transitioned lasted Ketostix conservatively reversals lackluster telltale stroll tantamount deluge chockfull edibles aisle Who's les courgettes serrated peeler spiralizer wonderfully hash browns mandolin dubbed cauliflower's spuds pulverize Brassica wallop Chard sauté cremini shiitake fungi umami portobello stealthily praised dearth smear firepower backlash au naturale pint shrivelled rosy orbs lycopene Nature's lengthwise microwavable parchment scrape benevolent gourd Radish Bok choy Watercress famously sang stoned sweetness tinged tipoff nondigestible plush stellar sniffles pucker Fillets mercury unseasoned marinades ante beloved deli spared lunchmeats Dijon collard fests fattened Cornish hen Gruyere mundane decoupled riff blending pinches mop cultured surging critters tangy horns cow's Brie Ricotta kefir carnivores soaks brilliantly marinate Tempeh earthy mushroomy crumbling casseroles sauerkraut Pinto boast Pepitas o castoffs Sargento stringy bathed humming lofty healthyomega shops supermarkets Pepperettes Hazelnuts Bob's fare Shirataki translucent gelatinous konjac bowlful nondescript rinse blanch Preliminary prediabetes viscous Hazelnut brewed quencher moo cartons sidestep Imbibing infuses exhaustive flapjacks marys ye sipped seltzer contradictory farther swilling interchangeably insulinogenic spur counterintuitive accessing tougher adjusts Mozzarella cucumbers kcals reservoir thriving ongoing chow insisted French's Trimmed Uncured Portabella condensed tamari aminos steamer bubbly Ruthie ours marshmallows dye pumpkins fl Truvia Nutmeg Cloves towels masher lumpy quartered ½ generously pierced family's else's cleanup cooks Kosher slits slit PDF unwrap tossed bowl's ooohs aaaahs mouthwatering Coarse wilt bakes Sprouted crumb crumbs crumble byproducts apiece appreciable granite unconditioned stepmill app Centopani eater groundbreaking world's Evan's insists com's it'd befriending fluke flounder rutabaga turnips distributing rigors regimented hamburgers Animal's flagship Pak negotiable fundamentally depleting plows wishful oversimplified depletes Karbolyn Labrada's shuttling muscles replenished proponent dragging microtraumas pounder resynthesis disposal polymer shuttle Elasti RTD MRP EFA Charge Krill MPS rapamycin hesitate Centopani's diner steakhouse wheelbarrow Overseas border nearest awful refrigeration Stak Iconic XL Beanie Rotisserie precooked breaded standby powered brothers McGrath Antoine Vaillant baggie brainer Nothing's comforting goulash Slurp swole requested dad's bursting rotini parsnips I’ll paprika Worcestershire Caraway saucepot batch Printable Frosting silicone brethren Vincenzo Masone Fritz approached days steal sanitary basa jumbo gallbladder crowns handfuls plums nectarines underconsumed drilled skulls lid poking USDA thickest translates clump cruciferous broil cardamom thankfully occasions roasting dicing drizzling facet pectin midworkout plump insides glorious skimp Tahini Cumin pretzels sing Ramen entrée zing sharpest leftover pinapple Endive chilies clove crumbles vinaigrette Kalamata pitted Oregano Bragg's tonight's Mendelsohn frothy stove fortunate micromanaging achievements NASCAR skimping mussels rabbit seitan grapefruits limes Melons honeydew apricots… chestnuts overanalyzing fistful plateauing stricter fistfuls arrangement honing afforded it'll Fiber's Satiate Yep compiled SOUTHWEST potlucks bevy ROMA SEEDED uncovered BALSAMIC yummy clocks heats PARSNIP resealable rimmed Discard FE COB THINLY spinner BURRITO RINSED GARNISHES STROGANOFF CAMPBELL'S SHERRY dente garnished Dorian coveted GROUNDED hesitation filets tenderloins scours tags grabs fattier semblance beefing thrifty exchanges D's rodeo beeline Quaker swayed canister opts canisters measly sizzling sitcom Kris EZ sec Bathe proverbial anticipate Radar Benchmarks Robergs R Pearson Costill Fink J Pascoe Benedict Zachweija intensities Calder Yaqoob Bowtell Gelly Simeoni Rennie Wang uncompromising Welsh Kage meditative yin coincides iconoclast's sellers efficaciously replicate brand's Vitargo disguise bitterness reluctantly Offerings Hydra underperforming refilming raced biked deadlifted Ironman Matt Pritchard Ironmans swears triathletes Trainee Hey faceless
Mafia 2 - Prison Rape Scene
The attempted prison rape in Mafia 2
Толстеют ли, можно ли потолстеть от сладкого?
