Cazinoul din Constanta si portul Tomis : drona
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Nelipsit din pozele de vacanta ale turistilor si din vederile care amintesc de litoral, CAZINOUL din Constanta este fara discutie emblema orasului. O cladire impunatoare care emana inca aerul perioadei sale de glorie, Cazinoul vegheaza tarmul Marii Negre de peste 130 de ani.
Incepturile Cazinoului se leaga de trecerea Dobrogei sub administratie romaneasca, fiind prima cladire ridicata la malul marii dupa incheierea dominatiei otomane. Mai precis, piatra de temelie a Cazinoului a fost pusa in anul 1880. La acea vreme asezamantul era amplasat langa Farul Genovez si era construit pe structura de lemn, iar la exterior era captusit cu scandura. In interior erau amenajate o sala de dans, doua sali de jocuri si doua sali de lectura, unde vizitatorii puteau citi presa locala, nationala si internationala.
Terasa Cazinoului, amenajata pe malul marii, era locul preferat de intalnire al marinarilor din lumea intreaga, a turistilor si a elitei vremii. In fiecare vara, pe terasa erau organizate seri dansante si concerte sustinute de celebritati ale epocii, aduse la malul marii pe cheltuiala administratiei locale.
In anul 1891 Cazinoul descris mai sus este distrus aproape complet in urma unei furtuni, iar Primaria comunala decide construirea unuia nou. In anul 1893 noul Cazino este dat in folosinta. Asezamantul era amplasata aproximativ pe locul actualului Cazino si era construit pe structura de lemn, la fel ca precedentul. In interiorul cladirii erau amenajate mai multe camere si o sala de dans, iar la exterior se continua cu o terasa.
Relatand impresii despre Cazinoul sfarsitului de secol XIX, scriitorul Petre Vulcan povesteste: Indata la inceput ne atrage pavilionul de petrecere, ale carui picioare se ridica din valuri, cata vreme veranda e impinsa deasupra marii. Inlauntru canta muzica si parechi vesele danseaza bostonul; din afara lampioane atarnate spre mare fac o lumina feerica, sub care dame si domni converseaza intim, desfatandu-se in marea dinaintea lor, ca-n o mie si una de nopti.''
In anul 1903, edilii locali decid ca este momentul ca orasul Constanta sa aiba un cazino modern, asemanator celor care insufleteau riviera franceza. Sarcina intocmirii proiectului ii revine lui Daniel Renard, un arhitect roman de origine franceza care locuia in Constanta. Acesta avea sa conceapa o cladire in stil Art Nouveau, devenind promotorul acestui curent in Romania.
Proiectul noului Cazino a fost aprobat imediat de catre liberarii aflati la putere, insa a fost contestat de o parte din opinia publica si de partidele politice din opozitie, starnind in cele din urma controverse puternice. Odata cu venirea la putere a conservatorilor, proiectul lui Renard a fost inlocuit cu cel al unui al arhitect roman. Ca un joc al soartei, liberalii revin la putere in anul 1907 si ii reincredinteaza proiectul lui Daniel Renard. Lucrarile incepute in 1907 sunt finalizate in 1910 cu un cost total de 1.300.000 de lei.
PORTUL TURISTIC TOMIS este una dintre locatiile celebre ale orasului Constanta atat pentru turisti, cat si pentru localnici. Indiferent de sezon, zona portului Tomis este alegerea pe care o fac cei care doresc sa admire mare, fie din masina, fie printr-o plimbare lejera. Accesul catre port se face foarte usor prin intermediul unei strazi care coboara pana in buza golfului, chiar in zona in care se odihnesc yachturile luxoase si ambarcatiunile cu vele. Pe malul apei sunt amenajate numeroase terase si restaurante cochete care servesc preparate pescaresti. Din portul Tomis, chiar din zona teraselor, porneste o sosea ingusta care, mergand pe marginea apei, va conduce catre celebra plaja constanteana Modern. Pe langa faptul ca este un loc potrivit pentru relaxare, Portul Tomis este locatia ideala pentru organizarea unor activitati de agrement nautic. Autoritatile locale intentioneaza ca pe viitor sa transforme Portul Tomis intr-o destinatie importanta pentru navele de agrement costiere care naviga de-a lungul litoralului romanesc, cu escale spre sud la Eforie, Costinesti, Neptun, Mangalia sau spre nord, la Mamaia si Midia.
