Living with Traffic, Salvador de Bahia - Brazil
Salvador era una de las capitales del Brasil con mayor incidencia de accidentes de tránsito con víctimas mortales y estábamos absolutamente seguros de la necesidad de enfrentar ese problema de varias formas, con inteligencia, fiscalización, movilización social, concientización y educación.
Landscapes of Bahia -
Video description of the region of Bahia and the city of Salvador de Bahia, in the Brazilian Nordeste.
Flight over Tinharé
Filmed 2007 - A short flight in a small 2-person microlight plane over the tropical island of Tinharé (Brazil, state of Bahia) and a sunrise and sunset. (That with the crab is a joke). Video in high quality and stereo sound available on my website
Get clips of this video as royalty free stock footage in full DV resolution at the microstock site Pond5 (R).
Ilha de Boipeba - Brazil
The Ilha de Boipeba is a still hidden island south of Salvador da Bahia, the capital of the Brazilian state Bahia. Beautiful beaches and easygoing music bars invite to relax. The nice town of Morro de São Paulo is not far away.
Music by
Ilha de Boipeba - Die schönsten Strände von Brasilien
Die Ilha de Boipeba ist eine noch wenig touristisch erschlossene Insel und liegt im Süden der Hauptstadt Salvador da Bahia des Bundestaats Bahia. Wunderschöne Strände und trällernde Musikbars laden zum Entspannen ein. Lohnenswert ist ein Boots-Ausflug in die umgebenden Mangrovenwälder. Nicht weit ist es zum quirligeren Morro de São Paulo.
Morro de São Paulo antes da GIGA PONTE - Bahia - Brasil em High Definition - HD
Todos devem saber que estamos no prenúncio de mudanças na Ilha de Itaparica devido um projeto do governo do nosso estado para atender o desenvolvimento de Salvador e para atender os empresários da parte de construção com a construção de uma mega ponte. A ilha sempre desprezada pela nova elite, super valorizando demasiadamente o Litoral Norte, agora vê uma magnífica conveniência de obter vastas áreas preservadas da ilha e todas suas vizinhanças até ao sul da Bahia.
Grandes extensões de terras preservadas porque foram desprezadas no passado por todos eles da nova elite, porém sempre contemplada pelo povo baiano para seu veraneio simples e ingênuo, sozinhos em seu desenvolvimento social sem governo eficiente, sem um transporte marítimo competente.
Aproveite hoje e agora, já que não sabemos do seu futuro.
Então pesquise, visite, argumente e preserve, em quanto existe tempo.
www gopetition com petition 33669 html
Morro de Sao Paulo before the GIGA BRIDGE - Bahia - Brazil in High Definition - HD
Everyone should know that we are the harbinger of changes in the paradisiacal island of Itaparica because a large government project in our state to meet the Savior and development of entrepreneurs to consent on the part of constructions of buildings (construction of a mega bridge and buildings), while the island before, always despised by the new elite, who always super appreciated too far north coast of the state, and quickly see a magnificent convenience implore preserved in vast areas of the island and all its surroundings, including the south of Bahia.
Large tracts of land preserved spontaneously as they have been neglected in the past by all the new elite, however Itaparica has always been considered by the people of Bahia in his usual modest vacation simple and naive, uninterruptedly alone in their own social, without government efficiently without a maritime authority, especially in seasons of high demand.
Enjoy today and now, we do not know your future.
Then search, visit, discuss and preserve, in no time and enjoying our natural environments.
www gopetition petition with 33,669 html
Touristische Sehenswürdigkeiten in Manaus Brasilien Küste schwarz Flussboot touristattractionstv
Sehenswürdigkeiten in Manaus Brasilien Küste schwarz Flussboot für Kinder Sehenswürdigkeiten in Manaus Brasilien Küste schwarz Flussboot was zu tun in Manaus Brasilien Hotelsuche Manaus :
Morro de São Paulo - Brazil
Morro de São Paulo is a beautiful seaside resort near the city of Salvador da Bahia. Beautiful beaches invite to relax and to enjoy sports activities.
Ilha de Boipeba, Velha Boipeba
South of the Ilha da Tinharé and across the narrow Rio do Inferno, you will find this little island called Boipeba. This rustic and quiet piece of paradise is said to be what Morro de São Paulo was 20 years ago. And this is absolutely true: in this hectic world the time in Boipeba seems to stop entirely and gives you a chance to breathe in.
