La Tomba dei Giganti di S'Ena 'e Thomes di Dorgali - Archeologia della Sardegna
The monument, near the Nuraghe Orrule, was made the subject of excavation and survey in 1977, even though it already knew from the beginning of the century. It has ancient origins, much higher than the operating time of the burial which we observe. What we see now is the end result, due to the Middle Bronze Age (1600-1330 BC), the development and expansion of a gravestone from the Late Neolithic (3400-3200 BC). Observing the plan and the composition of the tomb we see that the part postica has a rectangular shape and well defined, it is the cista lytic original. It was later added to the corridor tomb (the Allee couvert) in which we can observe the front, from penetrating into the chamber, shape or trilithic dolmenica: two doorposts with orthostatic covered by a lintel perpendicular. The last building phase sees the development exedra, through the positioning of slabs increasingly smaller towards the outside, and the stele rib, the big front slab weighing about 7 tons, positioned to close the corridor. The finds show us a broad overview of use that goes from the Bronze Age (about 2000 BC) until the medieval period and give us evidence of a cultural continuum of nearly three thousand years. The Giant's Tomb is the burial of the aristocratic class of civilization Shardanas, and is usually accompanied by the graves for the lower classes, the Domus de Janas. But the conformation of the lytic zone, where the granitic rocks predominate, shows us the inability to open caves in the hard rock. So the prehistoric populations, in order to overcome this drawback, dug around the main burial lots of tombs in earth, thus creating a very extensive necropolis. From inside the necropolis report the presence of numerous losas (losa = gravestone), some oversized others with graphic signs and writing, in addition to abundant ceramic fragments of various ages.
Sardinien - Dorgali - Tombi di Gigante - S Ena e Thomes - Orientale Sarda ORNTLSRD
Sardinien - Dorgali - Tombi di Gigante - S Ena e Thomes - Orientale Sarda ORNTLSRD
Dorgali Archeologica
Un piccolo tour alla scoperta di 3 siti fantastici nella splendida e unica Dorgali. Il Dolmen Motorra, la Tomba di giganti S'Ena 'e Thomes e l'enorme villaggio Serra Orrios.
S'ena e Thomes in Long Take
Escursione presso la Tomba dei Giganti S'ena e Thomes Dorgali (NU) in Long Take di 9 minuti.
musica: Lacrime di Cera Shadowplay , Joy Division cover
Dorgali - Tomba dei Giganti e Fonte Su Gologone. A due voci
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Risonanze armoniche dalle Radici.....
The Giants' grave of S'Ena'e Thomes (Drone Footage)
This Drone Footage Video captures The Tomb of the Giants of S'Ena 'e Thomes and is regarded as the most important Nuragic burial monument on the island of Sardinia.
It is an enormous stele, a granite slab almost four metres high, standing out in the valley of the Isalle rivulet, at the end of a trail half a kilometre long and covered in Mediterranean scrub. The Tomb of the Giants of S'Ena 'e Thomes is the most important Nuragic burial monument on the island: it is majestic, just like it was thousands of years ago. Dating back to the Early Bronze Age (1800-1600 BC), it is located in the Dorgali territory, six kilometres from the Nuragic village of Serra Orrios and approximately 17 km from the residential area, along the road that leads to Lula.
The granite stele with smooth edges weighs seven tonnes and is at the centre of an exedra, or a semicircle of stone slabs 'laid on edge' set in the ground in the shape of a bull's horn, decreasing in size from the centre outwards. They delimit the sacred area, where ancestral funeral rituals were officiated. A symbolic little door has been carved out of the stele, giving access to the gods of the underworld, and is so small that it is inaccessible to living beings. Behind it, almost intact, there is the dolmen funerary corridor, 11 metres long, with a jack arch roof: the stone slabs are arranged horizontally along the walls. The mortuary is facing south, which is unusual compared to the 'eastern' facing ones in many other Nuragic tombs. This is true also in the burial sites of Goronna (Paulilatino) and Baddu Pirastru (Thiesi).
