Description English / Deutsch Tinatztepe Cave was discovered in 1968 by the French scientist Dr. Michel Bakalowichz. He published the results of his exploration in the Bilgi Journal. This article included the survey and a description of the cave. He also suggested the use of the cave for speleotherapy of asthma.
The area around Tinatztepe Cave was then explored in 1970 by a famous team, consisting of Captain Jacques Cousteau and his men, and the German explorer Reinhold Messner. They were interested in Sugla Gölü (Lake Sugla) and its underground water resources. They discovered the Fasi Strait, an underground connection which is about 22km long. Tinatztepe Cave is a small part of this hydrologic connection.
Tinatztepe Cave was named after nearby Mount Tinaz, located north of the Giden Gelmez Mountains. It is only a few hundred meters from the new and very good road between the coast at Manavgat and Seydisehir and Konyan. Nearby is a huge station with restaurant and gas station. Die Tinaztepe Höhlen wurden im Jahre 1968 von dem französischen Wissenschaftler Dr. Michel Bakalowichz entdeckt. Im Jahre 1970 erforschte ein Team unter Jacques Cousteau und Reinhold Messner die beiden Höhlen, den Sugla See und seine unterirdischen Quellen.
Sie fanden heraus, dass die Fasimündung und die Tinaztepe Höhlen durch unter- irdische Seen, die etwa 22 Kilometer lang sind, miteinander verbunden sind.
Tınaztepe Mağarası Seydişehir Konya Tinaztepe Cave
Tınaztepe Mağarası Girişi Dünyanın 3. En büyük mağarası
Seydişehir Tınaztepe Mağarası
Dim Mağarası Cavern
Die Dim-Höhle in der nähe von Alanya oberhalb des Dim Çayı ist ein lohnendes Ausflugsziel. Sie ist ohne Führer zu beichtigen und vom Vorplatz gibt es eine fantastische Aussichtauf Alanya. The Dim Cave near Alanya vieving over the Dim Çayı is a very nice place to visit. Without a guide you can explore the cave and the fore court offers fantastic views to Alanya
tınaztepe mağarası.Mağara,Su galerileri
tınaztepe mağarası.Mağara,Su galerileri
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Alanya dim mağarası orkların evi????????
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Karstlaşma sonucu oluşan karakteristik şekillerden biri mağaralardır. İnsanlar günümüzde çeşitli amaçlarla kullandıkları mağaraları tarih öncesi devirlerde yerleşim amacıyla da kullanmışlardır.
Alanya Damlataş Mağarası
Yüzyılların oluşturduğu gizemli ve güzel bir mağara