Rickshaw Tuk Tuk ride from Margao to Benaulim. Goa. India 2019
Chaudi to Patnem Beach by TukTuk Canacona India
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Tuktuk 2. Chaudi/Palolem. Tigerstyle.
Traffic in Margao (Goa, India)
Ernakulam - Margao Train Video 9
Tuk Tuk ride to Calangute. GOA, India
Tuk Tuk
Despite being installed in almost all auto-rickshaws in the state,fare meters in rickshaws are not being used.Fares are charged at the sweet will of the drivers, who also refuse to run short distances, and passengers who want to pay by the meter find themselves left standing by the road.Goa government has instructed all the rickshaw drivers in the state to charge fare according to a fix rate card from 15th of August.You will now have to shell out Rs.20 per Kilometer as per the rates assigned by the government.Lets have a look at In Goa's special report on this.
Tuk tuk ride from Colva to Majorda
Tuk tuk ride from Colva to Majorda
India adventure-Jaipur 19,tuk tuk man
Pan z tuk tuku to nevzdava a porad se snazi marne dorozumet
Из Кандолима в Арамболь на индийских автобусах | Candolim - Arambol on indian bus
Автобусы – самый дешевый транспорт на Гоа. По всему штату курсируют автобусы, которые движутся только по известному им одним расписанию. В среднем автобусы ездят с регулярными интервалами до 19:00 или до 19:30. Чтобы остановить автобус вне остановки, надо просто махнуть рукой. Проезд по штату в среднем стоит $0,23 – 3. Билеты покупаются напрямую у кондуктора. У автобусов нет номеров, а их маршрут указывается на табличке на лобовом стекле.
Однако хочу вас предупредить, что в автобусах не всегда приятно ехать, т.к. большинство из них не оборудовано кондиционером, и в жару там часто просто не продохнуть. На остановках автобусы не останавливаются полностью, а лишь слегка притормаживают, и вам надо фактически запрыгнуть в движущийся автобус
Главный автобусный хаб штата – автовокзал в Мапсе (Mapusa), куда прибывают автобусы из других штатов Индии, и где пересекаются маршруты многих автобусов, курсирующих по штату Гоа. С автовокзала в Мапсе удобно добираться до самых крутых пляжей Гоа на автобусе и до столицы Гоа — Панаджи. Например, здесь можно сесть на автобус до пляжей Арамболь (Arambol), Анджуна (Anjuna) Северного Гоа или до пляжей Палолем (Palolem) и Варка (Varca), Кавелоссим (Cavelossim) и Колва (Colva) Южного Гоа.
Travelling around Goa by bus is fairly easy. There is an extensive road network which connects most places in Goa with motorable roads. There are private as well as state transport corporation run bus services which service all the major locations.
Despite the overcrowding, noise and off-schedule service, there is a special charm in travelling in the private buses which are brightly painted and filled with colourful local characters.
Do not be surprised if you see buses making unscheduled stops, especially in the rural areas, to pick up passengers waiting at all sorts of places besides the regular bus-stand.
Varanasi INDIEN | Incredible INDIA
Varanasi, INDIEN. Könntest du das aushalten? Hier werden Leichen verbrannt und und dem Ganges (Heiliger Fluss) übergeben! Varanasi ist der heligste Ort in ganzen Lande und gleichzeitig das volle Programm Indien. Pilgerer kommen hierher, um sich dem Ganges zu opfern. Ihre Leichen werden verbrannt, direkt am Ganges und ihm dann übergeben. Jeder kann sich das Spektakel ansehen, am helligsten Tage. Ohne Pausen werden hier Menschen zum Feuer getragen und angezündet. Manch eine Leiche wird direkt in den Ganges geworfen. Der Andrang ist zu groß. Wer “Glück” hat kann diese im Wasser zu Gesicht bekommen. Dieses Ritual wollten wir uns heute mal ansehen. Bis dahin war es aber ein weiter Weg. Naja eigentlich ein kurzer, aber durch solch ein Chaos und eine gewaltige Fülle an Menschen und TukTuks ist eine Kunst dort problemlos anzukommen. Incredible INDIA!
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Rickshaw ride down Railway Road, Margao, Goa
2013-11-23 Patnem to Palolem by tuk tuk
A quick drive to the dentist.
India, Goa: (Ep.19) Goa Goa Gone--Buses, Rickshaws & Trains!
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Please watch: India, Jaisalmer: (Ep.80) Thar Desert Safari--Let's keep going! (Part 3)
Goa tuk tuk ride, Colva to Cavallosim
Visit to India - Part 41: Margao to Hampi
16th August 2013
For the first time, we travelled in Sleeper Class on the train, rather than AC2. As it was a scenic ride during the day, we knew we would get a better view without the closed windows of the air-conditioned carriages. The train wound its way up the western ghats through beautiful misty rain forest and we got a wonderful view of the Dudhsagar waterfalls. Later it passed through an arid plateau with amazing rock formations. Really it was worth going to Hampi just for this experience.
There is no shortage of food on these rail journeys. We had samosas and chai at the station before we left, and ordered a chicken biryani and vegetarian thali for lunch. At one station our carriage stopped just outside a stall where everyone was eating something from paper containers. We asked what it was through the window and found it was a spicy mashed potato dish. We passed a young man fifteen rupees and he quickly went to buy one for us, just getting it through the window as the train started moving. It was quite delicious. When lunch came -- at about 11 am -- another man came around selling onion bahjis, so we had a dish of these, which were also pretty good. Sleeper Class was quite comfortable, at least for a day trip, with a nice breeze through the open windows and fans if needed.The cost for this seven hour scenic ride was A$4.87 for the two of us!
When we reached Hospet, the autorickshaw drivers wanted 200 Rps to take us to Hampi. We insisted on 50 Rps and were actually on the bus to go to the Hospet bus station before one driver agreed to 50 Rps. We got off the bus and went with him and had a second scenic trip, this time by tuk-tuk.
You can read more about our trip to Hampi here: