King Sidabutar's tomb, Tomok, Samosir Island, Indonesia (Tour)
Tomok is one of the main towns on Samosir Island, in Lake Toba. It has a jetty for ferries coming in from Prapat, which is 30 minutes away on the eastern bank of the lake.
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On the island of Samosir there is a historical heritage site of the tomb of King Sidabutar, this tomb is made of natural stone carved with human heads and some of the tombs of the king's relatives around it. The uniqueness of this historical site is that the tomb is not embedded in the ground like a common tomb, but is above the ground. Tombs or stone graves are in the village of Ambarita, Simanindo District, Samosir Island.
History Tomb Of King Sidabutar #GenPISumut
Grave of King Sidabutar
Resting place of King Sidabutar in the Samosir Island.
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Lokasi : Pelabuhan Ajibata- Taman Timalungun- Tomok Samosir - Danau Toba dan sekitarnya.
Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Wisata Pulau Samosir pertama yang bisa kamu nikmati adalah wisata budaya dan sejarah di Desa Tomok. Desa tradisional ini dikenal juga dengan pintu gerbang dan pengenalan Samosir, jika melalui Pelabuhan Ajibata, Parapat. Saat pertama kali masuk ke desa, kamu akan disambut dengan objek wisata sigale-gale.
Sigale-gale adalah boneka kayu, boneka itu dimainkan dan orang-orang akan menari dengannya. Wisatawan bisa menari bersama sigale-gale. Kalau tidak ingin menari, kamu bisa berfoto saja dengannya secara gratis. Tidak jauh dari sigale-gale terdapat monumen TungTung, instrumen dari kayu atau bambu yang bisa ditabuh dan berfungsi untuk memberikan penanda adanya kejadian yang ada di masyarakat.
Kamu juga bisa mengunjungi kuburan tua Raja Sidabutar, orang pertama yang bermukim di Tomok dan membangun kekuasaannya di sana. Di dalamnya kamu bisa menemukan makam tua berusia ratusan tahun dengan bentuk yang unik.
Kamu juga bisa mengenal sejarah orang Batak dengan berkunjung ke Batak Museum Tomok, di sana terdapat banyak barang peninggalan sejarah masyarakat Batak seperti tempat tidur, tombak, alat untuk berburu, alat memasak, pakaian adat, dan masih banyak lainnya.
Belum puas dengan Desa Tomok? Kamu bisa ke TukTuk, desa yang menawarkan panorama indah dari Danau Toba. Di sana kamu bisa menikmati Danau Toba dari sudut yang berbeda. Tak hanya itu saja di sana kamu juga bisa menikmati olahraga air seperti kano, jet ski, waterbikes, atau berenang. Jika tidak ingin bermain air kamu bisa memancing atau bersepeda berkeliling desa untuk menikmati indahnya Danau Toba.
Ingin melihat bukti praktik kanibalisme suku Batak? Datang saja ke Ambarita, yang merupakan desa kuno orang Batak. Konon zaman dahulu di desa itu sering terjadi praktik kanibalisme. Sebagai buktinya terdapat dua buah rangkaian kursi batu berumur ratusan tahun yang di susun melingkar dengan cekungan miring di bawah pohon hararia tua, rangkaian batu itu disebut batu persidangan.
Di sana adalah tempat tetua adat untuk menentukan nasib penjahat atau musuh. Jika divonis bersalah maka akan dieksekusi mati, dan beberapa bagian tubuhnya diambil untuk dimasak. Mengerikan? Tetapi, sayang jika kamu tidak melihat peninggalannya secara langsung.
Toba Samosir Reviving Tourism in North Sumatra
It’s impossible to enjoy the entire Lake Toba in one day, but a short trip to the tourism jewel of North Sumatra is enough for one to fall in love with the local nature and culture.
Lake Toba is the world’s largest crater or volcanic lake. It has a maximum depth of 500 meters. Resembling a landlocked sea, it has an island in the middle, Samosir Island.
It is a major tourist spot in North Sumatra with vast potential for further development into an international tourist destination.
Going to Lake Toba is not complete without a spectacular 30-minute sail on the gorgeous lake to reach Samosir Island. We departed from Ajibata Port in Parapat on a ferry that took us to Tomok Port, the entrance to Samosir Island.
The natural splendor of Samosir Island, which is about the size of Singapore, and the enormous body of lake water surrounding it are certainly impossible to enjoy all in one day. During a visit to Ambarita, not far from Tomok Port, we stood before the historical 500-year-old stone tomb of King Sidabutar, who was believed to be the first ruler of the island.
We visited the historic site of the traditional Batak court called Batu Persidangan Raja Siallagan, as well as the execution site of prisoners who were on death row during the reign of King Siallagan.
