Tito's Nuclear Bunker - ARK-D0 in Bosnia & Herzegovina ????????
ARK stands for Armijska Ratna Komanda (Army War Command) and the D0 (D Zero) part stands for top secret level 0. Which was the highest grade of secrecy. So the purpose was obvious, to create a secret and nuclear proof facility in which the commanders could stay alive and control whatever warlike circumstances were happening out there. If they needed.
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The following text is from the blog post, which includes photos -
The bunker was built to withstand 25 kilotons and facilitate 350 high ranking military leaders and politicians for six months completely underground. The bunker has a total area of 6400 m² and includes every facility needed for survival, communication, comfort, supplies, surgery room and so on. The deepest level is located about 280 meters under the top of the mountain. Konjic lies in the heart of Bosnia & Herzegovina, and was also in the middle of Yugoslavia. The mountainous terrain in that region is hard to conquer, good for defense, close to pure water and airports. Tito’s army fought the biggest battles against Nazi’s in WWII in those mountainous landscapes and even in the latest aggression on Bosnia & Herzegovina the aggressors had a hard time for success. Hence the choice of location from which the highest military command of the former Yugoslav army JNA would be relocated in case of a total war.
Did Tito ever visit the nuclear bunker? Not officially, however, he visited factories in Konjic so if he had visited the construction site it would have been in secret. The visitations to nearby facilities could have easily been cover ups to visit the bunker. This was the third most expensive military investment in Yugoslavia (the most expensive was Željava Air Base followed by harbor Lora in Spit) the boss surely must have kept an eye on the progress.
The reason the bunker is intact is because of two members of JNA (Yugoslavian National Army) who defied the orders during the aggression on Bosnia & Herzegovina to blow up the place. They disconnected the wires leading to explosives located in the 50 ton fuel tanks, before evacuation. The bunker hasn’t been operating military since 1992, until it was still a top secret and unknown to even the people living nearby.
The bunker opened to the public in 2012 due to the Contemporary Art Biennial Project which is located inside, so the bunker is now a museum or an exhibition place, sort of. Since then it’s open for visitors for 20 BAM (10 €) and that’s the only activity that brings money to the bunker
So the question is why the contemporary art project which is dependent on paying visitors? It has to do with the statute of the site, although govern by the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tito’s Bunker has had a complex journey of ownerships and such bureaucratic nitpicking. That by making it a cultural site for art would hinder any destruction, privatization and radical change in ownership that could leave the property neglected. In 2014 Tito’s Bunker officially became a national monument of Bosnia & Herzegovina.
No matter how amazing this project was, I still regard it as I do Željava Air Base – as a big investment that should have been made on civilian needs. That’s because Yugoslavia, just like Sweden, in a situation of a Soviet invasion (including the Warsaw Pact) would have had their airforce, navy and all such forces destroyed after the initial day of full scale defense. After that, the defense would have been continued on the ground. Unless of course the nukes were used. The only way Yugoslavia would have lasted against Soviet is if NATO and other western powers were drawn into the conflict. I base this opinion on both common information and biographies from former Yugoslavian and Swedish military personal and their statements. When you think of how many of these multi billion projects are now abandoned and unused it’s a disastrous waste of money.
So much infrastructure could have been built instead or whatever was needed. Small towns had secret bases nearby, cities like Mostar had air craft factories and the military production was going strong. Those money went into complexes for oblivion and out-of-dateness. Modern weapons make little room for secret locations and today’s nuclear weapons has an easy job for Cold War bunkers. Maybe the lesson is that if monumental military investments are to be made, they must be made wiser than they were done at that time. Or is it all a scam and ways of transferring money – War is Racket after all. If you make people fear something, you control them.
Tito's Atomic Bunker in Konjic
Titos Bunker in Konjic (Antinuclear Bunker) code name Istanbul
Alfredo Pirri - Passi - Atomic shelter D-O, Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013
Video dell'opera Passi, di Alfredo Pirri, realizzata in occasione della Seconda Biennale d'Arte Contemporane presso il rifugio antiatomico D-0, a Konjic, in Bosnia Erzegovina.
Ho immaginato questo lavoro come lo scomparire di un corpo dentro un luogo, anzi come lo scivolare dentro un'immagine (che stordisce come un bacio). In questo lavoro, il passato si mostra come la superficie di un mare in tempesta o come l'interno di un caleidoscopio gigantesco. La semi-circolarità della volta fa sì che ci si trovi esattamente al centro di un cannocchiale col quale guardare il tempo percorrendolo in tutte le sue direzioni.
Tito's secret bunker in Bosnia
Featured in the DIY Destinations - Bosnia:
Exclusive tour of secret nuclear bunker commissioned by the Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito and up to 350 members of his inner circle in the village of Konjic in Bosnia. Including a walkthrough of the conference room, communication centre, hallway, water treatment, and power generator.