#constanta #cazinoconstanta #portultomis
New Marina Tomis Harbour Constanta Romania May 23
the new marina
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Tomis Harbor (restaurants and lounges) - Constanta
Mamaia (CT), Romania - Aug 2014 @ Personal footage
Romania. Constanta. Faleza Cazino. Port Tomis
Romania. Centru Constanta. Faleza Cazino. Port Tomis
Port of CONSTANTA ⚓ Romania
Cargo Port of Constanta ⚓ Romania on the Black Sea
GSF Development Driller II 1:12 Pacific Duchess 2:26 BSV Spania 3:06 Maersk Luz 4:25 Xin Chang Shu 5:54 Koc Saheb 7:15 Fugro Navigator 7:51 Medi Antwerp 8:35
CGI Snake by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
captured and edited by Palomnyk (Novenebo)
sourse: Canon EOS 600D
CONSTANTA ROMANIA City 2019-2020 Constanta Video AlexV Channel
CONSTANTA ROMANIA Constanta 2020-2019 Constanta City Romania Travel Video Tour Visit
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Constanta is located in the county of the same name, in the southeastern part of Romania.
It is located on the Black Sea coast, in a lagoon to the east, hilly in the north and in the central part, and in the plain to the south and west.The city has a 6 km long private beach.
It was founded after the Greek colonization of the Black Sea basin by the merciful colonists in the 7th-5th centuries BC, under the name of Tomis.
This name is probably derived from the Greek word meaning cut, cleavage. According to the legend, Iason and his arrogates would have been here after they were sent to the Caucasus to steal the Golden Wool. Followed by King Colhide's fleet, Aietes Uliul, he had cut off his son, Absyrtos, until then held hostage on board to force the king to seek and gather the remains for the funeral ceremony, giving the Argonautes
The time required to run for the Bosphorus. However, archaeologists consider it more plausible that the cut (shoreline) would rather have designated the ancient port, today submerged, in front of the Casino.
Another possible origin of the name would be Tomiris, the Queen of the Massages, a getic tribe living between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (Herodotus).
The Milezians found a getic settlement in these places, the new city reaching the level of a polis only in the IV-III century BC.
The port used by the Greeks to trade with the inhabitants of these regions (Dacians, Scythians and Celts) Of an urban center.
Tomis became part of the Roman Empire in the year 46, being renamed Constantiana. Publius Ovidius Naso, the Roman poet, found his exile between 8-17 years. And spent the last eight years in Constantia.
The city is one of the most important in Romania, one of four roughly equal-size cities which rank after Bucharest.
The metropolitan area, founded in 2007, comprises 14 localities located at a maximum distance of 30 km (19 mi) from the city, and, with 387,593 inhabitants,it is the third largest metropolitan area in Romania.
Situated at the crossroads of several commercial routes, lies on the western coast of the Black Sea, 185 miles (298 km) from the Bosphorus Strait.
An ancient metropolis and Romania's largest sea port, traces its history some 2,500 years. Originally called Tomis, legend has it that Jason landed here with the Argonauts after finding the Golden Fleece.
One of the largest cities in Romania is now an important cultural and economic center, worth exploring for its archaeological treasures and the atmosphere of the old town center.
Its historical monuments, ancient ruins, grand Casino, museums and shops, and proximity to beach resorts make it the focal point of Black Sea coast tourism.
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CONSTANTA Romania City 2019 Constanta Romania 2020
CONSTANTA Romania City 2019 Constanta Romania 2020
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It is located in the county of the same name, in the southeastern part of Romania.
It is located on the Black Sea coast, in a lagoon to the east, hilly in the north and in the central part, and in the plain to the south and west. The city has a 6 km long private beach.
Was founded after the Greek colonization of the Black Sea basin by the merciful colonists in the 7th-5th centuries BC, under the name of Tomis.
This name is probably derived from the Greek word (Tomí) meaning cut, cleavage. According to the legend, Iason and his arrogates would have been here after they were sent to the Caucasus to steal the Golden Wool. Followed by King Colhide's fleet, Aietes Uliul, he had cut off his son, Absyrtos, until then held hostage on board to force the king to seek and gather the remains for the funeral ceremony, giving the Argonautes
The time required to run for the Bosphorus. However, archaeologists consider it more plausible that the cut (shoreline) would rather have designated the ancient port, today submerged, in front of the Casino.
Another possible origin of the name would be Tomiris, the Queen of the Massages, a getic tribe living between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (Herodotus).
The Milezians found a getic settlement in these places, the new city reaching the level of a polis only in the IV-III century BC.
