Lublin Old Town, Trinity Tower
Lutheran Trinity Church, Lublin, Poland 2
A Historic town Lublin in eastern Poland
To the city and the rest of Poland to protect against Tatar, Lithuanian and Ruthenian attacks from the east, Lublin was in 1341 at the behest of Casimir the Great defenses like ramparts and a lock. The castle - the cathedral - Chapel of the Holy Trinity - TrTrinity Tower - Lublin’s cathedral - Brama Krakowska
Lublin Old Town, Lublin, Lublin Province, Poland, Europe
Old Town historically the oldest part of Lublin. From 23 February 2006 the administrative district of Lublin, which also included allotments Pidzamche on the east side al. The Union of Lublin. May 16, 2007, the band architecture and urban planning was included in the list of historical monuments. Cracow Gate entrance gate to the Old City, the residue ramparts of the fourteenth century and one of the most recognizable symbols of the castle. It was staged in the Gothic style, and was given the eighteenth century baroque figure. Every day at noon it was enacted bugle Lublin out of the music signal is played with the New Town Hall, which is located vis-à-vis the Cracow Gate. Grodzka Gate - the city gate, the remainder of the first masonry elements of the castle walls, built in 1342, the authorization of Casimir the Great. Current monument has the shape given to it in 1785 by the court architect of King Stanislaw August Poniatowski, Dominik Merlini, and its appearance is the result of renovation of the eighteenth century. Grodzka Gate was also known as the Jewish Gate, because it was going on between the Old Town and the Jewish Quarter. Gothic tower reconstructed in the 80s Twentieth century and being, with a part of the city walls, fortifications testimony Gothic Old Town. Tower was built in 1341 with walls of stone and brick revetment. Fish Gate the fifteenth-century door completely reconstructed after World War II. She was once owned by landlords and Market 5 Grodzka 2, which is adjacent. It leads to Square Fish, where he formerly held a brisk trade. Trinitarian Tower neo-Gothic bell tower is the highest point of altitude historic Lublin. The observation deck at a height of 40 meters offers a vast panorama of the city. Name of the tower comes from the law oo. Trinitarians who have stayed at pojezuickich monastic buildings, located near the tower. Currently in its interior houses the Museum of the Archdiocese. Included in the buildings of the Jesuit college. Short Square a central place in Lublin, connecting old town with streets: Royal, Krakow Suburb and Lubartowska. On its edge is Cracow Gate and New Town Hall. Square was founded in 1611 after backfilling rozplantowaniu moats and ramparts. The funds raised in this way, the square formed a convenient place fair, which traded in grain, using the then measure - a bushel; square called the Korce. The current name refers to the 600th anniversary of the granting Lublin city rights by King Ladislaus the Short in 1317. The Parish Church Square - square in the center of the Old Town. In the years 1936-1938 there unearthed the foundations of the parish church of St. Nicholas. Michael the Archangel. In 2002, the foundations were restored. The present parish church square is a popular venue for concerts and meetings of Lublin. Castle, the Chapel of the Castle - originally built in the twelfth century, in the thirteenth century, was added to the Romanesque donjon (tower residential and defensive), rebuilt several times during the German occupation prison was located there, and later on the same goals Castle settled in the NKVD, it was only in the mid- 50th In the twentieth century, created a museum. The castle chapel church. St. Trinity built a foundation of Casimir the Great is one of the most important monuments in Poland, covered Russo-Byzantine frescoes from 1418, created at the request of Wladyslaw Jagiello. Crown Court - was built in the late fourteenth century, was originally used as a town hall, from 1578 housed the Crown Court, the highest court for the nobility of Lesser Poland and Rus, in the eighteenth century, rebuilt in neoclassical style by Dominik Merlini, now there is a registry office. Townhouses Old Town dozens of baroque and classical buildings such as the market was rebuilt many times. There remained no traces of the Gothic predecessors of these objects. In later years, Renaissance decor disappeared, but a few remained intact objects. Enjoy as this can be one of the most beautiful baroque markets in Poland. Since the restoration work is underway that aim to beautify the central point of the Old Town. Among the dozens of beautiful houses can be distinguished:
The building Klonowica (No. 2) - Its facade is decorated with sgraffito medallions with images of famous people associated with Lublin: Sebastian Klonowic, Biernat of Lublin, Jan Kochanowski, who died in Lublin and Vincent Fields. Tenement House of the Lubomelski (No. 8) - preserved Renaissance portal and marked with the date 1540 precious wall paintings of a secular. Its facade has a very specific shade of red. At the height of the building is built in the Renaissance style facade attic.
Selections from the Tablature of Jan of Lublin (circa 1540) - Janos Sebestyen, harpsichord & organ
Five Selections from the Tablature of Jan of Lublin (circa 1540)
[00:00] I. Alia Poznanie
[01:14] II. Aliud Praeambulum
[02:55] III. Wesel
[04:24] IV. Dziwny Sposob
[05:56] V. Dance (Martin Again)
Janos Sebestyen, harpsichord & organ
Recorded circa 1969
Sebestyen website:
Illustrations: a portrait of King Sigismund I of Poland (1467-1548), a 17th century illustration of the city of Lublin, the Chapel of the Holy Trinity and tower of Lublin castle, and the interior of the chapel.
