Wilton NH my hometown visit with sites & stories Keebs growing up New Hampshire
Wilton NH Sites, Stories & history growing up in up in the New Hampshire hometown with Keebs.
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We spend the day driving around Wilton New Hampshire located in Hillsborough NH. Our friend Henry A.k.a Keebs is from this great place that he calls his hometown and takes us on a tour of some great locations and shares some stories of his youth living there. Some of the spots we visit are Whiting park where an elephant is buried, Carnival hill which was mentioned in Ripleys believe it or not, Fryes measure Mill, the town hall theatre, West Wilton, Wilton Center, Davisville and many more locations. Hometown history, stories, sites & views.
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The music featured in the videos is by Charlie and available on iTunes and most other digital music stores.
Stealth Diggers metal detecting relic hunting New Hampshire NH SDNT #33 Wilton New Hampshire My hometown
Stealth Digger Nation SDN
28 Park St, Wilton NH
This house is a wonderful example of the Queen Anne era of the late 1800s loaded with decorative details and multi-colored exterior that was so common of the period. 5 Bedroom, 3.5 Bath home, located in the heart of downtown Wilton across from Whiting park, near Florence Rideout School. A short walk to downtown with the popular Town Hall Theater and Roam Café, this is a location to treasure. Several rural country roads to stroll or cycle on or in winter, sledding at historic Carnival Hill. Inside take in the wonderful period features that have been preserved and restored. Rich Oak stairs and wall paneling, pocket doors, original windows rebuilt, high ceilings all reflecting the grandeur of the time. This lovely home would be ideal for a B and B, or if one needed an inlaw could be converted with the addition of a kitchen! This is a must see property value priced for the right buyer. Visit
NH: Good transparency at Wilton school district meeting - initially
Sponsor: - NH: Good transparency at Wilton school district meeting - initially
Partial transcript of text/subtitles that appear in the vid (there may be unlisted gaps between the sentences):
' Right before a school district meeting in Wilton, NH... This is sort of like a town hall meeting where the public directly participates. '
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Some or all of the video and audio in this clip...is likely available for you to use. You can use it commercially or however you like.
Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. Until further notice my vid and audio is automatically
released into... the public domain. Generally if I shot it you'll see a RidleyReport.com or YouTube.com/WinWinParty at the bottom. Anything...which has that super or was obviously shot by me, is public domain.
Music by
Steve Ridley is my bro! Hire him to create customized tunage for a project, event or loved one.
new hampshire donald trump hillary clinton campaign election 2016 ron paul, journalists journalism rand paul government meetings, anarchism anarchists , feds nh freedom, daisy. liberation successful resistance movements. dave ridley report new hampshire primary. federal reserve julian assange, politics authoritarians. christopher cantwell chris activism Stefan Molyneux video jerk cop cops busybodies. ridleyreport indie reporters republicans independent journalism constitutionalistsvlogs police libertarianism voluntaryism bernie sanders voluntaryists edward snowden open meetings act right to know law requests libertarians John McAfee. bradley manning chelsea sovereign citizens photography is not a crime carlos miller wmur channel 9 maggie hassan wood margaret kelly ayotte ian freeman democrats. liberty alliance ben swann full disclosure secession independence secessionists sovereignists george soros stop free keene penn and teller penn jillette gillete teller's bullshit. mercatus center cato institute charles david koch brothers collapse of the united states empire second civil war imperial creative commons license hunter s. thompson police brutality video free to use common core smarter balance testing standardized john birch society videographers. downsize dc free talk live americans for prosperity tea party granite grok rich girard at large first amendment free speech freedom of the press the press media free state project atlas shrugged galt's gulch in real life reality show tv. thin blue line all lives officers public domain footage gonzo journalism ron paul daisey. talk radio walter williams rush limbaugh frank guinta constitutional convention of the states balanced liberland alex jones libertarian party ammon bundy cliven militias calexit brexit nhexit nhexit.com texit. black lives matter ayn rand fbi riots unrest civil rights. Totalitarianism. abuses human rights granite state new england northeast standing rock pipeline adversary confrontations confronts questions debate gary johnson justin amash amaash socialism fascism antifa social justice warriors sjw wilton, new hampshire, school district, town hall meeting, votes, public school, government schools
Superintendent: I don't understand the term literacy rate (Wilton, NH)
Sponsor: - Superintendent: I don't understand the term literacy rate (Wilton, NH).