The port used by the Greeks to trade with the inhabitants of these regions (Dacians, Scythians and Celts) Of an urban center.
Tomis became part of the Roman Empire in the year 46, being renamed Constantiana. Publius Ovidius Naso, the Roman poet, found his exile between 8-17 years. And spent the last eight years in Constantia in Constanta.
The city is one of the most important in Romania, one of four roughly equal-size cities which rank after Bucharest.
The metropolitan area, founded in 2007, comprises 14 localities located at a maximum distance of 30 km (19 mi) from the city, and, with 387,593 inhabitants,it is the third largest metropolitan area.
Situated at the crossroads of several commercial routes,lies on the western coast of the Black Sea, 185 miles (298 km) from the Bosphorus Strait.
An ancient metropolis and Romania's largest sea port, traces its history some 2,500 years. Originally called Tomis, legend has it that Jason landed here with the Argonauts after finding the Golden Fleece.
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CONSTANTA Romania City 2019-2020 Constanta Video
CONSTANTA Romania City 2019-2020 Constanta Video Travel Tour Guide Visit 2018
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It is located in the county of the same name, in the southeastern part of Romania.
is located on the Black Sea coast, in a lagoon to the east, hilly in the north and in the central part, and in the plain to the south and west. The city has a 6 km long private beach.
Was founded after the Greek colonization of the Black Sea basin by the merciful colonists in the 7th-5th centuries BC, under the name of Tomis.
This name is probably derived from the Greek word (Tomí) meaning cut, cleavage. According to the legend, Iason and his arrogates would have been here after they were sent to the Caucasus to steal the Golden Wool. Followed by King Colhide's fleet, Aietes Uliul, he had cut off his son, Absyrtos, until then held hostage on board to force the king to seek and gather the remains for the funeral ceremony, giving the Argonautes
The time required to run for the Bosphorus. However, archaeologists consider it more plausible that the cut (shoreline) would rather have designated the ancient port, today submerged, in front of the Casino.
Another possible origin of the name would be Tomiris, the Queen of the Massages, a getic tribe living between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (Herodotus).
The Milezians found a getic settlement in these places, the new city reaching the level of a polis only in the IV-III century BC.
The port used by the Greeks to trade with the inhabitants of these regions (Dacians, Scythians and Celts) Of an urban center.
Tomis became part of the Roman Empire in the year 46, being renamed Constantiana. Publius Ovidius Naso, the Roman poet, found his exile between 8-17 years. And spent the last eight years in Constantia.
The city is one of the most important in Romania, one of four roughly equal-size cities which rank after Bucharest.
The metropolitan area, founded in 2007, comprises 14 localities located at a maximum distance of 30 km (19 mi) from the city, and, with 387,593 inhabitants,it is the third largest metropolitan area in Romania.
Situated at the crossroads of several commercial routes, lies on the western coast of the Black Sea, 185 miles (298 km) from the Bosphorus Strait.
An ancient metropolis and Romania's largest sea port, traces its history some 2,500 years. Originally called Tomis, legend has it that Jason landed here with the Argonauts after finding the Golden Fleece.
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First ROV Romanian Competition 19 august 2012, Tomis Port, Constanta
LifeGuard demo performed at the First Romanian ROV Competition, on 19 august 2012, Tomis Port, Constanta
Cannon Ball - sunken city Tomis (Constanta, Romania).
A regular dive at the Casino area (Casino is nearby the antique sunken city Tomis, present Constanta city, Romania) turned out into a possible small discovery: a cannon ball.
Research will continue.
Music: André Rieu & Gheorghe Zamfir - The Lonely Shepherd
Video: Constantin Costa Benedic
©T101® - 03.12.2018
CONSTANTA ROMANIA City 2019-2020 Constanta Video
Constanta Romania City 2019-2020 Constanta Video Tour Travel
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It is located in the county of the same name, in the southeastern part of Romania.
It is located on the Black Sea coast, in a lagoon to the east, hilly in the north and in the central part, and in the plain to the south and west. The city has a 6 km long private beach.
Was founded after the Greek colonization of the Black Sea basin by the merciful colonists in the 7th-5th centuries BC, under the name of Tomis.
This name is probably derived from the Greek word (Tomí) meaning cut, cleavage. According to the legend, Iason and his arrogates would have been here after they were sent to the Caucasus to steal the Golden Wool. Followed by King Colhide's fleet, Aietes Uliul, he had cut off his son, Absyrtos, until then held hostage on board to force the king to seek and gather the remains for the funeral ceremony, giving the Argonautes
The time required to run for the Bosphorus. However, archaeologists consider it more plausible that the cut (shoreline) would rather have designated the ancient port, today submerged, in front of the Casino.