We returned to Parapat and headed for Medan through Brastagi. We stopped in Dokan village to see a number of traditional houses of the Batak Karo community that have been preserved and made another stop in Tongging village in Merek district, Karo regency, to enjoy the Sipiso-piso Waterfall.
“This is my first visit to Indonesia and to North Sumatra, but I can see Lake Toba as one of the natural wonders of North Sumatra,” said Maryam Bejaoui from French tour agency FTI Voyages.
Meanwhile, Michael Metzner from German tour agency Tischler Reisen AG was impressed by the warm culture and language of the Batak community.
“It’s been a brief tour of North Sumatra, but I always remember one greeting typical of the Batak community, Horas, or Horas..Baahh,” he said.
TORTOR - Uniquely Toba Lake in Tomok, Samosir Island Part 3
In the ship from TOMOK to TUK-TUK
Indonesia memiliki beragam keindahan alam luar biasa yang tidak dimiliki negara-negara lainnya. Salah satunya, yang bisa Anda jadikan destinasi liburan tahun ini adalah Danau Toba.
Danau Toba terletak di pegunungan Bukit Barisan, Sumatera Utara. Luasnya 1.145 kilometer persegi yang menjadikannya danau terluas se-Asia Tenggara dan luasnya lebih besar dari Singapura [716 km].
Danau Toba juga menjadi danau terluas di dunia yang terbentuk dari erupsi gunung berapi, dan masuk dalam daftar Guinness World Records.
Latar belakang Danau Toba terbentuk karena letusan gunung berapi yang memuntahkan 2.800 km kubik material letusan, sehingga membuat kawah yang lambat laun dipenuhi air menjadi danau.
Di tengah Danau Toba terdapat pulau bernama Samosir. Pulau tersebut sekiranya mendekati luas dari negara Singapura dan memiliki beberapa desa dengan wisata alam luar biasa, seperti pegunungan dan air terjun.
Pulau Samosir dan Danau Toba adalah jantung dan kampung halaman dari Suku Batak. Anda juga bisa merasakan keramahan penduduk desa tersebut sekaligus mengetahui kebudayaan mereka.
Jika Anda berwisata ke Danau Toba pada April hingga Agustus, kemungkinan Anda akan dapat menyaksikan kemeriahan dan ritual tradisional dari Suku Batak yaitu upacara Pesta Masyarakat Danau Toba.
Upacara tersebut diselenggarakan untuk mengingat nenek moyang Suku Batak dengan menampilkan nyanyian, acara olahraga, dan tarian batak.
Sedangkan untuk penginapan di Danau Toba, Anda tidak perlu khawatir, karena di sana banyak resor, hotel, dan penginapan biasa yang masing-masing menawarkan pemandangan luar biasa.
Kegiatan wisata lain di Danau Toba yang dapat Anda lakukan di antaranya: mengelilingi Desa Tuktuk Siadong-Adong, berkunjung ke situs-situs bersejarah (Makam Raja Sidabutar), melihat masyarakat lokal menanam padi, dan melihat rumah-rumah penduduk dengan Gorga Batak.
#indonesianature #indonesianature
Kekayaan alam wisata Sumatera Utara sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Berbagai macam objek wisata dapat Anda jelajahi di wilayah daratan ini. Mulai dari luasnya laut, keindahaan pantai, keajaiban goa, budaya, hingga sejarah. Tidak hanya itu, pulau yang juga membentang di dalam daratan Sumatera juga layak Anda kagumi. Salah satunya yang paling populer adalah Pulau Samosir.
Keindahan pemandangan di Pulau Samosir Sumatera Utara akan membius Anda sejenak. Bagaimana tidak? Sebuah pulau vulkanik nan indah terbentang di tengah Danau Toba, yang juga merupakan danau terluas di Asia Tenggara. Anda akan menemukan udara sejuk dan segar selama berada di tempat wisata Sumatera Utara ini.
Pulau Samosir dari kejauhan
Samosir sendiri merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Petualangan Anda di Samosir Sumatera akan diwarnai riak khas dari tiap kecamatan dengan magnetnya masing-masing. Bagi para pecinta alam domestik, nama Pulau Samosir pastilah sudah tidak asing lagi.
Tidak hanya wisata alam saja yang ditawarkan, Anda juga akan disuguhkan wisata sejarah yang masih terasa nuansa kebudayaannya. Beberapa diantaranya seperti menyaksikan pertunjukan Sigale-gale (di Tomok), berkeliling Museum Huta Bolon, mengunjungi Makam Raja Sidabutar, serta keunikan Batu Parsidangan.
