DWKvM F&F - Musik:YouTUBE-CC.-T.:Kiss the Sky v. Aakash Gandhi
Salzkammergut - Traunsee Schifffahrt der Karlheinz EDER GesmbH: Die Erklärungen zum See und den umgebenden Bergen gibt der Kapitän - Karlheinz Eder. Die Fahrt geht von Gmunden, über zwei Stationen zum Traunstein und wieder zurück. Der See ist 12 Km lang und ca. 3 Km breit. Der Traunsee ist 204 M tief und hat Trinkwasserqualität ! Die Traunseeschifffahrt hat 5 Boote, das älteste ist ein Nostalgie-Schiff aus 1871; ein funktionstüchtiger Rad-Dampfer.-
Salzkammergut - Traunsee Boat trip by Karlheinz EDER GesmbH: The instructions to the lake and the surrounding mountains are given by the captain - Karlheinz Eder. The journey goes from Gmunden, over two stations to Traunstein and back again. The lake is 12 km long and about 3 km wide. The Traunsee is 204 m deep and has drinking water quality! The Traunsee navigation has 5 boats, the oldest is a nostalgic ship from 1871; a functional wheel steamer .-.-
Traunsee - Traunstein Gmunden Austria 4k
Traunsee - Traunstein Austria
traunsee Gmunden Austria
Gmunden, Austria, Traunsee, Hallstatt
Gmunden, Austria, Traunsee, Hallstatt
Schifffahrt am Traunsee
bei unseren neuen Ausgabe von Wandern für Genießer nehmen wir euch mit, zu einer Schifffahrt am Traunsee von Gmunden nach Traunkirchen. Eine Fahrt auf dem Traunsee ist wunderschön und ein wahres Naturerlebnis. Meiner Meinung nach einer der schönsten Schifffahrten im Salzkammergut.
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???? Videostudio: Apple Finalcut Pro X
???? Music: Reiny S.
???? from Album: Beyond the Horizon
???? Label: iMusician Digital
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???? Musicstudio: Apple Logic Pro X
???? Instruments: Alesis VI61, Yamaha Piano
???? PlugIns: Native Instruments, EXS24, Nexus2, Toontrack
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Gmunden Traunsee Schiffahrt (Salzkammergut Oberösterreich)
Boat ride on Lake Traunsee in the Salzkammergut Lake District (Upper Austria) - Ferienregion Salzkammergut: Traunseeschifffahrt im Sommer,..ein zeitloses erlebnis zwischen Wirklichkeit und Phantasie.. Im Salzkammergut, da kann man gut lustig sein !
DWKvM F&F Musik: YouTUBE-CC.-T.: Parkside v. D.Lebowitz ; --- ALTMÜNSTER besteht schon seit der Bronze-Zeit: d.h. seit 200 v.Chr. Im frühen Mittelalter ist ein Orden („Trunseio“) urkundlich erwähnt. Nach der Gründung von Kremsmünster und Monsee wurde aus der Abtei eine Pfarre. Derromanische Grundbau wurde gotisch erweitert (1470).- Altmünster gerhörte zur Diözese Passau. 1785 wurde Altmünster der Diözese Linz eingegliedert.
Schloss Traunsee (auch Schloss Württemberg genannt) gehört zur Gemeinde Altmünster - Bezirk Gmunden am Traunsee, in Oberösterreich.
Gebaut 1872 bis 1875 von Herzog Philipp von Württemberg als Sommervilla für seine Gemahlin Erzherzogin Maria Theresia (Enkelin Erzherzog Karls, des Siegers der Schlacht von Aspern (1809)). Gebaut im französischen Renaissancestil - Architekten Heinrich Adam (1839–1905). Zum Areal des Schlosses gehören ca. 20 ha Grund. Die Schlosskapelle wurde 1878–1880 von dem Wiener Architekten Heinrich von Ferstel, dem Erbauer der Votivkirche in Wien, geplant und ausgeführt.
Heute das Bundesrealgymnasium (BRG) Schloss Traunsee, eine besonders geförterte Schule.
Villa Toskana, ist der Sommersitz der Habsburger Großherzogen von Toscana (1870), daher auch der Name. (In antik-griechischem Stil eines historistischen Post-Klassizismus).- Schliesslich das Doppelschloss Orth (1634) - das Wasserschloss bestand schon seit 900 n.Chr. - (s.a. Film Schloss Orth Gmunden :
Nochmals: der See hat Trinkwasser Qualität und um das auch zu bahalten werden keine privaten Motoboote zugelassen ! Die seit 150 Jahren besehende Traunsee-Schifffahrt hat fünf Schiffe, daneben gibt es noch einige offizielle Motorboote, wie zu sehen war.-
ALTMÜNSTER has existed since the Bronze Age: since 2000 BC. In the early Middle Ages a monastiri (Trunseio) is mentioned in a document. After the founding of Kremsmünster and Monsee, the abbey became a parish. The Romanesque foundation was gothic expanded (1470) .- Altmünster was hold by the Diocese of Passau. Later in 1785 Altmünster was incorporated into the Diocese of Linz. Castle Traunsee (also called Castle Württemberg) belongs to the municipality Altmünster - Gmunden district on the Traunsee, in Upper Austria. Built 1872-1875 by Duke Philipp of Württemberg as a summer villa for his wife Archduchess Maria Theresa (granddaughter of Archduke Charles, the victor of the Battle of Aspern (1809)). Built in French Renaissance style - architect Heinrich Adam (1839-1905). The grounds of the castle include about 20 ha of land. The castle chapel was designed and built between 1878 and 1880 by the Viennese architect Heinrich von Ferstel, the builder of the Votive Church in Vienna. Today the Bundesrealgymnasium (BRG) is here situated in the Castle Traunsee, a particularly popular school. Villa Tuscany, is the summer residence of the Habsburg Grand Duke of Tuscany (1870), hence the name. (In the ancient Greek style of a historicist post-classicism) .- Finally, the Double Castle Orth (1634) - the Sea Island castle existed since 900 AD. - (See the movie Schloss Orth Gmunden).- Again, the lake has drinking water quality and to keep that also in future, no private motor boats are allowed! Traunsee shipping, which has been operating for 150 years, has five ships, and there are still some official motorboats, as you coud see. (Have a look:
GMUNDEN city TRAUNSEE Austria مدينة قمندن على بحيرة ترون سي
GMUNDEN city TRAUNSEE Austria مدينة قمندن على بحيرة ترون سي
Hallo teman-teman semua....
Salam ceria dari Austria.... Greetings from Austria
This is the Gmunden city Upper Austria views from the Traun Lake or Traunsee. Tourist destination city that called Salzkammergut city of Austria.
Cruise on Traunsee from Gmunden, Austria
Traunsee is the fourth largest lake in Austria and the second largest to be uniquely within the territory of that country. Located within the Salzkammergut tourist area of Austria, it has a surface of approximately 24.5 km² and a maximum depth of 191 - 207 metres (depending on the source of the information).
To visit the lake, I stayed at Camping Traunsee in Altmünster which is located on the lake shore with wonderful views of the Traunstein which is directly in front and the mountains to the south.
At the southern end of the lake, it is mountainous but this is at the northern tip of the Alps and as one looks towards Gmunden at the northern edge then it becomes comparitively flat although Gmunden itself is dominated by the Grünberg and Traunstein mountains to some degree. Because of the shade of the mountains, as one moves south it becomes more mysterious, the village of Traunkirchen on the western shore has been inhabited since Neolithic times and itself seems to have secrets to offer.
One can relatively easily cycle around a large part of the lake although the Traunstein mountain blocks the path. For those wanting to do a tour thus of the lake, the final leg can be taken by the steamers that ply between there and the town of Gmunden. One of the boats dates back to 1931 and is still in as good condition as it was when manufactured. The boat trip gives one the opportunity to see the mountains and the lake castle at Gmunden from close up. Alternatively, one can take a round trip on the boat from Gmunden.
If one travels by road from the south, then that is now via tunnels but a former road which went around the side of the lake is now open to pedestrians and cyclists.
