Pentru Patrie 1977 [ENG Subtitles availabale]
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Salina - CACICA - Salt Mine (Bucovina, Romania)
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Cacica is located in Bucovina (Romania), in the central-eastern part of Suceava County, 18 km from Gura Humorului. Although salt has been obtained here for 5,000 years (Early Neolithic) by salt evaporation from salt springs, the start of underground exploitation is due to the Austrian occupation authorities who administered Bucovina between 1775-1918. After they discovered the salt deposit, for exploitation they bring here Galician Polish miners, whose descendants are now living in the area. Effective exploitation began in 1798, making it manually. The salt was exploited and sold as blocks and lumps, and the small salt was dissolved in water and recrystallized by evaporation of the brine. Currently the exploitation is done by dynamic dissolution of the salt by means of the water introduced underground through drillings, followed by recrystallization by evaporation of the brine. The touristic route, which is about 500 m long, runs exactly through the former Austrian exploitation. Underground at a depth of 29m is the Catholic chapel of St. Varvara, the miners' protector. The visit continues to the horizons 1 and 2 (-35m and -75m) where the following special attractions can be seen: the old extraction well, Orthodox chapel, 3 bas-reliefs, Salt Lake, Ballroom, Museum, Sports Hall. In the early years of exploitation, the entire life of the inhabitants was related to the underground: work, spiritual life in the chapel of St. Varvara, and the fun and socialization in the Ball Hall.
Cacica se află în Bucovina, în partea central-estică a județului Suceava, la 18 km de Gura Humorului. Deși aici s-a obținut sare încă de acum 5.000 de ani (Neoliticul timpuriu) prin evaporarea saramurii din izvoarele sărate, începerea exploatării subterane se datorează autorităților de ocupație austriece care au administrat Bucovina în perioada 1775-1918. După ce au decoperit zăcământul, pentru exploatarea acestuia au fost aduși din Galiția mineri polonezi a căror urmași trăiesc și acum în zonă. Exploatarea efectivă a început în anul 1798, făcându-se manual. Sarea se exploata și se vindea sub formă de blocuri și bulgări iar sarea măruntă era dizolvată în apă și recristalizată prin evaporarea saramurii. În prezent exploatarea se face prin dizolvarea dinamică a sării cu ajutorul apei introdusă în subteran prin foraje, urmată de recristalizare prin evaporarea saramurii. Traseul turistic având circa 500 m se desfășoară exact prin fosta exploatare austriacă. În subteran la adâncimea de 29m se găsește capela catolică Sfânta Varvara, ocrotitoarea minerilor. În continuare vizita continuă la nivelul orizonturilor 1 și II de exploatare (-35m și -75 m) unde pot fi văzute următoarele atracții deosebite: puțul de extracție, capela ortodoxă, 3 basoreliefuri, Lacul Sărat, Sala de Bal, Muzeul, Sala de Sport. În primii ani de existență a exploatării toată viața locuitorilor era legată de subteran: munca, viața spirituală în capela Sfânta Varvara, iar distracția și socializarea în Sala de Bal.
Bicycle - Reunited by Kevin MacLeod este licențiată în baza unei licențe Creative Commons Attribution license (
2006 Calarasi Open Gym Outreach
Oustretched Hands of Romania frequently rents a local gym in Calarasi to hold an open gym outreach. The children play sports and organized games, but after the recreation, the children hear the gospel message in a relevant way for their lives.
De la inima la inima - Gina Bulica
09.21.2012 Travel to Romania -- National bank of Romania Bucharest
National bank of Romania Bucharest. GPS : 44º 25' 56.4 N / 26º 5' 55.2 E. More if you visit my travel website .