Bunkier Tito w Konjic
[PL] Bunkier Tito był jedną z lepiej strzeżonych tajemnic byłej Jugosławii. W styczniu 2017 mieliśmy okazję go zwiedzić wraz z ekipą Visit Konjic. Nasz film pozwoli Wam zajrzeć w wiele zakamarków Obiektu Zero.
Więcej na blogu:
Music: The Wrong Time by Silent Partner (YouTube Audio Library)
[ENG] Tito's bunker was on of the most kept secret in the Former Yugoslavia. In January 2017 we were able to visit it with the Visit Konjic crew. Thank's to our film You will see many parts of the Object Zero.
Tito's Nuclear Bunker Tour ☢️, Bosnia's Abandoned Buildings & Sarajevo's Siege Tunnels
Today we get up close and personal with the history of Yugoslavia in Bosnia and Herzegovina by visiting Tito's Nuclear Bunker in the nearby town of Konjic. We then continue on to explore other parts of Yugoslavian history, understanding its golden age and later on, its downfall.
After Konjic, we drive to Igman mountain and explore its abandoned Olympic Ski Jumps from the 1984 Winter Olympics, and then head to Trebevic Mountain to see the famous Olympic Bobsled Track. Afterwards, we make a stop at the Jewish Cemetery (Europe's 2nd largest after Prague's), before ending the tour at Sarajevo's famous Yellow Bastion for sunset.
Throughout the tour, we also get a first hand account of the Bosnian War with a local guide who survived the conflict. Our guide then takes us to investigate the the Sarajevo War Tunnels used during the Siege of Sarajevo, which lasted 4 years.
❂ If you're interested in local and culturally immersive tours in Bosnia and Herzegovina, check out Sarajevo Funky Tours:
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Tito's Bunker, Konjic, Bosnia & Hersegovina - VLOG19
VLOG19 - Cycling England to Australia
Because being unhappy is not an option I bought a bike and started cycling across the world. This is chapter one: London - Australia.
I am sure I will find something so awesome that will bring me back to happiness, I don’t know what that is yet but I am sure I’ll find something and I can’t wait. If I don’t, then at least I will have an amazing butt!
Jim Yosef - Can't Wait (feat. Anna Yvette)
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Showcase: Inside Tito's nuclear shelter
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D-0 Istanbul (ARK Konjic)-13(blok 4-konferencijska dvorana 2)
D-0 Istanbul (ARK Konjic) -13(blok 4-konferencijska dvorana 2)
Croatia: Visitors flock Paklenica as Tito's nuclear bunker opens to public
The abandoned former nuclear bunker Atomska Ratna Komanda, built for former Yugoslavian President Josip Broz Tito, opened up to visitors at the Croatian National Park Paklenica in Zadar, Tuesday.
Video ID: 20160823-038
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Bosnian Artists Plan Cold War Museum in Tito's Secret Bunker
A group of Bosnian artists plan to turn a former atomic-bomb bunker, once the best kept secret of socialist Yugoslavia, into a vast museum dedicated to the Cold War.
A labyrinth of tunnels, dark chambers and heavy steel doors, the Atomic War Shelter built by Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito has hosted art exhibitions since 2011. But now the artists plan something new.
We want to make a Museum of the Cold War, a hybrid museum that will be both military and artistic, said Edo Hozic, who has driven efforts to open the shelter to the public. Once inside, we'll travel through time.
Built 280 m (920 ft) below ground over 6,500 square feet (604 square meters), the shelter is almost invisible to passersby outside the town of Konjic in southern Bosnia, 40 km (25 miles) from Sarajevo.
Tito, who led former Yugoslavia from the end of World War II until his death in 1980, exploited the Cold War to balance the country between East and West and build alliances worldwide.
The shelter's existence became public when Yugoslavia fell apart in war in the 1990s and it became the military property of independent Bosnia. It has since been turned over to an ammunition factory in Konjic, which wants to use two of its storage sites, though the bunker itself is a national heritage site.
Last week, Hozic opened the Third Biennale of Contemporary Art in the bunker, with works by 25 artists focusing this year on alternative ways of life during the Cold War, such as anti-war protests and the environmental and women's movements.
One display, the Time Chamber by British artist Delaine Le Bas, featured candles and 1960s music in a chamber turned into a hippie room complete with Flower Power garments.
The art works cover the period of the Cold War, everything that this bunker slept through during its long isolation, Hozic said. The proposal to create a museum has been submitted to the government, and ministers have given verbal support.
Albanian artist Helidon Gjergji said: I think it's a visionary idea [that] should be a role model for others.
Bosnian soldiers, who would once have guarded the top secret site from prying eyes, now watch over artwork lining its walls.
The project would lose sense if the army was not present, said Sandra Miljevic-Hozic, the chief coordinator of the project and Hozic's wife.