reassured screamed liter favoring traction wondered reconsider realizing plow nap brain's ebb manifests CVD HDL minutiae ducks They've sufficed proponents waged salvo yearlong Tulane coverage unanimously sarcasm Pundits predictors coffin headlines representative enrolled Asians demographic diehards implausible slashing upped group's balloons publicized uptick bioelectrical impedance predictor LDL carbers pedestrian cuttingsome glean takeaways echoed study's Lydia Bazzano compel directing dogmatic almighty Jake fascinating devoting installment I’ve mmols Wingates foggy acuity tissue's oxidize Phinney synonymous Mistaking intriguing teamed Auburn Wolfe's CPT impede trash Someone's calorically reintroduction reintroduce blunts Paoli transitioned lasted Ketostix conservatively reversals lackluster telltale stroll tantamount deluge chockfull edibles aisle Who's les courgettes serrated peeler spiralizer wonderfully hash browns mandolin dubbed cauliflower's spuds pulverize Brassica wallop Chard sauté cremini shiitake fungi umami portobello stealthily praised dearth smear firepower backlash au naturale pint shrivelled rosy orbs lycopene Nature's lengthwise microwavable parchment scrape benevolent gourd Radish Bok choy Watercress famously sang stoned sweetness tinged tipoff nondigestible plush stellar sniffles pucker Fillets mercury unseasoned marinades ante beloved deli spared lunchmeats Dijon collard fests fattened Cornish hen Gruyere mundane decoupled riff blending pinches mop cultured surging critters tangy horns cow's Brie Ricotta kefir carnivores soaks brilliantly marinate Tempeh earthy mushroomy crumbling casseroles sauerkraut Pinto boast Pepitas o castoffs Sargento stringy bathed humming lofty healthyomega shops supermarkets Pepperettes Hazelnuts Bob's fare Shirataki translucent gelatinous konjac bowlful nondescript rinse blanch Preliminary prediabetes viscous Hazelnut brewed quencher moo cartons sidestep Imbibing infuses exhaustive flapjacks marys ye sipped seltzer contradictory farther swilling interchangeably insulinogenic spur counterintuitive accessing tougher adjusts Mozzarella cucumbers kcals reservoir thriving ongoing chow insisted French's Trimmed Uncured Portabella condensed tamari aminos steamer bubbly Ruthie ours marshmallows dye pumpkins fl Truvia Nutmeg Cloves towels masher lumpy quartered ½ generously pierced family's else's cleanup cooks Kosher slits slit PDF unwrap tossed bowl's ooohs aaaahs mouthwatering Coarse wilt bakes Sprouted crumb crumbs crumble byproducts apiece appreciable granite unconditioned stepmill app Centopani eater groundbreaking world's Evan's insists com's it'd befriending fluke flounder rutabaga turnips distributing rigors regimented hamburgers Animal's flagship Pak negotiable fundamentally depleting plows wishful oversimplified depletes Karbolyn Labrada's shuttling muscles replenished proponent dragging microtraumas pounder resynthesis disposal polymer shuttle Elasti RTD MRP EFA Charge Krill MPS rapamycin hesitate Centopani's diner steakhouse wheelbarrow Overseas border nearest awful refrigeration Stak Iconic XL Beanie Rotisserie precooked breaded standby powered brothers McGrath Antoine Vaillant baggie brainer Nothing's comforting goulash Slurp swole requested dad's bursting rotini parsnips I’ll paprika Worcestershire Caraway saucepot batch Printable Frosting silicone brethren Vincenzo Masone Fritz approached days steal sanitary basa jumbo gallbladder crowns handfuls plums nectarines underconsumed drilled skulls lid poking USDA thickest translates clump cruciferous broil cardamom thankfully occasions roasting dicing drizzling facet pectin midworkout plump insides glorious skimp Tahini Cumin pretzels sing Ramen entrée zing sharpest leftover