Focuri artificii Bucuresti revelion 2017 Bucharest Fireworks
Focuri de artificii - Revelion 2017 - București, piața Revoluției. Pentru cele 11 minunte de focuri de artificii, organizate de Primăria Capitalei, s-au folosit 4 tone de artificii. Spre deosebire de alți ani, artificiile au fost lansate din alt loc (de undeva de lângă Muzeul Național de Artă al României și nu de lângă Biblioteca Centrală Universitară Carol I)
Fireworks - New Year 2017 - Bucharest, Revolution Square. For the 11 mins of fireworks organized by City Hall, they were used 4 tons of fireworks. Unlike other years, fireworks were launched from another place (the undeveva near National Museum of Art of Romania and not near the Central University Library Carol I)
Orchestra Liceului de Arta din Targu Mures-Bistrita 4 Martie 2010-J.Strauss-Fruhlingstimmen
Pentru a sublinia diversitatea artistică a elevilor Liceului, va fi organizată o expoziţie de artă la Sala Uniunii Artiştilor Plastici şi un concert extraordinar la Palatul Culturii, cu tema „De la Bach la Beatles. „Această aniversare înseamnă foarte mult pentru oraşul nostru, deoarece subliniază caracterul artistic al zonei. Cei 60 de ani echivalează cu istoria şi activitatea unui număr foarte mare de artişti care şi-au desăvârşit talentul şi vocaţia datorită acestei şcoli. Pentru mine, anii petrecuţi la Liceul de Artă au reprezentat o perioadă frumoasă din tinereţea mea, astfel că e o onoare pentru mine să particip atât ca pianist, cât şi ca dirijor la concertul din această seară. Am ales tema aceasta, de la Bach la Beatles, pentru a sublinia evoluţia artistică şi diversitatea stilului celor care studiază la Arte, ne-a declarat Eugen Albert, 34 de ani, fost absolvent al Liceului de Artă şi actualmente un cunoscut muzician, atât în ţară cât şi în străinătate.
To highlight the artistic diversity of its students will be organized an art exhibition at the Artists' Union Hall and an extraordinary concert at the Palace of Culture, entitled From Bach to the Beatles. This anniversary means a lot to our city, because stresses the artistic area. 60 years equivalent work history and a huge number of artists who have perfected the talent and vocation through this school. For me, my years at Arts High School was a beautiful time of my youth, so it is a honor for me to participate both as a pianist and as conductor at the concert tonight. We chose this theme, from Bach to the Beatles, to highlight the diversity of artistic development and style of learners in Fine, we said Eugene Albert, 34, was a graduate of Arts High School and now a famous musician, both in country and abroad.
Zur Verdeutlichung der künstlerischen Vielfalt ihrer Studierenden wird eine Kunstausstellung in der Artists 'Union Hall organisiert werden und ein außergewöhnliches Konzert im Palast der Kultur mit dem Titel Von Bach bis zu den Beatles. Dieses Jubiläum bedeutet eine Menge für unsere Stadt, da hebt die künstlerischen Bereich. 60 Jahre Geschichte und gleichwertige Arbeit eine sehr große Anzahl von Künstlern, die das Talent und die Berufung perfektioniert haben, durch diese Schule. Für mich sind die Jahre an der School of Art verbracht war eine schöne Zeit meiner Jugend, so ist das eine Ehre für mich, sowohl als Pianist und als Dirigent Teilnahme an dem Konzert heute Abend. Wir wählten dieses Thema, von Bach bis zu den Beatles, um die Vielfalt der künstlerischen Entwicklung und den Stil der Lernenden in Fine Highlight haben wir gesagt, Eugen Albert, 34, war ein Absolvent der Arts High School und jetzt ein berühmter Musiker, sowohl in In-und Ausland.
Orchestra Liceului de Arta din Targu Mures-Bistrita 4 Martie 2010-J.Strauss-Feuerfest Polka
Pentru a sublinia diversitatea artistică a elevilor Liceului, va fi organizată o expoziţie de artă la Sala Uniunii Artiştilor Plastici şi un concert extraordinar la Palatul Culturii, cu tema „De la Bach la Beatles. „Această aniversare înseamnă foarte mult pentru oraşul nostru, deoarece subliniază caracterul artistic al zonei. Cei 60 de ani echivalează cu istoria şi activitatea unui număr foarte mare de artişti care şi-au desăvârşit talentul şi vocaţia datorită acestei şcoli. Pentru mine, anii petrecuţi la Liceul de Artă au reprezentat o perioadă frumoasă din tinereţea mea, astfel că e o onoare pentru mine să particip atât ca pianist, cât şi ca dirijor la concertul din această seară. Am ales tema aceasta, de la Bach la Beatles, pentru a sublinia evoluţia artistică şi diversitatea stilului celor care studiază la Arte, ne-a declarat Eugen Albert, 34 de ani, fost absolvent al Liceului de Artă şi actualmente un cunoscut muzician, atât în ţară cât şi în străinătate.
To highlight the artistic diversity of its students will be organized an art exhibition at the Artists' Union Hall and an extraordinary concert at the Palace of Culture, entitled From Bach to the Beatles. This anniversary means a lot to our city, because stresses the artistic area. 60 years equivalent work history and a huge number of artists who have perfected the talent and vocation through this school. For me, my years at Arts High School was a beautiful time of my youth, so it is a honor for me to participate both as a pianist and as conductor at the concert tonight. We chose this theme, from Bach to the Beatles, to highlight the diversity of artistic development and style of learners in Fine, we said Eugene Albert, 34, was a graduate of Arts High School and now a famous musician, both in country and abroad.
Zur Verdeutlichung der künstlerischen Vielfalt ihrer Studierenden wird eine Kunstausstellung in der Artists 'Union Hall organisiert werden und ein außergewöhnliches Konzert im Palast der Kultur mit dem Titel Von Bach bis zu den Beatles. Dieses Jubiläum bedeutet eine Menge für unsere Stadt, da hebt die künstlerischen Bereich. 60 Jahre Geschichte und gleichwertige Arbeit eine sehr große Anzahl von Künstlern, die das Talent und die Berufung perfektioniert haben, durch diese Schule. Für mich sind die Jahre an der School of Art verbracht war eine schöne Zeit meiner Jugend, so ist das eine Ehre für mich, sowohl als Pianist und als Dirigent Teilnahme an dem Konzert heute Abend. Wir wählten dieses Thema, von Bach bis zu den Beatles, um die Vielfalt der künstlerischen Entwicklung und den Stil der Lernenden in Fine Highlight haben wir gesagt, Eugen Albert, 34, war ein Absolvent der Arts High School und jetzt ein berühmter Musiker, sowohl in In-und Ausland.
Vernisaj SUPERMAM Virgil Scripcariu
19 noiembrie 2014, Bucuresti, Romania
Transylvanian Holidays: Cluj-Napoca & Salina Turda
This is my 3rd video from Transylvania. Happy Halloween!
Administratia Nationala de Meteorologie a emis noi avertizări. Astfel că judeţul Mureş se află sub Cod galben de avertizare valabil până marţi, 28 iunie, ora 23. Astfel că instabilitatea atnosferică e caracterizată prin averse torenţiale, descărcări electrice şi intensificări de vânt.
Prin oraș
Eu cu bicicleta după ceva timp.
Spectacol folcloric-coregrafic HAIDĂUL la Salina Turda
drum spre Brașov Tg Ocna de iarna 2016
Francisc Ghinet - You and I (Scorpions) - 2018
You and I - Scorpions cover by Francisc Ghinet
Recorded April 27th 2018 in a small apartment, when neighbors are out so they don't hear me scream :)
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Romania during World War I | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:30 1 Before the war
00:09:09 1.1 Romanian armaments industry
00:10:05 2 Romanians in the Austro-Hungarian Army
00:12:09 3 Course of the Romanian campaign
00:17:56 3.1 The counteroffensive of the Central Powers
00:32:22 3.2 Romanian recovery
00:38:58 3.3 1917 campaign and armistice
00:47:47 4 Aftermath
00:47:56 4.1 Treaty of Bucharest
00:48:53 4.2 Romania reenters the war, November 1918
00:51:10 5 Military analysis of the campaign
00:53:49 6 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.8776975163182139
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-F
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Kingdom of Romania was neutral for the first two years of World War I, entering on the side of the Allied powers from 27 August 1916 until Central Power occupation led to the Treaty of Bucharest in May 1918, before reentering the war on 10 November 1918.
