Visit Mechelen for Families I (EN)
As you can see, there is plenty to see and do in Mechelen, whatever age you are. Take take a stroll between the various “playing incentives” in the city centre, where children love to play. Do you have a more inquisitive nature? No problem! After “Mechelen sends you on your way”, a fun-filled tour of Mechelen, you will be an expert on our fair city. But there is so much more to experience. You can get to the Toy Museum, Planckendael animal park or Technopolis, the activity centre for science and technology in the blink of an eye. Too much to pack in one day? We agree! So why not treat your family to an enjoyable night in one of the many family-friendly hotels in the city? Sit back, kick your feet up and enjoy!
Mechelen (locally pronounced [ˈmɛ.x̟ə.l̪ə(n̪)] ( ), French Malines, traditional English Mechlin) is a city and municipality in the province of Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium. The municipality comprises the city of Mechelen proper, some quarters at its outskirts, the hamlets of Nekkerspoel (adjacent) and Battel (a few kilometers away), as well as the villages of Walem, Heffen, Leest, Hombeek, and Muizen. The Dijle flows through the city, hence it is often referred to as the Dijlestad (City on the river Dijle).
Mechelen lies on the major urban and industrial axis Brussels-Antwerp, about 25 km from each city. Inhabitants find employment at Mechelen's southern industrial and northern office estates, as well as at offices or industry near the capital and Zaventem Airport, or at industrial plants near Antwerp's seaport.
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Jan Fabre on his works on paper, photographs and a sculpture on the theme of Fabre/Mesrine
Jan Fabre, Umetnost me je obranila zapora/Art kept me out of jail
Umetnostna galerija Maribor/Maribor Art Gallery
Razstava Umetnost me je obranila zapora/Art kept me out of jail predstavlja tri performativne instalacije priznanega belgijskega umetnika Jana Fabra. Do sedaj je bila razstava na ogled v Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst v Antwerpnu (2010) in v Muzeum Sztuki v poljskem Łodzu (2011).
Naslov razstave je povzet po štiriurnem performansu Umetnost me je obranila zapora, ki ga je Jan Fabre izvedel v okviru pregledne samostojne razstave Angel preobrazbe (L'ange de la métamorphose) v pariškem Louvru leta 2008. Inspiracijo za performans predstavlja francoski zločinec Jacques Mesrine, znan po svojih številnih pobegih iz francoskih zaporov. Na razstavi v UGM bo Jan Fabre predstavil tri instalacije, ki dokumentirajo perfomanse - Umetnost me je obranila zapora (2008), Virgin/Warrior (2004) in Sanguis/Mantis (2001) - skupaj z deli na papirju, fotografijami in skulpturo Fabre/Mesrine. Razstava nudi edinstveno priložnost za ogled performansa Virgin/Warrior, skupno delo Jana Fabra in Marine Abramović, izvedenega v pariškem Palais de Tokyo. Umetnika sta oblečena v viteška oklepa ose (Abramovićeva v vlogi device) in hrošča rogača (Fabre v vlogi bojevnika). Zaprta v stekleni kletki izvajata performans s 26 dejanji (npr. udarjanje po oklepu, dihanje, zavzemanje poze insekta, nošenje drug drugega, odstranjevanje čelad, zarezovanje v roke, držanje srca v rokah ... ).
Jan Fabre je umetnik-raziskovalec, ki raziskuje meje telesa, zavesti in domišljije. Je hkraten (consilience) umetnik v iskanju prostora za združevanje izkušenj različnih disciplin.
Jan Fabre (1958) je diplomiral na Mestnem inštitutu za umetnost in obrt ter na Kraljevi akademiji za likovno umetnost v Antwerpnu. V zadnjih tridesetih letih je ustvaril širok opus del ter postal mednarodno priznan vizualni umetnik, gledališki ustvarjalec in pisatelj. Živi in dela v Antwerpnu, kjer je ustanovil Angelos office (ki jo vodi kot vizualni umetnik) in gledališče Troubleyn/Jan Fabre (ki producira njegova odrska dela in delo Troubleyn/Laboratorium-a). Kot vizualni umetnik ustvarja instalacije, skulpture, risbe, filme in performanse. Med njegova najbolj znana dela spadajo Tivoli (1990, Mechelen), palača v celoti prekrita v risbo narejeno z Bic kemičnim svinčnikom, The man who measures the clouds (1998), bronasta skulptura, katere različico je možno videti v Ghentu in Antwerpu (Belgija), Kanazawi (Japonska) in Catanzaru (Italija), Heaven of Delight (2002), naročilo belgijske kraljice Paole za kraljevo palačo v Bruslju ter Pietas, marmorne skulpture prikazane na 54. Beneškem bienalu (2011). Fabre je sodeloval na odmevnih mednarodnih razstavah, kot so Beneški bienale (1984, 1990, 2007, 2009, 2011), Documenta v Kasslu (1987, 1992), Bienale v Sao Paolu (1991), Lyonski bienale (2000), Solunski bienale (2011) ter izvedel velikopotezne samostojne razstave po vsem svetu. Nekatere izmed novejših in pomembnejših razstav so Anthropology of a Planet (Benetke, 2007), L'ange de la métamorphose (Musée du Louvre2008), From the Cellar to the Attic. From the Feet to the Brain (Kunsthaus Bregenz 2008), From the feet to the Brain (Benetke, 2009), Alternative humanities: Jan Fabre & Katsura Funakoshi (21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, 2010), Hortus/Corpus (Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, 2011),The Years of the Hour Blue (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Dunaj, 2011 in trenutno v Musée d'Art Moderne, Saint-Étienne) in Pietas, nazadnje na ogled na Beneškem bienalu in bo ponovno na ogled maja 2012 v Antwerpnu.
1994-0713 Shri Vishnu Puja Talk, Paris, France, DP, CC
Archive video: H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi at Vishnu Puja 1994 in Paris (France).
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