Exploring Tirta Gangga Karangasem - BALI
#bali #tirtagangga #travelling
Royal Water Garden
Tirta Gangga - Karangasem, Bali
Istana Air Tirta Gangga, berada di Desa Ababi, Kecamatan Abang, Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali. Untuk menuju Tempat Wisata Tirta Gangga dari pusat Kota Denpasar kurang lebih 2 Jam perjalanan, atau 70 KM. Harga tiket masuk Untuk Wisatawan Lokal sebesar 25.000/orang.
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Beautiful Indonesia - Tirta Gangga, Bali
sejarah tirta gangga karangasem bali #tirtagangga #vlog
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Pesona Bali, Taman Tirta Gangga, Karangasem, Bali
Objek wisata Tirta Gangga, dulunya sebuah taman air kerajaan Karangasem yang berada di Bali timur. Saat ini taman Tirta Gangga Karangasem berfungsi sebagai tempat wisata di Bali timur. Mayoritas wisatawan yang berlibur ke taman Tirta Gangga Karangasem adalah wisatawan asing.Luas area dari taman Tirtagangga 1,2 hektar, yang memanjang dan membentang dari arah timur ke barat. Terdapat tiga tingkatan bangunan di taman Tirtagangga Bali. Di bangunan tertinggi terdapat mata air yang berada di bawah pohon beringin. Bangunan level kedua, terdapat kolam renang dan bangunan yang paling bawah terdapat kolam hias dengan air mancur.Ada tiga hal utama yang ada di taman Tirta Gangga Karangasem, kebun, kolam air dan patung. Lokasi dari taman Tirta Gangga Karangasem, berada di tengah areal persawahan dan air yang ada di taman ini berasal dari mata air Rejasa. Taman ini masih milik kerajaan Karangasem.
Wisata Tirta Gangga dan La Grande Restaurant Nature Waterpark | Karangasem - Bali #destinasiid
Wisata Tirta Gangga dan La Grande Restaurant Nature Waterpark merupakan Tempat Wisata Baru Di Karangasem Bali, wisata Instagramable sekaligus Tempat Makan restoran di Bali ini sangat unik, cocok untuk keluarga maupun para remaja, buat kalian yang ke bali atau di bali boleh nihh mampir kesini sehabis berwisata ke tirta gangga, sayang banget kalo ga cobain kesini, beneran dah sob
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07 desember 2019
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Pineapple (feat. Kasikah) by Clesto
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library
Track: Sara Skinner & Friendzone - Alone (feat. Sara Skinner)
Music provided by Ninety9Lives
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Music promoted by Just No Copyright ツ
Taman Ujung Water Palace & Tirta Gangga Water Palace (Bali, Indonesia)
This is a video of the Taman Ujung Water Palace (also known as Ujung Seraya Water Palace) and the Tirta Gangga Water Palace. Both water palaces are located in the Karangasem area of Bali, Indonesia.
Anak Agung Anglurah Ketut, the last Raja of Karangasem, built three 'water palaces'. Those were Tirta Gangga, Jungutan and Ujung.
Three km south of Amlapura is Ujung, a small fishing village on the coast and the site of a majestic old water palace with pools, moats, canals and fountains.
The Taman Ujung Water Palace, which by the local people is called as Taman Soekasada Ujung, was built in 1919. However, the launching of this complex of water palace was performed in 1912. The water palace was constructed by the late King of Karangasem, I Gusti Bagus Jelantik, that reigned in Karangasem between 1909 and 1945.
The Ujung water palace was built in 1919, but totally damaged after the eruption of mount Agung in 1963. Only some statues and gates survived. The water palace was rebuilt with sponsorship from the Worldbank.
The palace was majestically built to welcome and to serve important guests and Kings from neighboring countries, besides for the pleasure of the King and his royal family.
The complex of this water palace is the combination of Balinese and European architectures. There are 3 big and large ponds inside the area. In the middle of the main pond, there is a building that connected to the edge of the pond by 2 bridges.
The waterpalace of Tirtagangga was built in 1948 by Raja Anak Agung Anglurah Ketut Karangasem, This palace has been shaped in the form of a beautiful water garden and it is located near a natural spring. This spring wells up under a hugh banyan tree which stands at the foot of a hill. At the top of this hill stands a village temple.
The scenery of the area is fantastic with great views and the climate is relatively cool. These facts, together with the religious rites of the spring, inspired the Raja to build himself a private country house nearby this spring set amidst a beautiful recreational garden. He called it Tirtagangga - derived from the words 'Tirta' (blessed water) and 'Gangga' (from 'Ganges', the holy river in India).
The water gardens show a unique mix of Balinese and Chinese architecture. The grounds of the water garden (ca 1.2 ha.) consists of three separate complexes each with ponds and many sculptures. The complex on the lowest level has two large ponds and a water tower.
