Restaurada la Torre de les Hores de Pals (TVCB)
Queda inaugurada oficialment la torre de les Hores de Pals, oberta als visitants gràcies a unes obres de restauració dirigides pel servei de Monuments de la Diputació de Girona (TV Costa Brava).
Anticuario La Torre de les Hores en Pals
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LA TORRE DE LES HORES objetos de coleccionista en PALS (Girona)
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Places to see in ( Girona - Spain ) Village Medieval de Pals
Places to see in ( Girona - Spain ) Village Medieval de Pals
Pals is a medieval town in Catalonia, northern Spain a few kilometres from the sea in the heart of the Bay of Emporda on the Costa Brava. It lies on the C31 Palafrugell-L'Estartit road.
Pals has a historic centre on a hill surrounded by plains with a medieval Romanesque tower built between the 11th and 13th centuries, known as the Torre de les Hores (Tower of the Hours). A clock tower, it is 15 metres (49 ft) high.
The Gothic Quarter of the town has been substantially restored and there are cobbled streets interrupted by semicircular arches, façades with pointed arched windows and stone balconies. The town wall contains four square towers which date from the 4th century. The Josep Pla viewpoint (from which can be seen the fields of Empordà and the Medes Islands), the Plaça Major, the tombs in the Carrer Major and the Romanesque church of Sant Pere are other features of the town. There is an archaeology museum.
On the edge of the main town is Masos de Pals, which has a thriving urban centre and is popular as a location for holiday homes. Platja de Pals (Pals' Beach) is also a popular holiday location.
( Girona - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Girona . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Girona - Spain
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Vila de Pals
Pals, és un conjunt monumental històric molt antic format pel castell, la vila i les muralles. Malgrat no hi han vestigis d'època romana, el seu nom evoca aquest origen. El nom de Pals prové del llatí Palus que significa lloc pantanós. I el castell s'anomenava Castellarum Montis Aspero que en català és Mont-aspre. El castell de Pals fou documentat per primer cop l'any 889 amb el nom de castell de Mont Aspre quan el rei Odó I de França va fer-li una donació. El segon document, data de l'any 994, per una altre donació feta pels comtes de Barcelona, Ramon Borell i Ermessenda, cedint la torre de Pals i l'església de Sant Pere al bisbe de Girona. A finals del segle X fou propietat de la família del cavaller Gausfred Vidal. El 1065 el senyoriu de Pals retornar als comtes de Barcelona, Ramon Berenguer i Almodis. Entre l'any 1380 i el 1482 esclaten varies revoltes de camperols que culminen amb la guerra contra Joan II. Arran d'aquest conflicte el castell va quedar molt malmès i el monarca va permetre re-aprofitar les seves pedres per reconstruir l'església de Sant Pere i les muralles de la vila. Només es va conservar la torre circular, coneguda con la Torre de les Hores.
Schönheiten von Pals in Girona Katalonien Spanien
Stadt aus dem Mittelalter !
Pals, eine kleine Stadt in Katalonien in der Provinz Girona im Norden von Spanien hat einen der schönsten historischen Ortskern.
Die erste Erwähnung der Stadt geht auf das Jahr 889 zurück.
1503 erhielt pals die Stadtrechte von König Fernando el Católico.
Das älteste Gebäude ist der Rauchturm aus dem 11. Jahrhundert und ist heute das Wahrzeichen der Stadt und wurde im Laufe der Zeit zum Glockenturm der Kirche St. Pere. Jetzt nennt man ihn Torre de les hores - Stundenturm.
City from the Middle Ages!
Pals, a small town in Catalonia in the province of Girona in northern Spain has one of the most beautiful historic center.
The first mention of the city dates back to 889th
Pals in 1503 received its town charter by King Fernando el Católico.
The oldest building is the smoke tower from the 11th Century and is today the symbol of the city and was in time to the bell tower of the church of St. Pere. Now it is called Torre de les hores - Clock Tower.
Ville du Moyen-Age!
Pals, une petite ville de Catalogne dans la province de Gérone dans le nord de l'Espagne a l'un des plus beau centre historique.
La première mention de la ville remonte au 889e
Pals en 1503 a reçu sa charte de la ville par le roi Fernando el Católico.
Le bâtiment le plus ancien est la tour la fumée de la 11e Siècle et est aujourd'hui le symbole de la ville et a été à temps pour le clocher de l'église de Saint-Père. Maintenant, il est appelé Torre de Hores les - Tour de l'Horloge.
Città dal Medioevo!
Pals, una piccola città in Catalogna, in provincia di Girona, nel nord della Spagna è uno dei centri storici più belli.
La prima menzione della città risale al 889o
Pals nel 1503 ha ricevuto il diritto di città dal re Fernando el Catolico.
L'edificio più antico è la torre di fumo dal 11 Secolo ed è oggi il simbolo della città ed è stato nel tempo fino al campanile della chiesa di San Pere. Ora si chiama Torre de les hores - Torre dell'Orologio.
Ciudad desde la Edad Media!
Pals, un pequeño pueblo de Cataluña en la provincia de Girona en el norte de España tiene uno de los centros históricos más bellos.
La primera mención de la ciudad se remonta a 889o
Pals en 1503 recibió su carta de la ciudad por el rey Fernando el Católico.
