Metland Hotel Cirebon
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction: Batik Trusmi village, Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace, Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa, Glass painting cragt, Sunyaragi cave, Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati, Sangkanhurip hot spring, Linggarjati Museum, Plangon monkey forest, Belawa turtle park, Situ Sedong, Situ Patok, Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
(+62) 0231 200222 Indonesia, Hotel Murah Cirebon, Penginapan Murah Cirebon
Hotel Di Cirebon Bintang 3, Hotel Di Cirebon Bintang 2, Hotel Di Cirebon Bintang 1, Hotel Di Cirebon Jawa Barat, Hotel Di Cirebon Dengan Kolam Renang, Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Trusmi, Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Stasiun, Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Mall, Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Stasiun Kereta, Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Pantai
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction: Batik Trusmi village, Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace, Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa, Glass painting cragt, Sunyaragi cave, Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati, Sangkanhurip hot spring, Linggarjati Museum, Plangon monkey forest, Belawa turtle park, Situ Sedong, Situ Patok, Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
By : Alifando Pascal (RPL, SMK Negeri 4 Malang)
(+62) 0231 200222 Indonesia, Penginapan Cirebon Murah Metland, Penginapan Di Cirebon Metland
Hotel Di Cirebon Indonesia Metland, Hotel Di Cirebon Jalan Siliwangi Metland, Hotel Di Cirebon Kota Metland, Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Kraton Metland, Hotel Di Cirebon Dengan Kolam Renang Metland, Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Pelabuhan Metland, Hotel Di Cirebon Yang Bagus Metland, Hotel Di Cirebon Yang Bebas Metland, Hotel Cirebon Ada Kolam Renang Metland, Hotel Cirebon Bintang 3 Metland, Hotel Cirebon Bintang 4 Metland
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction: Batik Trusmi village, Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace, Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa, Glass painting cragt, Sunyaragi cave, Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati, Sangkanhurip hot spring, Linggarjati Museum, Plangon monkey forest, Belawa turtle park, Situ Sedong, Situ Patok, Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
By : Alifando Pascal (RPL, SMK Negeri 4 Malang)
(+62) 0231 200222 Indonesia, Hotel Cirebon Tarif Metland, Hotel Cirebon Termurah Metland,
Hotel Cirebon Tarif Metland, Hotel Cirebon Termurah Metland, Penginapan Di Cirebon Kota Metland, Penginapan Di Cirebon Yang Murah Metland, Penginapan Di Cirebon Dekat Stasiun Metland, Penginapan Di Cirebon Metland, Penginapan Di Cirebon Murah Metland, Penginapan Di Cirebon Yang Murah Metland, Penginapan Cirebon Murah Metland, Penginapan Murah Di Cirebon Dekat Stasiun Metland, Penginapan Termurah Di Cirebon Metland
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction: Batik Trusmi village, Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace, Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa, Glass painting cragt, Sunyaragi cave, Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati, Sangkanhurip hot spring, Linggarjati Museum, Plangon monkey forest, Belawa turtle park, Situ Sedong, Situ Patok, Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
By : Alifando Pascal (RPL, SMK Negeri 4 Malang)
(+62) 0231 200222, Hotel Indoor Indonesia, Hotel Cirebon Murah, Tempat Wisata Cirebon
Hotel Cirebon Bintang 2,Hotel Cirebon Bagus,Hotel Cirebon Bathtub,Hotel Cirebon Dekat Stasiun,Hotel Cirebon Dekat Mall,Hotel Cirebon Dekat Grage,Hotel Cirebon Dekat Terminal,Hotel Cirebon Dan Harganya,Hotel Cirebon Indah ,Hotel Cirebon Indonesia
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction: Batik Trusmi village, Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace, Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa, Glass painting cragt, Sunyaragi cave, Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati, Sangkanhurip hot spring, Linggarjati Museum, Plangon monkey forest, Belawa turtle park, Situ Sedong, Situ Patok, Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
