Convent Borisoglebskiy (Golden Ring, Russia)
My video - 7'2009.
Борисоглебский монастырь (Золотое кольцо России).
Pereyaslavl in 2 days. Cities of Russia. Things to do
Pereyaslavl in 2 days. Cities of Russia. Things to do
If you search for the best places in Russia, I recommend you to go to Pereyaslavl.
Today we make a little trip to Pereyaslavl (Переславль -Залесский)
Pereyaslavl is a beautiful, small and ancient city of Russia .
It takes 3 hours to get there by car from Moscow.
The population is less than 40 000.
It was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in 1152.
By the way Moscow also was founded by this man in 1147.
There was another important person in Russian history his name is Peter the Great. He was a Russian tsar in the late 17th century who is best known for his extensive reforms in an attempt to establish Russia as a great nation.
Peter the great lived in Pereyaslavl for a while because at the age of 16 he decided to build boats and found the city with large lake. That’s why you may see savedThe Little Boat of Peter the Great which he built himself.
One of the popular spots of this town is Blue Stone.
During the pagan times people worshipped this stone. Now people make wishes touching this one.
There are plenty of Churches. Some of them are open and they are unremarkable on the outside and very beautiful inside.
We lived on the territory of eco-camping and drank tea from a samovar.
The nature and the Lake Pleshcheyevo are amazing. For people who live in Moscow and in big cities, this town is the best solution to make a trip and have a rest.
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Orthodox Easter, Main square Brasov Romania
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
День интронизации Святейшего Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла.
Торжествах по случаю 8-й годовщины интронизации Святейшего Патриарха Кирилла на Московский Патриарший престол.
В восьмую годовщину интронизации Святейшего Патриарха Кирилла в Храме Христа Спасителя совершена Божественная литургия.
1 февраля 2017 года, в восьмую годовщину интронизации Святейшего Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла, в кафедральном соборном Храме Христа Спасителя в Москве была совершена Божественная литургия. Святейший Владыка совершал богослужение в интронизационных облачениях.
Предстоятелю Русской Православной Церкви сослужили: Блаженнейший митрополит Киевский и всея Украины Онуфрий; митрополит Крутицкий и Коломенский Ювеналий, Патриарший наместник Московской епархии; митрополит Кишиневский и всея Молдовы Владимир; митрополит Астанайский и Казахстанский Александр, глава Митрополичьего округа в Республике Казахстан; митрополит Ташкентский и Узбекистанский Викентий, глава Среднеазиатского митрополичьего округа; митрополит Санкт-Петербургский и Ладожский Варсонофий, управляющий делами Московской Патриархии; митрополит Минский и Заславский Павел, Патриарший экзарх всея Беларуси; митрополит Волоколамский Иларион, председатель Отдела внешних церковных связей Московского Патриархата; главы митрополий и иерархи Русской Православной Церкви; руководители синодальных и общецерковных учреждений в священном сане.
Из числа представителей Поместных Православных Церквей при Патриархе Московском и всея Руси Его Святейшеству сослужили: митрополит Киринский Афанасий (Александрийская Православная Церковь); епископ Моравичский Антоний (Сербская Православная Церковь); архимандрит Стефан (Диспиракис) (Иерусалимская Православная Церковь); архимандрит Феоктист (Димитров) (Болгарская Православная Церковь); архимандрит Серафим (Шемятовский) (Православная Церковь Чешских земель и Словакии).
Святейшему Патриарху также сослужили: протоиерей Владимир Диваков, секретарь Патриарха Московского и всея Руси по г. Москве; протоиерей Михаил Рязанцев, ключарь Храма Христа Спасителя; протоиерей Николай Балашов, заместитель председателя Отдела внешних церковных связей; архимандрит Александр (Елисов), начальник Русской духовной миссии в Иерусалиме; игумен Арсений (Соколов), настоятель подворья Русской Православной Церкви в Бейруте, Ливан; представитель Патриарха Московского и всея Руси при Патриархе Антиохии и всего Востока; архимандрит Мириан (Шенгелия) (Грузинская Православная Церковь), клирик храма св. вмч. Георгия Победоносца в Малых Грузинах г. Москвы; протоиерей Михаил Гундяев, представитель Московского Патриархата при Всемирном Совете Церквей и международных организациях в Женеве, настоятель ставропигиального храма Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы в Женеве; протоиерей Александр Агейкин, настоятель Богоявленского кафедрального собора г. Москвы; протоиерей Сергий Куксевич, секретарь епархиального управления Санкт-Петербургской митрополии; протоиерей Михаил (Дудич) (Польская Православная Церковь), полковник, канцлер Православного ординариата Войска Польского; иеромонах Серафим (Амельченков), ответственный секретарь Управления делами Московской Патриархии; наместники ставропигиальных монастырей, духовенство г. Москвы.