It had the most significant oil fields in Europe, and Germany eagerly bought its petroleum, as well as food exports. King Carol favored Germany but after his death in 1914, King Ferdinand and the nation's political elite favored the Entente. For Romania, the highest priority was taking Transylvania from Hungary, with its 3,000,000 Romanians. The Allies wanted Romania to join its side in order to cut the rail communications between Germany and Turkey, and to cut off Germany's oil supplies. Britain made loans, France sent a military training mission, and Russia promised modern munitions. The Allies promised at least 200,000 soldiers to defend Romania against Bulgaria to the south, and help it invade Austria.
The Romanian campaign was part of the Balkan theatre of World War I, with Romania and Russia allied with Britain and France against the Central Powers of Germany, Austria, and Turkey. Fighting took place from August 1916 to December 1917 across most of present-day Romania, including Transylvania, which was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the time, as well as in southern Dobruja, which is currently part of Bulgaria.
Despite initial successes, the Romanian forces (aided by Russia) suffered massive setbacks, and by the end of 1916 only Moldavia remained. After several defensive victories in 1917, with Russia's withdrawal from the war following the October Revolution, Romania, almost completely surrounded by the Central Powers, was also forced to drop out of the war; it signed the Treaty of Bucharest with the Central Powers in May 1918. On 10 November 1918, just one day before the German armistice and after all the other Central Powers had already capitulated, Romania re-entered the war after the successful Allied advances on the Macedonian Front.
Romanian Campaign (World War I) | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:03:01 1 Before the war
00:11:02 1.1 Romanian armaments industry
00:12:08 2 Romanians in the Austro-Hungarian Army
00:14:35 3 Course of the Romanian campaign
00:21:33 3.1 The counteroffensive of the Central Powers
00:39:03 3.2 Romanian recovery
00:46:59 3.3 1917 campaign and armistice
00:57:41 4 Aftermath
00:57:50 4.1 Treaty of Bucharest
00:58:57 4.2 Romania reenters the war, November 1918
01:01:42 5 Military analysis of the campaign
01:04:54 6 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.7581970752815381
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-B
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Kingdom of Romania was neutral for the first two years of World War I, entering on the side of the Allied powers from 27 August 1916 until Central Power occupation led to the Treaty of Bucharest in May 1918, before reentering the war on 10 November 1918.
It had the most significant oil fields in Europe, and Germany eagerly bought its petroleum, as well as food exports. King Carol favored Germany but after his death in 1914, King Ferdinand and the nation's political elite favored the Entente. For Romania, the highest priority was taking Transylvania from Hungary, with its 3,000,000 Romanians. The Allies wanted Romania to join its side in order to cut the rail communications between Germany and Turkey, and to cut off Germany's oil supplies. Britain made loans, France sent a military training mission, and Russia promised modern munitions. The Allies promised at least 200,000 soldiers to defend Romania against Bulgaria to the south, and help it invade Austria.
The Romanian campaign was part of the Balkan theatre of World War I, with Romania and Russia allied with Britain and France against the Central Powers of Germany, Austria, and Turkey. Fighting took place from August 1916 to December 1917 across most of present-day Romania, including Transylvania, which was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the time, as well as in southern Dobruja, which is currently part of Bulgaria.
Despite initial successes, the Romanian forces (aided by Russia) suffered massive setbacks, and by the end of 1916 only Moldavia remained. After several defensive victories in 1917, with Russia's withdrawal from the war following the October Revolution, Romania, almost completely surrounded by the Central Powers, was also forced to drop out of the war; it signed the Treaty of Bucharest with the Central Powers in May 1918. On 10 November 1918, just one day before the German armistice and after all the other Central Powers had already capitulated, Romania re-entered the war after the successful Allied advances on the Macedonian Front.
The National Contest of Sportive Dance (2).MOV
The Town Hall Mioveni, the Romanian Federation of Sportive Dance and Total Dance Club from Pitesti, organized on February 20th in Mioveni Town the National Contest of Sportive Dance entitled Argeş Cup. The competition took place in the Gym Hall of Liviu Rebreanu School.