Apabila Anda melihat sekeliling, akan tampak seolah tiap jengkal tepi pulau Samosir Sumatera dipagari oleh jernihnya perairan Danau Toba yang begitu luas. Sungguh menakjubkan! Masih belum cukup? Anda bisa berkelana sejenak di Goa Marlakkop, bersantai di pemandian air panas, dan masih banyak lagi.
Pesona pulau di tengah danau dengan ketinggian 1000 mdpl ini membuatnya menjadi kunjungan ‘wajib’ bagi para wisatawan, baik domestik maupun mancanegara. Jangan heran bila Anda ingin kembali lagi ke tempat ini, saat Anda sudah berada di rumah. #indonesianature #indonesianature
Stay at sinabung hotel berastagi / Horison Hotel Berastagi / Similar
Arrive at Polonia International Airport in Medan. Meeting services by Narasindo staff/Tour Guide. Then City Tour in Medan to visit Maimoon Palace (Istana Melayu Deli) and shopping at Batik House then transfer to local restaurant for lunch. After Lunch depart for Brastagi-a mountains resort with it's refreshing weather and magnificent mountains scenery which has an abundance of Flowers, Vegetables and Fruits, on the way visit Gundaling hill to see the views of two active volcanoes, Sibayak (2.172 m) and Sinabung volcano (2.417 m), and visit Brastagi Fruits market. Check -- in Hotel in Brastagi. Dinner will be served at hotel or local restaurant.
Stay at Siantar / Toledo / Silintong Hotel Samosir Island / Similar
After breakfast at hotel, then depart for Parapat, on the way, stop at Rumah Bolon The ancient King's Palace of Batak Simalungun, Sipiso-Piso waterfall, and Simarjarunjung hill. Arrive in Parapat, then lunch at Local Restaurant in Parapat. After lunch, then Samosir island excursion by Motor Boat to visits :
Tomok village to see the tombs of Toba Batak King Ompu Sidabutar (Shopping place), Ambarita village : To see the traditional Batak village with ancient megalithic furnitures. Then Check -- in hotel in Samosir Island. Dinner at hotel in Samosir Island.
Optional tour : simple trekking to the crater of an active volcano / mt . sibayak / rm 35
Stay Grand Antares / Garuda Plaza Hotel Medan / Similar
Breakfast at hotel, then continue the journey to Medan via Tebing Tinggi, drive along the road which offers the endless views of Rubber, Oil Palms and Cocoa Plantations through the journey. Stop should be made at Pematang Siantar for shopping of local product such as Kacang Tumbuk Ting Ting, Teng Teng, Etc. Arrive in Medan, then Lunch at local restaurant. After lunch in Medan then city tour and shopping to visit Al-Matshun Grand Mosque or a Chineese Temple of Gunung Timur. Afterwards to be continue with shopping around Medan city, including to visit Pasar Ikan market and Medan Mall. Afternoon check in to hotel. Dinner will be served at hotel or local restaurant. Nite life in Medan.
Morning walk / cycling - bersepeda around beautiful smaosir island .
Breakfast at hotel. Free until time to check out. Last minute shopping before we transfer you to the airport for your flight back home. END OF SERVICE ...
Exclude :
- Airport Tax Medan RM 55 / Pax
- Personal Expenses
- Tips RM 28 / Pax
Special fare available for Medan Group Booking + FOC for the group leader.
Recommended Flight Arrival / Before 12:00 For Lunch In Medan Program as below details :
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more clarifications.
(960273-M) KPL LICENSE NO: 6640
No 75 Jalan Bukit Bintang Level 4.05
55100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 603-2145 3699 / 603-2145 9699
Email: or
Batak Museum in Tomok, Samosir Island - Lake Toba, Sumatra
The Tomok Batak Museum is one of the attractions on the island of Samosir, located at the end of Tomok Village, Samosir Regency, North Sumatra Province.
The museum, which is still one complex with the Tomb of King Sidabutar and the Sigale-Gale Statue, looks very beautiful and very unique, with the shape of a Batak traditional house that is not too large in size using brown wood.
Inside there are some relics such as weapons, traditional clothes, and home appliances of ancient Batak people. Visitors are allowed to take pictures by wearing traditional Batak clothes as a keepsake.
Music Info: Acoustic Inspiring Soft by RomanSenykMusic.
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Pelabuhan Tomok.kab.samosir
Tempat wisata unggulan yg terdapat di danau toba. Sumatera utara, disini kita bisa membeli oleh² khas. Dan klian bisa menonton pertunjukan tarian batak dgn boneka sigale gale. Dgn sejarah nya
Holiday In The Samosir
samosir island
Mau Nonton Sigale-gale & Lihat Kuburan Kuno Raja2 Dulu Gratis?