A ilha de Boipeba é uma ilha pertencente ao município de Cairu, Bahia. Localiza-se perto da ilha de Tinharé (Morro de São Paulo) e é também um ponto turístico da Bahia.
A Ilha encontra-se em litoral baiano, na Costa do Dendê, no Arquipélago (e município) de Cairú, APA de Tinharé-Boipeba, perto de referências continentais como: Valença, Graciosa, Taperoá, Nilo Peçanha, Cairú e Torrinha. Fica ao sul de Salvador e vizinha da ilha de Tinharé, conhecida pelo agitado distrito de Morro de São Paulo!
Salvador da Bahia, Bahia, Northeast, Brasil, South America
Salvador is the largest city on the northeast coast of Brazil and the capital of the Northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia. Salvador is also known as Brazil's capital of happiness due to its countless popular outdoor parties, including its street carnival. The first colonial capital of Brazil, the city is one of the oldest in the Americas. For a long time, it was simply known as Bahia, and appears under that name (or as Salvador da Bahia, Salvador of Bahia so as to differentiate it from other Brazilian cities of the same name) on many maps and books from before the mid-20th century. Salvador is the third most populous Brazilian city, after São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The metropolitan area of the city, with 3.5 million of people, however, is the seventh most populous Brazilian urban agglomeration, and the third in Brazilian Northeast Region. The city of Salvador is notable in Brazil for its cuisine, music and architecture, and its metropolitan area is the wealthiest in Brazil's Northeast. The African influence in many cultural aspects of the city makes it the centre of Afro-Brazilian culture. This reflects a situation in which African-associated cultural practices are celebrated. The historical centre of Salvador, frequently called the Pelourinho, is renowned for its Portuguese colonial architecture with historical monuments dating from the 17th to the 19th centuries and was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985. Salvador is located on a small, roughly triangular peninsula that separates Todos os Santos Bay from the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The bay, which gets its name from having been discovered on All Saints' Day forms a natural harbor. Salvador is a major export port, lying at the heart of the Recôncavo Baiano, a rich agricultural and industrial region encompassing the northern portion of coastal Bahia. A particularly notable feature is the escarpment that divides Salvador into the Cidade Alta (Upper Town - rest of the city) and the Cidade Baixa (Lower Town - northwest region of the city), the former some 85 m (279 ft) above the latter, with the city's cathedral and most administrative buildings standing on the higher ground. An elevator (the first installed in Brazil), known as Elevador Lacerda, has connected the two sections since 1873, having since undergone several upgrades. The Salvador coastline is one of the longest for cities in Brazil. There are 80 km (50 mi) of beaches distributed between the High City and the Low City, from Inema, in the railroad suburb to the Praia do Flamengo, on the other side of town. While the Low City beaches are bordered by the waters of the All Saints Bay (the country's most extensive bay), the High City beaches, from Farol da Barra to Flamengo, are bordered by the Atlantic Ocean. The exception is Porto da Barra Beach, the only High City beach located in the All Saints Bay. The big hotels tend to be strung out along the orla (Atlantic seafront). There are also smaller hotels in Barra and Porto da Barra, others (generally less expensive) scattered along the principal thoroughfare of Avenida Sete de Setembro (shortened to Avenida Sete by the locals), and still others (usually inexpensive) in and around Pelourinho. There are also pousadas (guest houses, or bed and breakfasts) in Barra, Pelourinho, and Santo Antônio (and other places as well, to be sure), and hostels (albergues), which are for the most part located in Pelourinho (though a lot of the pousadas in Barra are hostels as well). The capital's beaches range from calm inlets, ideal for swimming, sailing, diving and underwater fishing, as well as open sea inlets with strong waves, sought by surfers. There are also beaches surrounded by reefs, forming natural pools of stone, ideal for children. According to the British newspaper The Guardian, in 2007, Porto da Barra Beach was the 3rd best in the world. The large island of Itaparica in the Bay of All Saints can be visited either by a car-ferry, or a smaller foot-passenger ferry, which leaves from near the Mercado Modelo near the Lacerda Elevator. BA-099 Highway, or Line of Coconut and Green Line of towns and cities, with exquisite beaches, north of Salvador heading towards Sergipe state. Morro de São Paulo in the Valença region across the Bay of All Saints -- an island that can be reached by ferry from Salvador (2 hours), by plane, or by bus to Valença and then by 'Rapido' ('fast') speedboat or smaller ferry. Morro de São Paulo is formed by five villages of the Tinharé Island.
