Quick look at Tržič
As part of a longer report on a visit to Tržič in Slovenia. This is just a quick look at some of the old town. There are photos and an audio report at
XC MTB Slovenia - Kofce singletrail (easier option)
A demanding MTB route in the Karavanke mountains, which offers great views from the top and a beautiful singletrack downhill.
The route starts in the city of Tržič. I recommend that you ride through the old city core of Tržič, which was recently renovated and looks really beautiful. Already at the beginning of the ride you ride through the attractive Dovžanova soteska with a tunnel carved in stone. Magnificent! After a few kilometers the asphalt is replaced by a nice gravel road, which brings you almost to the top. The last 200m of ascent (about 1,3km in length) is really steep and the gravel gets really rough. It is very challenging to ride all the way to the top without dismounting the bike.
There is a mountain hut (Dom na Kofcah) at the top, which is open every day between June and September. Every time I visit it I eat the dumplings (called štruklji in Slovene) for which the hut is known for. There are many kinds (blueberry, chocolate, classic etc.) and they are all good. I like the blueberry ones the most.
The first part of descent is nothing special; a rough gravel road, which turns into a singletrack. But after a while the singletrack becomes quite technical. A middle part of the downhill is a steep forestry road and the last part again a quite technical singletrack with switchbacks.
Start/End point: Tržič
Parking location:
Distance: 23km
Ascent: 1050m
Moving time: 2h
Total time: 2h 30min
Download GPX here: OR
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Music credits: AShamaluevMusic
Tržič (CC: slovenski, hrvatski, English)
Tržič je mesto na skrajnem severu Gorenjske. Je središče občine Tržič. Leži na sotočju Tržiške Bistrice in Mošenika ob južnem vznožju Karavank. Naselje se je že v rimskih časih nahajalo poleg Ljubelja ob poti med Virunum na Gosposvetskem polju in Emono. To naselje, takrat imenovano Forum in Lubelino (dobesedno Ljubeljski trg), je zasul plaz. Prebivalci so se umaknili nižje v dolino in na mestu sedanjega Tržiča ustanovili naselje Neumarktl. Konec 15. stoletja je cesar Friderik III. na pobudo tedanjih lastnikov Tržiča (Lovrenca Paradajzarja z gradu Neuhaus in dedičev Janeza Lamberga z gradu Gutenberg) vasi podelil trške pravice in jo tako povzdignil v trg. S tem je Tržič pridobil pravico do tedenskega sejma, kar je pozitivno vplivalo na razvoj, saj je skozi Tržič vodila glavna prometna povezava med Trstom in Avstrijo. Naslednja prelomnica je bila leta 1811, ko je Tržič prizadel velik požar. Umrlo je 75 ljudi, uničenih je bilo 150 hiš in več kot 60 delavnic. Obnova mesta po požaru je potekala zelo počasi. Izdali so poseben predpis, ki je določal obvezno namestitev kovinskih vrat in polken, ki so postale prava evropska posebnost. Klasicistično izoblikovano zaporedje pročelij ter bistvo podobe pa je glavni trg ohranil vse do danes.
Dovžanova soteska, tudi Dolžanova soteska, je soteska, ki jo je izdolbla hudourniška reka Tržiška Bistrica v stare zemeljske sklade. Reka kipi čez edinstveno slapišče velikih zaobljenih blokov belega kremenovega konglomerata. Ti veliki boki so se privalili v reko z Borove peči, ta je ime dobila po rdečem boru, ki porašča njena strma pobočja. Soteska je še posebej slikovita zaradi šestih visokih kamnitih stolpov, Kušpegarjevih turnov, kjer je urejeno plezališče. Skozi sotesko je speljana zanimiva geološka pot, gozdna učna pot Dovžanova soteska, planinska pot, razgledna pot in pot do partizanske tiskarne-tehnike. V manjšem naselju Čadovlje stoji stara Jamenšnikova hiša in paštba (sušilnica za lan) z letnico 1766, ki je primerek edinstvenega karavanškega stavbarstva z vsemi etnografskimi značilnostmi. Soteska je razglašena za naravni spomenik Slovenije in leži 3 km severno od kraja Tržič, ob cesti Tržič-Jelendol. Dovžanova soteska je bila zavarovana kot naravni spomenik zaradi edinstvenega nahajališča ostankov okamnelega življenja rastlin in živali v kamninah starega zemeljskega veka – paleozoika. Tu so bile prvič najdene in opisane številne vrste ramenonožcev in velika luknjičarka (Schwagerina carniolica). Slikovito sotesko je izoblikovala Tržiška Bistrica v konglomeratih, apnencih, peščenjakih in glinovcih. V njej je največje pregradno slapišče v kremenovem konglomeratu pri nas. Ta kamnina gradi tudi Borovo peč, ki jo porašča gozd rdečega bora. (Wikipedia)
Land of Triglav the most interesting part of Slovenia taken from air!
