A Tour of KOTOR, MONTENEGRO: Is It Worth Visiting?
Exploring the beautiful town of Kotor, Montenegro on the Adriatic Sea.
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Pisco Sour by Gunnar Olsen
Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. Filmed with an ICONNTECHS IT Ultra HD 4K Sport Action Camera.
Gabriel is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990 when he was 18 years old. He is author of Following My Thumb, a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and has written several other books available on Amazon.com and elsewhere.
Thanks a lot for watching and safe journeys!
A Tour of KOTOR, MONTENEGRO: Is It Worth Visiting?
Montenegro'da Gayrimenkul Alarak Oturum Fırsatı
Değişen ev gelişen Avrupa’nın yeni yüzü olan Montenegro doğal güzellikleri ve parlak ekonomik yapısı ile Avrupa’da yen bir yaşam tarzı sunuyor. Doğal güzelliklerini modern şehirleri ile buluşturan Montenegro, huzur ve güven konsepti ile ziyaretçilerini bekliyor.
Oturum İzni İle Montenegro’da Yaşam
Montenegro oturum izni işlemlerinde pratik bürokratik işlem basamakları sağlayan Montenegro, hem başvuru işlemlerinde hem de ödeme koşullarında başvuruculara ayrıcalıklar tanıyor. Girişimciler için özel bir ortama dönüşen Montengro gayrimenkul yatırımı ile hem yeni bir yaşam sunuyor hem de kazançlı bir yatırım seçeneği sunuyor. Girişimcilere aileleriyle beraber yeni bir yaşam seçeneğine dönüşen Montnegro, turizmin gözdesi şehirleri ve doğal alanları ile ziyaretçilerini bekliyor.
Doğa İle İç İçe Yaşam
Birçok yaşam konsepti ile herekse kucak açan Karadağ özellikle sportif ve doğal hayatı öne çıakrtan konseptleri ile öne çıkıyor. Doğa turizmi ile öne çıkan Montenegro, 150 den fazla dağı, gölü ve farklı coğrafi alanlarıyla ziyaretçilerini bekliyor. Zengin biyolojik çeşitliliğe de sahip olan Montenegro, Unesco korumasında olan liman şehri Kotor, kayak merkezi, deniz turizmi ve doğa turizmi seçenekleriyle keyifli ve huzurlu bir tatil ortamı sunuyor. Yelken, dalış, bisiklet, tırmanış, rüzgar sörfü ve kayak gibi spor dalları da yapılmaktadır. Yeşilin, turkuazın ve mavinin her tonunun bulunduğu Montengro, doğa, deniz, kültür ve din turizmi konseptleri de sunuyor.
Kaliteli Yaşam Standartları
Hayatı her yönü ile keyifli yaşatan Montenegro, eğitim, sağlık, ekonomi ve diğer alanlarda cazip özellikleri bir araya getiriyor.
Avrupa ülkelerine göre yaşam maliyetleri çok düşük olan Montenegro’da bu maliyetler kış aylarında daha da düşmektedir. Montenegro’da yaşam standartlarını yükselten etkenlerden biri de sağlık imkânlarıdır. Gelişmiş sağlık hizmetleri ulunan Montenegro’da Akdeniz ve Ege mutfağı yanında Avrupa ve Dünya mutfaklarının en güzel lezzetlerini bulmak mümkün. Gelişmiş ulaşım ağı da hem yurt dışı hem de yurt içi seyahatleri kolaylaştırmaktadır. Özel ve devlet kurumları olarak eğitimin sağlandığı Montenegro, her dalda eğitim sağlayarak uzmanlaşmaya önem vermektedir. Yabancılar için İngilizce eğitim veren kurumlar da bulunmaktadır. İngilizce yanında İspanyolca, Rusça ve Sırpça gibi dillerde de eğitim verilmektedir. Üniversite öncesi 12 yıl eğitim verilmektedir. Uluslararası eğitim standartlarını uygulayan üniversiteler mevcuttur. Avrupa ülkeleri ile kıyaslandığında çok düşük vergi oranlarına sahip olan Montenegro’da kurumlar vergisi %9, KDV de %7-17 arasındadır. Yabancı yatırımcılara çok cazip teşvikler sunan Montengro, indirim, muafiyet ve teşvik programları uygulamaktadır.