Да снизойдет на Вас Божия благодать!
Приход храма Святого праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского Чудотворца. Волгоград. Россия.
Братья и сестры! Просвещайтесь, распространяйте, подписывайтесь -
Reastavration of the Frescoes of the St. Gevorg Armenian Church of Tbilisi
During the renovation of the St. Gevorg Armenian Church Mother Cathedral of Tbilisi, Georgia, a valuable mural has been uncovered. Through the initiative of the IDEA Charitable Foundation, sanctuary building is under renovation and special experts have been invited to conduct a complete investigation and restoration of the frescoes.
Թբիլիսիի Ս. Գեւորգ հայկական եկեղեցու որմնանկարները վերականգնվում են
Վիրահայոց թեմի Ս. Գևորգ առաջնորդանիստ եկեղեցու վերականգնման ընթացքում հայտնաբերվել են բարձրարժեք որմնանկարներ: IDEA հիմնադրամը, եկեղեցու շենքի վերականգնման աշխատանքներին զուգահեռ, հրավիրել է մասնագետների` որմնանկարների ամբողջական բացահայտումն ու վերականգնումն իրականացնելու համար:
Christening in Moscow, 19th January
Church Bells
Romania - Sibiu - Holy Trinity Cathedral
Holy Trinity Cathedral in Sibiu, Romania.
The Holy Trinity Cathedral, Sibiu (Romanian: Catedrala Sfânta Treime din Sibiu), located at 35 Mitropoliei Street, Sibiu, Romania, is the seat of the Romanian Orthodox Archbishop of Sibiu and Metropolitan of Transylvania. It was built in the style of a Byzantine basilica, inspired by Hagia Sophia,[1] with the main spires influenced by Transylvanian church architecture and Baroque elements.[1]
The idea of building an Orthodox cathedral in Sibiu began with Metropolitan Andrei Şaguna, who in the autumn of 1857 asked Emperor Franz Joseph I for permission to send a circular to his diocese requesting that priests and laymen give donations. He sent the letter before Christmas that year, and the first donor was the Emperor himself, who gave 1000 gold coins, followed by the governor of Transylvania with 50, Şaguna with 2000 florins, and many others. Donations continued to come in following Şaguna's death in 1873; the cornerstone was laid on 18 August 1902, when Ioan Meţianu was Metropolitan. In order to free the space to build the cathedral (which took up five lots on Mitropoliei Street and three on Xenopol Street, where it also has an entrance), eight nearby houses had to be demolished, as well as the little Greek church built in 1797-1799 that had heretofore served as a cathedral.[2][3]
Work, coordinated by city architect Iosif Schussnig, began in 1902 and was finished in 1904, when the copper roof was done. The plan, by Virgil Nagy and Iosif Kamner of Budapest, was chosen from among designs submitted by 31 mainly Austrian and Hungarian architects. On 13 December 1904, the four bells were blessed and placed in the two main spires (during World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Army melted the three bells in the western spire for use as cannons; these were not replaced until 1926).[1] The iconostasis and kliros were then manufactured at Constantin Babic's firm in Bucharest; electric lighting was also installed. The iconostasis (of gilt carved wood) and dome (showing Christ Pantocrator flanked by angels) were painted by Octavian Smigelschi, from the nearby village of Ludoș.[2]
The exterior is in red and yellow brick. The spacious nave is bordered by smaller spherical roofs and four towers: two smaller octagonal ones, and two larger ones near the entrance with a square base that becomes octagonal in the bell area. The ends of the towers are shaped like double bulbs, with a skylight in the centre. The main entrance is through a portico with three semicircular doors. Behind this and between the main towers is an ample semicircular vestibule with a similarly-shaped stained-glass window, while the outside is decorated with round mosaics showing Jesus and the Four Evangelists.[2] The cathedral is 53.10m long and 25.40m wide in the centre, the dome 24.70m high (34.70m on the exterior) and 15m in diameter, while the spires are 43m high (45m including the crosses).[1]
On 30 April 1906, Metropolitan Meţianu, joined by his suffragan bishop from Arad, Ioan Papp, and a group of priests and deacons, consecrated the cathedral. Nicolae Iorga was also present; he donated a silver engolpion and a valuable icon. Since its dedication, the cathedral has undergone a number of restorations and improvements: the walls have been decorated with neo-Byzantine paintings by Iosif Keber and Anastasie Demian, and liturgical objects, vestments, books and a sound system have all been added. Divine Liturgy and Vespers take place daily, as well as other services when provided for.
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Elizabeth Pitcairn-TOCCATA 9/11 Concert-Czardas-Vitorio Monti-9/17/10
Famed violinist Elizabeth Pitcairn with Red Mendelssohn Stradivarius (1721) plays Op. 14 Samuel Barber Violin Concerto with TOCCATA Tahoe Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, James Rawie, Conducting. Concert Master Virginia Bowman plays the EL Weigand UNR Stradivarius (1720). Two Strads of same vintage in the same concert, a very rare event indeed! Donna Axton, pianist, expertly provides the accompaniment. The wild Gypsy Czardas by Vittorio Monti was performed as an encore. Performed at the Trinity Episcopal Church, Reno, Nevada 09-17-2010
Cherubic hymn - Χερουβικόν - Cherubim-hymnus - 2nd tone (Byzantine Chant)
Chanted by a Byzantine Bulgarian Choir (16 Member)
Director: Dimitar Dimitrov
Chanted during the Great Entrance of the divine liturgy of the Orthodox Church:
Let us who mystically portray the Cherubim, and chant the thrice-holy hymn unto the life-creating Trinity, lay aside all earthly care, that we may receive the King of all, escorted invisibly by the angelic orders. Alleluia.
Easter 2009 Sts. Cyril and Methody Cathedral Bulgarian Orthodox Church Toronto
In memory of my father, Christo.
All are welcome in this church, Bulgarians and Macedonians. IF WE DO NOT FORGIVE ONE ANOTHER, THEN CHRIST WILL NOT FORGIVE US ON JUDGEMENT DAY.
Macedono-Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Cathedral
237 Sackville Street (Dundas St. E.), Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Rev. Valeri Choumarov is the priest.
Head of the world-wide Bulgarian church is Patriarch Simeon Nikolov Dimitrov, in Sofia Bulgaria, authorized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Great Church of Christ, 325 AD., directly traceable to the apostles and Jesus Christ.
One Beauty Orthodox Church in Brashov,Romania with Daniel Dimitrov
13. Yordanka Hristova's Concert in Toronto on January 23, 2010
The great Bulgarian singer Yourdanka Hristova came to Toronto for a second time on January 23, 2010 and she had an amazing concert in the banquet hall of the Macedono-Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church St. Cyril and Methody. The duration of the whole concert was about 2 hours and I had to divide it in 13 parts, so I could be able to upload it on youtube. Enjoy her great performance.
Religious in Space - Space Documentary
Astronauts, cosmonauts, and spaceflight participants have observed their religions while in space; sometimes publicly, sometimes privately. Religious adherence in outer space poses unique challenges and opportunities for practitioners.
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Christian Orthdox cathedral in Sibiu, Romania
Christian Orthdox cathedral in Sibiu, Romania. Preparations for the evening service, on the Great and Holy Week.
C.Saint-Saens.mpg Introduction et rondo- capriccioso Op.28
Pavel Chizhik - xylophone
Stanislav Chigadaev - piano
Introduction et rondo capriccioso Op.28
Sergiyev Posad
Sergiyev Posad (Russian: Сергиев Посад; IPA: [ˈsʲergʲɪjəf pɐˈsat]) is a city and the administrative center of Sergiyevo-Posadsky District in Moscow Oblast, Russia. Population: 111,179 (2010 Census); 113,581 (2002 Census); 114,696 (1989 Census).
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The Beauty of Christian Orthodoxy.
Such a wonderful church! The more you journey into Christian Orthodoxy, the more interesting and beautiful it becomes!