Another possible origin of the name would be Tomiris, the Queen of the Massages, a getic tribe living between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (Herodotus).
The Milezians found a getic settlement in these places, the new city reaching the level of a polis only in the IV-III century BC.
The port used by the Greeks to trade with the inhabitants of these regions (Dacians, Scythians and Celts) Of an urban center.
Tomis became part of the Roman Empire in the year 46, being renamed Constantiana. Publius Ovidius Naso, the Roman poet, found his exile between 8-17 years. And spent the last eight years in Constantia .
The city is one of the most important in Romania, one of four roughly equal-size cities which rank after Bucharest.
The metropolitan area, founded in 2007, comprises 14 localities located at a maximum distance of 30 km (19 mi) from the city, and, with 387,593 inhabitants,it is the third largest metropolitan area.
Situated at the crossroads of several commercial routes, Constanța lies on the western coast of the Black Sea, 185 miles (298 km) from the Bosphorus Strait.
An ancient metropolis and Romania's largest sea port, traces its history some 2,500 years. Originally called Tomis, legend has it that Jason landed here with the Argonauts after finding the Golden Fleece.
One of the largest cities in Romania is now an important cultural and economic center, worth exploring for its archaeological treasures and the atmosphere of the old town center.
Its historical monuments, ancient ruins, grand Casino, museums and shops, and proximity to beach resorts make it the focal point of Black Sea coast tourism.
Open-air restaurants, nightclubs and cabarets offer a wide variety of entertainment. Regional attractions include traditional villages, vineyards, ancient monuments and the Danube Delta, the best preserved delta in Europe.
Recorded in January 2019
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Romania Constanta 2015 Extension of Romanian Beach - Tomis Beach before and after
Claboo media made a beautiful before we came movie of the Constanta beach
I made a after movie also for Van Oord
(only wish i have the same sunny weather as Claboo media did).
I put the two movie's together so that everybody can see the difference.
Hope you like it (yes it's the same one as in the xxl version only now in full hd & full screen)
Romania Constanta 2015 Extension of Romanian Beach here
Romania Constanta 2015 Extension of Romanian Beach - xxl extended long version here
Thanks to Claboo media
Also to be seen over here
Don't forget to put the quality on 1080P
Hope you like it - let me know - feedback is welcome
find me on facebook
Portul Tomis - Constanta - vara 2019
Filmare facuta in Portul Tomis - Portul de agrement al Constantei, in aceasta vara. Yachturi de lux, barcute cu motor, barci pescaresti, terase de fite, turisti, constanteni, pescarusi - un peisaj de neuitat! Merita vizitat!
#PortulTomis #Constanta #Vara2019
CONSTANTA ROMANIA City 2019-2020 Constanta Video
Constanta Romania City 2019-2020 Constanta Video Travel Guide
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It is located in the county of the same name, in the southeastern part of Romania.
It is located on the Black Sea coast, in a lagoon to the east, hilly in the north and in the central part, and in the plain to the south and west.
The city has a 6 km long private beach.
Was founded after the Greek colonization of the Black Sea basin (Greek Pontos Euxeinos) by the merciful colonists in the 7th-5th centuries BC, under the name of Tomis.
This name is probably derived from the Greek word (Tomí) meaning cut, cleavage. According to the legend, Iason and his arrogates would have been here after they were sent to the Caucasus to steal the Golden Wool. Followed by King Colhide's fleet, Aietes Uliul, he had cut off his son, Absyrtos, until then held hostage on board to force the king to seek and gather the remains for the funeral ceremony, giving the Argonautes
The time required to run for the Bosphorus. However, archaeologists consider it more plausible that the cut would rather have designated the ancient port, today submerged, in front of the Casino.
Another possible origin of the name would be Tomiris, the Queen of the Massages, a getic tribe living between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (Herodotus).
The Milezians found a getic settlement in these places, the new city reaching the level of a polis only in the IV-III century BC.
The port used by the Greeks to trade with the inhabitants of these regions (Dacians, Scythians and Celts) Of an urban center.
Tomis became part of the Roman Empire in the year 46, being renamed Constantiana. Publius Ovidius Naso, the Roman poet, found his exile between 8-17 years. And spent the last eight years in Constantia.
The city is one of the most important in Romania, one of four roughly equal-size cities rank after Bucharest.