Video of Gorenjska region Slovenia made from air .If by some misfortune you were only allowed to visit one region of Slovenia, there is no doubt that Gorenjska would be a good choice. There, for example, you can enjoy views of wonderful Lake Bled and Lake Bohinj and the peaks of the Julian Alps and the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, a wide range of outdoor activities in the resort town of Kranjska Gora, and strolls through the beautifully preserved centres of old towns such as Kranj and Škofja Loka. But of course Gorenjska also offers many other pleasures.
Triglav, Slovenia's highest mountain, lies at the heart of the Triglav National Park, an area of high, rocky mountains and deep river gorges, karst chasms and sunny Alpine pastures which offers protection to many endemic animal and plant species and the traditions of the former way of life of rugged mountain-dwellers and Alpine dairy farmers.
On the northern side of the kingdom of Triglav is the Upper Sava Valley. In summer, the popular tourist resort of Kranjska Gora offers a wealth of outdoor recreational activities and sports (hiking, climbing, cycling, horse riding, skydiving, fishing), while in winter it has excellent facilities for various forms of skiing and other winter pleasures (dog sledding, night tobogganing, snowmobile rides). Visitors to Kranjska Gora can also enjoy a casino and a range of wellness programmes, while children will have fun in the land of the fictional hero Kekec. In nearby Planica, in the shelter of two-thousand-metre peaks, the world's best ski jumpers come to compete every year.
The area of the Julian Alps is enclosed by two beautiful lakes. The resort town of Bled, with its legendary island in the middle of the lake and its clifftop castle, its hot springs and its pleasant climate, has been attracting cosmopolitan visitors for centuries. Bathing establishments, hotels with swimming pools, footpaths, tennis courts, golf courses, a casino, the sports airfield in Lesce and nearby sights of natural and cultural interest provide plenty more reasons for a visit. Not far from the lake is Blejski Vintgar, the remarkable natural gorge of the river Radovna. Bohinj, with its unspoilt Alpine lake, is popular with visitors not only for its beautiful natural setting and the ski centres of Vogel, Kobla and Soriška Planina, but also for its rich local cultural traditions and numerous cultural and religious monuments. Nearby Pokljuka is a paradise for hikers and mushroom pickers and a venue for important international biathlon competitions.
The most important river in this area is the Sava. At the point where the river begins to be invigorated by tributaries from left and right, the valley gradually widens. Cities and towns with venerable traditions, together with the villages scattered across the high Alps and softly rounded hills, create a land of new experiences not far from the national capital.
The centre of Gorenjska is Kranj, with its surprising industrial, commercial and cultural traditions. The architect Jože Plečnik had a profound impact on the appearance of Kranj's old town centre. Two of the most important cultural venues in the town are the Prešeren Theatre and Khislstein Castle, the latter of which is home to Gorenjska Museum.
Škofja Loka has the most beautifully preserved medieval town centre in Slovenia. The rooms of Loka Castle contain various museum collections, while the former castle garden has become an open-air museum.
Below Blegoš, the highest peak of the Škofja Loka Hills, the countless beauties of Škofja Loka combine with the many local cultural and craft traditions of the Poljanska Dolina and Selška Dolina valleys. Železniki, a former ironworking centre, conserves the lacemaking tradition, while Dražgoše is famed for its gingerbread. The Škofja Loka Hills are full of pleasant paths and trails for hikers and cyclists. Škofja Loka and the surrounding area also offer a number of themed routes and restaurants offering traditional cuisine.
To the north, near the border with Austria, is Jezersko, an attractive area with its own autochthonous breed of sheep, Planšarsko Jezero (a man-made lake), Čedca Waterfall (the highest in Slovenia), ancient farmhouses and granaries, and unspoilt mountain scenery. Not far from Tržič, a town with a long shoemaking tradition, is the world-famous Dovžan Gorge, where several interesting geological phenomena may be observed. The Kamnik-Savinja Alps also contain one of the most popular ski resorts in Slovenia: Krvavec.
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Airtrail Slovenia is established local company providing taxi& transfer service, more info can be found on:
Mini Pokal Vitranc - 24.1.2015
prva tekma za mini pokal vitranc v letu 2015
Timelapse driving Kranj - Brežice
Driving from Kranj to Brežice and back
9 hours of driving Timelapsed in 12:30 minutes
Mednarodno prvenstvo Slovenije v akrobatskem rock'n'rollu.
Ljubljana 29.05.1993.
