Treasures from Moscow: Icons from the Andrey Rublev Museum
A unique collection of icons from the Andrey Rublev's Museum of Early Russian Culture and Art risks being seized in the United States. Recently this collection was taken by the museum administration to a private U.S. museum founded by Gordon Lankton (on video). The Russian icons will remain in the U.S. until July 2011, the Rublev's Museum said on its website:
Such a conclusion was made from a speech by Russian Culture Minister Alexander Avdeyev on the Ekho Moskvy radio station, who said that as a result of U.S. claims to the Schneerson Library all Russian property not covered by diplomatic immunity could be seized in the U.S:
During the exhibition «Treasures from Moscow: Icons from the Andrey Rublev Museum» in Clinton in the Museum of Russian Icons in Clinton (Mass) an iconographer David Clayton, artist in residence at Thomas More College of Liberal Arts in Merrimack (N.H.) has hosted Episode six 'Icons - the Art of the Heavenly Ideal' of 'The Way of Beauty'.
Threshold of the Invisible World Russian Icon Gallery Tour
Join post-graduate intern Emily Silbergeld for a discussion of Threshold of the Invisible World, the Russian icon installation that she organized.
Russian Orthodox Graffiti: Artists use graffiti to create new religious icons
Art in the Russian Orthodox church usually means ornate icons of figures from the Bible. But in Moscow, a collective of artists are creating Christian art for a new generation. And they're even risking getting arrested by spray-painting their huge religious drawings in the streets. Lucy Taylor went to see them and has more for us.
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Усадьба Поленово | Museum V.D. Polenova
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Сегодня мы вместе с Вами отправляемся на 100 км на юг от Москвы, на реку Ока, в Государственный мемориальный историко-художественный и природный музей-заповедник Василия Дмитриевича Поленова.
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Василий Дмитриевич Поленов (20 мая [1 июня] 1844, Санкт-Петербург — 18 июля 1927, усадьба Борок, Тульская область) — русский художник, мастер исторической, пейзажной и жанровой живописи, педагог. Народный художник Республики (1926).
Василий Поленов родился в многодетной, культурной дворянской семье. Его отец, Дмитрий Васильевич Поленов, был известным археологом и библиографом. Мать, Мария Алексеевна, урождённая Воейкова, писала книги для детей, занималась живописью. Дядя художника, М. В. Поленов (1823—1882), был сенатором.
Ярким детским впечатлением Поленова были поездки на север, в Олонецкий край с его девственной природой, и в Ольшанку Тамбовской губернии, в имение бабушки В. Н. Воейковой. Вера Николаевна, дочь известного архитектора Николая Львова, воспитанная после ранней смерти родителей в доме Гаврилы Державина, хорошо ориентировалась в русской истории, знала народную поэзию, любила рассказывать внукам русские народные сказки, былины, предания. В этой атмосфере сформировался художественный вкус Поленова...
В 1892 году поленовский музей стал первым в России художественным музеем в деревне, доступным самому широкому кругу посетителей. И в смутные времена, когда в России еще не существовало охранных законов и учреждений, занимающихся музейными вопросами, судьба хранила Дом.
В мае 1918 года был одним из первых музеев в стране, взятых под охрану государством как не подлежащий конфискации и объявленный национальным достоянием.
В 1924 году Постановлением СНК РСФСР усадьба «Борок» была предоставлена в пожизненное пользование семье Поленовых.
Художник скончался в возрасте 83 года 18 июля 1927 года в своей усадьбе и был похоронен на сельском кладбище в селе Бёхово на крутом берегу Оки, где он так часто любил рисовать этюды. Над его могилой, согласно завещанию, установлен олонецкий крест. В имении Имоченицы Олонецкой губернии 10-летний городской житель Вася Поленов когда-то впервые близко познакомился с природой.
