Thracian Tomb ( Golyamata Kosmatka ) near Shipka,Kazanlak,Bulgaria
That is the Grave of Thracian KIng of Odris State- Sevt the Third
Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak
Discovered in 1944, this tomb dates from the Hellenistic period, around the end of the 4th century BC. It is located near Seuthopolis, the capital city of the Thracian king Seuthes III, and is part of a large Thracian necropolis. The tholos has a narrow corridor and a round burial chamber, both decorated with murals representing Thracian burial rituals and culture. These paintings are Bulgaria’s best-preserved artistic masterpieces from the Hellenistic period.
The Bronze Head of Thracian king Seuthes III
In 2004, as part an expedition, the late Bulgarian archaeologist Georgi Kitov and his team discovered Seuthes III’s tomb on the Golyama Kosmatka Mound near his capital Seuthopolis (close to today’s towns of Kazanlak and Shipka), part of the Valley of Thracian Kings. The Tomb was built in the second half of fifth century BC. Items found inside included the golden crown of the ruler, a golden kylix (shallow wine cup), knee pads and a helmet, and applications for horse tackle, all exhibited in the historical museum of the town of Kazanlak. Remarkable is the bronze lifelike head of the statue of Seuthes III buried ritually in front of the façade, which is quite detailed. It is an important evidence of the Thracian Orphic rituals.
Thracian Tomb ( Golyamata Kosmatka ) near Shipka,Kazanlak,Bulgaria with Daniel Dimitrov
in the Tomb is a grave of Thracian King of Odris State - Sevt The Third
Thracian Tomb ( Golyamata Kosmatka )near Shipka,Kazanlak,Bulgaria with Daniel Dimitrov
here is the Grave of Thracian King of Odris Kingdom - Sevt the Third
Духът на Севт III
Земи, обожествени и превърнати в култ от населяващите племена, наричани Траки! Този народ зачитал природата и нейните дарове.
С бойните си умения те всявали страх в съседните народи.
В земите на Одриското царство се родил върховен главнокомандващ, обединил племенните им общности и създал мощна държава със столица Севтополис. Градът бил кръстен на самия владетел Севт ІІІ. Развивали се културата, занаятите, Севтополис бил в своя възход. От запад се зараждала нова империя, апетитът им минавал през плодородните земи на Траките. Севт водил не малко битки със македонските царе Филип и Александър. През 323 пр.н.е държавата на Траките рухнала, Севтополис изживял своите дни в античната сцена! През 1955 потопен във водите на яз.Копринка.
Bulgaria, Ostrusha Thracian tombs
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
The tomb is part of a large royal Thracian necropolis in the Valley of the Thracian Rulers near their ancient capital of Seuthopolis in a region where more than a thousand tombs of kings and members of the Thracian aristocracy can be found.
Севт III . Seuthes III . 330 BC 300 BC .
Долината на тракийските царе. Valley of the Kings. Севтополис.Seuthopolis Одриско царство. Голяма Косматка. Odrysian Kingdom. Шипка, Карлово, България. Музика Теодосий Спасов music Theodosii Spassov
Фракиская гробница Севт 3 - Большая Косматка Болгария / Thracian tomb Kosmatka Sevt 3
Фракийская гробница Большая Косматка является гробница фракийского царя Севта третего.
Она одна из самых больших на Болгканском полуострове.
Когда археологи нашли ее она была в очень хорошем состояний.
Царь был похоронен вместе со своим конем, своими доспехами и большое количество золото и драгоценности.
Гробница состоит из 3 помещении и длинный коридор.
Все камеры построены из гранитных блоков, а камера в который похоронен сам владетель сделана из огромного монолитного гранитного блока весом 60 тон.
Гробница представляет внушительное сооружение и памятник культуры. Заслуживает внимание.
Мы организовываем индивидуальные экскурсии в Болгарии и экскурсии в Фракийскую гробницу Севта третего.
Наши контакты:
Тел: +359898654320 - Viber / Whats App
скайп: constantius-vsp
Больше информации на нашем сайте
Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak - Sights of Bulgaria
The Thracian tomb of Kazanlak is one of the main sights of Kazanlak.The tomb is small, but with beautiful interesting frescoes inside.
The tomb was built in the 5th century BC and a Thracian ruler was buried here.
Nearby are the Museum of Roses, the Orthodox Church of the Nativity of Christ, the peak of Shipka and several other interesting Thracian tombs like Helvetsia, Shushmanets, Griffons, Golyama Kosmatka and so on.
We organize individual excursions in Bulgaria and individual excursions in Kazanlak and Shipka.
Our contacts:
Tel: +359898654320 - ther is a Viber and Whats app
skype: constantius-vsp
More information on our website.
Das thrakische Grab von Kazanlak ist eine der Hauptsehenswürdigkeiten von Kazanlak. Das Grab ist klein, aber mit schönen interessanten Fresken im Inneren.
Das Grabmal wurde im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Errichtet und hier wurde ein thrakischer Herrscher begraben.
In der Nähe befinden sich das Rosenmuseum, die orthodoxe Kirche der Geburt Christi, der Gipfel des Shipka und einige andere interessante thrakische Gräber wie Helvetsia, Shushmanets, Griffons, Golyama Kosmatka und so weiter.
Wir organisieren individuelle Ausflüge in Bulgarien und individuelle Ausflüge in Kazanlak und Shipka.
Mehr Informationen in unsere Website.
Голямата Косматка гробницата на Севт III
Тракийския цар Севт III. Thracian Seuthes III Valley of the Thracian Kings . I I
Bulgaria, Kazanlak Thracian tombswatermarked
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
The Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak,It comprises a narrow corridor and a round burial chamber, both decorated with murals representing a Thracian couple at a ritual funeral feast. The monument dates back to the 4th century BCE and has been on the UNESCO protected World Heritage Site list since 1979.
Golyama Kosmatka - inside the tomb
Inside the Golyama Kosmatka Thracian tomb, north of Kazanluk, the scene of some recent marvellous discoveries by Georgi Kitov, including a bronze head of Seuthes III, armour, weapons, and various gold items
Kazanlak , capitale della Valle delle Rose , ospita I Museo Storico dove si trova la collezione di bronzo e tesori in oro, come pure la replica di Tracia Kazanlak Tomba, risalente al 4 ° dc. E 'elencato nel mondo patrimonio naturale e storico dell'UNESCO
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Trailer Sevt 3 (Tracian)
Историята протича 300 год преди Христа! Народ развит културно и духовно,среща своята съдба! Новоизградената империя на Филип Македонски с оглед разширението си на север минава през земите на Траките и постепенно след многократни войни ги сломява и поробва.
The story takes place 300 years before Christ! People developed culturally and spiritually, met his fate! Newly Empire of Philip of Macedonia to its expansion to the north passes through the lands of the Thracians and gradually after multiple wars and enslaves them breaks.
UNESCO and Bulgarian - The Thracian Tomb
UNESCO and Bulgaria (Kazanlak) Heritage - The Thracian Tomb, THE VALLEY OF ROSES ANG THRACIAN KINGS
The Valley of the Thracian Kings - The Kazanlak Tomb
The world-famous Kazanlak tomb attracts the interest of people from all over the world who want to see the Thracian funeral architecture from the end of the 5th and the beginning of the 3rd century BC.
Situated in the valley of the Thracian kings in Bulgaria, its a duplicate on a 1:1 scale, which presents the architecture and artwork, and is open to visitors while the original is under a special protection regime.
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