Tomok Village - Samosir Island - Lake Toba - North Sumatra - Indonesia Travel Guide (Tourism)
Tomok Village - Samosir Island 2015
Tomok Village - Samosir Island 2015 . Indonesia
Tomok Village (Samosir Island) Sumatra
Tomok Village at Samosir Island
Kampung Tomok - Tradisional Batak Village
INDONESIA Tomok and the King's Tomb, Lake Toba (hd-video)
You will find King Sipabutar's tomb in the centre of this small village. There is a local market at the harbour.
From Tuk Tuk you could go by bike (5 kilometres).
King Sidabutar's tomb, Tomok, Samosir Island, Indonesia (Tour)
Tomok is one of the main towns on Samosir Island, in Lake Toba. It has a jetty for ferries coming in from Prapat, which is 30 minutes away on the eastern bank of the lake.
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INDONESIA NATURE bisa lebih berkembang untuk memperkenalkan keindahan alam nusantara ke penjuru dunia.
Lokasi : Pelabuhan Ajibata- Taman Timalungun- Tomok Samosir - Danau Toba dan sekitarnya.
Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Wisata Pulau Samosir pertama yang bisa kamu nikmati adalah wisata budaya dan sejarah di Desa Tomok. Desa tradisional ini dikenal juga dengan pintu gerbang dan pengenalan Samosir, jika melalui Pelabuhan Ajibata, Parapat. Saat pertama kali masuk ke desa, kamu akan disambut dengan objek wisata sigale-gale.
Sigale-gale adalah boneka kayu, boneka itu dimainkan dan orang-orang akan menari dengannya. Wisatawan bisa menari bersama sigale-gale. Kalau tidak ingin menari, kamu bisa berfoto saja dengannya secara gratis. Tidak jauh dari sigale-gale terdapat monumen TungTung, instrumen dari kayu atau bambu yang bisa ditabuh dan berfungsi untuk memberikan penanda adanya kejadian yang ada di masyarakat.
Kamu juga bisa mengunjungi kuburan tua Raja Sidabutar, orang pertama yang bermukim di Tomok dan membangun kekuasaannya di sana. Di dalamnya kamu bisa menemukan makam tua berusia ratusan tahun dengan bentuk yang unik.
Kamu juga bisa mengenal sejarah orang Batak dengan berkunjung ke Batak Museum Tomok, di sana terdapat banyak barang peninggalan sejarah masyarakat Batak seperti tempat tidur, tombak, alat untuk berburu, alat memasak, pakaian adat, dan masih banyak lainnya.
Belum puas dengan Desa Tomok? Kamu bisa ke TukTuk, desa yang menawarkan panorama indah dari Danau Toba. Di sana kamu bisa menikmati Danau Toba dari sudut yang berbeda. Tak hanya itu saja di sana kamu juga bisa menikmati olahraga air seperti kano, jet ski, waterbikes, atau berenang. Jika tidak ingin bermain air kamu bisa memancing atau bersepeda berkeliling desa untuk menikmati indahnya Danau Toba.
Ingin melihat bukti praktik kanibalisme suku Batak? Datang saja ke Ambarita, yang merupakan desa kuno orang Batak. Konon zaman dahulu di desa itu sering terjadi praktik kanibalisme. Sebagai buktinya terdapat dua buah rangkaian kursi batu berumur ratusan tahun yang di susun melingkar dengan cekungan miring di bawah pohon hararia tua, rangkaian batu itu disebut batu persidangan.
Di sana adalah tempat tetua adat untuk menentukan nasib penjahat atau musuh. Jika divonis bersalah maka akan dieksekusi mati, dan beberapa bagian tubuhnya diambil untuk dimasak. Mengerikan? Tetapi, sayang jika kamu tidak melihat peninggalannya secara langsung.
Tomok Market, Samosir Island, Toba Samosir Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia.
Like other markets in the ASEAN region, the most popular destination within Samosir Island has many things to offer the tourist/traveler. Make sure to make 'tawar' by half the price the saleslady tells you how much a shirt or a piece of clothing costs. Not yet known that much in international tourism, most visitors of the UNESCO Heritage Site of Lake Toba/Toba Caldera GeoPark and Samosir Island are locals and people from Malaysia. There are Caucasian visitors but not as many as those who visit and stay in Bali. #SamosirIsland #LakeToba #BatakPeople #TobaCalderaGeoPark #WonderfulIndonesia
#8 KevUnterwegs - Samosir Island Roadtrip
We rented a scooter and took a trip to the Efrata waterfall. The drive was nearly 2h long one way. Especially in the valley leading to the waterfall we enjoyed the nice scenery.
Tomok Village - Samosir Island 2015
多莫村,一个古老又迷信的村庄。要乘船前往多巴湖约45分钟才可以到达沙漠西岛屿,天气清凉,也可以观看多巴湖的美观,到沙漠西岛,就有许多村庄,这个视频是其中一个叫多莫村(Tomok Village)除了屋顶有改过,其它的还是保留原始面貌。摄于2015 年.9月
Desa Tomok, Pusat Oleh-oleh Samosir ( Tomok, a souvenir center in Samosir Island , Lake Toba)
Video Amatir yang merekam suasana pusat souvenir oleh - oleh khas Danau Toba , Desa Tomok,Pulau Samosir.