MORRO DE SÃO PAULO, Bahia (Aéreas Drone)
Após apreciar o Morro e o topo do Farol, que é o principal cartão postal do Moro de São Paulo, na ilha Tinharé.
Convidamos todos para nos acompanhar neste passeio,
que iniciou com o vídeo anterior, como nossa chegada a ilha através do atracadouro e do pórtico, agora nos direcionamos para as famosas praias.
Passamos frente à igreja Nossa Senhora da Luz e caminhamos por ruas estreitas com muitas pousadas, restaurantes e lojinhas.
Muitas pessoas circulando, num indo e vindo, meio aos carregadores transportando pilhas de malas em seus carrinhos de mão.
Este é um destino bem diversificado, pois conta com uma mistura de sotaques, comidas, bebidas e hábitos.
Morro de São Paulo tem suas raízes no Brasil Colônia. E hoje é considerada uma das ilhas mais charmosas e exuberantes do litoral baiano.
Morro de São Paulo atrai pelas praias com águas calmas e cristalinas, cercadas por coqueiros e mata atlântica.
Agora vamos falar das praias de Morro de São Paulo:
A Primeira Praia é ideal para a prática de esporte e lazer.
Aqui você pode mergulhar até 10 metros de profundidade e explorar a fauna e a flora marinha. Há empresas qualificadas que oferecem os serviços.
Também é possível jogar frescobol, andar de banana boat, tomar banho em suas águas mornas e calmas e descer de tirolesa (numa aventura de 70 metros de altura e 300 de extensão).
A Segunda Praia se destaca pelos bares e restaurantes, dando um ar mais badalado. Possui uma extensa faixa de areia, onde é possível praticar caminhadas, relaxar e tomar sol. E o banho de mar é maravilhoso.
A Terceira Praia é mais calma e tranquila, com menos de 1 quilômetro de extensão, conta com hotéis luxuosos e uma pista de pouso para quem vai de avião para a ilha. Ah e é daqui que partem os passeios chamados de “Volta ás Ilhas”. Não percam nosso próximo vídeo com registros do nosso passeio por Garapuá, Boipeba, Canavieira e Cairú.
A Quarta Praia, tem média 8 quilômetros de extensão, cercada de mangues, coqueirais e mata atlântica. Com hotéis, pousada e restaurantes mais sofisticados. Na maré baixa aparecem as piscinas naturais, que propiciam um lindo espetáculo.
Logo segue praia do Encanto e, mais distante Garapuá,
que faz parte do passeio que apresentaremos no próximo vídeo.
Não percam! Deixem seus comentários aqui embaixo!
Não se esqueça de se escrever no canal e deixe seu like no vídeo!
Nos veremos em breve! Abraços
Morro De São Paulo, ilha turística conhecida nacional e internacionalmente, ao sul de Salvador, Bahia , Brasil, é um paraíso por suas belezas naturais e, principalmente, uma Babilônia moderna e cosmopolita. Descoberto em 1530, ganhou esse nome por força de um hábito da época de nomear os lugares com base nos santos do dia do calendário católico. Faz parte da Ilha de Tinharé( em Tupi Guarany, língua falada no Brasil de 1530, terra que avança para o mar), uma das 24 ilhas que compõe o arquipélago de Cairu, único município brasileiro insular. Além das belezas naturais, Morro, como é carinhosamente chamado, e o arquipélago de Cairu, têm uma rica história que se apresenta em muitos detalhes de sua arquitetura e monumentos. Mas, o mais importante de tudo, Morro é como um perfume Francês, pequeno e concentrado, de belezas naturais e de pessoas do mundo todo. Um paraíso só podia ser assim: concentrar toda a diversidade de raças do mundo inteiro. Por suas ruas de areia e praias circulam brasileiros de todos os cantos do país e estrangeiros de todas as partes: são cariocas, paulistas, mineiros, capixabas, gaúchos, baianos, paranaenses..., do Brasil; argentinos, chilenos, paraguaios, uruguaios, cubanos, mexicanos... Latinos Americanos; Americanos e canadenses... Da America do Norte; alemães, italianos, suíços, ingleses, espanhóis, franceses, portugueses... Da Europa ; coreanos, japoneses... Da Ásia; E até árabes e israelenses do Oriente. Todos num só lugar. Muitos vieram apenas para visitar, mas acabaram por fincar raízes e se misturarem a esse grosso caldo da cultura mundial. Em qualquer hora é possível ouvir o canto, a fala, a língua de todas as raças do planeta. Em comum todos amam o lugar e vivem assim, juntos e misturados. Venha conhecer essa paixão mundial e até, talvez, compor essa química do amor mundial. Esse vídeo é uma celebração do amor que une o lugar, as pessoas e a vida. Seja bem vindo.