Çok düşük suç oranlarının olduğu Montenegro, dünyanın suç oranı en düşük ülkeleri listesinde üst sıralarda yer almaktadır. Avrupa vatandaşlık tercihi olarak öne çıkan Montenegro, ziyaretçilerine gerçek bir Avrupalı olmayı vadediyor.
Šumsko vozilo Služba zaštite i spašavanja Herceg Novi
Na ekranu je sumsko vozilo Zaštite i spašavanja Herceg Novi. Šasija je Mercedes Benz Unimog. Herceg Novi je grad na zapadu Crne Gore, smješten na ulazu u Bokokotorski zaliv.
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©Emergency München - 06.2019
Prime Minister of Hungary in Montenegro - Mercedes-Benz E-Class GOV MNE, V-Class and GLS TEK Hungary
Seen here is a VIP-Escort of the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban driving in Montenegro. First you see a Mercedes-Benz E-Class of the Security Service of the Gevornment (GOV) of Montenegro (MNE). The E-Class is followed by a Mercedes V-Class and a Mercedes GLS of the Hungarian counter terrorism centere (TEK). The TEK is a special response team for fighting against terrorism, hostage takings, dangerous criminals and for protecting the Hungarian Gevornment and their citizens on the whole world.
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Zu sehen ist eine VIP-Eskorte des Ungarischen Premierminister Viktor Orban in Montenegro. Als erstes ist eine Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse des Personenschutzes der Montenegrischen Regierung zu sehen, diese wird von einer Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse und einem Mercedes-Benz GLS der Spezialeinheit TEK aus Ungarn gefolgt. Das TEK ist für die Bekämpfung von Terrorismus, Geiselnahmen, gefährlichen Kriminellen sowie für den weltweiten Schutz der Ungarischen Regierung und Bürger zuständig.
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©Emergency München - 06.2019
Especial: 2 Anos Morando a Bordo de um Veleiro - Sailing Around the World
E lá se foram 2 anos... Como é bom olhar pra trás e sentir que valeu a pena !! Que nossa loucura foi a coisa mais sã que já fizemos !!
E se nos perguntassem : E ai o que você mudaria ?!
N-A-D-A! Faríamos tudo igual !!
Obrigada por sonhar e viver tudo isso conosco !!
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Beto Toledo / Thais Canado / Google Golden
Eglise Saint-Charles, Monaco 2017
Située en plein centre de la Principauté de Monaco, non loin de la place du Casino, l'Église Saint Charles est une jolie petite église. Elle a été édifiée à la fin du XIXe siècle, en forme de croix latine, avec un joli clocher surmonté d'un campanile et deux remarquables statues à l'entrée. De style Renaissance, cet édifice dont le clocher à campanile s'élève à 30 mètres de haut, fut inauguré en 1883. Dix-neuf vitraux éclairent sa nef dont les lustres dorés proviennent de l'ancienne salle d'armes du Palais Princier.
On aime beaucoup ses remarquables vitraux colorés, ses grandes orgues, ainsi que son chœur bleuté, impressionnant.
Lüneburg 24.5.2013
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Elmshorn 7.3.2013
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Chorwacja, Czarnogóra, Serbia i Bośnia 2017
BalsiKa c'est comme ça !
BalsiKa 11 - D.I.R.E - Dialogue Inter-Religieux Européen
80 jeunes venus de 12 pays, ensemble pour construire le monde de demain. Venus de France, Allemagne, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Croatie, Serbie, Slovénie, Monténégro, Macédoine, Albanie, Kosovo, Grèce, Turquie… Avec la musique comme trait d’union, vecteur de culture, de paix…
BALSIKA : la musique comme seul passeport !