By : Ghina Salsabilla, 13912/1642.072 (Multimedia, SMK Negeri 4 Malang)
(+62) 0231 200222 Pre Wedding, Tempat Pre Wedding, Tempat Wedding Outdoor
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few
minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style
downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel
featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business
facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room
service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including
some magnificent tourist attraction: Batik Trusmi village,
Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace, Great mosque of Sang Cipta
Rasa, Glass painting cragt, Sunyaragi cave, Shrine of Sunan
Gunung Djati, Sangkanhurip hot spring, Linggarjati Museum,
Plangon monkey forest, Belawa turtle park, Situ Sedong, Situ
Patok, Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you
service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience
during your stay in Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
By : Alifando Pascal (RPL, SMK Negeri 4 Malang)
(+62) 0231 200222Hotel Cirebon,Hotel Di Cirebon,Wedding Place Setting
Hotel Di Cirebon Bintang 5,Hotel Di Cirebon Dengan Kolam Renang,Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Grage Mall,Hotel Di Cirebon Murah,Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Tol,Hotel Di Cirebon Ada Kolam Renang,Hotel Di Cirebon Yang Ada Kolam Renang,Hotel Di Cirebon Bintang 5,Hotel Di Cirebon Bintang 4,Hotel Di Cirebon Bintang 3
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction: Batik Trusmi village, Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace, Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa, Glass painting cragt, Sunyaragi cave, Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati, Sangkanhurip hot spring, Linggarjati Museum, Plangon monkey forest, Belawa turtle park, Situ Sedong, Situ Patok, Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
By : Ghina Salsabilla, 13912/1642.072 (Multimedia, SMK Negeri 4 Malang)
Fun Games City Tour Metland Hotel Cirebon
, Hotel di Cirebon Bintang 3, Hotel di Cirebon dekat stasiun dan terletak Hotel di Kota Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction:
1. Batik Trusmi village
2. Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace
3. Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa
4. Glass painting cragt
5. Sunyaragi cave
6. Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati
7. Sangkanhurip hot spring
8. Linggarjati Museum
9. Plangon monkey forest
10. Belawa turtle park
11. Situ Sedong
12. Situ Patok
13. Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
Twitter : @metlandcirebon
Instagram : metlandhotelcirebon
Facebook : Metland Hotel Cirebon
+ 62 231 200 222, Metland Hotel Cirebon Terbaru
Metland Banjir, Metland Bandung, Metland Bali, Banjir Metland Tambun, Brosur Metland Cibitung, Brosur Metland Tambun,
Metland Cirebon, Metland Cileungsi Sektor 7, Metland Cileungsi .
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction: Batik Trusmi village, Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace, Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa, Glass painting cragt, Sunyaragi cave, Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati, Sangkanhurip hot spring, Linggarjati Museum, Plangon monkey forest, Belawa turtle park, Situ Sedong, Situ Patok, Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
Twitter : @metlandcirebon
Instagram : metlandhotelcirebon
Facebook : Metland Hotel Cirebon
Create By:
Muhammad Lukmanul Hakim
(+62) 0231 200222, Harga Hotel Cirebon, Hotel Di Cirebon, Pre Wedding
Hotel Cirebon Baru,Hotel Cirebon Bintang 5,Hotel Cirebon Bersih Rumah,Hotel Cirebon Bintang 2,Hotel Cirebon Bagus,Hotel Cirebon Bathtub,Hotel Cirebon Dekat Stasiun,Hotel Cirebon Dekat Mall,Hotel Cirebon Dekat Grage,Hotel Cirebon Dekat Terminal
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction: Batik Trusmi village, Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace, Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa, Glass painting cragt, Sunyaragi cave, Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati, Sangkanhurip hot spring, Linggarjati Museum, Plangon monkey forest, Belawa turtle park, Situ Sedong, Situ Patok, Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
