On the shores of the Mediterranean, Tipasa was an ancient Punic trading-post conquered by Rome and turned into a strategic base for the conquest of the kingdoms of Mauritania. It comprises a unique group of Phoenician, Roman, palaeochristian and Byzantine ruins alongside indigenous monuments such as the Kbor er Roumia, the great royal mausoleum of Mauretania.
Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
Tipasa, Algeria
Roman city
Roman Ruins of Tipasa / Tourist destination Algeria - History and Origin
Tipasa On the shores of the Mediterranean, Tipasa was an ancient Punic trading-post conquered by Rome and turned into a strategic base for the conquest of the kingdoms of Mauritania. It comprises a unique group of Phoenician, Roman, palaeochristian and Byzantine ruins alongside indigenous monuments such as the Kbor er Roumia, the great royal mausoleum of Mauretania.
Tipasa is located 70 km west of Algiers. It is a serial property comprising three sites: two archaeological parks located in the vicinity of the present urban complex and the Royal Mauritanian Mausoleum, on the west Sahel plateau of Algiers, at 11 km south-east of Tipasa.
The archaeological site of Tipasa regroups one of the most extraordinary archaeological complexes of the Maghreb, and perhaps one which is most significant to the study of the contacts between the indigenous civilizations and the different waves of colonization from the 6th century B.C. to the 6th century A.D. This coastal city was first a Carthaginian trading centre, whose necropolis is one of the oldest and one of the most extensive of the Punic world (6th to 2nd century B.C.). During this period, Tipasa played the role of a maritime port of call, a place for commercial exchanges with the indigenous population. Numerous necropolis testify to the very varied types of burial and funerary practices that bear witness to the multicultural exchange of influences dating back to protohistoric times. The monumental, circular funerary building, called the Royal Mauritanian Mausoleum, associates a local architectural tradition of the basina type, to a style of stepped truncated roof covering, the result of the different contributions, notably Hellenistic and Pharaonic.
Ancient Tipasa
A walk through the Roman ruins of Tipasa, Algeria
Tipaza and the Mausoleum of the Mauritanian
The Roman ruins of Tipaza, 80 km far from Algiers, and the Mausoleum of the Mauritanian. Places worth visiting in Algeria.
Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Algeria | Tipasa Destination Spot
Top Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Algeria | Tipasa Destination Spot - Tourism in Algeria
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Tipasa was a colonia in Roman province Mauretania Caesariensis, nowadays called Tipaza, and located in coastal central Algeria.
Since 2002, it has been declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site. There was another city with the same name: Tipasa in Numidia.
Initially the city was a small ancient Punic trading-post conquered by Ancient Rome
and turned into a military colony by the emperor Claudius for the conquest of the kingdoms of Mauretania.
Afterwards it became a municipium called Colonia Aelia Augusta Tipasensium,
that reached the population of 20,000 inhabitants in the fourth century according to historian Gsell.
The Roman city was built on three small hills which overlooked the sea, nearly 20 km east from Caesarea (capital of Mauretania Caesariensis).
Of the houses, most of which stood on the central hill, no traces remain; but there are ruins of three churches —
the Great Basilica and the Basilica Alexander on the western hill, and the Basilica of St Salsa on the eastern hill, two cemeteries, the baths, theatre, amphitheatre and nymphaeum.
The line of the ramparts can be distinctly traced and at the foot of the eastern hill the remains of the ancient harbour.
The basilicas are surrounded by cemeteries, which are full of coffins, all of stone and covered with mosaics.
The basilica of St. Salsa, which has been excavated by Stéphane Gsell, consists of a nave and two aisles, and still contains a mosaic.
The Great Basilica served for centuries as a quarry, but it is still possible to make out the plan of the building, which was divided into seven aisles.
Under the foundations of the church are tombs hewn out of the solid rock. Of these one is circular, with a diameter of 18 m and space for 24 coffins.
