International Folk Music Festival Play, the accordion! named after Gennady Zavolokin [subtitled]
Gennadiy Dmitrievich Zavolokin – was born on 18 March in 1948 in the taiga village Parabel of the Tomsk region, then the family had
moved to the village of Suzun in Novosibirsk region. There, in the
Suzun, a father has bought first accordion for his young sons.
Later in one of his interviews, Gennadiy Zavolokin would say this words about his parents, Dmitry Zakharovich and Stepanida Elizarovna: From the childhood in front of us was a good example of good human relations, love for relatives, diligence in work, honoring the Law of God.
After school — the College years (1964 to 1968) studied at the Novosibirsk musical College in the Department of orchestra of Russian folk instruments.
Then he studied in the Moscow Institute of culture (1984). From 1974 to 1991 he worked in the Novosibirsk Philharmonic. Together with his brother Alexander he created the Duo of ditties-speakers. In 1986 Zavolokin brothers became Distinguished artists of the
Since 1986 — leading the program Play, an accordion (the First national channel).
In 1987 he organized and headed the ensemble the Chastooshka and in 1992 Russian center Play, an accordion. For several years he was the author and host of the radio program This is a ringing miracle — ditty at the all-Union radio.
In 1990, Gennsdiy Zavolokin awarded the State prize of Russia For the concert programes.
In 1995 he was awarded the title of People's artist of the Russian Federation.
In 1998, the second State prize of Russia for a series of TV programs Play, an accordion.
In 1999 — award of the Union of writers of Russia Trumpeting Angel.
He is the author of about 700 songs, 7 collections of ditties, 5 editions of music, autobiographical book about the creation of the program Play, the accordion, various articles, essays, newspaper articles. In the period 1999-2001 he headed the illustrated magazine about folk art.
Died in a car accident on 8th of July, 2001 on the bridge over the river Sharap in Orda district of Novosibirsk region. He was buried on the Zaeltsovsky cemetery in Novosibirsk.
Through the efforts of friends and numerous fans of the Distinguished Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation – Gennadiy Zavolokin,
we made a decision to hold on the Siberian land regular (every two years) International Festival Play, the accordion , named after Gennadiy Zavolokin (2008).
On this this musical project huge creative resource of our country and abroad are gathered together.
Many artists, previously participated in the project say with certainty that the larger and more significant events, dedicated to folk art doesnt't exist in Russia today.
... The common people and their work is the main point of the festivals, conducted by the Russian Center Play, the accordion. Common people are the founders and creators of the modern Russian national culture, which creates the nationhood.
Zavolokin's festival has become truly international, in which take part and present their work not just Russian nuggets and musicians from the Kuril Islands to Kaliningrad, but, primarily, all of the the near abroad, as well as Germany, Israel, Austria, USA.
There is no ethnic boundaries, and religious and ethnic conflicts at the festival. All participants are united by love for folk art and homeland.
It is usually attended to hundreds of bands and singers, who total number is up to thousands of people. And what is typical, is that each performance of band or artist begins with songs about their love to the motherland. And this is not a requirement of the festival, it happens spontaneously. The festival has become a place where
ordinary people are free to declare about their love for the country and they make it truly and sincerely, idespite the difficulties of our time.
So one of the main conclusions of the past festivals near Novosibirsk is reasonably can be like this : people love their homeland with all their hearts , and the more difficulties the Fatherland has, the higher the degree of love raises.
It must me said that the festival is not folk, which generally tend to preserve and pass on the baton to younger generations how uncomplicated and undistorted the tradition of folk singing, dancing, language features. All of this take place in the festival
program, but the main content of the festival is about modern creativity of the people.
A feast of Axe and Russian ovens are held on the festival. More than that, many objects and festival grounds are created by the hands and the ability to accordionists, singers, dancers. Growing up each time with new objects and traditions, festival village of Zavolokin becoming more beautiful, more profound, it is a man-made monument to the creator of the program of Russian accordion, folk talent and creativity. This is another distinctive feature of this project: the material expression of folk music is playing here: in stone, in a tree, in the rising to the sun its krone orchard…
«Чайка». Фильм Фонда борьбы с коррупцией.
Фонд борьбы с коррупцией представляет новое расследование о бизнесе и криминальных связях сыновей генпрокурора России Артема и Игоря Чаек
Подписаться на новости Фонда борьбы с коррупцией —
Поддержать Фонд борьбы с коррупцией –
Часть 1. Греция. Об отеле Артема Чайки в Греции, вилле с видом на гору Афон и связях генпрокуратуры с Цапковской ОПГ
Часть 2. Швейцария. Про резидентскую визу, дом и счета сына генпрокурора в Швейцарии. (11:06)
Часть 3. Иркутск. О том, как Артем Чайка и его люди участвовали в рейдерском захвате Верхнеленского пароходства и похитили у государства 12 судов класса река-море. (15:53)
Часть 4. Артем. Артем Чайка оказался бенефициаром Тыретского солерудника, компании по добыче щебня, и строителем торгового комплекса в Мытищах. (24:27)
Часть 5. Игорь. Как компании, связанные с 27-летним сыном генпрокурора, смогли получить госзаказы на 300 млрд руб. (31:47)
Novosibirsk (Russian: Новосибирск; IPA: [nəvəsʲɪˈbʲirsk]) is the third most populous city in Russia after Moscow and St. Petersburg and the most populous city in Asian Russia, with a population of 1,523,801 (2013 est.). It is the administrative center of Novosibirsk Oblast as well as of the Siberian Federal District. The city is located in the southwestern part of Siberia on the banks of the Ob River adjacent to the Ob River Valley, near the large water reservoir formed by the dam of the Novosibirsk Hydro Power Plant. and occupies an area of 502.1 square kilometers (193.9 sq mi). The city is informally known as the Capital of Siberia.
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