Bulgaria Belchin Tsari Mali Grad
TOVA E BULGARIA - TSARI MALI GRAD / Това е България - Цари Мали град, 23.04.2016
Филм за митовете и легендите, свързани с реставрираната крепост Цари Мали град, до село Белчин.
Producer: Payner Media Ltd. / Payner Ltd. Media: Planeta TV, Planeta HD, Planeta 4K, All rights reserved: (C) & (P) Payner Ltd., Bulgaria, За публични изяви и участия: tel: 0391 603 27, 088 8 726 298, 087 9 000 006 , mail: office@payner.bg, 6000 Dimitrovgrad, bul. Hristo Botev 16, web: Facebook: twitter: instagram:
Крепост ЦАРИ МАЛИ ГРАД / 2013 Wonder of Bulgaria - Tsari Mali Grad
Крепост ЦАРИ МАЛИ ГРАД (Белчин) от птичи поглед.
Cari Mali Grad located near Belchin village, Samokov, is the first fully restored Roman fortress in Bulgaria. The fortress on the top of Sveti Spas Hill dates from IV-V century and has preserved evidence from several different eras and populations - Thracians, Huns, Romans and Goths. This unique historical heritage also includes a ХVII century church.
Until recently the fortress existed only in folklore legends. Archaeologists did not know its exact location but treasure hunters managed to find it. The hill was covered by a thick forest, later the site turned out to be a great find and in 2007 Bulgarian archaeologists managed to uncover a fortress tower, which is part of a Roman fortress, with a 400m long wall.
The fully restored fortress was opened to the public on July 20th, 2013 and in the same year Cari Mali Grad was the winner in the national campaign “The Wonders of Bulgaria”.
Tsari Mali Grad lies only 53 km south of Sofia, 15 min drive from the world famous Borovets ski resort and less than 2 hours from Plovdiv. 2 eco-paths lead from the village, one is terribly steep and the other is very long, but flat. There is a newly built rope theme park in the forest near the fortress, a great attraction for kids.
How to get there:
The video is made with Phantom 2 and GoPro Hero 4.
Cari Mali Grad, Belcin, Bulgaria
Healing by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Travel With Me to Tsari Mali Grad Fortress in Bulgaria
The fortress Tsari Mali Grad is located near village of Belchin. The medieval church of XVI century St. Petka is the first landmark that the visitors see.
The great beauty of Bulgaria: Cari Mali Grad | Дивната красота на България: Цари Мали град
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Wondering throughout our majestic Bulgaria I have seen pictures that stopped my breath and gave me exciting and emotional goosebumps. A sensation feeling!
Gradually, this feeling generated in me a passion to capture the sensation and to show it to You.
So, there it is.
I am travelling with my family, my good mood and my smartphone.
Cari Mali Grad (Tsari Mali grad, Цари Мали град) is a late antique Roman fortress and a fortified settlement in southwestern Bulgaria, Sofia Province, Samokov Municipality. It is located on the hill St. Spas in Mount Verila, above Belchin village. Archaeologically studied in the period 2007 - 2010.
St. Spas Hill and St. Ivan Peak are located along the ridge of Verila Mountain. They can be reached from the starting points at Belchin village and Belchin hut, along several eco trails in the area.
The hill is also an integral part of the area's centuries-old history. It is associated with the legends of a large ancient settlement known as the Tsar Mali Town, which is supposed to mean Little Constantinople. Until the 19th century, the white stone walls and towers of the fortress were still partially preserved. They reminded the local people of Tsari city. To this day, the old name of the village of Belchin is in the mental culture of the Belarussian Tsars. These stories and stories led to the launching of archaeological excavations in 2007 on Mount Spas. Already at the beginning of the excavations, it was clarified that immediately below the top of the hill are the remains of a Roman fortress with military-security functions, which in its later stages became a fortified settlement. Various structures of fortification (towers, gates and fortification walls), buildings located around and adhered to the fortress wall have been studied and documented, as well as wells with cultural layers of urban life inside the site have been studied.
Enjoy my movie!
This is the true beauty of Bulgaria!
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???? Music used in this video:
Exhale by Jeremy Blake
Love Song by Max McFerren
Dreaming in 432Hz by Unicorn Heads
Mia by Jeremy Blake
Sunspots by Jeremy Blake
At The Game by Max McFerren
Images of Tomorrow by Unicorn Heads
Бродейки из нашата величествена България, съм виждал пейзажи, които са спирали дъха ми и са ме карали да настръхвам. Невероятно чувство!
Постепенно, това чувство породи в мен силно желание да запечатам видяното и да Ви го покажа.
Така че, ето резултата.
Пътувам със семейството си, доброто си настроение и моя телефон.
Цари Мали град е късноантична римска крепост и укрепено селище в Югозападна България, Софийска област, Община Самоков. Разположена е на хълма Св. Спас в планината Верила, над село Белчин. Археологически проучена в периода 2007 – 2010 година.