Tipasa was partially destroyed by the Vandals in 430 AD, but was rebuilt by the Byzantines one century later.
At the end of the seventh century the city was destroyed by the Arabs and reduced to ruins.
In 1857 was settled again the area, with the creation of the city of Tipaza that now has nearly 30,000 inhabitants.
The town and its surroundings is home to the largest Berber-speaking group of western Algeria, the Chenoua people.
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قبر الرومية بمدينة تيبازة التاريخية..القصة التي لا يعرفها الجميع | Tipaza Travel VLog 2019
#Algeria #discoverAlgeria #tipaza
إنّ تيبازة هي مدينة جزائريّة تقع جغرافياً على ساحل البحر الأبيض المتوسط، وقد أسسها الفينيقيون، وكانت تعتبر من أهم المستعمرات التجاريّة التابعة لهم، وسُميّت بهذا الاسم لأنّها ممر بين مدينة الجزائر ومدينة إيول، ولفظ اسمها مشتق من اللغة الفينيقيّة ومعناه الممر، كما عُرفت المدينة باسم قرطاجيّة، ويبلغ عدد سكانها الحالي 25,225 نسمة.
تضم المدينة عدداً من المعالم الدينيّة، والسياحيّة، والتاريخيّة، والأثريّة مثل:
الضريح الملكي الموريتاني: أو قبر الروميّة الذي اكتُشف على يد دريان بيربروجر عالم الآثار الفرنسي، ويقع جغرافياً في الطريق المؤدي إلى منطقة سيدي راشد، ويحتوي على نقوش تمثل صورة أسد ولبؤة، وأروقة، ومبنى، ويتميز بأنّه محاط بالأشجار الكثيفة.
المدرج: يقع جغرافياً على مقربة من مدخل الحديقة، ويتميز بالأقواس التي تدعم المدرجات، والأسوار العالية، والبوابات الرئيسيّة، وأبواب الساحة. الحديقة الأثريّة: تقع على مشارف الجهة الغربيّة من مدينة تيبازة، وتضم متحفاً، وميناءً، ومعالم أثريّة.
مقبرة الحالفهي: تقع جغرافياً خارج أسوار تيبازة، وهي عبارة عن مقبرة تابعة إلى بازيليك القديس. كنيسة بازيليكا إسكندر: تقع في التلة الغربيّة.
معالم أخرى: المعبد الجديد، وتابوت فابيا الصلصا، وكنيسة سانت الصلصا، والمعبد المجهول، وجدول المنسا، والصلصا المقدسة هيل، وبقايا آثار الكولومبيباريوم، وكنيسة بازيليكا القديسة سالسا الواقعة في التلة الشرقيّة.
تابعوا معنا رحلة المغامرة الى مدينة تيبازة
الجزائر اكبر دول القارة الافريقية
مدينة تيبازة العريقة بتاريخها
The small town of Tipaza, bent along a stretch of rocky coastline, is an utterly modern place that would be quite forgettable were it not for the fact that it sits upon deep layers of history which stretch back over 2000 years. The story of this past is today told in startling clarity at one of the most impressive, and attractively situated, archaeological sites in Algeria.
Tombeau de la Chretienne a Tipaza, Algeria
Tipaza - Tipaza 2014 - Tipaza Algeria
Tipaza , Algeria
Tipaza (formerly Tefessedt, Chenoua: Tipaza in Tifinagh.svg Bazar, Arabic:) is a Berber-speaking town on the coast of Algeria, capital of the Tipaza Province. When it was part of the Roman Empire, it was called Tipasa. The modern town, founded in 1857, is remarkable chiefly for its sandy beach, and ancient ruins.more info visit:
tipaza photos
tipaza tourisme
tipaza map
gouraya tipaza
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tipaza ruins
tipaza pty. limited
tipaza algeria
wilaya de tipaza
meteo tipaza
les ruines romaines de tipaza
Tipaza Roman Ruins: الاثار الرومانية لمدينة تيبازة
تتواجد ولاية تيبازة على ساحل البحر الأبيض المتوسط غرب الجزائر العاصمة . لديها العديد من الآثار الرومانية وتعتبر واحدة من أجمل الشواطئ على البحر الأبيض المتوسط، مثل شاطئ شينوا، الذي يجمع بين الأزرق من البحر والخضرة.