Luciano Caitá e equipe
Morro Of São Paulo, tourist island known national and internationally, to the south of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, is a paradise for its natural beauties, and mainly a modern and cosmopolita Babilônia. Discovered in 1530, it gained this name for force of one I inhabit of the time to nominate the places on the basis of the saints of the day of the calendar catholic. Is part of Island of Tinharé (in Tupi Guarany, language said in Brazil of 1530, land that it advances for the sea), one of the 24 islands that composes the archipelago of Cairu, only Brazilian city to insular. Beyond the natural beauties, Mount, as affectionately it is called, and the archipelago of Cairu, have a rich history that it presents in many details of its architecture and monuments. But, most important of everything, Mount it is as a French perfume, small concentrated e, of natural beauties and people of the world all. A paradise alone could thus be: to concentrate all the diversity of races of the entire world. For its sand streets and beaches the cantos of the country and foreigners of all circulate Brazilians of all the parts: they are Carioca, São Paulo, mining, person from de state of espirito santo, gauchos, Bahians, paranaenses, of Brazil; Argentines, Chileans, Paraguayans, Uruguayans, Cuban, Mexicans American Latins; Americans and Canadians Of the North America; Germans, Italians, Swiss, English, Spaniard, Frenchmen, Portuguese Of the Europe; native of Koreas, Japanese Of Asia; E until Arabs and Israelis of the East. All in one only place. Many had only come to visit, but they had finished for fincar roots and if mixing to this thick broth of the world-wide culture. In any hour it is possible to hear I sing it, says it, the language of all the races of the planet. In common all love the place and live thus, together and mixed. It comes to know this passion world-wide and, perhaps, to even compose this chemistry of the world-wide love. This video is a celebration of the love that joins the place, the people and the life. Either welcome
Luciano Caitá e equipe
Bel Martins
BRAZIL Trip | Bahia (Salvador - Morro de São Paulo - Praia do Forte)
Being a tourist in my home country part 2!
It was a 6 weeks holiday and we based ourselves at my mum's place in Sao Paulo.
The places we picked to visit were Salvador, Morro de Sao Paulo and Praia do Forte all in Bahia State.
The video I posted previously to this one shows the other 2 cities we chose: Paraty and Rio de Janeiro.
All of the places we chose were new to me as well, so we had an awesome time!
Subscribe to see what's coming soon :)
More photos of our trips on my Instagram @maymayzinha
Um Drone em Morro de São Paulo, Cairu, Bahia, Brasil - Parte 01
Belas imagens Aéreas de Morro de São Paulo e suas praias, Cairú-BA
Morro de São Paulo situa-se na Ilha de Tinharé, município de Cairu, estado da Bahia, região conhecida como Costa do Dendê, e possui suas raízes históricas no Brasil Colônia. Atualmente suas praias são frequentadas por turistas de todo o Brasil e de outros países, as quais são Primeira, Segunda, Terceira, Quarta, Quinta, Gamboa, do Pontal e Garapuá.
Musica: DEAMN - Rendezvous
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Strand in Brasilien
Urlaub in Brasilien. Alagoas.
We got engaged in Paradise | Itacaré & Morro de São Paulo (Brazil) | Cinematic Drone video 4K
In this episode we show you the beach paradise of the Brazilian state Bahia. This is a very special place for us as we got engaged here. This cinematic drone video contains beautiful aerial footage of Morro de Sao Paulo & Itacaré in Bahia (Brazil). White beaches, crystal clear water, palm trees are the recipe for paradise beaches / praias.
Music: Sun Collective - Trip to Zion (Upcoming release)
- Morro de São Paulo
- Itacaré
- Praia da Tiririca
- Praia do Resende
- Praia da Ribeira
- Prainha
Morro de São Paulo is located 60 km south of Salvador the Capital of Bahia. Its located on an island of the archipelago Tinharé. Cool parties & Beaches with clear water and white sand and palm trees beyond the Mata Atlantica (Atlantic forest) that make up the perfect scenario for the visitors of this tropical paradise.
Itacaré has beautiful beaches, tropical forest, rivers, waterfalls, good waves for surfing, capoeira & a cool town. Its paradise on earth, located in Bahia, a small town with all the best of Brazil: exotic nature and friendly people.