The metropolitan area, founded in 2007, comprises 14 localities located at a maximum distance of 30 km (19 mi) from the city, and, with 387,593 inhabitants,it is the third largest metropolitan area in Romania.
Situated at the crossroads of several commercial routes, lies on the western coast of the Black Sea, 185 miles (298 km) from the Bosphorus Strait.
An ancient metropolis and Romania's largest sea port, traces its history some 2,500 years. Originally called Tomis, legend has it that Jason landed here with the Argonauts after finding the Golden Fleece.
One of the largest cities is now an important cultural and economic center, worth exploring for its archaeological treasures and the atmosphere of the old town center.
It s historical monuments, ancient ruins, grand Casino, museums and shops, and proximity to beach resorts make it the focal point of Black Sea coast tourism.
Open-air restaurants, nightclubs and cabarets offer a wide variety of entertainment. Regional attractions include traditional villages, vineyards, ancient monuments and the Danube Delta, the best preserved delta in Europe.
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DFN:B Roll: USNS Carson City, Port of Constanta CONSTANTA, ROMANIA 08.24.2018
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Defense Flash News:
B Roll: USNS Carson City, Port of Constanta
Video by Sgt. Thomas Calvert
24th Press Camp Headquarters
U.S. Naval Ship Carson City arrives in Constanta, Romania to offload troops, vehicles and equipment from 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division after participating in Noble Partner 18. USNS Carson City is the first expeditionary fast transport ship to be utilized in the European Theater.
TAGS,1st Cavalry Division,Romania,1st Cav,FORSCOM,allies,5th Cavalry Regiment,US Army Europe,TRANSCOM,EUCOM,US Army,USAREUR,2-5 CAV,USAEUR,Constanta,joint partnership,StrongEurope,USArmyEurope
USS Harry S. Truman
General tags:defense flash news,defence news,MILITARY,Weapons,Aircraft,Ships,Vehicles,Operations,air force,navy,marine,army,Snipers,Firefights,Afghanistan,Guns & Weapons,Iraq,Explosions,SpecOps,Military Aircraft,Ships & Subs,Syria,Global Hot Spots,Vehicles,Air Force,Marine Corps,Navy,Army,Coast Guard,Events,Army Deployment,Technology,Military News,Fitness,Special Operations,Entertainment, united states,usa,UNITED KINGDOM,uk,china,canada,australia,france,GERMANY,japan,russia,india,technology in defense,new technology in defence
CONSTANTA ROMANIA Constanta 2020-2019 Constanta City Tour Mamaia Romania Beach Video Travel 2020
CONSTANTA ROMANIA Constanta 2020-2019 Constanta City Tour Mamaia Romania Beach Video Travel Visit 2020 Constanta Romania Constanta
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???? Recorded in 27 June 2019
15-30 IUNIE - UN TUR - 3 Lei - HOP ON - HOP OFF - 6 Lei
1 IULIE - 31 AUGUST - UN TUR - 6 Lei - HOP ON - HOP OFF -10 Lei
1 -15 SEPTEMBRIE - UN TUR - 3 Lei - HOP ON - HOP OFF - 6 Lei
Prima plecare - ora 09:00
Ultima plecare din tabara Turist Mamaia
15 iunie - 30 iunie - ora 18:00
01 iulie - 31 august - ora 22:00
1 septembrie - 15 septembrie - ora 18:00
Durata : 2h 30 min
Km: 35
Nr statii : 56
Frecventa : 25 min
It is located in the county of the same name, in the southeastern part of Romania.
is located on the Black Sea coast, in a lagoon to the east, hilly in the north and in the central part, and in the plain to the south and west.The city has a 6 km long private beach.
Was founded after the Greek colonization of the Black Sea basin by the merciful colonists in the 7th-5th centuries BC, under the name of Tomis.
This name is probably derived from the Greek word meaning cut, cleavage. According to the legend, Iason and his arrogates would have been here after they were sent to the Caucasus to steal the Golden Wool. Followed by King Colhide's fleet, Aietes Uliul, he had cut off his son, Absyrtos, until then held hostage on board to force the king to seek and gather the remains for the funeral ceremony, giving the Argonautes
The time required to run for the Bosphorus. However, archaeologists consider it more plausible that the cut (shoreline) would rather have designated the ancient port, today submerged, in front of the Casino.
Another possible origin of the name would be Tomiris, the Queen of the Massages, a getic tribe living between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (Herodotus).
The Milezians found a getic settlement in these places, the new city reaching the level of a polis only in the IV-III century BC.