At the second complex (middle level) are the swimming pools. The third level houses the main complex with the country home of the former Raja. Nowadays one can find a restaurant and four bungalow units (which are for rent) in this former country home of Raja A.A. Anglurah Ketut Karangasem.
Building water gardens, including the designing and the labor work, was a favorite hobby of the Raja. As many of his visitors did not expect this, of course they were surprised to find the Raja himself working among his labourers, standing knee deep in mud digging out the earth.
A reservoir on the grounds receives the springwater and from this reservoir drinking water is delivered via a pipe system to the town of Amlapura. There is also an underground pipe system which leads to the upper swimming pool, where it emerges through the mouth of a raksasa (a demon statue) which stands at a corner of the pool. Here the water flows over into a lower level pool. From this lower level pool it flows into some small fish ponds and from there into the rice fields that border the gardens.
The water of Tirtagangga has always been regarded as holy and is regularly used for religious temple ceremonies. With important celebration days Tirtagangga is the destination of colourful processions with offerings, umbrellas, flags and other tributes. Led by the local temple priests, ceremonies are held at the spring, accompanied by chanting and the music of the 'Beleganjur', a gamelan gong group of small gongs with each musician striking a specific, different note on the musical scale, all blending in harmony.
| Bali Trip Vlog 6 | Lempuyang Temple, Tirta Gangga Karangasem |
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Objek wisata taman Air Tirta Gangga ini berada di Desa Ababi,Kecamatan Abang, Kabupaten Karangasem.
Pada saat kita memasuki taman Tirtagangga ini, hal pertama yang kita lihat adalah hamparan kolam air dan terdapat satu buah candi air mancur yang menjulang tinggi.candi air mancur Ini yang menjadi ikon bagi tempat wisata ini, dan banyak wisatawan yang berfoto berlatar belakang candi air mancur ini.
lokasiny di kabupaten Karangasem bagian timur pulau Bali ditempuh dengan waktu sekitar 1.5 jam dari kota Denpasar.
TIRTA GANGGA || Istana Air Kerajaan Karangasem Bali
dolandolen mototravel
Touring Karangasem Bali
Tirta Gangga adalah bekas istana kerajaan Karangasem yang terkenal dengan keindahan labirin kolamnya..
Dibangun oleh Raja Karangasem pada tahun 1948 dan sekarang menjadi destinasi wisata turis manca negara
Liburan ke Tirta Gangga Karangasem#vlogliburan#tirtagangga
Tirta Gangga dan Taman Ujung Karangasem Bali
Bertuallangan ke Tirta Gangga dan Taman Ujung Karangasem 01 January 2019
Taman Tirta Gangga-Karangasem-Bali Vlog Pertama
Vlog Pertama di Taman Tirtagangga - Karangasem - Bali
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Bali Day Tour - Lempuyang Temple - Tirta Gangga
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Ada yang baru di Karangasem, LA GRANDE [Restoran,Kaffe,Mini waterboom exsotic
Lokasi nya di samping tempat objek wisata Tirta gangga yg sudah tidak asing lagi dan sudah menjadi ikon Karangasem-Bali.
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#La Grande
Tirta Gangga | Bali - Indonesia
#tirtagangga #sinematikandroid
Tirta Gangga adalah bekas istana kerajaan yang terletak di bagian timur Pulau Bali, Indonesia, sekitar 5 kilometer dari Karangasem, dekat Gunung Agung. Taman ini terkenal karena istana airnya, yang dimiliki oleh Kerajaan Karangasem. (Wikipedia)
Tirta Gangga is a former royal palace located in the eastern part of the island of Bali, Indonesia, about 5 kilometers from Karangasem, near Mount Agung. This park is famous for its water palace, which is owned by the Karangasem Kingdom. (Wikipedia)
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Tirta gangga karangasem-Bali masih.alami
Jika anda berkunjung dikarangasem - Bali, tidak lengkap rasanya jika tidak berkunjung kesini. Udaranya yg bersih, suasananya yg damai... Jauh dari kebisingan
Tama dengam banyak ikan dan air yg jernih . karangasem bali
Hara tiket yg sangat terjangkau tempat yg strategis
Review Tempat Wisata Tirta Gangga, karangasem - bali
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photogle Translation of Tirta Gangga tourism object, was the coral park of the Karangasem kingdom in eastern Bali. At present the Tirta Gangga Karangasem park serves as a tourist spot in east Bali. If you have questions, there are tourist spots that are rarely visited by tourists, the water park in Bali is the answer. The majority of the vacation to the Tirta Gangga Karangasem tourists park are foreign tourists. SOLIDCREW. TV