El edificio más antiguo es la torre de humo de los 11 Siglo y es hoy el símbolo de la ciudad y fue a tiempo para el campanario de la iglesia de San Pere. Ahora se llama Torre de les Hores - Torre del Reloj.
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Places to see in ( Girona - Spain ) Pals
Places to see in ( Girona - Spain ) Pals
Pals is a medieval town in Catalonia, northern Spain a few kilometres from the sea in the heart of the Bay of Emporda on the Costa Brava. It lies on the C31 Palafrugell-L'Estartit road. Pals has a historic centre on a hill surrounded by plains with a medieval Romanesque tower built between the 11th and 13th centuries, known as the Torre de les Hores (Tower of the Hours). A clock tower, it is 15 metres (49 ft) high.
The Gothic Quarter of the town has been substantially restored and there are cobbled streets interrupted by semicircular arches, façades with pointed arched windows and stone balconies. The town wall contains four square towers which date from the 4th century. The Josep Pla viewpoint (from which can be seen the fields of Empordà and the Medes Islands), the Plaça Major, the tombs in the Carrer Major and the Romanesque church of Sant Pere are other features of the town. There is an archaeology museum.
On the edge of the main town is Masos de Pals, which has a thriving urban centre and is popular as a location for holiday homes. Platja de Pals (Pals' Beach) is also a popular holiday location.
( Girona - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Girona . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Girona - Spain
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Ararat Galeria en Pals
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Embolic moda y regalos en Pals
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Distribucions Abad Isern Palafrugell
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Ceramica Planas Marques en Pals
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White summer en Pals
Hoy he visitado el white Summer hace 3 años que vengo y os lo quería enseñar ¡Me gustan todas las actividades y tiendas!
Can Massanes Casa Rural Fontclara Girona
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La Croissanteria de Llafranc
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Palafrugell - Costa Brava - Spagna
Palafrugell è un comune spagnolo di 22.365 abitanti situato nella comunità autonoma della Catalogna, in Provincia di Girona. È un centro industriale con resti di mura e la chiesa gotica di San Martì. È dotato del Museu Arxiu Municipal di interesse locale.
Nei suoi dintorni si trovano molte località d'interesse turistico della Costa Brava (trad. in italiano: Costa selvaggia):
* Tamariu, a 5 km ad est con una bella spiaggia,
* Llafranc, a 4 km a sud est bel complesso alberghiero immerso fra i pini,
* Calella de Palafrugell, a 6 km a sud est con piccole spiagge, nota perché vi è particolarmente coltivata l'abitudine del canto delle Havaneras (habanere).
* Fornells e Aiguablava, a 2 km forse i luoghi più belli di tutta la costa ben riparati dalle rocce rossastre vicino al mare e violacee in alto e completamente isolate.
* Bagur-Begur, paese di 2.300 abitanti fortificato con resti di torri e mura e rovine del castello distrutto nel 1810 da cui si gode un'ampia vista della costa e del Cap de Begur.
* Sa Tuna, piccola cala tra i pini costruita da emigranti diventati ricchi in America.
* Sa Riera, dove le vecchie case dei pescatori sono state trasformate ed adattate per turisti.
* Pals, posto sulla collina di El Pedro con resti di mura, del castello, dell'alta torre de les Hores e la chiesa gotica di Sant Pere. Nella Ca la Pruna, casa fortezza dei secoli XV-XVI, c'è il Museu d'Arqueologia Submarina FONTE: WIKIPEDIA
Platja del Cristall Miami Platja 2019
Doncs aquí iniciem l'altra part. La de la platja del Critall. Al fons veiem una atracció d'inflables. Decidim d'anar-hi . Gairebé tot ho he gravat amb la GoPro, però al cap de poc me lan fet retirar . Al tornar a la platja tots estavem marejats després de 75 minuts d'onatges. Per això ens hem dedicat més a fer fotos. La platja és molt maca i plana, però no l'hem pogut gaudir com cal. Fa molta calor, tenim gana, anem a menjar que la cursa és a les 18 hores i està a 30 quilòmetres de Miami Platja.
Well, here we start the other part. The one on the beach of El Critall. At the bottom we see an attraction of inflatables. We decided to go there. Almost everything I have recorded with the GoPro, but after all, I tried to remove it. Upon returning to the beach we were all dizzy after 75 minutes of waves. That's why we have devoted ourselves more to taking photos. The beach is very nice and flat, but we have not been able to enjoy it as it is. It's very hot, we're hungry, we're going to eat that the race is at 6 pm and it's 30 kilometers from Miami Platja.
Pues aquí iniciamos la otra parte. La de la playa del Critall. Al fondo vemos una atracción de hinchables. Decidimos ir allí. Casi todo lo he grabado con la GoPro, pero al poco me lan hecho retirar. Al volver a la playa todos estábamos mareados después de 75 minutos de oleajes. Por eso nos hemos dedicado más a hacer fotos. La playa es muy bonita y plana, pero no lo hemos podido disfrutar como es debido. Hace mucho calor, tenemos hambre, vamos a comer que la carrera es a las 18 horas y está a 30 kilómetros de Miami Playa.
Ca la Pruna Pals, August 2012
Ca la Pruna Pals August 2012 2
Restaurante Bonay en Peratallada
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