Тракийско светилище
Най-ранни следи от човешка дейност на хълма Св. Спас се датират към ранножелязната епоха (VIII – VI век пр. Хр.). Открити са множество ями с култов характер, което показва, че мястото е използвано от местното тракийско население като светилище.
Туристически обект
Културно-историческият комплекс „Цари Мали град“ е открит официално на 18 юли 2013 година. Той включва късноантична крепост, църковен ансамбъл и зони за отдих и спорт на хълма Св. Спас. Консервирани и реставрирани са южната, северната и източната крепостна стена. Реконструирани са кула №5 (на южната стена), и двете кули на северната стена, фланкиращи портата. Църковният ансамбъл е консервиран и реставриран, като църквата от XV век е реконструирана.
В реконструираните до покрив две кули на северната стена са поместени музейните експозиции – „Праистория“, „Бит и поминък през късната античност“, „Керамика“, „Нумизматика“ и „Военен живот“.
До обекта са изградени две туристически пътеки, които тръгват от село Белчин, както и релсово пасажерно транспорно съоръжение с въжено задвижване.
Приятно гледане!
Това е дивната красота на България!
#Traveler #Bulgaria #Nature
#България #ЦариМалиГрад #Пътешествие #Пътуване #Филм
#Почивка #Awesome #Amazing #Fantastic
Цари Мали Град Крепостта Tsari Mali Grad Fortress from the sky Bulgaria DJI Mavic Pro
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Video made with DJI Mavic Pro
Music by: Seven Seven - Amber
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Tsari Mali Grad is a cultural and historical complex located in Belchin village, near Samokov. It is built on top of a hill, known as Sveti Spas (St Spas) mount, which carries the ancient history, myths and legends of the area. It is believed that the mount was a part of a bigger settlement known as Tsari Mali Grad 'little tsar's/king's town' though some enthusiasts go even further and interpret the name as 'little Tsarigrad', that is Constantinople. It is said that only a couple of centuries ago the remains of white walls and towers could still be seen and reminded people of the beautiful Constantinople. The archeological dig in the area produced a number of interesting findings. It was proved that the ancient Roman fortress had later expanded into a busy fortified settlement with a big religious complex.
The area is popular among the locals with its spiritual and religious powers and traditions. For centuries it has been used for worship and various sacral rites and observances have taken place here. The remains of ancient Thracian shrines and sanctuaries and early and medieval Christian missions and temples were found here. Some of the latter were literally built on top of one another. Basilicas transformed into churches, chapels became church naves. It is said that the local population used to come here for religious celebrations for as long as the 1970s. There used to be a big stone cross under the trees and people would gather here on St. Spas' day, that is Ascension Day, to praise God and indulge in kurban (a communal meal, part of a Christianized animal sacrifice).
Nowadays we can see restored and conserved parts of the fortress, mainly the towers, as well as part of the wall and the main gate. The newest of the churches, the 15th c. Church of Ascension has also been brought back to its full flair. There are 4 key expositions - Ancient History, Customs and Occupations, Ceramics, Numismatics - which introduce the visitors to the archeological findings and reconstruct the past before their eyes.
Tsari Mali Grad lies only 53 km south of Sofia, 15 min drive from the world famous Borovets ski resort and less than 2 hours from Plovdiv. 2 paths lead from the village, one is terribly steep and the other is very long, but flat. There is a newly built rope theme park in the forest on the way there, a great attraction for kids. Few eco trails run by and offer memorable experience with the nature, history and culture of the region.
A gentle off-road trip to the hut above Belchin, Samokov.
Road surface was mix of ice and mud, with some ash thrown here and there to help with traction.
All handled nicely by the Kuga AWD and the Conti 830P tyres.
Tsari Mali Grad (26.03.2017)
Белчин - за щъркелите смелите хора и историята ( Цари Мали Град )
Неразказани приказки - 28.11.2013
Между четири планини в Самоковското поле е разположено село Белчин. Доскоро то беше известно само като селото на щъркелите, защото почти на всеки покрив е кацнало по едно щъркелово гнездо.
Trip to Tsari Mali grad - Explore
Traveling to Tsari Mali Grad in Bulgaria for my birthday. The wind was strong, so there may be some noise. Sorry about that. :))
Used tech:
-Nikon D3200 & Rode Videomic GO
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Cari Mali Grad / Цари Мали Град
Short video on Cari Mali Grad medieval fortress
Belchin 2013
Photo movie about our journey to Belchin and it's fortress Tsari Mali Grad, Verila mountain.
Music - Angel Dust (Easy Living cover).
You can find the route here:
City of Samokov Bulgaria Самоков
Tsari Mali Grad / Цари Мали Град
Tsari Mali Grad / BULGARİA
Цари Мали Град, с. Белчин
Позднеантичная крепость Цари Мали Град, с. Белчин
sculpture in Belchin / Bulgaria