Церковь Святой Троицы в Бёхове, построенная В.К. Поленовым - хороша видна с противоположного берега Оки. Поленов с радостью откликнулся на личную просьбу крестьян построить для них церковь, прекрасно понимая, что именно церковь – то связующее звено, которое духовно объединяет все слои населения. Но была и ещё одна причина, которую Поленов объяснил в письме к другу: «Наша Церковь, которая признает и живопись, и музыку, и поэзию, наряду с Домом молитвы уже есть Храм искусства, и это ее огромная сила и значение, как в прошедшем, так и в настоящем и будущем».
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Russian holy art on display in Paris
(4 Mar 2010) SHOTLIST
AP Television
Paris, France, 3 March 2010
1. Wide of exterior of the the Louvre museum, with its pyramid
2. Wide of Saint Boris and Saint Gleb icon from Novgorod, (mid-fourteenth century)
3. Tilt up on the icon
4. Close of the icon
5. Wide of the exhibition
6. Mid of the Sakkos (robe) of the Rostov''s Metropolitan
7. Close of the embroidery on robe of Rostov''s Metropolitan
8. Wide of the exhibition
9. Mid of Jannic Durand, exhibition curator, walking in the museum
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Jannic Durand, Exhibition curator, Department of Decorative Arts, The Louvre
It is the first time that more than 24, 26 museums of Russia are gathering together all the items to try to reconstruct the past of Russian art since the Conversion at the end of the tenth century until to the great movement which changes the rule, the reigning time of Peter the Great.
11. Mid of the two handled chalice from Novgorod (eleventh century)
12. Close of a detail of the chalice
13. Mid of the Golden gate of the Nativity cathedral of the Virgin in Souzdal (early thirteenth century)
14. Close of a detail of the gate (Lazarus'' resurrection scene)
15. SOUNDBITE (French) Jannic Durand, Exhibition curator, Department of Decorative Arts, The Louvre
The re-enactment of Rublev''s works is extremely difficult. The only thing we can say is that there is painting before Rublev, and painting after him. There is something new in the painting after Rublev. There are new dimensions, simultaneous softness and strength, that make Rublev''s role essential, even if the complete re-enactment of his career and his life''s work is extremely hard.
16. Mid of the Virgin of Vladimir, attributed to Andrei Rublev
17. Close of the icon
18. Tilt up on the Saint John the Baptist icon (around 1408), attributed to Andrei Roublev
19. Close of the icon
20. SOUNDBITE (French) Jannic Durand, Exhibition curator, Department of Decorative Arts, The Louvre
The essential component is obviously Byzantine art, and everything that comes from this Byzantine civilisation, because Russia was converted (to Christianity) in 988 by Byzantine (monks). The model for the Church, for the clerical organisation, for religious buildings, liturgical instruments, the dogmatic range, all these elements come from the Byzantine Empire.
21. Mid of the Charter of the synod of Constantinople confirming the creation of Moscow''s patriarchy (May, 1590)
22. Close of the Charter
23. Wide of the Processional cross from Novgorod (twelfth-fourteenth century)
24. Close of the cross
25. Mid of golden medallion necklaces from Riazan (twelfth-thirteenth century)
26. Close of the medallion
27. Mid of a map of Moscovia from the Theatrum urbis terrarum, by Abraham Ortelius from Anvers (1574)
28. Mid of the Oklad (a metal cover protecting an icon) of Andrei Roublev Trinity made from gold, diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, among other precious metals and stones (around 1600)
29. Tilt up of the Oklad
30. SOUNDBITE (English) Jannic Durand, Exhibition curator, Department of Decorative Arts, The Louvre
It''s not Byzantine art, it''s not Western art, it''s not oriental art, it''s Russian art. This is the ''heartly point (the heart of the matter), I think, of the exhibition
31. Mid of Helmet with the name of Ivan the Terrible (probably Moscow, 1533-1547)
32. Wide of the model of Smolny''s Cathedral in St Petersburg (1750-1756)
33. Close of the model
34. Zoom out of the model
A major exhibition of Russian religious art has opened in Paris.
It aims to shed light on centuries of rich and colourful creations up until Peter the Great''s time.
And what can be more Russian than a helmet of Ivan the Terrible?
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My visit to Russia begins along the Baltic Sea in Saint Petersburg. Saint Petersburg is Russia's second-largest city as well as its cultural capital. The Historic Center of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Next I continue on to Moscow, Russia's capital and most populous city. Here I visit historic Red Square and the Kremlin. The Video concludes with my visit to the Trinity Monastery of St. Sergii in Zagorsk.
0:00:24 Peter and Paul Fortress
0:08:05 Moscow Square/House of Soviets
0:08:37 Victory Square
0:10:05 Imperial Reception at Catherine Palace
0:43:07 St. Petersburg at Night
0:43:59 Moscow Triumphal Gate
0:44:23 Holiday Inn Moscow Gate
0:45:18 Narva Triumphal Gate
0:45:55 Peterhof
0:46:01 Saint Peter and Paul Cathedral
0:46:25 Peterhof Grand Palace
0:46:41 The Grand Cascade - Samson Fountain
0:53:05 Lower Garden
0:54:49 The Adam Fountain
0:54:58 Gulf of Finland
0:55:19 French Formal Garden
0:56:06 Panterre Garden - Roman Fountains
0:57:44 Dragon Cascade on Chessboard Hill
0:58:00 Orangery Fountain
0:58:42 The East Chapel
0:59:12 Upper Garden
0:59:40 Dostoyevsky Area of St. Petersburg
1:00:41 Troika Restaurant
1:02:09 St. Isaac's Cathedral
1:02:30 St. Isaac's Square
1:03:23 Cathedral Interior
1:07:34 The Admiralty Building
1:08:17 Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood
1:08:54 Church Interior
1:11:29 Walk Around Colorful Exterior
1:15:23 Russian Folklore Show
1:19:41 Ship Yard Area of St. Petersburg
1:20:30 Annunciation Bridge
1:21:58 Rostral Columns
1:24:29 Senate Square
1:24:57 The Palace Embankment
1:26:01 Neva River
1:30:09 Hermitage Museum (Winter Palace)
1:31:24 Small Throne Room
1:32:08 St. George's Hall
1:32:35 Pavilion Hall
1:33:45 Works by Rembrandt
1:35:14 Works by Leonardo da Vinci
1:35:30 Works by Raphael
1:36:07 Crouching Boy by Michelangelo
1:36:27 Skylight Rooms
1:38:48 Palace Square/Alexander Column
1:40:47 Boat Cruise on Moika & Neva Rivers
1:42:48 The Green Bridge/Nevsky Prospect
1:44:16 Pevchesky Bridge
1:45:41 The Winter Canal
1:47:57 Enter Neva River
1:48:13 Peter and Paul Fortress
1:49:30 Trinity Bridge
1:51:05 Return to Moika River
1:56:22 Anichkov Bridge over Fontanka River
1:56:51 Armenian Lunch Stop
1:57:21 Yusupov Palace
2:04:57 Nevsky Prospect
2:05:38 Our Lady of Kazan Cathedral
2:07:04 Church of St. Catherine
2:07:44 Grand Hotel Europe
2:08:41 Gostiny Dvor (Oldest Department Store)
2:10:28 Catherine's Garden
2:11:30 Monument to Catherine the Great
2:12:17 Alexandrinsky Theatre
2:14:32 Swan Lake Ballet
2:18:00 Moscow Station
2:18:26 High Speed Sapsan Train to Moscow
2:22:43 Arrive at Moscow's Leningradsky Station
2:23:05 Drive to Red Square
2:26:30 Red Square
2:27:47 GUM Department Store
2:28:49 Moscow Metro Stations (Subway)
2:38:47 Radisson Blu Belorusskaya Hotel
2:39:45 Drive back to Red Square
2:41:05 State Duma Building
2:41:39 Bolshoi Theatre
2:42:43 KGB Headquarters
2:43:22 Moscow River
2:43:38 The Kremlin
2:47:49 Cathedral of Jesus Christ the Saviour
2:48:30 Pashkov House
2:49:56 Manege Square
2:50:27 World Clock Fountain
2:51:25 State Historical Museum
2:52:06 Resurrection Gate
2:52:20 Red Square
2:52:31 Kazan Cathedral
2:52:51 State Historical Museum
2:53:20 GUM Department Store
2:54:17 St. Basil's Cathedral
2:55:27 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
2:56:31 The Kremlin
2:57:03 Trinity Tower
2:57:31 The Arsenal
2:57:50 State Kremlin Palace
2:58:02 Senate Building
2:58:17 Church of the Twelve Apostles
2:58:33 Tsar Cannon
