Video: Oliver Clifton, “X-ray Vision“, Melburnas.
Sausio 24 d., penktadienį, 17 val. kviečiame į Jazminos Cininas parodos „Eglė ir vilkmergės“ atidarymą. Renginyje dalyvaus parodos autorė.
Tai pirmoji menininkės iš Australijos personalinė paroda Lietuvoje nuo 2002 metų. Melburne gimusi lietuviškų šaknų turinti Jazmina vis dar stipriai tapatinasi su protėvių palikimu, į savo kūrybą įtraukdama baltiškus motyvus ir temas. Jau daugiau nei du dešimtmečius menininkė kuria grafikos darbų serijas, pasakojančias vilkolakių moterų istorijas, o neseniai pradėjo daryti menines knygas iš aplinkoje rastų medžiagų: iš panaudotų verslo vokų, nereikalingų enciklopedijų iliustracijų ir pakuočių, kurias transformuoja į vaizdingus pasakojimus. Didžioji medžiagos knygoms dalis buvo surinkta 2017 m. Estijos spaudos ir popieriaus muziejuje Tartu, ją papildė Melburno Lietuvos bibliotekos nebenaudojamos knygos ir nuolatinis sąskaitų srautas iš menininkės pašto dėžutės.
Jazmina Cininas kūriniai plačiai eksponuojami tiek nacionaliniu, tiek tarptautiniu mastu. Už darbus su popieriumi ji buvo nominuota daugybei premijų. J. Cininas meno kūrinių yra įsigijusi Australijos nacionalinė galerija, Lietuvos dailės muziejus ir MARKK etnografinis muziejus Hamburge, Vokietijoje. Personalinės menininkės parodos buvo eksponuojamos Australijos galerijose – Melburne („Rodanti uodegą“), Benalla dailės galerijoje Viktorijoje („Įženk į guolį“); RMIT galerijoje 2017 m. festivalyje „Baltoji naktis“ Melburne („Kokius didelius dantis Tu turi“); Salamankos menų centre Tasmanijoje (paroda „Kruvinasis mėnulis“), kaip tarptautinio siaubo filmų festivalio „Nepažįstamasis su mano veidu“ dalis; Estijos spaudos ir popieriaus muziejuje Tartu („Švelnus vilkas ir gudri vilkmergė“).
Jos darbai tapo 2018 m. Pasaulio lietuvių meno parodos „Pasaulio Lietuva: kūrybos horizontai” dalimi (Vilniaus rotušė). Jazmina skaito paskaitas apie grafikos ir knygų meną RMIT meno mokykloje Melburne (Australija). Ji taip pat yra Melburno ir Lietuvos folkloro grupės „Pamesta klumpė“ narė.
Paroda veiks iki 2020. 03.29
Opening on the 24th of January at 5 p.m.
Eglė and the She-Wolves is the first solo exhibition in Lithuania by Australian artist Jazmina Cininas since 2002. The Melbourne-born daughter of Lithuanian refugees, Jazmina still identifies strongly with her ancestral heritage, incorporating many Baltic motifs and themes into her work. For over two decades, Jazmina has been creating linocut portraits of female werewolves from throughout history and has more recently begun creating artists’ books from found materials such as used business envelopes, redundant encyclopaedia illustrations and packaging, recycled into narratives of transformation, migration and re-imagination.
Eglė and the She-Wolves presents a survey of Jazmina’s technically demanding female werewolf portraits alongside her more recent books. Source material for the books was largely gathered during a 2017 residency at the Estonian Printing and Paper Museum in Tartu, supplemented by decommissioned books from the Melbourne-Lithuanian library, and the steady stream of bills from the artist’s letterbox.