Partial transcript of text/subtitles that appear in the vid (there may be unlisted gaps between the sentences):
'The Wilton-Lyndeborough Cooperative School District holds its School District Meeting, each Spring I assume. It's similar to a town hall meeting; mostly the budget seems to be what residents discuss. I have questions
for Superintendent Bryan Lane, who looks fairly accessible/transparent on paper when I research him. He meets expectations in this regard, and so do many of the local politicians & educrats. Many, not all.'
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Some or all of the video and audio in this clip...is likely available for you to use. You can use it commercially or however you like.
Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. Until further notice my vid and audio is automatically
released into... the public domain. Generally if I shot it you'll see a RidleyReport.com or YouTube.com/WinWinParty at the bottom. Anything...which has that super or was obviously shot by me, is public domain.
Music by
Steve Ridley is my bro! Hire him to create customized tunage for a project, event or loved one.
government training camps government schools jailschools educrats public schooling tragedy of the commons literate illiterate common core mandatory attendence truancy teaching teachers classrooms teachers unions professors schoolies education indoctrination testing smarter balance new hampshire donald trump hillary clinton campaign election 2016 ron paul, journalists journalism rand paul government meetings, anarchism anarchists , feds nh freedom, daisy. liberation successful resistance movements. dave ridley report new hampshire primary. federal reserve julian assange, politics authoritarians. christopher cantwell chris activism Stefan Molyneux video jerk cop cops busybodies. ridleyreport indie reporters republicans independent journalism constitutionalistsvlogs police libertarianism voluntaryism bernie sanders voluntaryists edward snowden open meetings act right to know law requests libertarians John McAfee. bradley manning chelsea sovereign citizens photography is not a crime carlos miller wmur channel 9 maggie hassan wood margaret kelly ayotte ian freeman democrats. liberty alliance ben swann full disclosure secession independence secessionists sovereignists george soros stop free keene penn and teller penn jillette gillete teller's bullshit. mercatus center cato institute charles david koch brothers collapse of the united states empire second civil war imperial creative commons license hunter s. thompson police brutality video free to use common core smarter balance testing standardized john birch society videographers. downsize dc free talk live americans for prosperity tea party granite grok rich girard at large first amendment free speech freedom of the press the press media free state project atlas shrugged galt's gulch in real life reality show tv. thin blue line all lives officers public domain footage gonzo journalism ron paul daisey. talk radio walter williams rush limbaugh frank guinta constitutional convention of the states balanced liberland alex jones libertarian party ammon bundy cliven militias calexit brexit nhexit nhexit.com texit. black lives matter ayn rand fbi riots unrest civil rights. Totalitarianism. abuses human rights granite state new england northeast standing rock pipeline adversary confrontations confronts questions debate gary johnson justin amash amaash socialism fascism antifa social justice warriors sjw superintendent, common core, education, literacy, illiterate, rates, students, educrats, teachers unions, public school, government school standardized testing
Lady goes for my camera near govt. meeting (Wilton, NH)
Sponsor: - Lady goes for my camera near govt. meeting (Wilton, NH).
Partial transcript of text/subtitles that appear in the vid (there may be unlisted gaps between the sentences):
' I visit a government meeting in Wilton, NH...It's held in one of their schools and is meant in part to decide the school district's budget. The deliberation is boring, so I start to look at the building itself.
The public is not generally welcome to film the activity it paid for in public schools...even when it limits filming to that-which-is-not-students. Government meetings there after hours are supposed to be an accessible quasi-exception.
As I try to get a better sense of how the school looks, what messages its walls are promoting...I move further and further away from the meeting. Once I'm about 40 yards from the meeting entrance, this happens:
So I can't be here because it's *closed?* Imagine the spitstorm that would happen if I were to try and film while it's *open* and thus filled with minors! With regard to the camera-blocking lady, before her intervention,
she appeared to be working a booth of some sort. It was at the entrance to the govt. meeting. Would one or more of you like to show this video to the superintendent, determine if she's a school employee and what her name is? '
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Some or all of the video and audio in this clip...is likely available for you to use. You can use it commercially or however you like.
Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. Until further notice my vid and audio is automatically
released into... the public domain. Generally if I shot it you'll see a RidleyReport.com or YouTube.com/WinWinParty at the bottom. Anything...which has that super or was obviously shot by me, is public domain.
Music by
Steve Ridley is my bro! Hire him to create customized tunage for a project, event or loved one.
first amendment right to record freedom of the press restrictions media freedom cameras youtubers photography is not a crime pinac carlos miller. censorship town hall meetings school budgets wilton, new hampshire donald trump hillary clinton campaign election 2016 ron paul, journalists journalism rand paul government meetings, anarchism anarchists , feds nh freedom, daisy. liberation successful resistance movements. dave ridley report new hampshire primary. WILTON-LYNDEBOROUGH COOPERATIVE SCHOOL DISTRICT public schooling federal reserve julian assange, politics authoritarians. christopher cantwell chris activism Stefan Molyneux video jerk cop cops busybodies. ridleyreport indie reporters republicans independent journalism constitutionalistsvlogs common core superintendent teachers principals stop filming hand over camera blocked blocks police libertarianism voluntaryism bernie sanders voluntaryists edward snowden open meetings act right to know law requests libertarians John McAfee. bradley manning chelsea sovereign citizens photography is not a crime carlos miller wmur channel 9 maggie hassan wood margaret kelly ayotte ian freeman democrats. liberty alliance ben swann full disclosure secession independence secessionists sovereignists george soros stop free keene penn and teller penn jillette gillete teller's bullshit. mercatus center cato institute charles david koch brothers collapse of the united states empire second civil war imperial creative commons license hunter s. thompson police brutality video free to use common core smarter balance testing standardized john birch society videographers. downsize dc free talk live americans for prosperity tea party granite grok rich girard at large first amendment free speech freedom of the press the press media freedom of the press, first amendment, media restrictions, censorship, banned, camera, fordids, forbidden, fake news
free state project atlas shrugged galt's gulch in real life reality show tv. thin blue line all lives officers public domain footage gonzo journalism ron paul daisey. talk radio walter williams rush limbaugh frank guinta constitutional convention of the states fake news cnn balanced liberland alex jones libertarian party ammon bundy cliven militias calexit brexit nhexit nhexit.com texit. black lives matter ayn rand fbi riots unrest civil rights. Totalitarianism. abuses human rights granite state new england northeast standing rock pipeline adversary confrontations confronts questions debate gary johnson justin amash amaash socialism fascism antifa social justice warriors sjw
wilton fire department chief.
Budget cmte member won't answer budget question (Wilton, NH)
Sponsor: - Budget cmte member won't answer budget question (Wilton, NH)
Partial transcript of text/subtitles that appear in the vid (there may be unlisted gaps between the sentences):
'Wilton, NH: A cop appears outside a public government meeting when I try to film there. It seems he investigates me by speaking to the people who complained about me doing so. This occurs behind closed doors, and the finale is anti-climactic.
Other than this one fountain, the parts of Wilton's high school I'm able to observe appear clean and in order. But several different folks try to block me from certain hallways; I'm able to reach only about 30% of the building during this Sat. meeting.
Despite his return, the cop does not interfere with me. In fact when I drop my camera batteries during a battery change...he helps me pick them up!'
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Some or all of the video and audio in this clip...is likely available for you to use. You can use it commercially or however you like.
Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. Until further notice my vid and audio is automatically
released into... the public domain. Generally if I shot it you'll see a RidleyReport.com or YouTube.com/WinWinParty at the bottom. Anything...which has that super or was obviously shot by me, is public domain.