By : Ghina Salsabilla, 13912/1642.072 (Multimedia, SMK Negeri 4 Malang)
Metland Hotel Cirebon nuansa tradisional
Hotel di Cirebon Bintang 3 yang juga Hotel di Cirebon Dekat Stasiun dan juga Hotel di Cirebon Kota
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction:
1. Batik Trusmi village,
2. Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace,
3. Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa,
4. Glass painting cragt,
5. Sunyaragi cave,
6. Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati,
7. Sangkanhurip hot spring,
8. Linggarjati Museum,
9. Plangon monkey forest,
10. Belawa turtle park,
11. Situ Sedong,
12. Situ Patok,
13. Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
Twitter : @metlandcirebon
Instagram : metlandhotelcirebon
Facebook : Metland Hotel Cirebon
SUBURBIA di Metland Hotel Cirebon
, Hotel di Cirebon Bintang 3, Hotel di Cirebon dekat stasiun dan terletak Hotel di Kota Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , lovely garden, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction:
1. Batik Trusmi village
2. Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace
3. Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa
4. Glass painting cragt
5. Sunyaragi cave
6. Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati
7. Sangkanhurip hot spring
8. Linggarjati Museum
9. Plangon monkey forest
10. Belawa turtle park
11. Situ Sedong
12. Situ Patok
13. Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
Twitter : @metlandcirebon
Instagram : metlandhotelcirebon
Facebook : Metland Hotel Cirebon
((+62) 0231 200222 Indonesia) Penginapan Murah Metland, Penginapan Cirebon Murah Metland
Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Stasiun Metland, Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Mall Metland, Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Stasiun Kereta Metland, Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Pantai Metland, Hotel Di Cirebon Dan Tarifnya Metland, Hotel Di Cirebon Fasilitas Kolam Renang Metland, Hotel Di Cirebon Family Room Metland, Hotel DI Cirebon Harga Metland
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction: Batik Trusmi village, Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace, Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa, Glass painting cragt, Sunyaragi cave, Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati, Sangkanhurip hot spring, Linggarjati Museum, Plangon monkey forest, Belawa turtle park, Situ Sedong, Situ Patok, Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
By : Alifando Pascal (RPL, SMK Negeri 4 Malang)
Cirebon On Camera Event Hotel Metland By Horison Cirebon
, Hotel di Cirebon Bintang 3, Hotel di Cirebon dekat stasiun dan terletak Hotel di Kota Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction:
1. Batik Trusmi village
2. Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace
3. Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa
4. Glass painting cragt
5. Sunyaragi cave
6. Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati
7. Sangkanhurip hot spring
8. Linggarjati Museum
9. Plangon monkey forest
10. Belawa turtle park
11. Situ Sedong
12. Situ Patok
13. Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
Twitter : @metlandcirebon
Instagram : metlandhotelcirebon
Facebook : Metland Hotel Cirebon
Metland Hotel By Horison Cirebon - Testimony PT. Seco Tools Indonesia
, Hotel di Cirebon Bintang 3, Hotel di Cirebon dekat stasiun dan terletak Hotel di Kota Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction:
1. Batik Trusmi village
2. Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace
3. Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa
4. Glass painting cragt
5. Sunyaragi cave
6. Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati
7. Sangkanhurip hot spring
8. Linggarjati Museum
9. Plangon monkey forest
10. Belawa turtle park
11. Situ Sedong
12. Situ Patok
13. Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
Twitter : @metlandcirebon
Instagram : metlandhotelcirebon
Facebook : Metland Hotel Cirebon
(+62) 0231 200222 Indonesia, Metland Transyogi Green Palma, Metland Harapan Indah