4281 KRNICA ( Slo) Slovenia
4281 KRNICA (Slo) Slovenia
Video Girato in Data 03 Marzo 2013
Video Girato direttamente da Filaferro Giacinto
21. Hrastov memorial - Ljubelj 2017
Dovžanova soteska (Govor: slov., CC: slov., English, hrv., srbski)
Tržič (nemško: Neumarktl) je mesto in občina v severni Sloveniji, blizu avstrijske meje. Mesto se nahaja znotraj zgodovinske regije Gorenjska. Na severu vodi cesta do prelaza Ljubelj v gorskem območju Karavank, na meji z avstrijsko deželo Koroško.
Prvo naselje z imenom Forum v Lubelinu je bilo ustanovljeno na rimski cesti, ki je vodila od starodavnega mesta Emona (današnja Ljubljana) prek prelaza Ljubelj do današnje avstrijske Koroške. Po razsežnem plazu, ki ga je povzročil potres, je bilo prvotno naselje porušeno in mnogi so se preselili dol po dolini, da bi ustanovili novo vas z imenom Neumarktl v nemščini, kjer se zdaj nahaja Tržič (ti dogodki so osnova legende o nastanku Tržiča) .
Naselje v Kranjskem vojvodstvu je od habsburškega cesarja Frederika III leta 1492 dobilo tržne pravice za tedenske sejme, kar je še dodatno spodbudilo razvoj naselja. Veliki požar leta 1811, ki je uničil zgradbe na levem bregu reke Tržiška Bistrica, je mesto zelo spremenil. Velik del arhitekture je bil rekonstruiran v klasicističnem slogu. Po obnovi stavb so morali imeti požarne zidove, železna vrata in okenska polkna, kar je v Evropi bilo redkost. Mestno jedro Tržiča je kot mesto kulturne dediščine zaščiteno že od leta 1985. Skozi stoletja je bilo mesto otok nemškega jezika.
Usnjarska, lesna in tekstilna industrija so bile v preteklosti bistvenega pomena za gospodarstvo Tržiča. Kljub temu je industrijska aktivnost upadla po razpadu Jugoslavije. Razvoj malih podjetij po tem obdobju je zdaj pomembna veja gospodarstva. Alpsko smučanje je zaradi svoje alpske okolice priljubljeno v okolici.
Znamenita oseba, ki se je rodila ali živela v Tržiču, je grofica Francisca von Strassoldo Grafenberg (1781–1854), žena avstrijskega generala Josepha Radetzkega.
Dovžanova soteska je soteska, ki jo je izdolbla hudourniška reka Tržiška Bistrica v stare zemeljske sklade. Izoblikovanana je v konglomeratih, apnencih, peščenjakih in glinovcih. V njej je največje pregradno slapišče v kremenovem konglomeratu v Sloveniji.
Reka kipi čez edinstveno slapišče velikih zaobljenih blokov belega kremenovega konglomerata. Soteska je še posebej slikovita zaradi šestih visokih kamnitih stolpov, Kušpegarjevih turnov, kjer je urejeno plezališče. Dovžanova soteska je ena izmed osrednjih točk Slovenske geološke transverzale. Skozi sotesko so speljane zanimive geološke poti, gozdna učna pot, planinska pot, razgledna pot in pot do partizanske tiskarne.
V geološkem stebru so predstavljene paleozojske kamnine Dovžanove soteske in mlajše, mezozojske kamnine njene širše okolice po časovnem zaporedju nastanka.
V manjšem naselju Čadovlje stoji stara Jamenšnikova hiša in paštba (sušilnica za lan) z letnico 1766, ki je primerek edinstvenega karavanškega stavbarstva z vsemi etnografskimi značilnostmi. Soteska je razglašena za naravni spomenik Slovenije zaradi edinstvenega nahajališča ostankov okamnelega življenja rastlin in živali v kamninah starega zemeljskega veka – paleozoika. Tu so bile prvič najdene in opisane številne vrste rizopodov. Soteska leži 3 km severno od kraja Tržič, ob cesti Tržič-Jelendol.
(Google Maps)
Hike on mountain Storzic in Kamnisko savinjske alps Slovenia Gorenjska
Hike with a nice company on a lovely summer day to a 2132 m high mountain with a amazing view on Gorenjska region.
filmed and postproduced by Uros Frelih
AHI Travel: Majestic Slovenia
Tucked between Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia, Slovenia offers travelers a wonderful surprise. Mediterranean breezes, vast forests, and Alpine peaks serve as a backdrop for the country’s enchanting cultural landscape. Join us for seven nights in cosmopolitan Ljubljana. Shop the city's lively market, crisscross its storied bridges, and cruise the Ljubljanica River. Step into an Alpine storybook at Lake Bled where swans glide in the shadow of a cliff-top castle. Visit the Church of the Assumption of Mary, sample honey at bee farm, and descend into fascinating Postojna Cave. Hear stories about past owners of the massive Renaissance Predjama Castle, built into the mouth of a cave. Stroll the seaside in pretty Piran and Portoroz, see elegant white Lipizzaners in training on a farm and drive through the Logar Valley. Throughout the journey, enjoy fresh Slovenian fare and local wines. This small-group journey includes first-class accommodations, an extensive meal plan, and wine with dinner. No single supplement! Visit our website to learn more
Kickboxing Tržič - Taja Hafner Pokal Kranjska gora 2013
Finalna borba
GESŠ ima talent
GESŠ ima talent, Kim Žekar. Čestitke!