Music by
Steve Ridley is my bro! Hire him to create customized tunage for a project, event or loved one.
filming recording right to record. new hampshire donald trump hillary clinton campaign election 2017 ron paul. bans forbids don't film me no filming turn the camera off type stuff , journalists journalism rand paul government meetings, anarchism anarchists , feds nh freedom, daisy. liberation successful resistance movements. grabs camera first amendment censorship free speech freedom of the press media restrictions alternative facts fake news. photography is not a crime carlos miller just kept recording photographers videographers dave ridley report new hampshire primary. federal reserve julian assange, politics authoritarians. christopher cantwell chris activism Stefan Molyneux video jerk cop cops busybodies. ridleyreport indie reporters republicans independent journalism constitutionalistsvlogs police libertarianism voluntaryism bernie sanders voluntaryists edward snowden open meetings act right to know law requests libertarians John McAfee. bradley manning chelsea sovereign citizens photography is not a crime carlos miller wmur channel 9 maggie hassan wood margaret kelly ayotte ian freeman democrats. liberty alliance ben swann full disclosure secession independence secessionists sovereignists george soros stop free keene penn and teller penn jillette gillete teller's bullshit. mercatus center cato institute charles david koch brothers collapse of the united states empire second civil war imperial creative commons license hunter s. thompson police brutality video free to use common core smarter balance testing standardized john birch society videographers. downsize dc free talk live americans for prosperity tea party granite grok rich girard at large first amendment free speech freedom of the press the press media free state project atlas shrugged galt's gulch in real life reality show tv. thin blue line all lives officers public domain footage gonzo journalism ron paul daisey. talk radio walter williams rush limbaugh frank guinta constitutional convention of the states balanced hand over camera grabs camera attacks reporter liberland alex jones libertarian party ammon bundy cliven militias calexit brexit nhexit nhexit.com texit. black lives matter ayn rand fbi riots unrest civil rights. Totalitarianism. abuses human rights granite state new england northeast standing rock pipeline adversary confrontations confronts questions debate gary johnson justin amash amaash socialism fascism antifa social justice warriors sjw budget, committee, police, cops, free state project, rand paul, ron paul, libertarians, public domain, new hampshire, ambush interviews.
wilton fire department chief.
Official with great beard gives great answer (Wilton, NH)
Sponsor: - Official with great beard gives great answer (Wilton, NH).
Partial transcript of text/subtitles that appear in the vid (there may be unlisted gaps between the sentences):
' NH: More questions for officials as they leave Wilton-Lyndeborough's public school district meeting. '
This vid is (or is supposed to become) part of the following playlist:
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How to buy your own ad on - or donate to - the Ridley Report
Contact Ridley: Go to then click About
Some or all of the video and audio in this clip...is likely available for you to use. You can use it commercially or however you like.
Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. Until further notice my vid and audio is automatically
released into... the public domain. Generally if I shot it you'll see a RidleyReport.com or YouTube.com/WinWinParty at the bottom. Anything...which has that super or was obviously shot by me, is public domain.
Music by
Steve Ridley is my bro! Hire him to create customized tunage for a project, event or loved one.
filming recording right to record. new hampshire donald trump hillary clinton campaign election 2017 ron paul. bans forbids don't film me no filming turn the camera off type stuff , journalists journalism rand paul government meetings, anarchism anarchists , feds nh freedom, daisy. liberation successful resistance movements. grabs camera first amendment censorship free speech freedom of the press media restrictions alternative facts fake news. photography is not a crime carlos miller just kept recording photographers videographers dave ridley report new hampshire primary. federal reserve julian assange, politics authoritarians. christopher cantwell chris activism Stefan Molyneux video jerk cop cops busybodies. ridleyreport indie reporters republicans independent journalism constitutionalistsvlogs police libertarianism voluntaryism bernie sanders voluntaryists edward snowden open meetings act right to know law requests libertarians John McAfee. bradley manning chelsea sovereign citizens photography is not a crime carlos miller wmur channel 9 maggie hassan wood margaret kelly ayotte ian freeman democrats. liberty alliance ben swann full disclosure secession independence secessionists sovereignists george soros stop free keene penn and teller penn jillette gillete teller's bullshit. mercatus center cato institute charles david koch brothers collapse of the united states empire second civil war imperial creative commons license hunter s. thompson police brutality video free to use common core smarter balance testing standardized john birch society videographers. downsize dc free talk live americans for prosperity tea party granite grok rich girard at large first amendment free speech freedom of the press the press media free state project atlas shrugged galt's gulch in real life reality show tv. thin blue line all lives officers public domain footage gonzo journalism ron paul daisey. talk radio walter williams rush limbaugh frank guinta constitutional convention of the states balanced hand over camera grabs camera attacks reporter liberland alex jones libertarian party ammon bundy cliven militias calexit brexit nhexit nhexit.com texit. black lives matter ayn rand fbi riots unrest civil rights. Totalitarianism. abuses human rights granite state new england northeast standing rock pipeline adversary confrontations confronts questions debate gary johnson justin amash amaash socialism fascism antifa social justice warriors sjw
official, wilton, nh libertarians, public domain, new hampshire, nh, school district wilton fire department.