تبعد ولاية تيبازة عن مدينة الجزائر ب 75 كم غربا.أسسها الفينيقيون كإحد مستعمراتهم التجارية العديدة حيث كانت لها مكانة مرموقة. معنى تيبازة في اللغة الفينيقية (الممر) لأنها كانت معبرا وممرا للناس بين مدينتي إيكوزيم (الجزائر) وإيول (شرشال).
كانت مدينة تيبازة أو تيباسا القديمة جزءاً من الإمبراطورية الرومانية، لكن المدينة الموجودة حالياً، والتي يتحدث أهلها اللغة الأمازيغية، تأسست عام 1857، وقد اشتهرت بساحلها الرملي البديع والأطلال القديمة الباقية من التاريخ الروماني.
اليوم ، هذه المدينة الصغيرة الحديثة معروفة بشكل رئيسي بشاطئها الرملي المذهل ومع ذلك ، يمكن للمرء أن يشعر بسهولة أن الكنز الحقيقي لتيباسا هو الآثار الرومانية المذهلة التي تقع على بعد مسافة قصيرة.
Algeria is an ancient country with many fascinating historical attractions. The ancient Phoenician town of Tipasa is one such attraction. Situated on the coast of Algeria, this ancient town was once brimming with inhabitants. Today, it seldom receives much attention but is a noteworthy attraction in Algeria.
Tipasa, also spelt ‘Tipaza’, has changed much over the centuries. The ancient Phoenician town, which once bustled with trade and merchants, was later converted into a Roman military colony by Emperor Claudius. Later the colony was able to receive municipium status. Thus, Tipasa in Algeria became a thriving Roman colony and, no doubt, it was during this period that most of the stunning architectural ruins found here were built. The city was built on a series of three small hills which overlooked the sea and gave the inhabitants an almost perfect view.
Today the ruins of two massive churches – the Great Basilica and the Basilica Alexander – can be found on the westernmost hill surrounded by massive coffin-filled tombs. A third large church – the Basilica of St Salsa – can be found on the eastern hill where it is accompanied by two cemeteries, roman baths, a stunning amphitheater, which is still in excellent condition, a theatre and a nymphaeum – which may have been simply a pleasure house of fountains or it may have been a place dedicated to nymph-like creatures of roman lore. The central hill was where the majority of the houses stood but today there are no traces left of what must have been a bustling network of residences. In 1857, a modern town of the same name was founded nearby and it later became the capital of the Tipasa city.
Today this small modern town is known mainly for its stunning sandy beach and the Tipaza long wave transmitter broadcasting facility. However, one might easily feel that the true treasure of Tipasa is the stunning Roman ruins which lie only a short distance away.
روبورتاج حول الاثار الرومانية تيبازة tipaza
tipaza - Roman ruins الاثار الرومانية في تيبازة 5
Tipaza city and capital of the Tipaza Province, Algeria. When it was part of the Roman Empire, it was called Tipasa. The modern town was founded in 1857, and is chiefly remarkable for its ancient ruins and sandy littoral.
Ruines de Tipaza 01 - Beauty of Algeria
The Numidian Romans (Algerians) copied the INDIAN Sanchi Stupa Also? Wanted an exotic tomb?
A sort of Christian-Buddhist-Stoic confluence may have been responsible, arisen in this time.
This is rather interesting, and boy do I love how fast these videos are uploading with the new setup! (Used to take five hours!)
This building is even more like the Sanchi Stupa in India, than the Pantheon is! Both were built about the same time, representing it would seem a similar cultural movement!
I have another channel! The topic is SELF HELP for success! Consider subbing would be much appreciated!
