Musium Trinil Ngawi Jawa Timur - Woderful East Java Indonesia
Musium trinil adalah yang didalamnya terdapat berbagai macam fosil manusia purba dari berbagai jaman.
Museum Trinil, Ngawi
woow..nggak nyangka aja kesampaian juga bisa ketempat ini, tempat dimana manusia purba pertama didunia ditemukan, luar biasakan ternyata tempatnya di Indonesia, di daerah Ngawi lagi..keren..!!, makin bangga aja sama Indonesia, penasarankan seperti apa tempatnya? langsung aja ya tonton videonya...
Trinil Museum - Ngawi - East Java
Trinil Museum is located about 12 kilometers in the west of Ngawi is in same direction of Soerjo monument. It constitutes the complex of myth of ancient man fossil (prehistoric men fossil) (Pitecanthropus erectus) and also fossils of other ancient life, which has been raised to the world of science by an archeologist named Eugene Dubois since 1891.
In this complex of myths there are many kinds of facilities such as: the place to keep the fossils any its exposition, fossil laboratory, and others where all of them lie at the side of Solo river. After observing the museum collection and their scientific identifications, then the visitor can enjoy the direction of the side of Solo river from the altitude, we can imagine the fragment of lives of the prehistoric people in the shade of the tropical forest at the side of Solo river, as though we have become apart of them.
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Pre-Historic Trinil Museum - Ngawi - East Java
Trinil Museum is located about 12 kilometers in the west of Ngawi is in same direction of Soerjo monument. It constitutes the complex of myth of ancient man fossil (prehistoric men fossil) (Pitecanthropus erectus) and also fossils of other ancient life, which has been raised to the world of science by an archeologist named Eugene Dubois since 1891. In this complex of myths there are many kinds of facilities such as: the place to keep the fossils any its exposition, fossil laboratory, and others where all of them lie at the side of Solo river. After observing the museum collection and their scientific identifications, then the visitor can enjoy the direction of the side of Solo river from the altitude, we can imagine the fragment of lives of the prehistoric people in the shade of the tropical forest at the side of Solo river, as though we have become apart of them.
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Ngawi Trinil Museum, A Pre-historic Site for Educational and Entertainment - East Java
Trinil Museum is located about 12 kilometers in the west of Ngawi is in same direction of Soerjo monument. It constitutes the complex of myth of ancient man fossil (prehistoric men fossil) (Pitecanthropus erectus) and also fossils of other ancient life, which has been raised to the world of science by an archaeologist named Eugene Dubois since 1891. In this complex of myths there are many kinds of facilities such as: the place to keep the fossils any its exposition, fossil laboratory, and others where all of them lie at the side of Solo river. After observing the museum collection and their scientific identifications, then the visitor can enjoy the direction of the side of Solo river from the altitude, we can imagine the fragment of lives of the prehistoric people in the shade of the tropical forest at the side of Solo river, as though we have become apart of them.
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Museum Trinil Ngawi Jawa Timur
Museum Trinil Ngawi Jawa Timur. Trinil adalah situs paleoantropologi di Indonesia yang sedikit lebih kecil dari situs Sangiran. Tempat ini terletak di Desa Kawu, Kecamatan Kedunggalar, Kabupaten Ngawi, Jawa Timur (kira-kira 13 km sebelum kota Ngawi dari arah kota Solo). Trinil merupakan kawasan di lembah Sungai Bengawan Solo yang menjadi hunian kehidupan purba, tepatnya zaman Plistosen Tengah, sekitar satu juta tahun lalu.
Pada tahun 1891 Eugène Dubois, yang adalah seorang ahli anatomi menemukan bekas manusia purba pertama di luar Eropa yaitu spesimen manusia Jawa. Pada 1893 Dubois menemukan fosil manusia purba Pithecanthropus erectus serta fosil hewan dan tumbuhan purba lain.