Wilton, NH: Fire chief promises escort which never happens
Sponsor: - Wilton, NH: Fire chief promises escort which never happens
Partial transcript of text/subtitles that appear in the vid (there may be unlisted gaps between the sentences):
' Saturday, March 11, 2017. Wilton-Lyndeborough Cooperative Middle High School. I'm outside a government meeting. After questioning officials on their way in, I continue an unwelcome attempt to traverse the school itself.
When a school building is devoid of students, that's a good time to show you what sort of messages it is sending your kids via its walls. Two folks have already questioned me for doing this but refused to identify themselves.
Despite another 90 minutes of waiting...no one ever shows up to escort me. A man who may be the custodian...does show up. Rather than giving me a tour, he tells people not to speak with me. Vid to follow. Meanwhile I move back toward the meeting.
Despite the interference I manage to get some photos of messages on school walls. Some are more innocuous than others. I'm only showing you the interesting stuff; if I showed you everything you'd wander off. '
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Some or all of the video and audio in this clip...is likely available for you to use. You can use it commercially or however you like.
Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. Until further notice my vid and audio is automatically
released into... the public domain. Generally if I shot it you'll see a RidleyReport.com or YouTube.com/WinWinParty at the bottom. Anything...which has that super or was obviously shot by me, is public domain.
Music by
Steve Ridley is my bro! Hire him to create customized tunage for a project, event or loved one.
new hampshire donald trump hillary clinton campaign election 2016 ron paul, journalists journalism rand paul government meetings, anarchism anarchists , feds nh freedom, daisy. liberation successful resistance movements. dave ridley report new hampshire primary. federal reserve julian assange, politics authoritarians. christopher cantwell chris activism Stefan Molyneux video jerk cop cops busybodies. ridleyreport indie reporters republicans independent journalism constitutionalistsvlogs police libertarianism voluntaryism bernie sanders voluntaryists edward snowden open meetings act right to know law requests libertarians John McAfee. bradley manning chelsea sovereign citizens photography is not a crime carlos miller wmur channel 9 maggie hassan wood margaret kelly ayotte ian freeman democrats. liberty alliance ben swann full disclosure secession independence secessionists sovereignists george soros stop free keene penn and teller penn jillette gillete teller's bullshit. mercatus center cato institute charles david koch brothers collapse of the united states empire second civil war imperial creative commons license hunter s. thompson police brutality video free to use common core smarter balance testing standardized john birch society videographers. downsize dc free talk live americans for prosperity tea party granite grok rich girard at large first amendment free speech freedom of the press the press media free state project atlas shrugged galt's gulch in real life reality show tv. thin blue line all lives officers public domain footage gonzo journalism ron paul daisey. talk radio walter williams rush limbaugh frank guinta constitutional convention of the states balanced liberland alex jones libertarian party ammon bundy cliven militias calexit brexit nhexit nhexit.com texit. black lives matter ayn rand fbi riots unrest civil rights. Totalitarianism. Wilton-Lyndeborough Cooperative Middle High School abuses human rights granite state new england northeast standing rock pipeline adversary confrontations confronts questions debate gary johnson justin amash amaash socialism fascism antifa social justice warriors sjw
wilton fire department chief. fire chief, escort, embedded, first amendment, photography is not a crime, pinac, freedom of the press, free speech, media, schools, public
fire chief, escort, embedded, first amendment, photography is not a crime, pinac, freedom of the press, free speech, media, schools, public
9 Putnam Rd Wilton NH. Wilton NH Homes For Sale By David Hall and Gaby Cote. The NH Home Market Team
Charming in town Wilton NH Home for sale. If you looking to buy real estate in Wilton NH, consider this 2 bedroom one bathroom home.
Sun drenched porch with southerly exposure will ensure many days of relaxation and enjoyment. Large open kitchen with wood floors. Direct access to screened porch from kitchen. Side porch leads to nice back yard. Dining room off kitchen has plenty of room for entertaining. Family room features bay windows with ample sun and comfort. Refinish the wood floors under the carpet in the family room for even more added charm. Two bedrooms on the second floor with large bathroom and laundry hookups. Unfinished room on second floor might make for an ideal third bedroom. Detached garage is a rarity in this price range. In town location with public water and sewer. Close to schools, movie theater and downtown eateries. With rents on the rise, home ownership may make a lot of sense.
To set up a showing visit our website and request a showing:
The NH Home Market Team is the Way Home.
1686 House, Kingston N.H. - Apparition Walking Through Wall (1)
If you watch the right side of the screen, about 8 seconds into the video, an almost transparent apparition passes from right to left and disappears into the wall.
This video clip is one of two taken by one of our unmanned infrared cameras during the investigation of the very haunted Kingston 1686 House Restaurant in Kingston N.H.
Govt. worker doesn't want to be filmed (Wilton, NH)
Sponsor: - Govt. worker doesn't want to be filmed (Wilton, NH).
Partial transcript of text/subtitles that appear in the vid (there may be unlisted gaps between the sentences):
'A Wilton, NH cop investigates reports of suspected-Ridley-filming-near-government-meeting. While he's hidden in a nearby room interviewing witnesses, the first person he approached and questioned...decides to question me herself. '
This vid is (or is supposed to become) part of the following playlist:
Click to watch the series in sequence... hopefully!
How to buy your own ad on - or donate to - the Ridley Report
Contact Ridley: Go to then click About
Some or all of the video and audio in this clip...is likely available for you to use. You can use it commercially or however you like.
Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. Until further notice my vid and audio is automatically
released into... the public domain. Generally if I shot it you'll see a RidleyReport.com or YouTube.com/WinWinParty at the bottom. Anything...which has that super or was obviously shot by me, is public domain.
Music by
Steve Ridley is my bro! Hire him to create customized tunage for a project, event or loved one.
filming recording right to record. bans forbids don't film me no filming turn the camera off type stuff new hampshire donald trump hillary clinton campaign election 2016 ron paul, journalists journalism rand paul government meetings, anarchism anarchists , feds nh freedom, daisy. liberation successful resistance movements. grabs camera first amendment censorship free speech freedom of the press media restrictions alternative facts fake news. photography is not a crime carlos miller just kept recording photographers videographers dave ridley report new hampshire primary. federal reserve julian assange, politics authoritarians. christopher cantwell chris activism Stefan Molyneux video jerk cop cops busybodies. ridleyreport indie reporters republicans independent journalism constitutionalistsvlogs police libertarianism voluntaryism bernie sanders voluntaryists edward snowden open meetings act right to know law requests libertarians John McAfee. bradley manning chelsea sovereign citizens photography is not a crime carlos miller wmur channel 9 maggie hassan wood margaret kelly ayotte ian freeman democrats. liberty alliance ben swann full disclosure secession independence secessionists sovereignists george soros stop free keene penn and teller penn jillette gillete teller's bullshit. mercatus center cato institute charles david koch brothers collapse of the united states empire second civil war imperial creative commons license hunter s. thompson police brutality video free to use common core smarter balance testing standardized john birch society videographers. downsize dc free talk live americans for prosperity tea party granite grok rich girard at large first amendment free speech freedom of the press the press media free state project atlas shrugged galt's gulch in real life reality show tv. thin blue line all lives officers public domain footage gonzo journalism ron paul daisey. talk radio walter williams rush limbaugh frank guinta constitutional convention of the states balanced liberland alex jones libertarian party ammon bundy cliven militias calexit brexit nhexit nhexit.com texit. black lives matter ayn rand fbi riots unrest civil rights. Totalitarianism. abuses human rights granite state new england northeast standing rock pipeline adversary confrontations confronts questions debate gary johnson justin amash amaash socialism fascism antifa social justice warriors sjw
wilton fire department chief.govt., government, worker, doesn't want, filmed, filming, first amendment, free speech, freedom of the press, photography is not a crime
govt., government, worker, doesn't want, filmed, filming, first amendment, free speech, freedom of the press, photography is not a crime, pinac
1686 House, Kingston N.H. - Apparition Walking Through Wall (2)
If you watch the right side of the screen, about 7 seconds into the video, an almost transparent apparition passes from right to left and disappears into the wall.