Lublin Poland The Cathedral dr Jerzy Wowk HD 1080p
Spojrzenie Polaka z Ukrainy na kulturę i historię Polski
Trinitarian Tower
watch video with fantastic panorama of Lublin. The video was produced for Plac L (Polish - Ukrainian webTV magazine about culture in Lublin and Lutsk). More on
Лихень Стары (Польша) - Один из самых высоких храмов в мире
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Наш канал посвящен достопримечательностям Беларуси, однако в этом небольшом видео, выходящем за рамки нашей стандартной тематики, показана одна единственная достопримечательность: Базилика Пресвятой Богородицы Лихеньской. Данная базилика - это католический храм в деревне Лихень Стары неподалеку от Конина, Великопольское воеводство, Польша. Строительство костела финансировалось пожертвованиями паломников. Имея неф длиной 120 метров и 77 метров в ширину, центральный купол высотой 98 метров и башню высотой почти 142 метра, эта базилика является крупнейшим храмом в Польше и одной из самых больших христианских церквей в мире. Данный костел занимает 7 место в списке самых высоких церквей мира. Храм посвящён Скорбящей Богородице, королеве Польши, чья икона, вероятнее всего созданная в XVIII веке, выставлена в главном алтаре костела. Лихень Стары - это одно из главных мест паломничества в Польше. В колокольне базилики находится самый большой колокол в Польше под названием «Мария Богородица». В видео использована аэросъемка, таким образом Базилика Пресвятой Богородицы Лихеньской продемонстрирована с высоты птичьего полета...
Zamek Królewski w Lublinie - Baszta z tarasem widokowym - Panorama miasta
Zamek w Lublinie – zamek królewski w Lublinie, pierwotnie zbudowany w XII wieku, wielokrotnie przebudowywany, w latach 1831–1954 wykorzystywany jako więzienie, od 1957 siedziba Muzeum Lubelskiego.
W XIII wieku do zamku dobudowano romański donżon (wieżę mieszkalno-obronną). XIV-wieczna Kaplica Trójcy Świętej, wybudowana jako fundacja Kazimierza Wielkiego, pokryta rusko-bizantyńskimi freskami z 1418, powstałymi na zamówienie Władysława Jagiełły, jest jednym
z najcenniejszych zabytków w Polsce.
Informacje ze strony:
The Castle in Lublin - the royal castle in Lublin, originally built in the 12th century, rebuilt many times, in 1831-1954 used as a prison, from 1957 the seat of the Lublin Museum.
In the 13th century, a Romanesque donjon (a residential and defense tower) was added to the castle. The 14th-century Chapel of the Holy Trinity, built as the foundation of Casimir the Great, covered with Ruthenian-Byzantine frescoes from 1418, created under the order of Władysław Jagiełło, is one of
from the most valuable monuments in Poland.
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The cultural heritage of the kurpie region of Poland Part 2(2). Akademicka Telewizja Naukowa ATVN
The Adam Chetnik Scientific Association in Ostroleka has been in existence for 17 years and has over 150 members. They include amateur researchers plus academics, connoisseurs, and outstanding experts from various branches of science who work on studying the culture and history of the Kurpie people.
#basilica #lichen is the biggest church in #poland ????????
Construction of the Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń had began in 1994. It took only 10 years to complete. The project was prepared by polish architect Barbara Bielecka.
On June 22, 1994 on construction site, there was a Mass celebrated and the work started after ceremony of “turning the first spade”. On 25 Mai, 1995 the Primate of Poland Józef Glemp placed corner-stone brought from St. Peter’s tomb in Rome. First chapel- the Chapel of Holy Trinity- was completed in 1996 and Masses started to be celebrated there. John Pole II during his pilgrimage to Licheń blessed the basilica under construction.
6,5 mln bricks were used to build the basilica. The church composes a full harmony with surrounding scenery thanks to the color of the walls and window motifs – gold ears of grain. The last part of the church was the tower, which construction started in 1999 with excavating foundations, which go 8 meters deep. For assembly of the tower it was necessary to bring a special crane from Belgium capable of lifting materials to the height of 150 meters. Through the whole time of construction there was no serious accident.
On June 12, 20004 apostolic nuncio archbishop Józef Kowalczyk consecrated the basilica. At the same year Holy See approved obligatory memorial of Our Lady of Licheń on July 2 in the Diocese of Włocławek. In the next year, on February 25, pope John Paul II gave the title of minor basilica to the new church in Licheń.
Basilica of Lichen is the biggest church in Poland, 8th largest in Europe and 12th in the world. It is composed of three parts: two-storey shrine, belfry and tower. Towards the church leads 33 steps referring to years of earthly life of Jesus. There are 365 windows and 52 doors symbolizing number of days and weeks in the year. The vault of the Basilica is supported by 12 columns symbolising 12 Apostles. 4 columns supporting the dome symbolize the four Evangelists. There is placed a baldachin over the main altar. Here is the heart of the sanctuary - the tabernacle and above it, since 2006, the Miraculous Icon of Our Lady of Licheń. Higher there is a text of the oldest polish Marian song: The Mother of God.
