Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center
18, Main St, Tsumeb, Namibia
Attraction Location
Tsumeb Art and Craft Center Videos
A tour of Tsumeb
I have hours and hours of driving cam video from my trip to the north of Namibia, but this was a quick and easy little video to compile of some of the driving we did around the town of Tsumeb.
Otjikoto Lake | Tsumeb Namibia
Lake Otjikoto is located about 20km outside Tsumeb, Namibia and is declared as a national heritage, The diameter of the lake is 102m, while its depth is undetermined.
Some cool fact: there are hidden gems dumped in the lake, so take your diving gear with !
Tsintsabis Craft Centre (Namibia)
This modern centre seems incongruous. The purpose of the centre is support the community by selling their art and artifacts.
Copper - Tsumeb Mine, Namibia
A short clip of a copper specimen from Tsumeb Mine, Namibia that formerly belonged to the well-known Marshall Sussman.
Tsintsabis (Namibia Africa)
Tsinsabis (Traditional Bushman's settlement). When I drove to Tsinsabis (about 80 klms) I was surprised to see groups of happy, smiling people (20-30 people) every 10 klms or so waiting beside the road. When I asked a local what they were doing he said they were the families working on the farms. It was the end of the month (pay day) and they wanted to get into Tsumeb but they had no transport. By arrangement with the farm owners they would congregate in certain spots and the farm trucks would pick them up and transport them. There were very few bicycles in Tsumeb which I find quite strange. I also found it strange to see people walking along the road many kilometres from the nearest settlement just on sundown. What did they do when it got dark and there was no moon? We picked up a couple of thatch workers who were hitch-hiking from the Cheetah Conservation Park. They wanted to go to Tsumeb at least 40 klms away. They would never have made it before dark if we had not stopped.
Traditional bushman settlement of Tsinsabis. I found out later that you are supposed to tip people when you photograph them (I suppose it is one way of spreading the wealth). I was saddened when I saw the kids only had a rag ball (underclothing etc tied up with string) when they played soccer (apparently that is all the kids ever used). When I got back to Tsumeb I bought 5 leather soccer balls and sent them to the school (that eased my conscience!). One of the policies of the Namibian Government is that ALL Namibians have electricity so it was strange to see power lines out in a bushman settlement. There is no water reticulation in the settlement so women had to carry their daily supply in jugs carried on their head. Housing is very rudimentary. I can only assume the tower in the background is a radio aerial but why they would need that escapes me.
Hendrik Thoinese
Jorney back to TSB
Dennis the best dancers in tsintsabis
Hendrik Thoinese
Last Destination - Living Village Museum
The Last Destination'' is a living village museum which is famous as a centre for the preservation and display of traditional architecture, arts and customs. Its founder, Mr P.K. Chiunye, affectionately known as PK , is acknowledged as an expert on Zimbabwe's traditional customs and artefacts, having contributed over decades to the collection of the Queen Victoria Museum and National Gallery of Zimbabwe. Every year PK organises a festival to celebrate these traditions, incorporating music and dance, traditional and contemporary arts and crafts.
Tsintsabis bushman
Traditinal dancing style
Hendrik Thoinese(1)
Party in Tsintsabis
Hendrik Thoinese(2)
Party in Tsintsabis
More Attractions in Tsumeb