Exploring Tito's Bunker ARK D-0
A small clip taken from our Bosnia and Herzegovina video. We explore an old but not abandoned Yugoslavian nuclear bunker of Josip Broz Tito with a guide explaining how it was used back in the day.
Link to the full video:
KONJIC in Bosnia hiking and visit the Tito Bunker
Zerostrasse, Air Raid Shelter in Pula
Agosto, 2011
Appena sotto l'architrave della Porta Gemina di Pola, ho notato l'arco ribassato del manufatto difensivo. E la bellissima scoperta era che si poteva visitare! E quindi perché non condividere con tutti la scoperta di un ottimo recupero di archeologia industriale militare?
Buona visione!
Riporto qui sotto il testo dell'audio del filmato, tratto direttamente -- anche se un poco rimaneggiato -- dal depliant della visita:
Pola era un centro strategico militare di estrema importanza per la flotta asburgica, in particolar modo nell ultimo periodo della monarchia. Per questo motivo venne realizzato un ampio sistema difensivo formato da fortezze, batterie e nidi per mitragliatrici, che si estendeva dalla costa occidentale a quella orientale dell'Istria chiudendo gli accessi alla Città
Qui, oltre agli abitanti polesi, vi era anche una nutrita guarnigione ma anche la numerosa manodopera specializzata alle dipendenze dell'Arsenale . Per poter mettere al riparo tutta la popolazione, in caso di attacchi aeronavali sulla città, le autorità austroungariche, in vista della Prima Guerra Mondiale e nel suo corso, costruirono sotto i colli di Pola una rete di gallerie e rifugi, con depositi di munizioni e corridoi di comunicazione. Neanche un colle polese, nel cuore del centro storico della città, fu risparmiato da trivellazioni e scavi. Fu realizzato così un ampio sistema di gallerie rifugio fra le quali le più grandi sono quelle dentro le viscere del Monte Zaro, ai piedi del Castello, e del Monte Ghiro.
Durante il governo austriaco, la fortezza veneziana serviva da caserma, da deposito e da osservatorio. Sotto ad essa si trovano dei vani sotterranei che nella Prima Guerra Mondiale servivano per sistemare la guarnigione, il materiale e le munizioni, ma anche come carcere per i prigionieri nemici. Sotto il colle centrale della città ci sono due rifugi a tunnel: uno proprio sotto alla fortezza ed il secondo alla sua base collega, snodandosi per quasi mezzo chilometro, le due parti opposte del centro storico di Pola.
Quattro entrate poste ai piedi del colle della fortezza, conducono attraverso gallerie ad un unico spazio centrale. Gli accessi sono dislocati in modo da garantire all'intero sistema il regolare ricambio dell'aria, fatto che garantisce, in tutte le stagioni, una temperatura interna tra i 14 ed i 18 gradi. In questa sala centrale, la larghezza dei corridoi varia dai 3 ad i 6 metri, per un altezza delle volte di circa due metri e mezzo: con tali dimensioni questo spazio può contenere all'incirca sei mila persone.
Dopo la Prima Guerra Mondiale le Autorità italiane continuarono ad usare i tunnel sotterranei di Pola, ampliandoli.
Dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale vennero usati come rifugi per la popolazione civile, per le necessità sanitarie e si costruirono persino i cosiddetti rifugi antiatomici previsti come risposta ad un pericolo nucleare e biologico. I rifugi atomici possono ospitare all'incirca seimila persone, mentre quelli tradizionali, attorno alle quarantacinquemila persone. La complessiva capacità ricettiva di tutti i rifugi polesi supera la cifra considerevole di cinquantamila unità, ovvero quasi l'intera popolazione di Pola.
RSE: Konjic - Otvoreno 1. bijenale savremene umjetnosti
Bijenale pod nazivom Time Machine- No Network D-0 ARK Underground održava se u prostorima Atomske Ratne Komande (ARK), tajnog skloništa za nekadašnji jugoslavenski politički i vojni vrh (D-0 ARK). Na oko 6.500 metara kvadratnih prostora i oko 300 metara dubine ispod površine zemlje, 47 umjetnika iz 13 zemalja stvaraju i izlažu svoja umjetnička djela. Savjet Evrope je projekt proglasio kulturnim događajem Evrope. (27. maj 2011. Autor: Zvjezdan Živković)
Život u bunkeru
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Titov bunker u Konjicu više nije nikakva tajna
Peti ciklus Bijenala umjetnosti D-0 ARK Underground otvoren je jučer, a s njim je došao i kraj prikupljanju umjetnina. Ali, svaki kraj je i novi početak
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D-0 Istanbul (ARK Konjic)-01(ulaz 3 do ulaza 2)
D-0 Istanbul (ARK Konjic)-01(ulaz 3 do ulaza 2)