Hotel Di Cirebon Bintang 5, Hotel Di Cirebon Dengan Kolam Renang, Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Grage Mall, Hotel Di Cirebon Murah, Hotel Di Cirebon Dekat Tol, Hotel Di Cirebon Ada Kolam Renang, Hotel Di Cirebon Yang Ada Kolam Renang, Hotel Di Cirebon Bintang 5, Hotel Di Cirebon Bintang 4
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction: Batik Trusmi village, Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace, Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa, Glass painting cragt, Sunyaragi cave, Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati, Sangkanhurip hot spring, Linggarjati Museum, Plangon monkey forest, Belawa turtle park, Situ Sedong, Situ Patok, Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
By : Alifando Pascal (RPL, SMK Negeri 4 Malang)
Meeting Room Murah di Cirebon Metland Hotel
, Hotel di Cirebon Bintang 3, Hotel di Cirebon dekat stasiun dan terletak Hotel di Kota Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction:
1. Batik Trusmi village
2. Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace
3. Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa
4. Glass painting cragt
5. Sunyaragi cave
6. Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati
7. Sangkanhurip hot spring
8. Linggarjati Museum
9. Plangon monkey forest
10. Belawa turtle park
11. Situ Sedong
12. Situ Patok
13. Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
Twitter : @metlandcirebon
Instagram : metlandhotelcirebon
Facebook : Metland Hotel Cirebon
Wedding On Juli 2016 - Metland Hotel By Horison Cirebon
, Hotel di Cirebon Bintang 3, Hotel di Cirebon dekat stasiun dan terletak Hotel di Kota Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction:
1. Batik Trusmi village
2. Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace
3. Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa
4. Glass painting cragt
5. Sunyaragi cave
6. Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati
7. Sangkanhurip hot spring
8. Linggarjati Museum
9. Plangon monkey forest
10. Belawa turtle park
11. Situ Sedong
12. Situ Patok
13. Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
Twitter : @metlandcirebon
Instagram : metlandhotelcirebon
Facebook : Metland Hotel Cirebon
Wisata Kuliner di Cirebon Metland Hotel
, Hotel di Cirebon Bintang 3, Hotel di Cirebon dekat stasiun dan terletak Hotel di Kota Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , outdoor pool, meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction:
1. Batik Trusmi village
2. Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace
3. Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa
4. Glass painting cragt
5. Sunyaragi cave
6. Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati
7. Sangkanhurip hot spring
8. Linggarjati Museum
9. Plangon monkey forest
10. Belawa turtle park
11. Situ Sedong
12. Situ Patok
13. Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
Twitter : @metlandcirebon
Instagram : metlandhotelcirebon
Facebook : Metland Hotel Cirebon
Mannequin Challenge With Sultan Kacirebonan IX - Metland Hotel Cirebon By Horison
, Hotel di Cirebon Bintang 3, Hotel di Cirebon dekat stasiun dan terletak Hotel di Kota Cirebon.
Metland Hotel Cirebon is situated conveniently only few minutes from the Cirebon Rail Station and to the colonial style downtown. An elegant with minimalist design 3 stars hotel featuring total of 98 spacious rooms including 7 Suites.
Metland Hotel Cirebon offers many best leisure and business facilities in its class including a 24 hour reception and room service, restaurant , meeting rooms.
Enjoy activities and exitement around every corner, including some magnificent tourist attraction:
1. Batik Trusmi village
2. Kasepuhan and Kanoman Palace
3. Great mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa
4. Glass painting cragt
5. Sunyaragi cave
6. Shrine of Sunan Gunung Djati
7. Sangkanhurip hot spring
8. Linggarjati Museum
9. Plangon monkey forest
10. Belawa turtle park
11. Situ Sedong
12. Situ Patok
13. Palimanan hot spring.
Be it for leisure or business, our team commit to give you service beyond words to ensure a most memorable experience during your stay in Cirebon.
Jl. Siliwangi No.61 Cirebon - 45121
Phone: (+62) 0231 200222
Fax: (+62) 0231 8332930
Twitter : @metlandcirebon
Instagram : metlandhotelcirebon
Facebook : Metland Hotel Cirebon