Episode 05 - DEFORESTATION VS REFORESTATION (South America) - FR / ENG subtitles
ENG/FR: Follow Max and Jeremy on their World Sustainable Initiatives Tour!
In this episode they explore the Amazon forest in Equator and and the Tropical and Cloud forests of Costa Rica to investigate the leading causes of deforestation!
Watch and enjoy! ;-)
FR : Suivez Max et Jérémy dans leur Tour du Monde des initiatives durables!
Dans cet épisode, ils se rendent en forêt Amazonienne en Equateur et dans les forêts Tropicales et Nuageuses du Costa Rica pour enquêter sur les causes principales de déforestation!
►► GERANIO and AMAZON TRAVEL for their support and for taking us on site in these incredible places along the Napo river!
►► PEDRO BERMEO GUARDERAS, Yasunidos, activist for the animals and the planet, for his incredible inspiration and engagement for a more ethical and a fairer world!
►► EDUARDO PICHILINGUE RAMOS, Yasunidos and specialist in the indigenous tribes, for explaining us the situation in the Yasuni park and sharing his fight to protect the populations!
►► MANUEL BAYON, from Accion Ecologica for showing us precisely where the mining and oil industries are presents in Ecuador and what is the impact on the biodiversity and the people!
►► PATRICIA NENQUIHUI and las mujeres WAORANIS for welcoming us in their territory, for sharing their story, their culture and for showing us their incredible project to fight back against the loss of their ancestral forests!
►► All the 7 indigenous communities who gave us the honor of marching with them and their battle for the recognition of their rights to protect and preserve their/our forests! (May Pachamama be with them!)
►► ALEXA STICKEL from TROPICAVES for being the most passionate guide and environmentalist we've ever met! Thanks for all the lovely moments we had while exploring the beauty of Monterverde biodiversity!
►► RANDY from LA CALANDRIA RESERVE for demonstrating us the huge necessity of adopting more reforestation programs!
►► AMANDA and JOSHUA from VERDENERGIA for proving us that commitment and strong devotion to an environmentalist cause can bring back the forest and its biodiversity!
►► YEHUDI for guiding us in SARAPIQUI and help us get incredible shots to witness the wonderful biodiversity of his home region! And thank you for helping us to understand more in depth about the huge disaster that pineapple industries and others represent for the environment and the local communities.