According to legend, the tombs of the giants were used by huge beings: the gigantic size make the origin of the name clear. In reality, they were collective burial places. S'Ena 'e Thomes also confirms the fact that, for the Nuragic people, death made no distinctions: during the excavations, the meagre grave goods that were found do not point to any social disparities. The doubt about whether it was a mass grave or one reserved to a single class (aristocratic) still remains. They are also considered places that emit energy: researchers, spiritualists and people who are curious visit them, seeking physical healing or spiritual regeneration. In the ancient ritual, also widespread in Greek culture, a person would fall into a trance, thus entering into contact with the divinity.
Equipment Used: DJI Phantom 3 Advanced
Editing Software: Final Cut Pro X
Music: 'Sit Back and Relax' by RAYMANTIS
Assess Link:
Location: Dorgali, Sardinia, Italy
Enjoy! :)
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tomba dei giganti olbia
tomba dei giganti di su monte e s'ape - olbia - sardegna - italy
Arzachena - Le Tombe dei Giganti e i Nuraghi - 360°
Uno straordinario viaggio in 360° in Sardegna, nel territorio di Arzachena, alla scoperta delle Tombe dei Giganti di Li Longhi e Coddu Vecchju, dei nuraghi di La Prisgionia e Malchittu, per finire con il panorama sul borgo dalla caratteristica Roccia del Fungo.
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Tomba dei Giganti Su Mont'e S'Abe a Olbia ~ 29 Giugno 2017 | Viaggiare in Sardegna
Vicino al centro abitato di Olbia, ai piedi della collina del castello di Pedres, fù edificata in epoca nuragica un'imponente tomba dei giganti; lunga ben 28 metri e larga 6, è una delle più grandi di tutta la Sardegna.
Stando agli studi effettuati nel 1962, nella tomba di Giganti di Su Mont’e s’Abe ( o s’Ape ) i defunti venivano sepolti in forma collettiva; la tomba pare non appartenente ad una famiglia in particolare, come era la norma per le TDG in Sardegna, ma all'interno villaggio.
Nella sala funeraria si tenevano i riti sacri legati al defunto, ma non sono stati rinvenuti nel pozzetto sacro i documenti funerari che solitamente lo accompagnavano.
Il monumento funerario, interamente costruito con grandi pietre di granito locale ed orientata lungo l’asse NW-SE, fù edificato in due fasi distinte.
Nella prima fase, risalente al periodo della cultura di Bonnanaro, venne costruita la tomba ad allée couverte ( un corridoio coperto lungo circa 10 metri ) formato da lastre verticali infisse nel terreno e coperte da lastre orizzontali per tutta la sua lunghezza, una sepoltura dedicata ai personaggi importanti.
In un secondo momento, attorno al 1600 a.C. ( Età del Bronzo Recente ), la sepoltura venne modificata creando l’esedra ( l’arco anteriore alla sepoltura ), dotato di sedile e di lastre verticali rivolte con la faccia piana all’esterno, trasformandola in un'imponente Tomba dei Giganti.
Al centro dell’esedra, a chiudere il corridoio funerario, venne posta una monumentale stele di granito sagomata a forma di porta denominata stele centinata.
Oggi la stele non è più presente ma, stando a sepolture simili come quella di S’Ena e Thomes a Dorgali, possiamo ipotizzare che fosse alta circa 3 metri e mezzo e dotata di una piccola apertura alla base che permetteva l'accesso alla camera funeraria. Durante il restauro all'interno fù rinvenuto un pugnale.
Il territorio di Olbia è ricco di testimonianze nuragiche; se capitate in zona visitate anche il nuraghe Riu Mulinu, uno dei più importanti monumenti preistorici del nord Sardegna e il pozzo sacro sa Testa, dove si svolgevano i rituali del culto dell’acqua.
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The Great Unknown by Audionautix
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