2:59:16 Tsar Bell
2:59:45 Cathedral Square
3:00:23 Cathedral of the Archangel
3:00:42 Ivan the Great Bell Tower
3:01:02 Assumption Cathedral
3:01:39 Church of the Deposition of the Robe
3:01:46 Cathedral of the Annunciation
3:02:05 Grand Kremlin Palace
3:02:14 The Armoury Chamber
3:02:20 Drive through Moscow
3:03:28 Gorky Park
3:04:32 Gardens Ring
3:06:18 Old Arbat Street
3:08:11 Novodevichy Cemetery
3:10:44 Grave of Boris Yeltsin
3:11:01 Grave of Raisa Gorbachev
3:11:47 Grave of Nikita Khrushchev
3:12:49 Novodevichy Convent
3:14:09 The Russian White House
3:15:11 Triumphal Arch of Moscow
3:15:36 War Memorial at the Poklonnaia Gora
3:17:18 Olympic Stadium
3:17:46 Zagorsk (Sergiyev Posad)
3:18:34 Trinity Monastery of St. Sergii
ΒΛΑΝΤΙΜΙΡ, ΡΩΣΙΑ - Vladimir, Russia (Владимир , Россия)
Vladimir (Владимир) is a city in Russia, located 200 kilometers to the east of Moscow.
zero-project - Ambient symphony - 01 - Intro
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Icon revered by pope returned to Russian Orthodox Church
1. Wide shot of churches inside the Kremlin
2. Interior Assumption Cathedral, Patriarch Alexy II blesses the congregation
3. Light streaming through cathedral window
4. Wide shot cathedral and congregation
5. Mid shot Catholic delegation and Patriarch
6. Close up Icon of Kazan
7. Wide shot Orthodox priests and congregation
8. SOUNDBITE: (Italian) Cardinal Walter Kasper:
''In the name of his Holiness John Paul II, the delegation of Holy See acting as the Plenipotentiary of the Pope, has the honour of greeting you and also your Metropolitans, Episcopalians, priests, monks and nuns and also all the Godly, saintly people of the Russian Orthodox Church taking part here. Peace be with you and praise be to God.''
9. Wide shot Kasper kisses Icon, and passes it to Patriarch, the two embrace and Kasper passes envelope
10. Wide shot cathedral roof, tilt down congregation
11. Close up Icon
12. Wide shot congregation
13. SOUNDBITE: (Russian) Alexy II, Patriarch of Russia:
''We are receiving an ancient image which has travelled through many countries and towns of the world and is now returning to Russia.''
14. Wide shot Orthodox officials carrying candles
15. Mid shot cloaks of priests
16. Priest blesses congregation with candles
A Russian icon that hung for years in Pope John Paul II's private chapel returned home to the Russian Orthodox Church on Saturday, a gesture the ailing pontiff hopes will improve relations between the two churches.
A senior Vatican delegation, headed by Cardinal Walter Kasper, handed over the 18th century replica of the Mother of God of Kazan icon to Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II during an Orthodox service marking the Feast of the Assumption in the Kremlin's Assumption Cathedral.
The 84-year-old John Paul, the Roman Catholic Church's first Slavic pope, has long hoped to visit Russia, and initially considered returning the icon himself.
But while the collapse of the atheist Soviet state made it possible to conceive of such a visit, the faith free-for-all that followed in Russia soured relations between the churches, giving birth to a new kind of antagonism and distrust a millennium after the Great Schism divided Christianity into eastern and western branches.
The Orthodox Church has accused the Vatican of trying to poach converts among Russian Orthodox believers, while the Catholic Church counters that it is trying to minister to the small Catholic community - about 600,000 people or less than 1 percent of Russia's 144 million.