Saat ini Trinil berdiri sebuah museum yang menempati area seluas tiga hektar, dimana koleksinya di antaranya fosil tengkorak Pithecantrophus erectus, fosil tulang rahang bawah macan purba (Felis tigris), fosil gading dan gigi geraham atas gajah purba (Stegodon trigonocephalus), dan fosil tanduk banteng purba (Bibos palaeosondaicus). Situs ini dibangun atas prakarsa dari Prof. Teuku Jacob ahli antropologi dari Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Minggu, 3 Januari 2016 (Eka,Imel & Dimas)
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Museum Trinil (Homo Sapiens museum) - Wisata Sejarah Ngawi Jawa Timur
Museum Trinil, Kedunggalar, Ngawi, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Museum Trinil atau Kepurbakalaan Trinil terletak di Dukuh Pilang, Desa Kawu, Kecamatan Kedunggalar, Kabupaten Ngawi. Berjarak 14 km dari Kota Ngawi ke arah Barat Daya. Museum Trinil banyak menyimpan fosil – fosil purba seperti tengkorak manusia, gajah serta peralatan – peralatan yang digunakan pada masa manusia purba. Didalam museum dipamerkan replika manusia purba berupa replika dari Pithecantropus erectus yang ditemukan di Trinil (Ngawi) serta fosil yang berasal dari Afrika (Australopithecus Africanus) dan Jerman (Homo Neanderthalensis). Koleksi lain yang terdapat di Museum Trinil yaitu fosil tengkorak manusia purba yang ditata dengan penjelasan mengenai penyebarannya di dunia, kemudian fosil gading stegodon dan kerbau purba.
NGAWI - Wisata Bersejarah Museum Trinil
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Trinil 2
In 1890, the great Dutch anthropologist Eugene Dubois relocated to Java due to the better preservation of fossils. Initially he'd focussed his efforts on caves but the amount of fossils discovered were disappointingly few. Switching to low lying areas, Dubois concentrated on where the rivers were cutting away old terraces. These terraces had accumulated over time as sediments washed down the valleys into the river systems, and were considerably richer is fossil remains than the caves Dubois had originally investigated.
This film clip has been taken along the shoreline of the Javanese site Trinil where the first remains of Homo erectus were discovered. Although over a century of time has passed, the immediate area is very similiar to how Dubois would have found it.
Visit fossil human sites in Indonesia with Chris Turney. Learn more at
Ternyata Trinil Ngawi menyimpan banyak sejarah!!!!!
Trinil Ngawi sejarah,
sejarah trinil ngawi jawa timur,
sejarah museum trinil ngawi,
sejarah penemuan manusia purba di trinil, ngawi jawa timur,
sejarah manusia purba di trinil ngawi jawa timur
sejarah manusia purba trinil ngawi jawa timur,
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sejarah berdirinya museum trinil ngawi,
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sejarah singkat berdirinya museum trinil ngawi
IMS - Museum Trinil
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Museum trinil ngawi jawa timur
Museum PURBAKALA Trinil - Ngawi, NGAWI – Pembangunan Museum Trinil Ngawi memiliki sejarah panjang. Museum yang terletak 15 kilometer dari pusat Kota Ngawi ini memiliki cerita di balik pendiriannya. Sejarah tersebut telah tertulis dalam buku Panduan Museum Trinil.
Sejarah itu berawal dari penemuan fosil Pithecanthropus Erectus oleh Eugene Dubois, seorang pejabat kedokteran tentara kolonial Belanda. Untuk memperingati kejadian tersebut, dibuatlah tugu berisi gambar anak panah dengan arah timur laut yang bertuliskan P.e 175 m.
“Arti dari tugu itu adalah Pithecanthropus Erectus, 175 meter ke arah timur laut yang digunakan sebagai penunjuk arah tempat penemuan fosil,” ujar Sujono, salah satu staff Museum Trinil mengutip Monograf Museum Trinil kepada Madiun Pos, Rabu (24/03/2015) pekan lalu.