pinapple Endive chilies clove crumbles vinaigrette Kalamata pitted Oregano Bragg's tonight's Mendelsohn frothy stove fortunate micromanaging achievements NASCAR skimping mussels rabbit seitan grapefruits limes Melons honeydew apricots… chestnuts overanalyzing fistful plateauing stricter fistfuls arrangement honing afforded it'll Fiber's Satiate Yep compiled SOUTHWEST potlucks bevy ROMA SEEDED uncovered BALSAMIC yummy clocks heats PARSNIP resealable rimmed Discard FE COB THINLY spinner BURRITO RINSED GARNISHES STROGANOFF CAMPBELL'S SHERRY dente garnished Dorian coveted GROUNDED hesitation filets tenderloins scours tags grabs fattier semblance beefing thrifty exchanges D's rodeo beeline Quaker swayed canister opts canisters measly sizzling sitcom Kris EZ sec Bathe proverbial anticipate Radar Benchmarks Robergs R Pearson Costill Fink J Pascoe Benedict Zachweija intensities Calder Yaqoob Bowtell Gelly Simeoni Rennie Wang uncompromising Welsh Kage meditative yin coincides iconoclast's sellers efficaciously replicate brand's Vitargo disguise bitterness reluctantly Offerings Hydra underperforming refilming raced biked deadlifted Ironman Matt Pritchard Ironmans swears triathletes Trainee Hey faceless
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reassured screamed liter favoring traction wondered reconsider realizing plow nap brain's ebb manifests CVD HDL minutiae ducks They've sufficed proponents waged salvo yearlong Tulane coverage unanimously sarcasm Pundits predictors coffin headlines representative enrolled Asians demographic diehards implausible slashing upped group's balloons publicized uptick bioelectrical impedance predictor LDL carbers pedestrian cuttingsome glean takeaways echoed study's Lydia Bazzano compel directing dogmatic almighty Jake fascinating devoting installment I’ve mmols Wingates foggy acuity tissue's oxidize Phinney synonymous Mistaking intriguing teamed Auburn Wolfe's CPT impede trash Someone's calorically reintroduction reintroduce blunts Paoli transitioned lasted Ketostix conservatively reversals lackluster telltale stroll tantamount deluge chockfull edibles aisle Who's les courgettes serrated peeler spiralizer wonderfully hash browns mandolin dubbed cauliflower's spuds pulverize Brassica wallop Chard sauté cremini shiitake fungi umami portobello stealthily praised dearth smear firepower backlash au naturale pint shrivelled rosy orbs lycopene Nature's lengthwise microwavable parchment scrape benevolent gourd Radish Bok choy Watercress famously sang stoned sweetness tinged tipoff nondigestible plush stellar sniffles pucker Fillets mercury unseasoned marinades ante beloved deli spared lunchmeats Dijon collard fests fattened Cornish hen Gruyere mundane decoupled riff blending pinches mop cultured surging critters tangy horns cow's Brie Ricotta kefir carnivores soaks brilliantly marinate Tempeh earthy mushroomy crumbling casseroles sauerkraut Pinto boast Pepitas o castoffs Sargento stringy bathed humming lofty healthyomega shops supermarkets Pepperettes Hazelnuts Bob's fare Shirataki translucent gelatinous konjac bowlful nondescript rinse blanch Preliminary prediabetes viscous Hazelnut brewed quencher moo cartons sidestep Imbibing infuses exhaustive flapjacks marys ye sipped seltzer contradictory farther swilling interchangeably insulinogenic spur counterintuitive accessing tougher adjusts Mozzarella cucumbers kcals reservoir thriving ongoing chow insisted French's Trimmed Uncured Portabella condensed tamari aminos steamer bubbly Ruthie ours marshmallows dye pumpkins fl Truvia Nutmeg Cloves towels masher lumpy quartered ½ generously pierced family's else's cleanup cooks Kosher slits slit PDF unwrap tossed bowl's ooohs aaaahs mouthwatering Coarse wilt