Tisza River frozen in Hungary
A security guard was rescued on Monday (February, 13) from a ferry that was torn from its moorings on the Tisza River in Hungary.
The ferry was swept away some 500 metres (550 yards) from the banks of the river by ice floes which have been moving down the winding Tisza River for days.
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Tisza river, Hungary Szeged became a Venice. 8-th of June 2019
Sometimes, very rarely our river rises over the road because of the raining spring. People try to enjoy this time. Like today.
Action camera Yl 4K, stabilization FY G5.
MH86 Helicopter Base demonstration flight on August 20th celebration over Tisza river, Hungary
MH86 Helicopter Base was one of the two biggest military helicopter base in Hungary. In the base there were Mil Mi-8/17 and Mi-24 in service.
Yearly, in 20'th of August (national Day of Hungary) the base made demonstration flights over Tisza river.
In the video we can see two Mi-8s and an Mi-17 helicopters and a Yak 52 military pilot-training plane. In the show choppers are making formation flights, soldier transports and solo displays.
At first, after the opening formation, the Mi-17 lifts up and drops military paraschuters from high altitude to the riverside.
After this we can see a perfect solo demonstration flight from the Yakovlev.
When the Yak left the display field, an Mi-8 and the Mi-17 arrived in formation from the right. The Mi-8 came into a hower and took soldiers to the riverside with rope. During this the Mi-17 secured the action from the air with door-gunner fire.
When the soldiers occupied their positions another Mi-8 arrived over to the river and dropped corps to the water. Because of the special evening lights, this was one of the most spectacular part of the demonstration.
Another ground support arrived from the river with boats.
After the main offensive, the soldiers have to be evacuated from the operations area. When the helicopter can not land to pick up the soldiers, the air force uses a special procedure. The Mi-8 descend a long rope which the soldiers can connect on. When each soldier connects to the rope, the chopper starts lift slowly, than carry the group away without pull them inside the chopper.
The absolute highlight of the show was the Mil Mi-17 solo display. Awsome maneuvers and sound effects…
Az MH86 Helikopter Bázis az egykori MH86 Helikopter Ezred székhelye Szolnokon. A bázison Mil Mi-8/17 és Mil Mi-24-es helikopterek üzemeltek. Manapság A Mi-24 típus kivonása után csak Mi-8 és Mi-17-es helikopterek vannak szolgálatban a támaszponton.
Évről évre, nemzeti ünnepünk alkalmából, Augusztus 20-án bemutató repülést tartanak Szolnokon a Tisza felett a bázis helikoptereivel. Az idei bemutatóra 2 Mi-8-as és egy Mi-17-es helikopter valamint rendhagyó módon egy Yak-52 oktató repülőgép is érkezett.
A bemutatóban láthattunk kötelékrepüléseket, katonai egységek földre és vízbe juttatását és egyéni szóló bemutató repüléseket is.
A nyitókötelék távozása után a Mi-17 gyors magassággyűjtés után ejtőernyős katonákat dobott a folyóparton kijelölt célterületre.
Az ejtőernyősök földet érése után a Yak-52 megkezdte dinamikus bemutatóját.
A Yakovlev bemutatója után a Mi-17 és egy Mi-8 érkezett kötelékben. A Mi-8 kötelek segítségével földre juttatott egy katonai egységet, melynek biztosítását a Mi-17 végezte a levegőből door gunnerrel.
A katonák kijuttatása után a helikopter távozott, de egyből utána érkezett a másik Mi-8. Miután a gép közvetlen a víz fölé ereszkedett deszantosok ugráltak ki a raktérből. Vízbeérésük után kiúsztak a folyó túlpartjára, hogy biztosíthassák az offenzívát abból az irányból is. A különleges esti megvilágítás miatt talán ez volt az egyik leglátványosabb pontja a bemutatónak.
Miután a gyalogosok elvégezték feladatukat egy különleges evakuációs eljárás következett. Az egyik Mi-8-as érkezett a kék jelzőfüsthöz, majd egy hosszú kötelet eresztett le a katonáknak. Ez az eljárás arra az esetre lett kidolgozva, ha a helikopter nem tud landolni a kijelölt területen. A kötélre 8 katona csatolta fel magát, majd a helikopter lassan kiemelte és függő „teherként” szállította őket.
A bemutató végére maradt a program abszolút fénypontja, a Mil Mi-17 helikopter dinamikus bemutatója. A jelenlévők közül szerintem senki sem számított ilyen manőverekre és hanghatásokra…
Szolnok, Hungarian city at the Tisza river
I was a child here. Szolnok, Hungary 2006.