The port used by the Greeks to trade with the inhabitants of these regions (Dacians, Scythians and Celts) Of an urban center.
Tomis became part of the Roman Empire in the year 46, being renamed Constantiana. Publius Ovidius Naso, the Roman poet, found his exile between 8-17 years. And spent the last eight years in Constantia in Constanta.
The city is one of the most important in Romania, one of four roughly equal-size cities which rank after Bucharest.
The metropolitan area, founded in 2007, comprises 14 localities located at a maximum distance of 30 km (19 mi) from the city, and, with 387,593 inhabitants,it is the third largest metropolitan area in Romania.
Situated at the crossroads of several commercial routes, lies on the western coast of the Black Sea, 185 miles (298 km) from the Bosphorus Strait.
An ancient metropolis and Romania's largest sea port, traces its history some 2,500 years. Originally called Tomis, legend has it that Jason landed here with the Argonauts after finding the Golden Fleece.
One of the largest cities in Romania is now an important cultural and economic center, worth exploring for its archaeological treasures and the atmosphere of the old town center.
It s historical monuments, ancient ruins, grand Casino, museums and shops, and proximity to beach resorts make it the focal point of Black Sea coast tourism.
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Best Attractions and Places to See in Constanta, Romania
In this video our travel specialists have listed some of the best things to do in Constanta . We have tried to do some extensive research before giving the listing of Things To Do in Constanta.
If you want Things to do List in some other area, feel free to ask us in comment box, we will try to make the video of that region also.
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List of Best Things to do in Constanta, Romania
Tomis Harbor
The Mosque of Constanta - Minaret
Museum of National History and Archeology
Saints Paul and Peter Cathedral
Constanta Casino
Mamaia Beach
Tropaeum Traiani Monument
Ovidiu Square
Constanta Beach
CONSTANTA Romania City 2019 Constanta Romania Video 2020
CONSTANTA Romania City 2019 Constanta Romania Video 2020
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It is located in the county of the same name, in the south eastern part of Romania.
It is located on the Black Sea coast, in a lagoon to the east, hilly in the north and in the central part, and in the plain to the south and west.The city has a 6 km long private beach.
It was founded after the Greek colonization of the Black Sea basin by the merciful colonists in the 7th-5th centuries BC, under the name of Tomis.
This name is probably derived from the Greek word (Tomí) meaning cut, cleavage. According to the legend, Iason and his arrogates would have been here after they were sent to the Caucasus to steal the Golden Wool. Followed by King Colhide's fleet, Aietes Uliul, he had cut off his son, Absyrtos, until then held hostage on board to force the king to seek and gather the remains for the funeral ceremony, giving the Argonautes
The time required to run for the Bosphorus. However, archaeologists consider it more plausible that the cut (shoreline) would rather have designated the ancient port, today submerged, in front of the Casino.
Another possible origin of the name would be Tomiris, the Queen of the Massages, a getic tribe living between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (Herodotus).
The Milezians found a getic settlement in these places, the new city reaching the level of a polis only in the IV-III century BC.
The port used by the Greeks to trade with the inhabitants of these regions (Dacians, Scythians and Celts) Of an urban center.
Tomis became part of the Roman Empire in the year 46, being renamed Constantiana. Publius Ovidius Naso, the Roman poet, found his exile between 8-17 years. And spent the last eight years in Constantia in Constanta.
The city is one of the most important in Romania, one of four roughly equal-size cities which rank after Bucharest.
The metropolitan area, founded in 2007, comprises 14 localities located at a maximum distance of 30 km (19 mi) from the city, and, with 387,593 inhabitants,it is the third largest metropolitan area in Romania.
Situated at the crossroads of several commercial routes, lies on the western coast of the Black Sea, 185 miles (298 km) from the Bosphorus Strait.
An ancient metropolis and Romania's largest sea port,traces its history some 2,500 years.Originally called Tomis, legend has it that Jason landed here with the Argonauts after finding the Golden Fleece.
One of the largest cities in Romania is now an important cultural and economic center, worth exploring for its archaeological treasures and the atmosphere of the old town center.
Its historical monuments, ancient ruins, grand Casino, museums and shops, and proximity to beach resorts make it the focal point of Black Sea coast tourism.
Open-air restaurants, nightclubs and cabarets offer a wide variety of entertainment.Regional attractions include traditional villages, vineyards, ancient monuments and the Danube Delta, the best preserved delta in Europe.
Recorded in February 2019
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