bakes Sprouted crumb crumbs crumble byproducts apiece appreciable granite unconditioned stepmill app Centopani eater groundbreaking world's Evan's insists com's it'd befriending fluke flounder rutabaga turnips distributing rigors regimented hamburgers Animal's flagship Pak negotiable fundamentally depleting plows wishful oversimplified depletes Karbolyn Labrada's shuttling muscles replenished proponent dragging microtraumas pounder resynthesis disposal polymer shuttle Elasti RTD MRP EFA Charge Krill MPS rapamycin hesitate Centopani's diner steakhouse wheelbarrow Overseas border nearest awful refrigeration Stak Iconic XL Beanie Rotisserie precooked breaded standby powered brothers McGrath Antoine Vaillant baggie brainer Nothing's comforting goulash Slurp swole requested dad's bursting rotini parsnips I’ll paprika Worcestershire Caraway saucepot batch Printable Frosting silicone brethren Vincenzo Masone Fritz approached days steal sanitary basa jumbo gallbladder crowns handfuls plums nectarines underconsumed drilled skulls lid poking USDA thickest translates clump cruciferous broil cardamom thankfully occasions roasting dicing drizzling facet pectin midworkout plump insides glorious skimp Tahini Cumin pretzels sing Ramen entrée zing sharpest leftover pinapple Endive chilies clove crumbles vinaigrette Kalamata pitted Oregano Bragg's tonight's Mendelsohn frothy stove fortunate micromanaging achievements NASCAR skimping mussels rabbit seitan grapefruits limes Melons honeydew apricots… chestnuts overanalyzing fistful plateauing stricter fistfuls arrangement honing afforded it'll Fiber's Satiate Yep compiled SOUTHWEST potlucks bevy ROMA SEEDED uncovered BALSAMIC yummy clocks heats PARSNIP resealable rimmed Discard FE COB THINLY spinner BURRITO RINSED GARNISHES STROGANOFF CAMPBELL'S SHERRY dente garnished Dorian coveted GROUNDED hesitation filets tenderloins scours tags grabs fattier semblance beefing thrifty exchanges D's rodeo beeline Quaker swayed canister opts canisters measly sizzling sitcom Kris EZ sec Bathe proverbial anticipate Radar Benchmarks Robergs R Pearson Costill Fink J Pascoe Benedict Zachweija intensities Calder Yaqoob Bowtell Gelly Simeoni Rennie Wang uncompromising Welsh Kage meditative yin coincides iconoclast's sellers efficaciously replicate brand's Vitargo disguise bitterness reluctantly Offerings Hydra underperforming refilming raced biked deadlifted Ironman Matt Pritchard Ironmans swears triathletes Trainee Hey faceless
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reassured screamed liter favoring traction wondered reconsider realizing plow nap brain's ebb manifests CVD HDL minutiae ducks They've sufficed proponents waged salvo yearlong Tulane coverage unanimously sarcasm Pundits predictors coffin headlines representative enrolled Asians demographic diehards implausible slashing upped group's balloons publicized uptick bioelectrical impedance predictor LDL carbers pedestrian cuttingsome glean takeaways echoed study's Lydia Bazzano compel directing dogmatic almighty Jake fascinating devoting installment I’ve mmols Wingates foggy acuity tissue's oxidize Phinney synonymous Mistaking intriguing teamed Auburn Wolfe's CPT impede trash Someone's calorically reintroduction reintroduce blunts Paoli transitioned lasted Ketostix conservatively reversals lackluster telltale stroll tantamount deluge chockfull edibles aisle Who's les courgettes serrated peeler spiralizer wonderfully hash browns mandolin dubbed cauliflower's spuds pulverize Brassica wallop Chard sauté cremini shiitake fungi umami portobello stealthily praised dearth smear firepower backlash au naturale pint shrivelled rosy orbs lycopene Nature's lengthwise microwavable parchment scrape benevolent gourd