( An Amateur Video that taken in Tomok Village, A souvenir center in Lake Toba , Samosir Islands , North Sumatera )
Jelajah souvenir di TOMOK SAMOSIR ISLAND
Ancient Toba Batak Village, Lake Toba - Samosir Island, Sumatra
The Toba Batak people live in permanent villages and cultivate irrigated rice and vegetables.
Irrigated rice cultivation can support a large population, and the Toba live in densely clustered villages, which are limited to around ten homes to save farming land. Unirrigated slash-and-burn agriculture supported smaller villages with only several houses. All villages are located near watercourses and fields. Internecine Batak warfare before the twentieth century saw villages sited in easily defensible positions. High bamboo stockades fortified Pakpak villages and barriers of earthen ramparts with bamboo fencing and trees.
Toba Batak houses are laid out side by side with their front gables facing the street. Traditionally, each house would have had a rice barn granary opposite which would a complementary row in the village. The street formed between the row of houses and the row of granaries is known as the alaman and is used as an area for work the drying of rice.
The houses are constructed from wood, bamboo, using ijuk fibres for binding and for the thatched roof.
Ornamentation is very important in Batak houses. The colours used in designs are red, white and black. The red signifies a zest for life, a 'get-up-and-go', the colour seen in traditional clothes used in weddings, black the colour of death, man's ignorance of Dibata's (God) will, and white, the colour of God's holiness. An intaglio carved gecko protects the occupants from evil spirits.
The kitchen is decorated with carvings.
Music: Night Music - Kevin MacLeod
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Local Market in Tomok, Samosir Island, Lake Toba, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Samosir Cottages Resort - Tuktuk Siadong Samosir Island Lake Toba
The Beauty of Samosir Island - Lake Toba
Samosir Cottagges Resort is a completely new concept for Samosir Island - Lake Toba .MIx of traditional and modern Architecture . Garden terraces and exquisite design create an outstanding atmosphere of luxury and relaxation.Its Completely refurbished in 2018
Dalam 3 tahun terahir ini, Samosir Cottages Resort, selalu disibukkan dengan pembaharuan diseluruh bangunan dan pengembangan hingga menjadi 141 kamar,dan penambahan beberap fasilitas. Design resort, yg merupakan gabungan dari tradisional dan modern,menjadikan Resort ini menjadi unik .Menempatkan sopo rumah Batak di sisi paling atas bangunan, merupakan symbol kecintaan dan kebanggaan atas budaya Batak.
Banyaknya fasilitas yang disediakan, merupakan bukti keinginan untuk memberi kepuasan, kenyamanan dan yang terbaik buat setiap pelanggan sembari menikmati indahnya pemandangan dan alam Samosir - Danau Toba yang ada disekeliling Resort.Sehingga liburan ke Samosir - Danau Toba semakin mengesankan.
Samosir Cottages Resort juga sudah memiliki ruangan besar ( The Grand Samosir Room & The Toba View Room )yang bisa digunakan untuk setiap ide kegiatan event, meeting, confrences, konser musik, presentasi , anniversary, party dan lain sebagianya.
Samosir Cottages Resort welcomes you all to Samosir Island - Lake Toba.
Home of the Indonesian Bataks - Samosir (Lake Toba) ????????
The motorbike adventure tour of Lake Toba begins, as I take my 110 CC Honda scooter onto the newly paved Samosir roads.
I drove from my resort in Tuk Tuk Village to Tomok where there's several places to see and learn about Batak culture. Batak people are an ethnicity local to North Sumatra and, the Toba Batak people particularly, have a long and interesting history.
I was fortunate enough to get a private tour from the guy who runs the Batak House Museum as I arrived right before a massive load of university students. Great timing.
My first impressions of Lake Toba and Samosir Island are very positive. Although there's many resorts and businesses aimed at tourists I hardly saw any other foreigners. So it doesn't feel like a tourist trap at all. Most of the tourists seem to be from other parts of Indonesia, or from Malaysia and Singapore where there's short and cheap flights.
There's green everywhere and loads of hills, as the whole island was created by a massive volcanic eruption. Between the scooter and my two strong legs I am planning to explore all of it.
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Tomok-Samosir island
Lestarikan Adat Yang Kita Punya
#Horja_Bius #Mangalahat_Horbo
Toba Beach Hotel - Tomok, Samosir Island, Toba Lake, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Most Clean, Tidy, Fresh and Pretty peaceful Hotel on Samosir Island
Sigale-gale Tomok @ Samosir Island, Lake Toba, North Sumatra
多芭湖的九份(Tomok Village, Samosir Island, Lake Toba)
多芭湖的九份(Tomok Village, Samosir Island, Lake Toba)。
小巷裡的兩旁都是擺各種紀念品的小攤子,有點如台灣的九份。不過這裡沒有那么多的人潮,看到一對夫妻正在樁著醬料,一邊在唱歌,真是旅途中的意外收穫!A couple singing while they are working along the Tomok Village street, Lake Toba. Video taken 9 July, 2014. Details: