Treskavec - Prilep droneview
Treskavec Monastery - The Monastery of Treskavec (Macedonian: Манастир Трескавец), or St. Bogorodica, is a monastery situated on the rocky Mount Zlatovrv, 8 km north of Prilep, in the Republic of Macedonia. Built in the 12th century.
Treskavec Monastery, Prilep
Hiking to the Treskavec Monastery in Prilep
The Monastery of Treskavec - Манастир Трескавец
The Monastery of Treskavec (Macedonian: Манастир Трескавец), or St. Bogorodica, is a monastery situated in the rocky Mount Zlato, 8 km north of Prilep, in the Republic of Macedonia. Built in the 12th century, it is known for being very inaccessible and has only one monk.
The monastery possesses a large collection of Byzantine frescoes. The oldest remaining date from the 15th century.
Markovi Kuli, Prilep, one of the natural wonders of Macedonia
The site of Markovi Kuli near Prilep is combination of unique natural values and cultural heritage. Extremely remarkable denudation landscape in granitoid rocks formed during the centuries. Filmed by MJX Bugs 2c quad with Soocoo c30 sport camera.
Treskavec - Sv, Bogorodica - Macedonia, Prilep
Reportage on Macedonian monastery of Treskavec (2/2)
The Monastery of Treskavec or St. Bogorodica, is a monastery situated on the rocky Mount Zlato, 8 km north of Prilep, in the Republic of Macedonia. Built in the 12th century, it is known for being very inaccessible and has only one monk.
The monastery possesses a large collection of Byzantine frescoes. The oldest remaining date from the 15th century
Репортажа - манастир Трескавец
Манастирот Трескавец, познат како Света Богородица сместен е на 10-тина километри од Прилеп на падините под врвот Златоврв. Во рамките на манастирот се наоѓа и црквата Успение Богородичино. Манастирот има свои конаци и трпезарија. Издигнат високо над карпите во планината, дава прекрасна глетка на околните планини Баба, Бабуна и Кајмакчалан, како и над Пелагонија.
Се верува дека е изграден во 12тиот односно 13тиот век. Неговата разновидна архитектура укажува на разни обновувања и уривања. Подоцна бил надограден во 14тиот век. Во црквата се зачувани значајни Византиски фрески. Зачувани се и кујната и трпезаријата од 14тиот век.
Планинарска патека низ карпи и ниски треви води од Прилеп до манастирот. Во манастирот често доаѓаат туристи и планинари. Најпосетуван е за празникот Богородица 28 август. Тогаш во манастирот се собираат голем број Варошани и Прилепчани да го означат овој свет ден.
Firs HIGHLINE in Macedonia by Miha Shkof
Firs HIGHLINE in Macedonia, near Prilep, Treskavec Monastery.
The Monastery of Treskavec (Macedonian: Манастир Трескавец), or St. Bogorodica (Holy Mother of God), is a monastery situated on the rocky Mount Zlatovrv (1422 m), 8 km north of Prilep, in the Republic of Macedonia. Built in the 12th centur.The monastery possesses a large collection of Byzantine frescoes.
Reportage on Macedonian monastery of Treskavec (1/2)
The Monastery of Treskavec or St. Bogorodica, is a monastery situated on the rocky Mount Zlato, 8 km north of Prilep, in the Republic of Macedonia. Built in the 12th century, it is known for being very inaccessible and has only one monk.
The monastery possesses a large collection of Byzantine frescoes. The oldest remaining date from the 15th century
Репортажа - манастир Трескавец
Манастирот Трескавец, познат како Света Богородица сместен е на 10-тина километри од Прилеп на падините под врвот Златоврв. Во рамките на манастирот се наоѓа и црквата Успение Богородичино. Манастирот има свои конаци и трпезарија. Издигнат високо над карпите во планината, дава прекрасна глетка на околните планини Баба, Бабуна и Кајмакчалан, како и над Пелагонија.
Се верува дека е изграден во 12тиот односно 13тиот век. Неговата разновидна архитектура укажува на разни обновувања и уривања. Подоцна бил надограден во 14тиот век. Во црквата се зачувани значајни Византиски фрески. Зачувани се и кујната и трпезаријата од 14тиот век.
Планинарска патека низ карпи и ниски треви води од Прилеп до манастирот. Во манастирот често доаѓаат туристи и планинари. Најпосетуван е за празникот Богородица 28 август. Тогаш во манастирот се собираат голем број Варошани и Прилепчани да го означат овој свет ден.
Macedonia Bouldering Markovi Kuli
This well made video is about an exciting-looking bouldering area in Macedonia - Markovi Kuli. The boulders appear to be large granite blocks with patinas and huecos and look similar to those at Hueco Tanks. Not much more is known about the area although we have been able to figure out the approximate location.
Ilovehiking treskavec - Опција 2
Во соработка со AllgaSan , прошетка по околијата на Прилеп - со прекрасниот Трескавец - Златоврв - Маркови Кули
Фантастични луѓе - преубава тура - вредеше за сите пари
Вечерен Прилеп, Р Македония 30 05 2014
ТДКремиковци на гости на ТДКозяк-Прилеп, Р. Македония
Highline above Prilep
Great line above Prilep, near Treskavec
Hiking In Prilep
BRAND NEW!!! Check out my DJI Osmo Pocket Test Footage:
A wonderful hike from Prilep's Marko’s Towers to the Treskavec Monastery. More info on our Macedonia Blog:
A well-worn hiking path winds through the hills to the north, connecting Marko’s Towers to the Treskavec Monastery. Moderately easy, the trail leads along the tops of the hills, through sudden bursts of forest clustered around mountain springs, and past weird rock formations. We needed about three hours to complete the trail and reach the monastery.
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Markovi Kuli (Markukule) - Prilep - Makedonija.avi
My Grandparent's house in Novoselani, Prilep Macedonia.
This is a short clip of my grandparents house in Novoselani, Prilep, Macedonia.
Prilep - The city under Marko's Towers (North Macedonia)
Prilep is the fourth largest city in the Republic of Macedonia. It has a population of 66,246 and is known as the city under Marko's Towers because of its proximity to the towers of Prince Marko.
Прилеп - духовен и црковен центар
Duhoven centar Prilep
Prilep 4K - Marko Kraljevic fortress
Markovi Kuli – The Fortress (Towers) of King Marko: Marko’s towers, are included among the five strongest and most unconquerable fortresses in the Balkans. Markovi kuli site is situated to the northwest of Prilep, just above the village of Varoš. The towers of Serbian medieval Prince Marko Mrnjavčević are located on a 120-180 m high hill, surrounded by steep slopes covered with minute granite stones. The upper part of the former settlement can be reached from its north and south side. The rampart on this terrain dates from the 13th and 14th centuries and is in good condition. The walls are about one meter thick and were built of limestone mortar and rest upon the large limestone rocks. According to some historical findings, until the second part of the 14th century and even later, this fortress was defended by only 40 soldiers.Markovi kuli in Prilep were named after the last king Marko, but the studies say that it was actually a much older fortress, originating from the 4th century and the 3rd century BC. Archaeological excavations revealed the traces of several epochs – from the necropolis of the early iron period, to remains of the ancient population and of the late middle ages. The fortress consists of four defensive areas. Today, it present a symbol of Prilep.
Rock climbing in Prilep part 6-1