Boating On River Tisza / Lake Tisza (River stage between Tiszaderzs-Tiszafüred area)
Lake Tisza area is one of the less populated area of Hungary. No big cities there. Economically the majority of the area is not the richest part of Hungary. The main activity is agriculture and tourism here. Apart from the many fishermen the area is not yet at the peak of it’s potential even among Hungarian tourists. Perhaps this helps to keep the natural values of the area. The lake itself is not really a “lake”. There are several lakes, canals, the Tisza river, several backwaters, lots of islands there, as you can see on this video which is recorded on the river Tisza and the lake Tisza between Tiszaderzs and Tiszafüred on 7th june of 2014.
Edited by H.M.Z.
Music Tracklist:
1. Chicane - Offshore
2. Chicane - Saltwater
3. Enigma - Sadness
Explore the Lake Tisza by bicycle in Hungary!
Our video shows how The Lake Tisza region has exhibited exceptional growth in tourism in recent years, offering scores of attraction for someone setting out on a cycling adventure.
Téli balinok a Tiszából (Winter time asp fishing at Tisza river, Hungary)
Téli balinhorgászat Szarvas Zoltánnal a Tiszán. (Winter time asp fishing at Tisza river, Hungary with Zoltán Szarvas)
River of sadness. Mystic Tisza river in Hungary. (thriller short film)
Lajos Kovács-Catfish 83kg 237cm 2003 Hungary, Tisza river @ Tiszakécske
A huge catfish (83kg,237cm) from Tisza river. Caught by Lajos Kovács in the year 2003 Tiszakécske 2003 08 10
Tiszakécskén 2003 Augusztus 10.én Kovács Lajos által fogott 83 kilós harcsa 3 órás fárasztás után került partra a hajóállomás és a strand közötti szakaszon.
WWF Hungary in Tiszatarján
WWF together with the local community of Tiszatarján village is working on a unique, climate change adaptation project, next to the River Tisza in north-eastern Hungary. Click play to get to know the story.
Dronelapse shows ice jam on Tisza river in Hungary | Jeges ár a Tiszán, drónfelvétel
Dronelapse felvétel mutatja a tiszai jeges ár vonulását Szabolcsveresmartnál. | Drone captures the ice jam on the Tisza river in Northern Hungary.
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Jégár a Tiszán: sodródik a szellemkomp | Drifting ships with the ice on Tisza river - drone video
Szerdán áttört a jég Tiszafürednél és továbbra is viszi magával a korábban Tiszacsegénél elsodort kompot. | The massive ice floes on the Tisza river in Hungary have taken away ships, docks and ferries.
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The Tisza river in Hungary
Jeges ár a Tiszán | Tisza river ice jam, flood warnings in Hungary
The icy river and ice jam was captured near Szabolcsveresmart, a small town in Northern Hungary.
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Tisza river cleanup with PET Kupa 2019 vlog day #3
The team of Recycled Island Foundation joined this year’s river cleanup with Pet Kupa along the Tisza river in Hungary.
The Tisza is one of Danube’s most beautiful yet polluted tributaries. It begins in Ukraine, flows almost entirely through Hungary and then enters the Danube in Serbia.
The boat race, a lifetime adventure organized by the Hungarian NGO Plastic Cup, contributes to clean the river and its shores, to increase awareness and to build a solid network of experts. This is done by allowing volunteers to sail with boats made with recycled plastic for more than 80 kilometers, and by collecting plastic litter along the Tisza.
This year, we shared the paddles with the ICPDR (International Commission for the Protection of te Danube River) and were awarded the second prize.
Throughout the boat race, more than 10 tons of plastic litter have been collected and a significant impact towards plastic-free rivers has been made.
We cannot wait to take part in the next boat race and we are inviting you to join us!
River Tisza
Szeged, Hungary
Hungarian state used to be much bigger back in the day, nowadays Szeged is close to border with Serbia.
Őzek a Közép-Tisza mentén - RoeDeer , Tisza river in Hungary [HD]
Ride on the river Tisza / Tisza lake in Hungary
Some impressions from the artificial! channels on the Tisza-Lake around Tiszafüred in Hungary.
Ride on the river Tisza / Tisza lake in Hungary - Impressions 2.2
Summer 2013, 38°C, a ride on the main arm of the river Tisza on it´s flow through the lake Tisza. Attention: 15min.- Video with absolut no Action...:-)
Summer 2013, 38°C, a ride on the main arm of the river Tisza on it´s flow through the lake Tisza. Attention: 15min.- Video with absolut no Action...:-)
Summer 2013, 38°C, a ride on the main arm of the river Tisza on it´s flow through the lake Tisza. Attention: 15min.- Video with absolut no Action...:-)
Summer 2013, 38°C, a ride on the main arm of the river Tisza on it´s flow through the lake Tisza. Attention: 15min.- Video with absolut no Action...:-)