Jazmina Cininas has been shortlisted for numerous works on paper prizes and has exhibited extensively both nationally and internationally. Her artwork has been acquired by many significant public collections including the Australian National Gallery, the Vilnius Art Museum and MARKK ethnographic museum in Hamburg, Germany. Recent solo exhibitions include: Tell Tail at Australian Galleries, Melbourne; Enter the Lair at Benalla Art Gallery, Victoria, Australia; Hell Hunt and the Slippery She-Wolf at the Estonian Printing and Paper Museum; What Big Teeth You Have at RMIT Gallery for the 2017 Melbourne White Night Festival; and Blood Moon at the Salamanca Arts Centre, Tasmania as part of the Stranger With My Face International Horror Film Festival. Her work was included in Pasaulio Lietuva: kūrybos horizontai at Vilnius Town Hall in 2018. Jazmina lectures in printmaking and book arts at RMIT School of Art, Melbourne, Australia. She is also a member of the Melbourne-Lithuanian folkloric group Pamesta Klumpė.
The exhibition will run until 29/03/2020
Handcrafted Stories of Călărași
Ms Tatiana Popa about St. Vasili/Sfântul Vasile - the New Year’s and carnival’s traditions at Casa Părintească, Palanca, Călărași, Central Moldova. Introducing the history of Casa Părintească - how Popa’s family house in Palanca, Călărași was reclaimed after Soviets, under the independent Moldova, and effectively turned into modern-style, living museum of Moldovan village - offering hand craft workshops of genuinely peculiar covorul în bumbi, culinary classes of plăcintă at the community kitchen, along modern rural accommodation, inter alia. The Museum located in Palanca - one - along Hirjauca and Mindra - of three villages of Hutsul settlers, brought from Carpathian Bucovina, in 1818, to build the monastery of Hirjauca nearby. The heart of Moldova, where Hutsuls traditions of St. Vasili/Sfântul Vasile - New Year’s Eve mask parades: “the masquerade of beggars” : home to home carolers calling in on, asking for fine food and money is still alive. Come and have fun with us. This short movie was made possible under the project: Development of handicraft and women social entrepreneurship in Calarasi region, implemented by Peipsi Koostöö Keskus, Estonia and Casa Părintească, with a generous support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia under Estonian Development Cooperation.
Second test train to Turba
Second test run of a Stadler on Turba - Riisipere stretch.
Near Riispere station. 21.10.2019
Viron pisin zip-line? Seikkailu vanhassa kaivoksessa | Ida-Virumaa, Viro
Yhteistyössä Visit Estonia & Visit Ida-Virumaa.
Kävimme tutustumassa Itä-Viroon eli Ida-Virumaalle. Visit Estonia lainasi meille auton Tallinnassa, joten pääsimme katsomaan Ida-Virumaan tarjontaa kätevästi roadtrippaillen.'
Majoitus, aktiviteetit ja auto saatu ilmaiseksi näkyvyyttä vastaan.
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Lanttimatkat on matkailukanava, jossa reissataan, herkutellaan ja nautitaan elämästä. Kiersimme syksyn 2016 ympäri Aasiaa kuvaten matkavlogia jokaisesta kohteesta. Matkalla tutuksi tulivat Indonesia (Java, Bali, Lombok, Flores, Sumbawa), Malesia, Borneo, Kambodza, Etelä-Korea, Japani ja Taiwan. Matkan päätimme vuoden 2017 alussa Italiaan. Kävimme Le Marche -alueella, San Marinossa ja Roomassa.
Lanttimatkojen toisella kaudella tutustumme paljon kotimaahamme Suomeen tukikohtana Tampere. Esittelemme välillä myös ulkomaankohteita.
Lanttimatkojen takana on suomalainen pariskunta Tampereelta: Lotta ja Antti.