Drone: DJI Mavic Pro
ND Filters: PolarPro Cinematic Series
All footage recorded in 4K
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~ Seven Cinematics ~
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New Video: The Amazon | Iquitos Peru | Cinematic Drone Video 4K
Salvador da Bahia
Slide Show from my holidays in Brazil in 2009
Ferry ride from city of Salvador to Morro de Sao Paulo
Salvador Bahia Brazil sits along the Bay of All Saints close to numerous coastal Islands that have developed into fine vacation areas. This video is a compilation of scenes from the varied ferries which one can take from Salvador to arrive at the coastal Island. The first is from the mainland to the Island of Itaparica, and then from Itaparica through the coastal swamp to Tinhare,.
Morro de São Paulo para Salvador numa catamarã - GSB7 - Abril 2014
Salvador (fundada como São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos8 ) é um município brasileiro, capital do estado da Bahia e primeira capital do Brasil. Sua região metropolitana, conhecida como Grande Salvador, possui 3 884 435 habitantes recenseados em 2012 pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE),Salvador (Saviour, often colloquially Salvador da Bahia, Brazilian Portuguese: [sawvaˈdoʁ (da baˈi.a)] historic name: São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos, in English: City of the Holy Saviour of the Bay of all Saints) is the largest city on the northeast coast of Brazil and the capital of the Northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia.Salvador is also known as Brazil's capital of happiness due to its countless popular outdoor parties, including its street carnival. The first colonial capital of Brazil, the city is one of the oldest in the Americas. For a long time, it was simply known as Bahia, and appears under that name (or as Salvador da Bahia, Salvador of Bahia so as to differentiate it from other Brazilian cities of the same name) on many maps and books from before the mid-20th century. Salvador is the third most populous Brazilian city, after São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The historical centre of Salvador, frequently called the Pelourinho, is renowned for its Portuguese colonial architecture with historical monuments dating from the 17th to the 19th centuries and was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985. Salvador is located on a small, roughly triangular peninsula that separates. An elevator (the first installed in Brazil), known as Elevador Lacerda, has connected the two sections since 1873, having since undergone several upgrades. The city will be one of the host cities of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Additionally, Salvador hosted the 2013 FIFA Confederations Cup. Salvador de Bahía, fundada como São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos2 (se suele llamar solamente Salvador en Brasil) (San Salvador de la Bahía de Todos los Santos) es una ciudad brasileña, capital del estado de Bahía y primera capital del Brasil Colonial. Sus habitantes son llamados soteropolitanos, término creado a partir de la traducción al griego del nombre de la ciudad (en griego Soteropolis), traducido al español como Ciudad del Salvador, compuesto de Σωτήρ (salvador) y πόλις (polis o ciudad).Situada en la Microrregión de Salvador, la ciudad es una metrópoli regional con casi tres millones de habitantes, siendo la ciudad más poblada del Noreste de Brasil, la tercera más poblada de dicho país. Su área metropolitana, conocida como Región Metropolitana de Salvador o Gran Salvador, posee 3.767.902 habitantes, lo que la torna en la tercera más poblada del noreste, la séptima de Brasil y la 111° del mundo. Fue clasificada en comparación con la red urbana de otras ciudades brasileñas como un centro metropolitano nacional. La superficie del municipio de Salvador es de 706,8 km² y sus coordenadas, a partir del marco de la fundación de la ciudad, en el Faro de la Barra o Fortaleza de San Antonio son 13° sur y 38° 31' 12'' oeste. Centro económico del estado, es un puerto exportador, centro industrial, administrativo y turístico, alberga diversas universidades y una base naval en Aratu.
La ciudad de Salvador era antiguamente llamada Bahía, inclusive por los habitantes del propio estado. También recibió algunos apodos como Capital de la Alegría (en portugués Capital da Alegria debido a los enormes festejos populares, y Roma Negra, por ser considerada la metrópoli con el mayor porcentaje de negros localizada fuera de África.
A través de este video podrás admirar el MORRO DE SÃO PAULO, una pequeña villa en la isla de TINHARÉ a 60 km en línea recta al sur de Salvador, Capital del Estado de Bahia.
Seguramente te vas a enamorar de los colores turquesas, verdes y azules de sus aguas.
Through this video you can admire the MORRO DE SÃO PAULO, a small village on the island of TINHARÉ 60 km in a straight line south of Salvador, Capital of the State of Bahia.
Surely you will fall in love with the turquoise, green and blue colors of its waters.