GESŠ got talent, Kim Žekar. Congratulations!
Summer Alps: Mountain Pass Ljubelj (Slovenia to Austria) part 1.
The Loibl Pass or Ljubelj Pass is a high mountain pass in the Karawanks chain of the Southern Limestone Alps, linking Austria with Slovenia. The Loibl Pass road is the shortest connection between the Carinthian town of Ferlach and Tržič in Upper Carniola and part of the European route E652 from Klagenfurt to Naklo.
The mountain pass is located just on the Austrian-Slovenian border at 1,367 metres above the Adriatic (4,485 ft), east of the Stol massif. The mountain road (Loiblpass Straße, B 91), one of the steepest in the Eastern Alps, winds up from the broad Drava valley in numerous hairpin curves to the top of the pass, parallel to the Loiblbach brook and the picturesque Tscheppa (Čepa) gorge with several waterfalls. From the Kleiner Loibl (Sapotnica) pass, a small road branches off to the remote Bodental valley. Since 1963-64 the traffic passes through a two-lane tunnel at 1,069 m (3,507 ft) underneath the mountain crest. South of the pass, the road (No. 101) runs down via Podljubelj to Tržič in the Sava valley and further to the A2 motorway. Nearby mountain passes are Wurzen Pass in the west and Seeberg Saddle in the east.
During World War II, a 1,570 m (5,150 ft) meter long tunnel was built at 1,068 m (3,504 ft) above sea level by command of the Nazi Gauleiter of Carinthia, Friedrich Rainer, to bypass the steep upper parts of the mountain road. Work was performed by the Viennese Universale Hoch- und Tiefbau construction company, employing 660 civilian workers, several posted by the Service du travail obligatoire of Vichy France, and 1,652 forced labourers supplied by contract with the SS. These prisoners were interned in two minor subcamps of the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, one on each side of the pass. They were put under the command of Obersturmführer Julius Ludolf, who served in Mauthausen since 1940 and was notorious for his excessive beatings.
Tunnel construction started on the south side in March 1943. The first forced labourers arrived at Tržič in June and were immediately transported to Loibl Pass by SS personnel. Most of the inmates were POWs and political prisoners. They were interned with German and Austrian criminals who assumed Kapo functions. Under inhumane conditions, about 40 forced labourers died either from starvation and exhaustion, or were killed by mistreatment, work-related accidents and rockfalls. By August, Ludolf was removed from his post after the construction company complained about the number of inmates that became incapable of working due to beatings and torture. To keep the work force efficient, hundreds of injured or sick prisoners were sent back to the main camp, or if unable to be transported were executed on-site by camp physician Sigbert Ramsauer by petrol injection.
The breakthrough of the tunnel happened in December 1943. Rainer and several high-ranking SS members came to inspect the project. The first Wehrmacht army vehicles passed through the very tight tunnel on 4 December 1944. Military traffic, German soldiers retreating from the Yugoslav Front and refugees used the tunnel until it was closed in 1947. At the end of the war, on 7 May 1945, the surviving 950 prisoners from the two camps were largely abandoned by the guards and began marching down to Feistritz im Rosental, where they met Yugoslav Partisans on the following day. As the survivors had in effect 'freed themselves', theirs were the only subcamps of Mauthausen-Gusen not to be either evacuated or liberated.
An American military court sentenced commandant Julius Ludolf to death on 13 May 1946. British military courts sentenced two other SS commanders of the camps, Jakob Winkler and Walter Briezke, to death on 10 November 1947, and sentenced camp physician Sigbert Ramsauer to life imprisonment on 10 October 1947. Ramsauer was released in 1954, however, and soon obtained an employment at the Klagenfurt state hospital. Today plaques at the Austrian tunnel portal and a memorial on the Slovenian side, erected at the site of the southern Loibl camp, commemorate the injustices. A joint memorial service was held on 13 June 2015.
The tunnel reopened as a border crossing between Austria and the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia in 1950 and expanded in the early 1960s to two lanes in November 1963. The old road over the summit of the mountain pass has been closed for motorised traffic since 1967.
Kranj : Slovenia
Kranj Slovenia