Alexy emphasised earlier this month that the Pope is not welcome in Russia, telling President Vladimir Putin that the icon is just one of many copies so there is no reason for John Paul to personally deliver it.
The 32 by 26 centimetre (12 by 10 inch) icon, taken to the West after the 1917 Russian Revolution, was presented to the pope by a Catholic group in 1993 and has hung in his private chapel.
The original icon, which first appeared in the Volga River city of Kazan in 1579, is revered by Russian believers for its purported ability to work miracles, including the rout of Polish invaders from Russia in the early 17th century.
It hung in the Kazan Cathedral on Moscow's Red Square and the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg before disappearing.
A joint commission including representatives of the Vatican, the Russian church and the Russian Culture Ministry examined the pope's icon last year and determined it dated from around the 18th century.
But, nevertheless, the pope has said that it is dear to him, noting that it has watched over his daily work and the Vatican has emphasised this in talking about its return.
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Cathedral of the assumption Vladimir Russia!
We visit old church In Vladimir Russia 23/7-2015.
Early XII th century.
The gallery of orthodox icons is opened at an art workshop Russian icon.
More than 20 years employees of the workshop fruitfully work, using a natural tree and non-polluting paint and varnish materials, the modern technics of a photographic reproduction.
Each work is executed professionally, with love and accuracy.
We will be happy, to acquaint You with copies of ancient miraculous icons which give soul and body healing, warmth and calmness in the life.
Visitors of gallery can always choose a gift for a holiday to themselves and the relatives!
Yours faithfully, creative collective of the workshop Russian icon.
Orthodox Art store:
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Alexandrovsky Monastery (Suzdal)
Music The Eternally begotten and Co Eternal Son
Invincible Lord of Host
The Alexandrovsky Monastery (the Convent of St. Alexander) is situated after Pokrovsky Bridge, on the left, high bank of the Kamenka River, over a ravine. According to a legend, the Convent was founded by Aleksandr (Alexander) Nevsky in 1240. In the old times, the Convent of St. Alexander was known as the Grand Lavra and served as a burial vault for Suzdal princesses.
Nothing has been preserved from that ancient age, apart from two late tombstones in a church; the tombstones bear writings telling that two Suzdal princesses, Mariya and Agrippina, were buried here (in 1362 and 1393, respectively).
During the 1608 to 1610 Polish invasion, the Convent was burned down. In 1695, the Convent's hegumenia (abbess) Domnika made a request to Tsar Peter the Great to construct a new church in the Convent; in the request, she mentioned that the Convent had been founded by Aleksandr Nevsky in 1240.
In 1695, Illarion, the metropolitan of Suzdal, issued a charter for the construction of the new church, which received the name of the Church of Ascension. Funds for the erection of the church were donated by Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna, Peter's mother. The construction of the bell tower falls in the same period.
The church is designed as a high, two-tiered rectangular volume crowned with five spires. From the east side, the rectangular volume is extended with an apse; a heated side-altar is added from the north side and a porch is added from the east. The windows are decorated with carved linings featuring simple columns in the first tier and complex figures in the second tier. Complex figure columns are used also for decorating the high, soaring drums.
The octahedral column of the tented-roofed bell tower is put on a short rectangular volume, with wooden stairs added to it. The bell tower's walls are almost completely left undecorated, which makes it unique among Suzdal's tented-roofed bell towers. The upper part is modestly decorated with carved linings of the arched openings and linings over the roof windows.
In the first half of the 18th century, a short fence was constructed around the convent; the fence was decorated with decorative small towers, stylised as defence towers. It was at the same time that the Holy Gates were constructed (restored in 1947); the Gates featured a two-tiered tower and resembled the Monastery of the Trinity's Holy Gates, which would later be included into the ensemble of the Rizopolozhensky Convent. This resemblance is no coincidence: the fence and the towers of the Convent of St. Alexander were erected under the supervision of Ivan Gryaznov who in the late 17th century was involved in the construction of the Monastery of the Trinity (later destroyed) and the Rizopolozhensky Convent.