Austria: Gmunden-Traunsee-Traunstein
I make Hollyday on the beautyfull Lake Traunsee and the small Town Gmunden in 2011/2012. I filmed 99% free-Hand! The Water have trinking-Water Quality, about 20°C degree! I filmed from Traunstein, Sonnstein und Gmundnerberg.
Here is a nice Place for living!
The Lake is 191 meters deep and have 2,3km³ Water .
Here is the Trailer:
Österreich - Salzkammergut: Unterwegs am Traunsee und Fahrt auf den Feuerkogel Vlog #4
Reisen ganz praktisch:
Unterwegs am Traunsee und Fahrt auf den Feuerkogel
Weitere Infos zum Traunsee:
Weitere Infos zum Schloss Orth in Gmunden unter:
Lust auf Saibling? Weitere Infos unter:
Weitere Infos zum Feuerkogel:
Hier der Link zu meinem Kanal:
GMUNDEN AUSTRIA - Gmunden City Austria.
Gmunden Austria, Gmunden City Austria.
Drive in Gmunden Austria
Traunsee Gmunden Austria
Traunsee Gmunden Austria
Traunsee - the second largest lake within Austria
Traunsee is the fourth largest lake in Austria and the second largest to be uniquely within the territory of that country. Located within the Salzkammergut tourist area of Austria, it has a surface of approximately 24.5 km² and a maximum depth of 191 - 207 metres (depending on the source of the information).
To visit the lake, I stayed at Camping Traunsee in Altmünster which is located on the lake shore with wonderful views of the Traunstein which is directly in front and the mountains to the south.
At the southern end of the lake, it is mountainous but this is at the northern tip of the Alps and as one looks towards Gmunden at the northern edge then it becomes comparitively flat although Gmunden itself is dominated by the Grünberg and Traunstein mountains to some degree. Because of the shade of the mountains, as one moves south it becomes more mysterious, the village of Traunkirchen on the western shore has been inhabited since Neolithic times and itself seems to have secrets to offer.
One can relatively easily cycle around a large part of the lake although the Traunstein mountain blocks the path. For those wanting to do a tour thus of the lake, the final leg can be taken by the steamers that ply between there and the town of Gmunden. One of the boats dates back to 1931 and is still in as good condition as it was when manufactured. The boat trip gives one the opportunity to see the mountains and the lake castle at Gmunden from close up. Alternatively, one can take a round trip on the boat from Gmunden.
If one travels by road from the south, then that is now via tunnels but a former road which went around the side of the lake is now open to pedestrians and cyclists.
Gmunden,Traunsee,Schloss Ort
Die historische Stadt Gmunden am Traunsee.
Mit dem Seeschloss Ort.
TRAUNKIRCHEN | Traunsee | Áustria ???????? Österreich (Aéreas Drone)
Traunkirchen, no Traunsee, da Alta Áustria / Oberösterreich, Áustria.
Bonita vila em Salzkammergut.
Antigo mosteiro de Traunkirchen - Igreja Paroquial - Pfarrkirche Traunkirchen
Badeplatz - Badeinsel mit Seebadbecken
Maria Krönung
Gemeindeamt Traunkirchen
Hauptkapelle Kalvarienberg
Dampfschiff Gisela auf dem Traunsee in Österreich
Das einzigartige Dampfschiff Gisela an einem schönen Sommertag unterwegs auf dem wunderschönen Traunsee im Salzkammergut in Oberösterreich.
Gmunden, Austria [4K]
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Seehotel Das Traunsee****s
Das Seehotel Das Traunsee****s ist das einzige Hotel am Traunsee mit direktem Seezugang. Alle Zimmer haben einen faszinierenden Seeblick in Richtung Gmunden und auf den Traunstein.
Das Restaurant Bootshaus ist der Gourmettreffpunkt im Seehotel Das Traunsee.
Neue Einblicke - Seehotel das Traunsee****s
Wir heißen unsere Gäste im Seehotel Das Traunsee****s in unserem renovierten Empfangsbereich herzlich willkommen. Zum Verweilen und Entspannen lädt unser neuer Sitzbereich im ersten Stock des Hotels ein.