Setelah penemuan tersebut, pada 1980 baru mulai direncanakan pembangunan sebuah gedung museum oleh Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) Kabupaten Ngawi. Rencana tersebut berawal dari pembelian tanah di sekitar tugu peringatan dengan luas 16 meter x 25 meter.
Pada 1982, dimulaikah pembangunan sebuah gedung. Gedung tersebut mulanya berfungsi sebagai balai penyelamat. Namun kemudian beralih menjadi gedung museum khusus.
Selanjutnya pada 1986, museum khusus tersebut mendapakan bantuan berupa 5 buah lemari display untuk menata koleksi fosil-fosil serta dana konservasidari proyek pengembangan Permuseuman Provinsi Jawa Timur.
Museum Trinil yang berdiri saat ini adalah gedung baru yang diresmikan oleh Gubernur Provinsi Jawa Timur, Soelarso, 1991 silam. Peresmian tersebut bertepatan dengan satu abad Pithecanthropus Erectus ditemukan di Trinil.
“Pada persemian tersebut, Gubernur Soelarso sempat mengabadikan nama sang perintis musuem Trinil, yakni Wirodiharjo sebagai nama ruang pameran,” tambah Sujono, staff Museum Trinil yang juga cucu Wirodiharjo.(Geddy P/JIBI/
Trinil saat ekskavasi 2016
Museum Trinil Ngawi - D.A
♫ - Judul : Museum Trinil Ngawi
♫ - Artis : D.A
♫ - Cipt : D.A
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Trinil 1
The 'missing link'. The phrase encapsulates an array of ideas: a creature somewhere between ourselves and other apes; eccentric scientists exploring the back of beyond; a deep-seated desire to know where we came from. The expression often guarantees media time for any find, no matter how small. Yet it's also one of the most divisive areas of human endeavour. With only a small number of human fossils, there are as many ideas about what they mean. You can almost guarantee sparks will fly when a new find is announced, often before the ink
has dried.
In truth, the missing link is a dreadfully out-of-date concept. The term was coined soon after the publication of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species and the Descent of Man in the latter half of the nineteenth century. The missing link was the hypothetical species between the apes and ourselves. But we now know from the fossil evidence that there wasn't just one species making the link; there were lots of them. And yet, as with many old concepts, there is a nugget of truth behind the idea.
Darwin himself favoured Africa as the likely origin of our species because of our close similarity to chimpanzees and gorillas. But not everyone agreed. Based on the observations that gibbons were able to walk upright and that they lived as nuclear family units, German biologist Ernst Haeckel suggested a different location: Southeast Asia.
Dutch visionary Eugene Dubois took up Haeckel's challenge. Finding he couldn't get research support to pursue his ideas, he applied for a position as a medical officer in the Dutch army and left his promising academic position in the Netherlands to take his family to Indonesia in late 1887. Starting in Sumatra, Dubois was successful enough to convince the local authorities that he should be released from his medical duties to pursue his research.
This video is of the Javanese site Trinil where an eccentric Dutch scientist called Eugene Dubois found the first remains of Homo erectus in 1893.
Visit fossil human sites in Indonesia with Chris Turney. Learn more at
Museum Trinil terletak di Kabupaten Ngawi. beberapa situs purbakala ditemukan dan di museumkan di sini
#wisatakotangawi #kotangawi Musium Trinil ( musium fosil manusia purba )
Musium ini berada di kota Ngawi Jawa Timur
Explore Ngawi part 2 - Museum Trinil Ngawi #KartonyonoMedotJandi
Di video #ExploreNgawi kali ini adalah #MuseumTrinilNgawi, dimana disana aku belajar dan membuktikan apakah benar manusia berasal dari monyet...
Bagaimana keseruan kami nge Vlog di Musium Trinil ngawi,.. saksikan sampai selesai ya..
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