This video clip is one of two taken by one of our unmanned infrared cameras during the investigation of the very haunted Kingston 1686 House Restaurant in Kingston N.H.
American Legion Post 13, Greenville, N.H.
Memorial Day in Greenville, N.H. 5.29.2017
American Legion Post !3
Pleasant St. Cemetery
Manchester, New Hampshire | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Manchester, New Hampshire
00:01:14 1 History
00:03:57 2 Geography
00:05:05 2.1 Neighborhoods
00:06:43 2.2 Surrounding development
00:08:28 2.3 Climate
00:09:37 3 Demographics
00:13:33 4 Rankings
00:14:36 5 Economy
00:16:17 5.1 Downtown
00:19:01 5.2 Shopping
00:19:30 6 Arts and culture
00:22:07 7 Sports
00:22:26 7.1 Professional
00:23:09 8 Government
00:24:52 9 Education
00:25:01 9.1 Public schools
00:25:35 9.2 Private schools
00:26:57 9.3 Post-secondary schools
00:27:56 10 Media
00:28:47 10.1 Television
00:29:00 11 Infrastructure
00:29:09 11.1 Transportation
00:29:18 11.1.1 Air
00:29:34 11.1.2 Roads
00:30:52 11.1.3 Bus
00:31:26 11.1.4 Passenger rail (future)
00:33:16 11.2 Public safety
00:33:25 11.2.1 Law enforcement
00:33:52 11.2.2 Fire department
00:34:39 12 Notable people
00:34:48 13 Sister cities
00:35:11 14 See also
00:35:27 15 Gallery
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Manchester is a city in the southern part of the U.S. state of New Hampshire. It is the most populous city in northern New England, an area comprising the states of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. As of the 2010 census the city had a population of 109,565, up slightly to 111,196 in a 2017 estimate. The combined Manchester-Nashua Metropolitan Area had a 2010 population of 400,721.Manchester is along with Nashua one of two seats of Hillsborough County, the state of New Hampshire's most populous. Manchester lies near the northern end of the Northeast megalopolis and straddles the banks of the Merrimack River. It was first named by the merchant and inventor Samuel Blodgett, namesake of Samuel Blodget Park and Blodget Street in the city's North End. His vision was to create a great industrial center similar to that of the original Manchester in England, which was the world's first industrialized city.Manchester often appears favorably in lists ranking the affordability and livability of U.S. cities, placing particularly high in small business climate, affordability, upward moblity, and education level.
Dan Hynes for N.H. Senate District 11 Merrimack, Amherst, Milford, Wilton
I'm Dan Hynes and I am proud to be running for Senate in District 11 covering Amherst, Merrimack, Milford, and Wilton. I'm a 33 year old attorney and small business owner. I am running for office because New Hampshire is at a point of critical decision making. We need strong conservative leadership in Concord. Once elected to Senate, I will work hard to reduce taxes and overburdensome regulations that hurt the economy. We need to keep our college graduates in the state and not have them leave because they cannot find a job good enough to pay back their massive student debts. As a true conservative, I believe in both financial freedom and personal freedom. Live free or die doesn't just make for a good motto, but a better way of life. As a constitutional lawyer, I work hard day in and day out to defend the constitution. I fight for justice and equality now and will continue to fight once elected to the Senate. I look forward to earning your vote.