Tipaza Algeria تيبازة - شرشال
Tipaza, or Tipasa, is a province of Algeria on the Mediterranean Sea. The provincial capital, Tipaza, features a long, sandy beach and 2 important archaeological parks tracing the area's Phoenician, Roman, Paleochristian and Byzantine history. Dating from the 6th century B.C. to the 6th century A.D, the well-preserved ruins sprawl over hills and encompass temples, churches, an amphitheater and a large necropolis.
ALGERIA - The Ancient City of Tipaza
The Ancient Algerian City of Tipaza by the Sea
Royal Mausoleum of Mauretania
A film about the Mausoleum of Juba and Cleopatra Selene In Tipaza, Algeria. A brief story about the daughter of Marcus Antonius (Mark Anotony) and Cleopatra of Egypt.. from a slave in Rome to a queen of Mauritania. Reported by Zahra Boualamallah.
Roman ruins timgad / Tourist destination Algeria - History and Origin
Timgad lies on the northern slopes of the Aurès mountains and was created ex nihilo as a military colony by the Emperor Trajan in AD 100. With its square enclosure and orthogonal design based on the cardo and decumanus, the two perpendicular routes running through the city, it is an excellent example of Roman town planning.
Timgad, located to the north of the massif of the Aurès in a mountainous site of great beauty, 480 km south-east of Algiers and 110 km to the south of Constantine, is a consummate example of a Roman military colony created ex nihilo. The Colonia Marciana Traiana Thamugadi was founded in 100 A.D. by Trajan, probably as an encampment for the 3rd Augustan Legion which, thereafter, was quartered at Lambaesis. Its plan, laid out with great precision, illustrates Roman urban planning at its height. By the middle of the 2nd century, the rapid growth of the city had ruptured the narrow confines of its original foundation. Timgad spread beyond the perimeters of its ramparts and several major public buildings are built in the new quarters: Capitolium, temples, markets and baths. Most of these buildings date from the Severan period when the city enjoyed its Golden Age, also attested by immense private residences.
A strong and prosperous colony, Timgad must have served as a compelling image of the grandeur of Rome on Numidian soil. Buildings, constructed entirely of stone, were frequently restored during the course of the Empire: the Trajan Arch in the middle of the 2nd century, the Eastern gate in 146, and the Western gate under Marcus-Aurelius. The streets were paved with large rectangular limestone slabs and, as attested by the 14 baths which still may be seen today, particular attention was paid to the disposition of public conveniences. The houses, of varying sizes, dazzle by their sumptuous mosaics, which were intended to offset the absence of precious marbles. During the Christian period, Timgad was a renowned bishopric. After the Vandal invasion of 430, Timgad was destroyed at the end of the 5th century by montagnards of the Aurès. The Byzantine Reconquest revived some activities in the city, defended by a fortress built to the south, in 539, reusing blocks removed from Roman monuments. The Arab invasion brought about the final ruin of Thamugadi which ceased to be inhabited after the 8th century.
The site of Timgad, with its Roman military camp, its model town-planning and its particular type of civil and military architecture reflects an important interchange of ideas, technologies and traditions exercised by the central power of Rome on the colonisation of the high plains of Antique Algeria.
Timgad adopts the guidelines of Roman town-planning governed by a remarkable grid system. Timgad thus constitutes a typical example of an urban model, the permanence of the original plan of the military encampment having governed the development of the site throughout all the ulterior periods and still continues to bear witness to the building inventiveness of the military engineers of the Roman civilization, today disappeared.
Tipaza 42/ Pearl of The Mediterranean Sea,
Tipaza, pearl of the mediteranean sea
The pace of life flows slowly on this Mediterranean coast; the Roman ruins give witness to past glories , a leisurely water pipe, blue skies and sunshine.
Tipaza - Algerian Skyline
Tipaza is located in north of Algeria and west from the capital Algiers. In this HD video you'll enjoy the famous Roman place in the area.
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