In 1764, when the church lands were being secularised, the Convent of St. Alexander was dissolved, with its cathedral being transformed into the town's parish church.
In 2006, the Convent of St. Alexander was handed over back to the Russian Orthodox Church, and in September 2007 the first service was held in the Church of the Ascension.
The icon of Trinity-Andrei Roublev Episode 1 «Palaty» Museum Complex
In Palaty Museum Complex one can find art gallery presenting icons and works of Russian artists of 18-20 c., Exhibition of Noble Family Life, various expositions for children . Russia : Vladimirskaya Oblast' : Vladimir. See on map .
Dallas orthodox church
Russian orthodox church in Dallas area, located in McKinney TX. Here you will be able to see Sunday mass.
St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral | Virtual Museum Tour
St. Volodymyr’s Cathedral. It survived the reign of six Kyiv metropolitans and the rule of four Russian tsars. And this is only over the period of its creation. It brought together 96 artists who proposed different architectural concepts and the entire Kyiv public over the course of the 19th century. Being created under the pressure of constant scandals, it became a safe haven in which the Orthodox Church of Ukraine was born.
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Summer nature from drone. Aerial Phantom 4 footage. Владимир и Суздаль. Vladimir and Suzdal
Time to Fly #9.
The trip to Vladimir and it's surrounding areas in August 2016.
As attractions - Uspenski Cathedral, the Pushkin Park, Golden Gate, Trinity Church, the river Klyazma. And also visited Suzdal and the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl in Bogolyubovo.
Film was made by drone DJI Phantom 4.
Music: Jeremy Soule - OST Tthe Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim
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Russia: One day only! Thousands flock to see revered Virgin Mary icon
Thousands of people flocked to the Church of All Saints in Novokosino, Moscow on Sunday to look at the Icon of the Virgin Mary's Belt (Greek: Cincture of the Theotokos), which is in the city for one day only. The icon was bought to Moscow with the help and mediation of the Foundation of St. Andrew, the Centre of National Glory and the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill I. The icon was taken out of the church and marched around the area during a procession.
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Holy Assumption Cathedral, Vladimir
Copy of an ancient miraculous - The Holy Trinity (Troitsa).
Andrey Rublev. 1410-1427.
This Icon has been made by RUSSKAJA IKONA - ART INC.
Company produce Icons of different sizes and styles for Orthodox Churches and Monasteries in Eastern Europe .
Andrei Rublev: A collection of 58 paintings (HD)
Andrei Rublev: A collection of 58 paintings (HD)
Description: Russians consider Rublev their greatest icon-painter, the artist whose work epitomizes all that is most excellent in Russian medieval painting of the 14th century. He exceeded all other medieval artists in the art of blending the severe rules and traditions of Byzantine Christian art with Russia's dreamier conception of beauty and with the pensive, introspective outlook evoked by the impact of Italian sentiment upon Slavic imagination. Although Rublev's Deesis, destroyed by fire in 1547, is the only icon mentioned on aesthetic grounds in medieval chronicles, almost as little is known about Rublev's life as that of Theophanes. He was born in Pskov, probably about 1370, and he is known to have painted the walls of the Cathedral of the Assumption at Vladimir, but these murals were so badly restored early in the 20th century that they now throw no light on Rublev's early manner. The first actual mention of Rublev is in 1405 when he - along with Theophanes the Greek and Prokhor of Gorodets - executed a number of panel paintings and religious murals for the Cathedral of the Annunciation in the Moscow Kremlin. See also: Christian Art, Byzantine Period.
At some unspecified period in his life, Rublev became a monk of the Spas Andronievski Monastery in Moscow, but there is nothing to show whether he studied under Theophanes before taking his vows or some time after 1395, when Theophanes moved to Moscow. All that we know is that Rublev never left Moscow after entering the Spas Andronievski Monastery, and that most of his work was done in and around the city. Since his surviving works are to be found either at Vladimir or in Moscow, Rublev is often classified as a master of either the Vladimir-Suzdal or early Muscovite school, but the ingredients of his style derive mainly from the Novgorod school of icon painting.
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