80 musiciens venus pour vous faire voyager en musique, mêlant leurs voix, leurs instruments dans la nef de notre millénaire Cathédrale. Suivez-les dans les vergers fleuris d’Alsace, sur les chemins ombragés, au delà des Karpates, dans les souks d’Istanbul, au croisement de l’Orient et de l’Occident, des rives du Rhin aux rives du Bosphore.
80 jeunes musiciens, cet été réunis, en Alsace du 20 au 30 août 2015, pour échanger leurs points de vue sur les religions, acceptant d’ouvrir leur horizons, de lutter contre les idées toutes faites, de construire l’Europe sur la culture et la fraternité de la jeunesse, avec la musique pour seul passeport.
Ce projet est soutenu par l'Agence ERASMUS+ France Jeunesse & sport.
Pour en savoir + sur ce projet :
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is a multilateral agreement regulating international trade. According to its preamble, its purpose is the substantial reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers and the elimination of preferences, on a reciprocal and mutually advantageous basis.
It was negotiated during the UN Conference on Trade and Employment and was the outcome of the failure of negotiating governments to create the International Trade Organization (ITO). GATT was signed in 1947 and lasted until 1993, when it was replaced by the World Trade Organization in 1995. The original GATT text (GATT 1947) is still in effect under the WTO framework, subject to the modifications of GATT 1994.
The Uruguay Round began in 1986. It was the most ambitious round to date, hoping to expand the competence of the GATT to important new areas such as services, capital, intellectual property, textiles, and agriculture. 123 countries took part in the round. The Uruguay Round was also the first set of multilateral trade negotiations in which developing countries had played an active role.
Agriculture was essentially exempted from previous agreements as it was given special status in the areas of import quotas and export subsidies, with only mild caveats. However, by the time of the Uruguay round, many countries considered the exception of agriculture to be sufficiently glaring that they refused to sign a new deal without some movement on agricultural products. These fourteen countries came to be known as the Cairns Group, and included mostly small and medium sized agricultural exporters such as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, and New Zealand.
The Agreement on Agriculture of the Uruguay Round continues to be the most substantial trade liberalization agreement in agricultural products in the history of trade negotiations. The goals of the agreement were to improve market access for agricultural products, reduce domestic support of agriculture in the form of price-distorting subsidies and quotas, eliminate over time export subsidies on agricultural products and to harmonize to the extent possible sanitary and phytosanitary measures between member countries.
In 1993, the GATT was updated (GATT 1994) to include new obligations upon its signatories. One of the most significant changes was the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The 75 existing GATT members and the European Communities became the founding members of the WTO on 1 January 1995. The other 52 GATT members rejoined the WTO in the following two years (the last being Congo in 1997). Since the founding of the WTO, 21 new non-GATT members have joined and 29 are currently negotiating membership. There are a total of 155 member countries in the WTO, with Montenegro and Samoa being new members as of 2012.
Of the original GATT members, Syria and the SFR Yugoslavia has not rejoined the WTO. Since FR Yugoslavia, (renamed to Serbia and Montenegro and with membership negotiations later split in two), is not recognised as a direct SFRY successor state; therefore, its application is considered a new (non-GATT) one. The General Council of WTO, on 4 May 2010, agreed to establish a working party to examine the request of Syria for WTO membership. The contracting parties who founded the WTO ended official agreement of the GATT 1947 terms on 31 December 1995. Serbia and Montenegro are in the decision stage of the negotiations and are expected to become the newest members of the WTO in 2012 or in near future.
Whilst GATT was a set of rules agreed upon by nations, the WTO is an institutional body. The WTO expanded its scope from traded goods to include trade within the service sector and intellectual property rights. Although it was designed to serve multilateral agreements, during several rounds of GATT negotiations (particularly the Tokyo Round) plurilateral agreements created selective trading and caused fragmentation among members. WTO arrangements are generally a multilateral agreement settlement mechanism of GATT.