Please visit my website at: to learn more about me and my stance on issues. Thank you, Dan Hynes
Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain, Sweet Tooth Live!
Live at Locals Cafe, Wilton NH.
Video of 20 Saxon Lane | Shrewsbury, Massachusetts real estate & homes
This exceptional luxury French Colonial blends masterful details with superior craftsmanship which is evident at a glance. The exterior of the home exhibits beautiful white brick , featuring two beautifully appointed chimneys with masterful architectural details, combined with professionally designed English style gardens. The exquisite bronze night lighting is admired & envied by any passers by.
This luxurious 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath home is a custom built estate located in a higher end community of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts , spanning over 4175 square feet plus 463 square feet of living space in the lower level with a separate heating zone. Over $110 thousand dollars worth of recent upgrades such as a new roof, new chimneys and more make this home truly ‘move in’ ready. The home is in proximity to the town center, and only minutes from I-290, I-495 and I-90 & only 45 minutes from Boston.
This magnificent residence is graced by a soaring ceiling in the foyer, with a half barrel design & a massive custom built palladium window complementing the ceiling.
A curved staircase ,architectural millwork and cypress marble floors greet you as you enter this home, and is flanked by a formal dining room and formal living room, anchored by an elegant fireplace.
The home office, featuring a full bath, is ready to be converted to a first level bedroom. The adjacent library is constructed of walnut wood with a brass sink ,liquor cabinet & library ladder as well as hardwood flooring.
The chefs in the family will appreciate the bright white custom built kitchen, with a wall of large cabinets, all accented by blue quartz countertops, a built in desk, and vented gas cooktop as well as an electric wall oven and microwave.
The sun-drenched grand family room with walls of glass, including a large palladium window is anchored by a stunning gas fireplace surrounded by masterfully built stone slabs extended to the cathedral ceiling, indeed an archeological wonder .
Two double & triple French doors open to the rear spaciousn deck overlooking the picturesque yard with symmetrically designed gardens, ready for your summer entertainment.
The formal dining room is accented with a tray ceiling, hidden recessed lighting, hardwood floors and lots of architectural details.
The hospitality of this home continues on the second level. The Master suite, with it’s cathedral ceiling and massive palladium window, is anchored by a marble fireplace place & wall to wall ornate carpeting.
An opulent master bathroom is sundrenched thanks to a skylight and bay window, features a soaking whirlpool tub over looking the splendid view of the Saxon woods.
The rare fixtures are surrounded by Calcutta marble
A laundry room, two additional large bedrooms plus a guest suite with a loft space overlooking the family room, along with a newly designed bathroom with a marble shower complete the second level.
The 463 sq foot lower level offers a flexible space that could be perfect for a media room, game room, home theatre or children’s play area - your choice!
We hope you enjoyed the tour of your future dream home. Call today for a personal tour! Call 508-789-5365 for a personal showing.
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Discovering the Sussex Declaration
Harvard University researchers Danielle Allen and Emily Sneff will discuss the recent identification of a second parchment manuscript of the Declaration of Independence in Chichester, England. The manuscript, dating from the 1780s, is written in the hand of a single clerk.
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Salisbury (/ˈsɔːlzbri/ SAWLZ-bree, /ˈsɒlzbri/ SOLZ-bree - a cognate of Salzburg, or locally /ˈsɔːzbri/) is a cathedral city in Wiltshire, England, and the only city within the county. It is the second largest settlement in the county by population, between Chippenham at 35,800 and Swindon at 209,156. It has also been called New Sarum /ˌnjuː ˈsɛərəm/ to distinguish it from the original site of settlement to the north of the city at Old Sarum, but this alternative name is not in common use.
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Hellooo Nature
Hiked up Mount Major in Alton, New Hampshire with my daughter on May 11, 2016.
Special guest appearance by baby snake.
Uninvited guests: the black flies.
Forgotten item from home: bug spray.
Found 2 letterboxes plus a bonus box. Will be back to find more. Find clues at Atlasquest.com
Music by Jeff kaale :
and Meghan Trainor
Filmed entirely on iPhone 6
Edited with Splice