Mau Nonton Sigale-gale & Lihat Kuburan Kuno Raja2 Dulu Gratis?
si gale-gale
kuburan raja sidabutar
danau toba
pulau samosir
samosir island
lake toba
Sinanggar Tulo - Tomok island, Lake Toba
Tour of Batak tombs between Ambarita and Tomok
Tomok Village and market
L2-3 Lake Toba Samosir Island Berastagi Medan Wed 22 to Sat 25 Oct 2014.
Indonesia - Lake Toba, Samosir Island, Berastagi and Medan on Wednesday 22 to Saturday 25 October 2014 (4 Days 3 Nights).
Amazing Lake Toba Tour From Silangit
Arriving at the entrance to Silangit Airport, North Tapanuli Airport, you will be greeted by our representative HORAS. Next leave for Balige. Arriving at Balige we will stop for a moment at the TB Silalahi Museum
After finishing the trip continue towards Parapat. The trip will be taken for 2 hours by crossing winding and hilly roads. Arriving in Parapat, head directly to a local restaurant for lunch (ISHOMA)
After lunch, then head to Tiga Raja Parapat Harbor for the crossing process to Samosir Island by motorboat
Arriving at Samosir, he headed straight for Tomok Village to uncover the mystery of the Tomb of King Sidabutar and the legendary Princess of Melala's beautiful earrings.
Finished seeing the megalithic attractions of King Sidabutar's Tomb you can also see the Sigale-gale Dance performance. Sigale-gale dance is a traditional dance of the Batak tribe in Samosir. Sigale-gale is a wooden doll in the form of a human who can dance to the accompaniment of traditional Batak music
After completion, then hunt for cheap souvenirs typical of Samosir. Finished hunting souvenirs back to Parapat by boat. The crossing process will take 50 minutes. It is estimated that in the late afternoon we will arrive in the city of Parapat
Arriving at Parapat we will take you to the hotel for a short break until dinner time arrives. Dinner will be served at the hotel restaurant (halal food) with a accompaniment of traditional Batak music. Finish eating the next night resting and free program
After breakfast, then check out the hotel. Then go to Simalem Resort via Simarjarunjung Park. The trip will be taken for 4 hours by crossing winding and hilly roads
During our trip, we will stop at several tourist attractions, including Bukit Indah Simarjarunjung to enjoy ginger tea and fried bananas typical of Simalungun (personal exspense). Besides Bukit Indah Simarjarunjung we will also stop at Tongging Village to see the tourist attraction of Sipiso-piso Waterfall which is known as the highest and most beautiful waterfall in Indonesia
After completion, then continue the journey to Simalem Park Resort. It is estimated that during the day we will arrive at the resort. Arriving at Taman Simalem Resort, we will then take you to a restaurant for lunch (ISHOMA)
After lunch, we will take you around the resort to see organic plantations and head to the highest peak of Simalem Resort to see the best views of Lake Toba from the north side.
After completion the journey continues towards Berastagi. The journey to Berastagi will be taken for 1 hour via Brand. Arriving at Berastagi, then the tour visits the Gundailing Hill, Berastagi Fruit Market and Swedagon Pagoda at Lumbini Park
Finish the Berastagi tour then leave for Medan via Sembahe. The trip will be taken for 2 hours by crossing winding and hilly roads
It is estimated that we will arrive in the city of Medan at night. Arriving in Medan, go directly to a local restaurant to carry out dinner (halal food). After dinner the next night we will deliver you to Kedai Ucok to enjoy the delicious durian of Medan (personal exspense)
After finishing we will take you to the hotel for a break. During the trip to the hotel we will take you around for a moment to enjoy the night atmosphere in the city of Medan like traveling around the Merdeka Walk, Kesawan and Post Office. Arriving at the hotel break and free program
After breakfast the next morning the hotel check-out process. Furthermore, Medan city tour such as visiting Maimun Palace, Al-Mahsun Grand Mosque, Sri Mariaman Temple and Timur Timur Temple
Next lunch at a local restaurant (ISHOMA). After lunch we will take you to hunt for souvenirs from Medan such as Bika Ambon, Bolu Meranti, Napoleon Cake and Durian Pancake.
• Hotels of choice, room two or three
• Eat according to the program (halal food) + lunch @ Taman Simalem Resort
• Full AC transportation
• Driver concurrently Guide
• Entrance ticket
• Parking & toll
• Mineral water
• Flight ticket
• Airport tax
• Personal expense
• Optional tour
• Tipping Driver concurrently Guide
Reservation :
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