Our build done thanks to Philip Morris Japan has been featured on NHK Miyagi.
Japan disaster, Nobiru - raw footage by Max Hodges
video from Nobiru, Japan (Higashi-Matsushima) Please see my related photo story here:
Thank you for viewing and sharing with others.
Max Hodges Tokyo, Japan
Nobiru canal area.AVI
The seaside village of Nobiru was perhaps the hardest hit part of Higashimatsushima. Few buildings remain standing along the canal that runs through the center of town.
[V0449] 南東北3:奥松島の宮戸島で室浜・大浜・月浜や蛤浜から本土復帰
●動画開始地点: 地図拡大表示の中心点 (RECORDING START POINT): Center point of this map
●参照ページ: (REFERENCE WEB PAGE): [1319] [1320] ●説明: (EXPLANATION): [V0448]からの続きです。編集中。[V0450]へ続きます。 ぜひ、絶景眺望走行動画など、ドライブ気分に浸って頂き、満喫頂ければと思います。
[V0449] 100502 宮城県東松島市(旧鳴瀬町) 宮戸島 [V0449] 100502 Driving on country roads for Naruse Miyatojima island at Higashi-Matsushima, Miyagi, in JAPAN.
●動画リスト: 海沿いドライブのすすめ!! ムービー (MOVIE LIST) Seacoast Driving!! Movie