Radish Bok choy Watercress famously sang stoned sweetness tinged tipoff nondigestible plush stellar sniffles pucker Fillets mercury unseasoned marinades ante beloved deli spared lunchmeats Dijon collard fests fattened Cornish hen Gruyere mundane decoupled riff blending pinches mop cultured surging critters tangy horns cow's Brie Ricotta kefir carnivores soaks brilliantly marinate Tempeh earthy mushroomy crumbling casseroles sauerkraut Pinto boast Pepitas o castoffs Sargento stringy bathed humming lofty healthyomega shops supermarkets Pepperettes Hazelnuts Bob's fare Shirataki translucent gelatinous konjac bowlful nondescript rinse blanch Preliminary prediabetes viscous Hazelnut brewed quencher moo cartons sidestep Imbibing infuses exhaustive flapjacks marys ye sipped seltzer contradictory farther swilling interchangeably insulinogenic spur counterintuitive accessing tougher adjusts Mozzarella cucumbers kcals reservoir thriving ongoing chow insisted French's Trimmed Uncured Portabella condensed tamari aminos steamer bubbly Ruthie ours marshmallows dye pumpkins fl Truvia Nutmeg Cloves towels masher lumpy quartered ½ generously pierced family's else's cleanup cooks Kosher slits slit PDF unwrap tossed bowl's ooohs aaaahs mouthwatering Coarse wilt bakes Sprouted crumb crumbs crumble byproducts apiece appreciable granite unconditioned stepmill app Centopani eater groundbreaking world's Evan's insists com's it'd befriending fluke flounder rutabaga turnips distributing rigors regimented hamburgers Animal's flagship Pak negotiable fundamentally depleting plows wishful oversimplified depletes Karbolyn Labrada's shuttling muscles replenished proponent dragging microtraumas pounder resynthesis disposal polymer shuttle Elasti RTD MRP EFA Charge Krill MPS rapamycin hesitate Centopani's diner steakhouse wheelbarrow Overseas border nearest awful refrigeration Stak Iconic XL Beanie Rotisserie precooked breaded standby powered brothers McGrath Antoine Vaillant baggie brainer Nothing's comforting goulash Slurp swole requested dad's bursting rotini parsnips I’ll paprika Worcestershire Caraway saucepot batch Printable Frosting silicone brethren Vincenzo Masone Fritz approached days steal sanitary basa jumbo gallbladder crowns handfuls plums nectarines underconsumed drilled skulls lid poking USDA thickest translates clump cruciferous broil cardamom thankfully occasions roasting dicing drizzling facet pectin midworkout plump insides glorious skimp Tahini Cumin pretzels sing Ramen entrée zing sharpest leftover pinapple Endive chilies clove crumbles vinaigrette Kalamata pitted Oregano Bragg's tonight's Mendelsohn frothy stove fortunate micromanaging achievements NASCAR skimping mussels rabbit seitan grapefruits limes Melons honeydew apricots… chestnuts overanalyzing fistful plateauing stricter fistfuls arrangement honing afforded it'll Fiber's Satiate Yep compiled SOUTHWEST potlucks bevy ROMA SEEDED uncovered BALSAMIC yummy clocks heats PARSNIP resealable rimmed Discard FE COB THINLY spinner BURRITO RINSED GARNISHES STROGANOFF CAMPBELL'S SHERRY dente garnished Dorian coveted GROUNDED hesitation filets tenderloins scours tags grabs fattier semblance beefing thrifty exchanges D's rodeo beeline Quaker swayed canister opts canisters measly sizzling sitcom Kris EZ sec Bathe proverbial anticipate Radar Benchmarks Robergs R Pearson Costill Fink J Pascoe Benedict Zachweija intensities Calder Yaqoob Bowtell Gelly Simeoni Rennie Wang uncompromising Welsh Kage meditative yin coincides iconoclast's sellers efficaciously replicate brand's Vitargo disguise bitterness reluctantly Offerings Hydra underperforming refilming raced biked deadlifted Ironman Matt Pritchard Ironmans swears triathletes Trainee Hey faceless