Skotebi at 2012 ArtGene Festival, Open-Air Museum of Ethnography, Tbilisi, Georgia. 27th July 2012
Russian in Latvia 9. May
Russian in Latvia 9. May
Russian,Estonian & Krushevo Adventure Open 2018 TASK3
Обзор парома Stena Line | Лиепая-Травемюнде | URD
Переход на Пароме Stena Line
sightseeing around Tallinn; Eurovelo 10, 11 & 13: A visit to naissaar (Island of women)
Eurovelo 10, 11 & 13 all pass the beautiful city of Tallinn Estonia. In Tallinn there is a lot to admire: the first thing that you will come across is the astonishing city-center and its cultural heritage. Besides there are many museums, cafes, medieval and modern heritage which are all really appealing. If you are looking for a more active destination i can recommend a visit to the Island of women (Naissaar)
A small boat, boarding at Lenussadam (seaplane-harbour) can take you to the Islands-harbor. (I believe there is also a second place where a ship could be boarded, see the Tallinn tourist-information-center to inform) The island is around 8 kilometers out and it will take close to an hour to reach. The ticket will cost around 10 Euro’s (retour) and a bike can be taken along (although i would recommend to inform beforehand if there is enough capacity)
Estonia - Jagala waterfalls
Highest waterfall in Estonia - Jagala waterfalls
Parivere Lihula vald Lautna Kirbla kihelkond Kloosteri Kirbla Eesti Estonia Estland 9.8.2014
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Rongiga Türile! / To Türi by train!.wmv
Tere tulemast Türile!
Welcome to Türi!
Türi info: (+372) 3853 111, (+372) 5303 3111,,
Türi lillelaat
Türi lillelaada müüjad kinnitavad kui ühest suust, et kõige aktiivsemad ostjad on välismaalased.
Italia Germania 5 marzo 2011 stadio Nebiolo 1
Amichevole Italia Germania inserita tra gli eventi per celebrare il 150esimo anniversario dell'unità d'Italia.
Torino Stadio Nebiolo - Sede Giaguari Torino Football
Road to Thethi, August 2014
The road to Thethi, as it was in August 2014. I had this long standing wish for years to travel to Albania. and the Valley of Theth. It was the most isolated valley of Europe, until the late 90's, and the 'Road to Thethi' had a somewhat mythical status, so I wanted to see it myself.
Until a few years ago, the road from Koplik to Thethi was an unpaved track all the way. The road was built in in 1936. Sometime around 2010 the road was paved up to the village of Bogë, and today construction works are underway to widen and flatten the road surface, and eventually asphalt it. These roadworks are stretching up to the Thore pass; from there, the road down to the valley of Theth is still in its old state, a nice rocky track.
For the entire trip, the views anywhere in the mountains are absolutely breathtaking.
Türi linna kroonika / A chronicle of Türi County 2014/09/14
Driving through Türi, Estonia.
Kaziukas fair Vilnius Lithuania Kaziuko mugė 2018 4K
#Kaziukomugė2018 #KaziukasfairVilnius #Lithuania #415-ojiKaziukomugėVilniuje #St.Casimir'sFair #Lietuvos100-mečiostalas #Vilniuskviečiaį415-ąjąKaziukomugę!
#ВильнюсЯрмаркаКазюкаса2018 #ПраздникиЛитвы
#ДеньсвятогоКаземира #MonikaLinkytė #MonikaLinkite #TriptoVilniusLithuania #SightseeingVilniusLithuania #VilniusLithuaniatouristattractionsandthingstodo #HolidayinLithuania #Lithuania
Geography Now! Lithuania
And just when you thought you had just survived Latvia, Lithuania comes at you with a chainsaw....To carve up a beautiful sculpture dedicated to folklore!
Thanks to Geogrpeep Jonas Petronis for his image at 8:17 of Miss Lithuania 2013 Rūta Elžbieta Mazūrevičiūtė
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#vGoru Эстонский Велосипедный Музей
В самой середине Эстонии, в местечке Вяятса находится Эстонский велосипедный музей. Мы даже представить себе не могли, какое количество велосипедов из разных эпох можно собрать под одной крышей. Кстати, и крыша тоже очень историческая, находится аккурат на древнем тракте Ревель-Вильянди-Рига...