There is also the largest organ in Poland. The instrument is composed of 5 independent sections, arranged in several places. To the right of the main nave, there is the Chapel of the Heart of Jesus, where in the wintertime pilgrims can adore the Blessed Sacrament and go to confession. To the left there is The Rosary Chapel with fresco depicting apparitions in Grąbliński Forrest.
In the lower part of the Basilica there are 5 chapels: of the Holy Trinity, of 108 Martyrs o the Second World War, of Blessed Father Stanislaus Papczyński, of the Shroud of Turin and of the Priests. The spectators tower high of 141,5 meters is opened for visitors since August 7, 2004. From spectators terraces which are placed at level of 98 and 114 meters can be viewed beautiful panorama of the Sanctuary and the surrounding areas. It is possible to get there with an elevator or by stairs. The bell tower is 65-meters high. There is hanged the largest bell in Poland, third largest in Europe, “Holy Mary the Mother of God” weighing 15 tons. The bell was made in Milan, Italy and it was consecrated by archbishop Joseph Kowalczyk on June 25, 2000.
Чигирин. Резиденция Богдана Хмельницкого.
Видео на тему : «Где можно дешево отдохнуть в Украине!»
Чигири́н (укр. Чигири́н) — город в Черкасской области Украины, административный центр Чигиринского района.
Население — 9,3 тыс. жителей.
Город расположен на Приднепровской возвышенности по обе стороны реки #Тясмин, в 63 км от Черкасс, в 36 км от железнодорожной станции Фундуклеевка, в 8 км от пристани Адамовка. Современная экономика города представлена предприятиями лёгкой и пищевой промышленности.
Существует несколько версий происхождения названия города, год основания которого не известен. Впервые он упоминается в грамоте польского короля Сигизмунда ||| в 1589 году. Считается, что здесь было поселение Киевской Руси, которое разрушили монголо-татары. Новое поселение названо от украинского слова чагарник (куст), то есть #Чигирин — укрытый в кустах. Однако наиболее вероятной является версия о происхождении названия города от татарского имени Чигир. Кроме того, в артефактах тех времён упоминается Чигир-Батыр. Подтверждением этой версии служит притяжательный суффикс -ин в названии города.
Известен с первой половины XVI века как укреплённая казацкая зимовка. Со временем — центр Чигиринского староства, в 1592 году получил Магдебургское право. В 1638−1647 гг. чигиринским сотником реестрового казацкого войска был #Богдан #Хмельницкий В 1648−1657 гг. город был резиденцией Хмельницкого и столицей гетманской автономии — #Гетманщины (до 1676). В 1657 году здесь после смерти Хмельницкого состоялась Чигиринская рада, на которой гетманом был избран Иван Выговский — событие, положившее начало опустошительной гражданской войне и продлившее русско-польскую войну 1654−1667 гг. Во время русско-турецкой войны 1676−1681 гг. в результате второй осады турецкой армией в 1678 году разрушен: столица гетмана была перенесена в #Батурин; город пришёл в упадок.
С 1797 года — уездный город Киевской губернии.
Музей Археологии.
Музей Богдана Хмельницкого.
#Замковая Гора с красивым парком.
#Памятник Богдану Хмельницкому.
#Резиденция Богдана Хмельницкого.
#Крепость #Батурина
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St. John's Lutheran Church
The sanctuary of St. John's Lutheran Church
502 East Nueva, San Antonio, Texas 78205
Former pop star Sandra McKenzie – who dated Prince – is broke and homeless
Former pop star Sandra McKenzie – who dated Prince – is broke and homeless.FORMER pop star Sandra McKenzie has revealed that she is broke and homeless.The ex-lead singer of Goldbug - famed for the “whoa” roar on the 1990s Bodyform TV advert - is living in a homeless shelter in her hometown of Dundee, Scotland.Sandra, 56, who dated Prince, previously led the “high-life” from her royalties and once even owned a yacht.
Die Woiwodschaft Podlaskie liegt im nord-östlichen Teil Polens. (2004)
Die Woiwodschaft Podlaskie liegt im nord-östlichen Teil Polens. Im Nordosten grenzt sie an Litauen und im Osten an Weißrussland. Die Woiwodschaft Podlaskie bildet mit Litauen die Innengrenze und mit Weißrussland die Außengrenze der Europäischen Union.
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#EMEC15 the Krakow city tour
This video is the report of the Krakow city tour offered by MPI and Poland Convention Bureau to EMEC participants the day before the conference, 31 January 2015.
CSD Installs Inductive Loop System for Trinity English Lutheran Church
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Lutheran Air lift-off
News-Banner Editor Dave Schultz captured this video of the Lutheran Air helicopter lifting off from the Wells County 4-H Fairgrounds Thursday night for a stable transfer from Bluffton Regional Medical Center.